PHASES OF THE MOON. Day, Hr in. Pull moon 25 10 2 a.m. Last quarter 4 9 66 a.m. Now moon 11 031 a.m. First Quarter 18 7 44 a.m. MOON. Atoon rises to-day, 11.45 a.m.: nets, 10.18 p.m. . TIDE J-'o-day, 9.14 a.m.; 9.43 p.m. To-morrow, 10.5 a.m.; 10,33 p.m. STJK. Sun rieea to-day, 6.51 a.m.'-, sets, 4.42 p.m. ARRIVALS. •■ ' ' WEDNESDAY, MAT 15. fiAITOA, s.s. (6.30 a,ra.),'3oS tons, Wdmaucfrom Neleon. '" ■ MAOKI, b.s. (7 a.m.), 3412 tons, Manning, from.Lytlelton.. KOWtfAI, 8.8. (7.10 a.m.), 792 tons, Plowman, from Groymouth. KAHO, s.r; (7.30 a.m.), 1236 tons. Watson, from Wcstjjort. JOHN,'.s.s: (7.40 aim.),' 339 tons, Harwich, from Wang.inui;' ' ■ ■ DEPENDBE, 6.8. (8.10 a.m.); 190- tons, Vast a, from Lytteltbn. .TUTANEKAI,. s.n. (8.30 a.m.),- 811 tone, Whitoford, from Bluff. • WAVEBIiEY, s.s.-(3.5 p.m.), 167 tone, Fisk, from Patea. . OORINNA, s.s.' (4.35' p.m.), 1271 tone, Elders,' from .New Plymouth. ' OPAWA-, b.o. (4.50 -p.m.); 110 tone, '.Nicholas, from-Blenheim* . -.-■■■ P.UTIKI, s.s. (7.10 pirn.), ..409 tonß, Hobertsqn, from Lyttelton.' '. ~ . HrTOSPAYyiMAXie.' '■.■ ; KAPTJNI,-s,B,.(6'id'a.m.j,-163, t0n5; Gibson,from Foxton. .• . -....' • . ; • "'. DEPARTURES. ..' ■ ■ '.'■ ~•• WEDNESDAY, MAY 15. ■ ■'• WAIRAU, 8.8.- (1 a.m.); 143 tone, Deiloy, for Blenheim. •■ ■• ■ =■ ■..■;•-. : ■ ■ ■ MTEENAj 3.E. (1.5 .p.m.). 1212 tons,. Irwin, lor Piqton and-Nelson. KAP.ITI, b,5.(J.5 p.m.), .242. tons, Bairycri, , for Wanganui. ••■•■• WOOnONi s.B. (5.35 p.m.), 151 .'tons, Lap-, sen,-for Lytteltoil. . :' . ..'. ' : • .' HAWEBA, b.s. (6.5 p.m.), -174" .t0ne, M'ftinv non, for l'atea. • ■ ■ ; MAOEI,.,e,e. (7.50 p.m.),, 3412, tone,-Man-ning, for Lyttolton.- PasEeucers: Baloon— Mißses Kettle,. Glendinning, Mutton, HenEiee, Nelson, Sanders, Pearce, Horton, Eo'dgorson- (2), Hood; Oonnar, Wells, Haye«, Divvlson, Cowio, Brown, ■ Terry, 'Wfttkine, Mesdames JX'Olure, Turubull, UTcak, Ashley,'Kettle, Timan, Kettle, ■■ Armstrong, liavorly, Hay, Bameay, Smith, Robertson and child, Sumo, and 2 children, Nell, Anderson, " Cranston,- Blundoll, Neleon, Hitohons, Woodhead, Johnson, Malone, Tait, Skinner, lialone, Booth, Wiltshire, Aiteheeon, Bayertz, Wisdom, Kendall, Phippa, Cowie, Dartnell, Anderson, Eolleston, Qunn and 3 oliildren.Greer, Harrison, Snodgraes, King, Major Wray, St-aff-Captain.Gunn, Dr. Pattie, .Messrs: Armitronsr, Dempster, M'Oluro,' Kookehand, Wheelhand, Ollivler, lord, Wilson, Abbott) D'uucan, Turnbull, King, eteede, Orbol], Pratt,- Gcerin (2), ■Armstrong, M'Leod, Blnndoll,. Oameron, Hnme, Witson, Aokland, Maoky, Wilaon,AndorsoE, Cranston, Andoreon, Walker, Blundsll, Perry, Larocho, Hitohone, .Woodhead, Potors, Eowee, Peeley, Pearee, Reynolds, Tait, Markham, Judkins, Bower, Daitnell; Powoll, Smith, Evison, ~]lrak<>, Patterson, Banneiter, Alexander, 'Grant, Da-vis (2), Pell. Darrleon, Snoditrase, Kln». Kin, Oorpl. Hope, Pte. Groor,. Sergt. li.rons.nntl P..Q.M.6. W. Gapee... DEPENDEE. s.s. (11.20 'p.m.), 190 tons, Yas'K, ftfr Pieton and W«st Coaet.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Jiiirftvoa, Lyttelton, May 16. • Xibiia, Neleon, Jlay 16. WaS«tu, Lyttcltsn,.Kaf!(our», May 16. Kapilf, Vfangaaui, l£ay 16. Hawora Patoa, May 16. Mapourika, Auckiane, May 15. V/airaij," Blenheim, May 16. Patsena, Plctoa, Nelson, May Iβ. Blenheim, HRV«lock and SoTiode.May l<. Kswera, Patea, May IV, Kftpiti'. Wanganui, Uay 17. Jlcnowii" .iunhiini! direct,.May 17.. • Opawa, Blenhqim, May 17. Waiinea, May. 18. Kippln, Nupier, e'ehprne. Akltlo, May 19. Invoroargill, Lyltolton, May 19.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. UaraToa, LyUolton, Mivy 15. Wavariey, Fatea, May 16. Kapuni, Palen,' May 16. . ' . • Nikau,. Kc'aon, May 16. Waifau, Bler.lifira. May It. Uorinna, Oamaru. Timariy, Duncdin, May 16. ■ ■ . Oalm, Lyftclton. Dnncdln, Timanif Mayl6. ... • ■ Neakiita, Now Plymouth, Groymoiith, liny 16; Pateena, Tidt«n, Nelson, May 17. JValsatu, I.yttonon, Khikoura, May 17. Monowai, Lyilfltoi!. Dunetlin. May 17. Blenheim, Waimanul, May 17.Opawa, Blenheim, Hay 17. TVaimca, Nelson, West Coaet, May 18. Itipple, Napier, Ginbome, Alritio, May 21.
BY IBLEGKAPH. ( • COASTAL. '■' ' WEDNESDAY, MAY 18. ' I'ICTON. AiTivod.-Patcena, (5.20. d.ui.), Inn Wellineton. ' FOXTON. ■ • Sailed.—Kapiuii.( p.m.), for Wellinston. HAVELOCK. ■ Sailed.— Blenheim (12.15 p.m.), for Wellington. ■ LnTELTON. Sailcd.-llararoa (7 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Sailed.—Nikau (7 p.m.), for Wellington; Waiinea (11.45 p.m. May 14),' for Westport and GrßymoutU. ■ BIiENHEIM. ' ' Arrived—Wairau, (11.10 a.m.), from Wellington. • • ■ To sail.—Wiiirau (8,p.m.), for Wellington. WANOANUI. • Arrived.—lnvoi'cargill (10.60 a.m.), 'from WclliUßton. .■•■■■ .ONEHUNQA. ' ArrWed.-Earawa (8.45 a.m.), from Now l'lymouth.' • • TO-DAY'S BERTHAGE LIST. Mararoa—i'erry Wliarf. . Mapourika—No. 1 Queen's Wharf. Oorinna-.No. 3 Queen's V 'mrt'. Nikau-No. 10 Queen's Wharf. l'utlkl-Nq. 14 Queen's Wharf. Kapuiii—King's Wharf.' Utiawa—No. 11 Queen'u Wharf. Wairau—No. 13 Queen's Wharf. Calm-No. 12 Qucon'a Wharf. MESS-TABLE GOSSIP.. Captain lionner has resumed command of the Tatnui, which haa been temporarily In charge of Captain Connor. Mr. J. W,. Elworthy has joined the Karamu ao chief etoward. llr. A. 11. Dyson, of the Nelson office stair of the Anchor Sutpplne Company, who is sliortly proceeding to camp., was «n Saturday lasi presented with, a radium facud;wrielet watch. . iTio presentation was mado by llr. W. Eogers, manager of tho company. . Mr. Dyson has been chief clerk in the company's ofDco for twelve years. '■ Captain Drewctte, who has been to Australia, on tile Union Company's business, haa rejoined, the Monomi, relieving Oaptain Doorly, who goes to Dunedin for orders.
Captain Wilson, of the Northern Steamship Company's etemnor Aupouri, has joined the- Waiotalii, ■ relieving Ca plain Hopkins, who is to ioiu the shore etalf or tac Northern Company at Auckland.
The Kaitoa, which . went uu on ■ thrj Vatcnt SHb ycsl«rday for clcanins and survey will bo brought oil' ai, 8 o'clock this morning. She will rcßume her usual running to Kelson to-morrow, sailiue at s p.m. ■ ■ It is expected that the Blackball. Coal Company'B steamer NEakutawill iret away from Wellington at noon 10-dny with a general cargo for New Plymouth and Ureymouth.
■ The Monowai ie due to. arrive to-morrow from Auckland direct, ond ia expected to sail the ea-mo day for Lyttolton and Dnncdin.
The Corlnna trill leave Wellington today {or the south, takinir cargu .'or Osunaru, Timnru, and Dnnedin.
Advice received from San Francisco states that the launch of the Faith, the firstconcrete ship built in America, wan a, most pronounced success. Prior, to the launch in San Francisco Day, aome part of the material supporting the vessel gave way, with the' result that tho sliip waa dropped .hilly-six feet- on to 'a hard surface. An Inspect ion of .the vessel showed that there .-wan not-the sliirhtoßt flaw in the hull. The trial trip round the hay wnb an unqualified success. • . Notice'is given that on or about May 20 an'iron''can buoy painted re;.' will bemoored in Takatu Passage, Haurakl Gulf,' one ciible south-cast from Maori Hock, on which the benioii formorly stood; Messrs. Burns,- l'hilp, ■ and ■ Co., Ltd., ofSydney, havo received a cablcEi'a-m from their London branch fidvis.ini*- the where--aboiilH ot further members of the rasecii- , Stere and crew of the steamer Matunca. Mcßsrs. W.-..0. M'Enally iyi& E.- G. Kolile are interned at Gustrow; -Mr. H. Jockson,, third engineer,.is interned at JTeidelberßi and Mr. A. .M'Nauchton, A.8., at Parchim. A nautical innuiry -will. bo held into the loss of th(V launch Monarch recently at the WangaiUti .Kiver entrance. *' At"pro-, spnt'jio.dnte.hive been flxed-for thehoWlnc of the' inquiry. t . _ „ . At the War Trophies Exhibition.-at.Byd-. ney is a hiirhly remarkable rahibit-a balo of "Ereasy" wool; picked up- by. tho atate trawler Koriaga in the vicinity of Green Cape at n- depth of 300 ft. There is little doubt that the bale of wool is part ot the
cargo of the Cumberland, -which was destroyed aomo time back after coniini? Into ooutaot with a mino near Galio lslaoid. The wool is in good condition.
A hint of the way iii which America is ruihing her shipbuilding programme was given by Jtr. J. 0. Meywortli, director of the woodon ship division of the Kmorgcncy Moot Corporation, who said: "No man need be asliumcd of the nrodnclion of eouthorn pino for Government usoh during the last eix or seven months. Tho West is abundantly doing its share also. The schedules for wooden ships call for more than 365.000.C0Q feet of lumber." Two him(lrcd and forty million feet already havo been delivered."
Captain C. Hopkins, master of the Waiotahl, retirod from the sea on Monday in ordor to join tile Northern Comoany'e ehore staff, saye tho Auckland "Star." Oaptain Hoplune, who is one of the oldeet masters in the New Zealand coaetol trade, wan born in the Tower of London in IW, and at the age of two came to New Zealand with his father, who was a member of the 58th Regiment. Ho went to sea at the age of 17, serving on several coastal sailing vcssele prior to joining the Northern Steamship Company's serbico in 1887, and haa been maßter of several of its steamers. In his younger days Captain Hopkins was a prominent oarsman, with Captain Parker and others he once pulled from Auckland to Mahurangl, a distance of 25 miles, ■ and after winning a race, rower, back to Auekland. -Captain Hopkins .ia the holder of the . Royal Humane Society'e medal for lifo-savlne off Queen's Wharf, about thirty years ago.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 203, 16 May 1918, Page 9
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1,383SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 203, 16 May 1918, Page 9
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