HAWKE'S BAY MEETING CUP WON Hi' CLIENT. !By Telegraph—Special Correspondent.) Hastliifc's, April 26. '.['hero was lino weather aud a largo attondaneo lor Uie opening day oi ilio llawke's Bay Meeting. 'l'lio totalisaior handled £25,497, as compared with £14.001 last year. 'I'liu day's sport was excellent. . The Cup saw Client at his best, and lie ran uio rnco of his career. Favoured by a good run tho whole way lip camo very fast in tho straight, aud won decisively. Tho crowd recognised the merit of tho purformauee. and gave him a good reception. Lord Ainslie, Toki, aud Kicomar wero scratched for tho Hack Hurdles, and Coalition was mado favourite. Golden Glade, Maractolara. and Castalia wero showing out when tho field settled down, aud they soon had the others strung out. Down the back Golden Glado went out by himself, and though ho fenced badly ho had too much foot for tho others, and ivu., easily. Maraototura- waß in second place at the last fence. In the run home Oiara looked certain to get second pthco, but his rider took matters easily, and M'Sweeney camo with a rattlo on Coalition, ami beat him on Iho post. The latter should do a lot better to-morrow, and so should Otara.
Tho acceptors all started in Hie Open Hurdles, l'ursefiller took up tho role of pacemaker at tho start, and. atteuded by Bou Rcve, she ran nast the stand with a big break on tho others, while llraeburn whinned tho field. Down tho hack Idealism ran into second place, but at the six furlongs ho struck heavily aud got rid of his rider. Purscfiller continued on in front, and though challenged by Hon PiOve in the straight sho won easily onough by lengths. Record was twenty lengths av.'.iy, and then came fit. lilinn, liraeburn, and Dkivolo.
Cyresian was a better favourite than the bracketed pair, Karo and Love Match, in the A'ursery Handicap. The start was a straggling one, and Manila slowed a lot of pace in front with Tho Speaker «iu] Cherry Mart next. Marula was in command at the distance, but then Cherry Hart took charge. The favourite tlicn came through, and was immediately challenged by Kavo. Tho pair fought it out to a limsh, and the Yaldhurst gelding had a lengta to the good at the post; Karo just beat Cherry Mart, aud then camo Marula and Taunaha. A Add of nineteen lined up for the Poukawa Handicap, six furlongs, i'oralino was a better favourite than Coolnan and Wapping, but the others wero neglected. Pao led Cooipan and Formlmo into thb straight. Ooolpan took charge at the distance, but immediately, Wapping, Gold Shot, Multive, and Formlmo joined in. A great race to the post saw Cooipan win by a head, while Gold Shot was a length away had a head clear of Multive and Forniline, who finished together, aho winner stripped well, and hi 6 viotory under such a weight was full of merit. Estland and Seadown were withdrawn from the Cup, which was one ->f i'io best races ever seen on the Hastings cc-UT6e. Client was the favourite, with Tesa ana Bonnie Maid next iu order. It w»s a record field in point of numbers, anil u new tiino record was established, Hythread M a hunched field juismg tne stand, with Client bringing up the rear. Going down tho back Menelaus, Wishful, and Ladogeur wero prominent, while Trials was getting a bad passage, and wont back last at the six furlongs. Ec undine tho bend Dusky Eve took socond place, and .Wishiul aud Menelaus were pi shed back, Hythreud was first into the Btraight, but then gave way to Dusky Insido tho distanco Client camo fast and soon had coaimand. lie passed tho rest a. length to tho good of Dusky Lve, wliilo Tressida finished fast in third place. Then came Bonnio Maid, Menelaus, liuoednient, and ilythrcad. Whakahoki whipped tho The two-year-olds monopolised the betting in the Maiden liacc, and filled the places, though not in tho ever predicted on tho machine. Tlentya and Maioha had an advantage rounding the railway bend, but in tho straight Tig-rit-ya gave way, and Maioha went on to win easily from Matatua,.who rnly beat Kilmoon by a head. Tignlya was iourtlt, and the others strung out. Tho Autuirii Handicap was a pood betting race, nearly a dozou Of Uio rtnners coming in for strong support. Perfidy closed up favourite, but at no si ago of. tho race did she threaten Sanger. At the start Glorify and Comment led Hydius and Sweet Corn, with tho others strung out. Bounding tho bond the field closed „ P , and Beveral.of the ™ nnc VfsKe to possess winning chances. A furlong from home Vermilion headed Gkrify, but Hydras then threw out a- sciioub challenge Over tho last bit Miiltaino came, fast, arid got up in time to win by a neck from Vermilion. Hydras was a bead away, and then came Comment, Gloufy, Seadown, and Kiltcss. ■ The loncludmg event was not Tim t.H darkness had descended, and then a taiso Stit ma-do matters worse. Nothing ecu d be Veen of the colours till, they approached tho iudmi, and then Waimatao shoo out and won by a length, Kocsian being a head in front of Jean Laddo.
THE RESULTS. LONGIiANDS MKDLES, of 125 sove, Ono milo and a half. 2 Golden Glade, 9st. 61b. (tt. Thompson 1 I Coalition, 9st. 61b. ... (It 2 4 Otara, lOst. <Ub (T. Mulct y] 3 Also started: 3 Gold Iran, lOst, 31b; 9 Sabrenui 9st.; 8 Sir Alba, lOat. lib.; 7 Maraototara, 9st. 81b.; 1 Castalia, 9st. «Ih 1 II Tarn, 9st.; 5 Tho Summit, Wat.: M Undecided, 9st. 51b Golden Glade and Maractotara mado tho running past the stand and- along the back stretch, but at tho far .bond the latV.- was supplanted by. Otara and Coalition, Golden Glado led into tho straight and won easily by four lengths. Otara was a length and a naif away. 'lime. HURDLES, of 175 sovs. Oue mile and three-quarters. 1 PnrsoWier. I'M. ltlb. (S. 11. M'Kmnon . 1 2 Bon lieve, list. 51b. • J' S pi,^ \\ 3 Record, lOst. 21b. (J. P >nn) 3 Also started: 7 Bracbnrn. 9«t. IMb.; * rdealism, 9st.; 3 St. Jilmn. 9st. 71b.: 6 Diavolo, 9st. 61b. , • ■ After two falsa starts tho field was dispatched on 3VHH terms, Purselillcr assumng the lead, followed by Bon Revo and Idealism. The last-named fell at tho hurdle before tho back Btretch was reached, and Bon Beve. went in chase of Pursehllcr,- who maintained, her strong advantage- to tho finish, winning by a, length, Record was six lensths »way. Time, 3miu. lSsec. NUKSKRi- RAKDICAP, of 22a sovs. Fivo
furlongs. 1 Oyresian, 7st, Bit (C Emerson 1 ■> ICnrn 'M 121b A. Reed) 2 OlcrrV Man 7st. 101b. ... (Q. dark) g Ale stA; 6 Palm Oil, 7.t 81b: 2 tovc Match, 7«t. Mb. j » yawto. fct. 91b.: 11 Ethopian, 7st. 21b.; 6 Marina, fist. 7b: 3 finrr.irolle 7st. 61b.; 9 TaunaliQ, fist. 121b.; 7 Snstan'. fct. 71b.; 10 Tho .Speaker, 6S After two delays a good start saw llarula establish a strong lead to tho straight, v*we Mr. Stead's .horse came through and won by three-parts of a length. Oherry Mart w«s two lengths •iwav third. Time, lmin. 2sec. POUKAWA HANDICAP, of 115 eovs. Su furlongs. . 2 Ooolnan, 9st. 31b (0. Price 1 4 Wapping, flat. 91b (B. Mmmot 3 5 JoWShot, 7st 101b. ... CE. Heed) J Also started: 1 Formline, Est. 61b. 16 The Baronet 7Bt 81b; 8 Oreore M.3lb: 8 Cro«B Words, 7st.; 12 Pao, fist. 121b. ;11 •Simbright. 6st. 101b.: 6 Multlvo Bst, 21b.; 10° Wiakatlna. 7rt. 81b ; „.f . t. 211) • 14 Skedaddle. 6st. 121b. i l wyinc, 7s 121. ; i Retard, 6st. fib.: 17 Powder EitKi 18 Janitor, 6st. 121b; 15 Interesting, fat. IMb.; 13 Kahumanga, 6 A good race np tho straight saw a fine finish between Coolpan and Wapping. the former Raining tho verdict by ft bead. Gold Shot? who ran well throughout, died •war at the distance, and finished two lengths behind tho second horse, iimo, lmin. W l-sscc. „ HAWKE'S BAY CUP. of 7JO sovs. One mila and a half. . I Client, 9st.'3lb. <<>•.? rr e \ II Dusky Hvc. M. 71b (L. Morns) | 7 Trossida, 7st. 31b (O. Clark) 3 VNo star'cd: 2 Teka, Bst. 71b.; 6 Uonnio Maid, Bsl. Zlh.; 9 I.adoguer, Vat. 111b.; 12 Hvlami, fiat. 71b.; 16 MystcriMch, 65t.71b.; 4 'Hcnolaiis, 9st. lit-: 5 Gazhuo, Bst. 6 b.; 10 impediment. B=l. 21b.; 9 Olcft. V«L. Sibil Eaedwl, 6ft, 91b.; 14 Whakaholu, fist. 71b 3 Trials. Bst. «b.j 8 tfishfnl, Bst. 21b.; 13 Hytbread, fisi 71b,; 15 Good Hope, fist. | 71b. ' , ... | Tho big field w;.ii sent away well together, but soon rushed to tho front nnd established 11. good lead from Hvlami, with the others well iwi. lbU was the order passing the stand unci along tho back, where. Dusky five ca mo through fast. a.rd at the. straight entrance was 111 command from Trossida. lie maintained this position to the distance, whoro. Client put. in a stronjr challenge, and coming on won comfortably by two lengths. Iho third liorso was a similar distance away. Time, 2inin. 34 l-sscc MAIDEN HACK BACK, of 115 sovb. fell furlongs. 9 -uiihtin d- Watson) 1 la Sa::::::: . <»• »*w 2 , 3 Kilitnoou -.-. If- Emersan) .1 Also slatted: <1 Turpmito; 14 Worry finest: 15 Hliiltev, 13 I'avilion: 11 Jorch■|'iirritiv:i; 8 Contand; Grand Duchy; SnbhV 12 Asterial; 10 Oratour.- . The winner led all the way, winning rasilv by three lengths from Matatua, who 'beat Killmoon, who enmo fast at. the flnifb bv a neck. Time, lmin. 15sec. AUTUMN HANDICAP, of 200 bovs. Oncn round. (2 Multaine, 7st. <E Corlett 1 3 Vermilion. 7st. 31b (W. M Kay 2 7 7ir fH- Brady) 3 A =o started: 4 Sweet Corn. 9st. 51b.; 2 Rlorify, 7st. mb.; 9 Silver Tongue, 7flt. . h • 16 Marker, fist. 111b.; 6 Gipsy Oein,J
fel,. 71b.; 10 Soadovm, fist. 511).; 13 Tavistock, 7st. 51b.; 6 Comment, /at., lib.; 14 JJauuiaka, fat. 121b.; 8 Uuecn Lizzie, 6st. 91b.; 1 l'crfldy, Bst. 111).; 11 Kiltoss, Ist. .; 17 Ludily, 6st. 1211).; 15 Jiextuu, 6st. 71b.; W KuluuiiiiuffU, tat. 71b. From a BUluudid start Comment mill Glorify raced on level terms until the Htraißltt wan reached, where I'crlkly, Mnltaiue, and Vermilion put in slronit uluilloiibisb. llultiiiiio lasted longest, and won by ;t length, it bead seiiaratnif accoud and tliirtl. Time, liniu. Msec I'OKANUAJLVU HANDICAP, of M sun. Six furlongs. 9 Waimaka, Bst. 101b. (j • 1 10 Jean Laddo, 6st. 131b. ... (W. ip'Wen) 5 Also started: 4 Orocsus, 10st. 31b.; o isyslttd, 9st. Jglb.j 5 Lady General, Sst. 8 b.; 7 Elocution, 7al. 81b.; 1 llymcstra, 9st. 9li.j 2 liyttus, 7st. 111b.;, 12 Astrophcl, Jut. Mb.; | 13 ilasama, «st. 101b.; 3 Lady Black, isl. 91b.; 11 Chuckle, 6st. 131b. Tho race was run in the darkness, bring over Half an hour late in siartinff. owing to considerable delay a. the nosl. llylnestra iirst showul in front, «wi men Nystad, Kocsiai\, and Wnimafa-p wero prominent, ail tin, others beiuK cloeo up. Waimatao just managed to iorge ahead before tho i;ost was reached, winning by liali a length. Tho third horse was a neck away. -No lime was tuki'ii. ACCEPTANCES FOR TO-DAY. (from a Correspondent.) Acceptances for tho second day >'">:-- OillTt HACK HUE.DLK HANDICAP, of 125 sovs. Olio milo and tlu'ee-ciuavtors.--Oold Fran, lost. 121b.; Tola, 10sl. Sib.; Otam, lOst. 71b.; Coalition, lOst.; Su- Alba, fot. 131b.; Tho Summit, 9st. 131b.; Jiaraotofara, 9st. 61b.; Lord Ainslie. Bst. 61b.; Castalia, 9st. , „ r , ~ „,„ KARAMU HANDICAP HURDIES. ol Mil ! bovs. Two miles.—Bon Revo, Hat. 111b.; Pursefillcr, list. Hlb.; Record, Hist.; Braeburn, 9st. 81b.; Idealism, 9st. 61b.; Toki, Sst. 61b.; St. Klmn, 9at, 51b. JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 125 sovs. Five. fui'lonus.-Demagogue, 9st. 61b.; ilaiolw, 7st. 121b.; Cherry Mart, 7st,. 111b.; Moll, 7st, 31b,; Matatirn-, 7ft. 31b.; Lovomatoh, 7st. 21b.; Ethiooian, 7st.; Kilmoon, 7st.;Astoria), fet. 711>.; llalaraa, 6st, 71b.; Marula, 6st. 71b.; Orateur, 6st. 71b.; Pavilion, Cst. 71h.; Risingham, 6st. 71b.; Tigritiya, 6st. 71b. HAVRE'S BAY STAKES, of 500 sovs. Six furlongs and a half.-Hymestra, Impediment, Orowhurst, Astrophel, Elocution, Tortrcda, Cyresian, Karo, Asterinl, Oratress. . BURKE MEMORIAL STAKES, of 400 sovs. One milo and a quarter.—Client, 9st. 131b.; Mcnelaus, 9st.j Gazique, Bst. 41b.; Trials, Bst. 41b.; Bonnie Maid, Sst. 21b.; Koosian, Bst. 21b.; Nystad, 7st. 131b.; Ladogeur, 7st. 101b.; Tressida, 7st. 81b.; Seadowu, 7st. 61b.; Cleft, 7st. 61b.; Perfidy, 7st. Sib.: Multaine, 7st. 31b.; Dusky Eve, 7st.; Hythread, 6st. 91b.; Bagdad, fst. 911).; Rood Hope, 6st. 71b.; Hylami, Est. 71b.; Gipsy Gem, 6st. 71b.; Hydras, 6st. 71b. SOUEBY HACK HANDICAP, of 115 sovs. Five furlongs.—Wappiug, 9st. 211).; Gold Shot, Bst. 31b.; Kabumangu, 7st, 121b.; Whakatina, 7st. 81b.; Pao, 7st. 31b.; Woodlark, 7st. 21b.; Mulatto, 7st.; Turpinite, 6st. 121b.; Janitdr, 6st. 101b.; Sunbright, est. 101b.; Contaudcs, est. 101b. OKAWA HACK HANDICAP, of 115 sovs. Once round.—Whakahoki, Bst. 01b.; Marker, Bst. 71b.; ilultive, Sst. 71b.; Queen Lizzie, Bst. 51b.; Hexton, Sst. 31b.; Imaribbon, 7st. 91b.; Transmission, 7st. 91b.; Idyllic, 7st. 81b.; The Baronet, 7st. 61b.; Retard, 7st. 31b.; Bonnio Maid, 7st.. 21b.;iOro Ore, 7st. 21b.; Towder King, 7st.; Crosswords, 6st. 121b.; Torchlight, 6st. 121b.; Sabine, 6st. 101b.; Mania, 6st. 101b.; Grand Duchy, 6st. 101b. FAREWELL HANDICAP, of 200 Bovs. Six furlongs-Croesus, lOst. 41b.-, Waimatao. 9st. 71b.; Gazique, 9st. 31b.; Lady General, Bst. 71b.; Jlyttus, 7st. 101b.; Lady Black, 7st. 81b.; Coolpan, Vst. 51b.; Astrophel, 7st. 51b.; Vermilion, 7st. 31b.; Jean Laddo, 7st. lib.; Chucklo, 6st. 121b.; Manama, fat. 101b.; Comment, 6st. 101b.; Sh'cla, Cst. 91b.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 187, 27 April 1918, Page 9
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2,247THE TURF Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 187, 27 April 1918, Page 9
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