« PHASES OP THE ITOON, APIUI,, Day. Hr. ra. Last quarter 5 13am New moon a 4 Ipm' First quarter ....% 18 .US p m 1 Full mqon 26 7 35 p.m.' MOON. Ifoon rises to-day. 3.36 a.m.; sets, 4.12 p.m TIDE. To-day, 1.56 a.m.; 2.13 p,*,,, To-morrow, 2.53 a.m.; ' p . mi Sun-rises to-daR 6.13 a.m.; sets, 5.32 p.m. ARRIVALS. APRIL 8. NGATOBO 's.s. (3.10 a.m.), 1137 tons, D "thio. |r :<)m Oaniaru. WOOTVON, s.s. (4.15 a.m.), 151 tons, Larae";. It'om Lyttelton. IVfPIiE, s.s. (11 a.m.), 370 tone, Carlson, v6m Giaborno. ' ROSAMOND, s.B. (11.5 a.m.), 721 tons, Edffe, from Gi6bornc. TUESDAr. APRIL 9. WAKATTJ, B.s. (2.30 a.m.), 187 tons, Wilts, from Kaikoura. DEPARTURES. ! MONDAY, APRIL' 8. TCAVERLEV, E.s. (12.5 p.m.), 157 toils, Piek, for Patea. PATEKNA, e.s. (12.50 a.m.), 1212 tons, for Picton and Nelson. HAWERA, e.s. (1.10 p.m.), 124 tons, M'Kinnon. for Patea. KAPITI,' ».s. (2.35 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers, for ffanganui. BADEN POWELL. s.B. (3 p.m.), 174 tons, Owen, for New Plymouth.MANA, b.s. (4.15 p.m.), 134 toqs, Spronlc, for Wanganui. PBTIKI. B.s. (4.15 p.m.), 409 tons, Eobertson, .for Nelson. KAPUXI. 6.5. (4.15 p.m.), 188 tons, GibBon., for Tarakohe .and Paten. KAITOA, s.B. (5 p.m.), 305 tons. M'ildman, for Nelson. WOOri'OX, s.s. (5.15- p.m.). Jsl.tons, Laraen, for Lrttelton. ROSAMOND; s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 721 tons, Edge, for Timaru. OPAWA, s.s. (7.10 p.m.), 110 tons. Nicholas, for Blenheim. COJIINNA, .s.s. . (7.15 p.m.). 1271.. tons, Elders, For southern ports. MAORI, 5.6. (7.50 p.m.), 3412 tons. Mannine for Lj-ttelton. QtTEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s.' (8- p.m.), 190 -tone, Harvey, for Tarakohe end Foiton. - - - ■ BREEZE, s.s. (8.25 n.m.l, 553 tons. Braidwood, for southern'ports. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ' Huia. Duiic'din', Lyttelton. April 9. Kotare,' Lytlclton, April-9. Miraroft, Lyttelton, April S.' Pateeua-, Nelson, Picton, April 9. Nilian, Nelson, April S. Tftluui, Wanganui, April 9. Ka'mona, Auckland, April 9. . . , Wakatu, Kaikoura. April .9.. Kini, Westport, April 10. Hawcta, Patea, April 10. ' Kapiti, Wanga-nui, April 10. ■ ■\Vaverley, -Pa-tea, April 10. ' TComata, Wcßtuort,. April 10. Kahika, .Wcstssrl. April .10. Ko'whai, Lyttelton, April 10. Opa-wa, Blenheim,; April 10. - - Blenheim, Wanganiii,. April 10. Kaitoa, Nelson, April 10. Maori, Lyttelton. April 10. Putiki, Neleou, April 11-.. ■ Kapuni. Ps-tca, April 11. Queen of the South. Foxton, April 11. Baden Powell, New Plymouth. April 11. Hnzel E-eptoh. Greyinouth, April 11. John, Oamaru, Timaru, April 11. Ngakuta, Greyinouth, April 11.. Invercargill, Lyttellon, April 12. Wakatu. Kaikoura, April 12. Mbiiowai, northern , ports, April 13. Map.oiirika, Auckland, April 13. Corinna, southern port 6- April 14. Alexander, Lyttelton,; April 14. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Waimea,. Nelson. Ooaot, April 9. ; Blenheim, Wanganui. April. 9. . llfiraroa, Lyttellon, April 9. ffiljiiu, Nelson, April 9. Tainui, \Van«anul. April 9. ■ ffakatui --Kaikoura, Lytlelton, April 9. Eipple. ■ Napier, Gisbornc.-. April 9. Huia, Lyttcltpn. April 10.--. Kotare, Nydia Bay, Lyttelton/April 10. Opowa., Blenheim.'- April 10.Hiiwera, Patea, April 10, ... - Waverley, Patea,' _April 10. . Kowhai, Nuw Plymouth, April .10. Kapiti, Wanganui, April 10: Maori, Lyttelton, April .10. • P%,teena, Pipton, Neleon, April 10. , Kaitoa, Nelson. April 10. ' Kamona, Lyttelton, Dunedin, April 10. . Putiki., southern porta, 'April 11. ■• Wairau, Blenheim. April 11. Kapuni, Fatca, April 11. :• Queen of tho South,. Foxton, April 11. Baden Powell. New Plymouth. April 11. Monowai, Lyttelton; Dunedin, April 13. John, Wanganui April 11 Ngatoro, Greymouth, April 13. Ngakuta., Greymouth, April 15. Invorcargill, Waneanui, April 13. Goririna, Nelson, New Plymouth, Apl. 15. Alexander, Nelson, Coast, April 15. Bl r TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. ; MONDAY, APRIL 8. MANUKATJ HEADS , Sailed-Rarawa (6.10 p.m.), for New Plymouth. WANGANUI Sailcd.-Tainui (6 p.m.), for Wellington. VIOTON. Arrived.-Pateena (4.30 p.m.), from Wellington. ' .Sailed.-Pateena (7.30 p.m.), for Nelson. NELSON. Sailed.-Nikau (7 p.m.), for Wcllinßton. WESTPOET. Arrived.-Kini (6.30 p.m.), and Komata (6.50 p.m.), from Wellington, j LYTTELTCX ! Sailed.-Mararoa- (6i5 p.m.), for WellingI To°Bail'.-Huia (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington. TO-DAY'S BEUTHAGR LIST. Mararoa-Ferry Wharf. I Nikau-No. 10 Queen's Wharf. Tainui-No. 9 Qncen's Wharf. Wakatii-No. 7 Queen's Wharf. ' Hazel Repton—Miramar Wharf. I Huia-No. 13 Queen's Wharf. I Kamona-No. 16 Queen's Wharf. 1 Waimea—No. 3 Queen's Wharf. I ] FROM AUSTRALIA. Misses Boldin. Hutchison (», Cowen, Heywood, Brunuer. Payne. Hemming, I M'Cooby, Cooper.' Shaw. Roles, Neville, i Paiton. Cattell. Rutter, Cattcll. Eoohuck, i Cook, MesdaUies Taylor and 2 children, 1 Hudfteld, Doo'nn,, Ilntc-hieon, Copelaud, i Haynoa. Max and child, Hanner. Rolf, Baunders. Birton and child. Wickham, . Warners and child, Davies, Nisvin, Smith, i Barton, Eo!c«. SUpleton. Weir. Orover. : Davis, Lorty' Anderson. Saull, : Bath, Raleigh, Martin. Watson, M Oartip, I KniKht. Bailanlyp.e, Kcarno, Anderson, '• Peltit M?V.i? Privaily. Cuni;. Messrs. :' Morrison, Thomson. Gray ITiidfleld, Weir, .Morris, hwT?.. Dunsford. Porter Rev. iOracge, Rr.wnslw, f-o*eja"°- Hnynes, i Brain Gmssnian, Wr.od.gate, Nixon, 'O'Brien. Mp.i, TliH. Wcston Yireaiix. DonjneH, Milne. Mf.rlin. Gir.ldfonl. Graham, Rirnpr Vhi'ini; Davics, Mole. Gructi?. Rnd o d. TMliips: Hob?. Mm*. WI»Ii-•i-l! Ea«l-horpe Pft«rs. BecUhessenger, Wii'non, Stapleton, Giovor Tronp, Troup. D*.vis. Orowlo. 'Rmuner. Pudrean Leai, Howe. V^ rWnAita Mai. Pj*«V«t.». Dflguchi, Hanittmura. P«]U. Bleneomo, ■R-iwiiiat VM'X fTooUey, Scnrnan, Koiall. PuK' Somoi-3, Wilson. Thompson," Morijan, Miller. KAMONA FEOM AUCKLAND. Fully laden with general cavgo. tho ,Kamona will arrive here this. aitemoon direct from Auckland. Sho is to sail tomorrow nisht for Lyttelton and Dun- , edin. MONOWAI DUE ON SATBRDA? The local ofiir.a of'the Union Company were advised yesterday that tho Monowai wm cave Auckland to-morrow and G Boorno on Thursday for Wellington. arriviiiF here on Bntnrday, on which day fl he ■M coUuniio her trip to Lyttelton and Dunedin. THK KOTARE. The Southern Steamship Company's Kotare will arrive at Wellington this afternoon from Lyttelton. and after discharging a full general cargo will .sail for Nvdia Bay vo loud timber for I'ytt<%°"' Messrs. G. T. Hull and Co. arc tho Wellington agents. JtUIA FOR LYTTELTON. After an absence of a month from Wellington, the Huia will arrive at Wellington this afternoon with general cargo from Lyttelton. Her owners advise that ehc will sail to-morrow for LyUelton. NUW PLYMOUTH CAKGO. The Union Company's Kowhai will arrive here to-morrow niorninp irom I«yttollon, and will load general rarßo lor New Plymouth sailing in tho evening. JIESfi-TABIiU GOSSIP. Oaiitiun Watson has taken charge of tho Karno, relieving Captain Hendcr, who has rejoined his old vessel. Captain l'roiicrt, who km for some years in charge of the Clisbnnic dredge . Maui, lins joined the Kamnna.; us third 1 officer. Mr. Ohas. Juson. first, officer on the Kini. has come ashore. I Mr. Danicl; third officer of the Arabura,
resigned from the Union Company's I "service. ilr. W. SkeaU'S, purser on the Poherua, uas left the ship. Mr. J. w. Wheatley, who was an engineer in the Union Company's service for many years, and later in tho Northern otciiuißliip Company's service, is now second engineer at the Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company's works at Wealfleld. Mr. ,T. H. Duncan, manager of Uie shipping firm ol' IT. h. Tapluy and Co., ol Dunedin, is at present ou" holiday leave in Wellington. Mr. A. Jackson (mate) has rejoined the Baden Powell, relieving Mr. J. W. Crotty. Mr. J. W. Brigdun has rejoined tlie Queou of tho South (is mate, and Mr. A. Dowell has left the ship. Mr. W. Wilson has signod on the Putiki as chief eiißinecr,. Mr. A. 0. Holm, late mate on the Kapuni, yesterday joined the Mana in a similar capacity. Repairs and overhaul to the Wairau will ably bo finished to-morrow, and the vessel will sail on Thursday for Blenheim. Both the Queen of tho South for IToiton and Kapuni for Patea, which Bailed yesterday afternoon, will load cement at Taraltoho to-day for their reepocUve ports. Tho coastal steamer Defender has been docked at Lyttelton, and is being fitied with a new koelson and sister keelsons, and sovtrnl minoi rupiurs aro being effected. Tho work will probably be completed about Thursday. Aβ telegraphed last week the scow llangi returued" to Gieborne on Friday afternoon in a leaky condition. The leak was not discovered -until Tokomaru, Bay was reached on tho way to Auckland. Owing to tho head wind Captain Francis returned to Gisbbrnc. Pumps- wore applied on Friday morning,, und a-quantity 'of water pumped out, but no damage was dono to tho cargo. The leaftago wae dtiu to the centre-board , caßing working loose. . ' . Messrs. Brownlce's. Lid adviso that tho scow Hazel Itcpton left Greymouth on Satnrday fully laden with timber for this port. She'will TCturn to the Coast. For bunker coal, the Bosamoncl culled at Wellington .yesterday. while en route from Gisbomo to Timaru. Early on Thursday mofniiic it is expected that the Ngakuta will arrive here from Greymouth to discharge a .full coal oajgo; urtcrvt-'n-rds s.ho will rotuin to load more coal. ■ ■••"'• Mr. George Nicr.'ol,' Auckland, has just completed a new soow for tho East Coast Co-operativo- Freezing .Co. ..The. vessel is to be called the Orinj, after the mer at Whakatano. She is a .woodeti -yoflsol 100 ft. long by 26ft. boa'ra, and' ie' built -to carry 130 ton's 'doad woight; on-.-a 6ft. draught. • She Is schooner-rigged, and fitted -with a centre-board. Her auxiliary power consists of two 60 horse-power enginos, capable of driving her 9-10.knots. Telegraphic' advice says that tho Mapourika ejrived- nt- Auckland at 6 a.m. yesterday from .Wellington, She is to sail to-morrow for Wellington. ' N'othing definite lias been decided as to. tho future movements of tho ■ Putiki, hut, it. is likely that, sho will return to Wellington from Nelson on Thursday to load for Dunedin, Oamaru and Tiruar'iK Tho Tainui will nrrivo from Wanganui to-day, and will 'load for. that port. Tho Mana, which sailed yesterday afternoon, will bo used for lightering Uiere. South Island produce was being discharged from the Nsratoro- yestcrdny, and on completing discharge she will wait nntil Friday morping to go on the nlip for cleaning, etc. -On .Saturday , Bh'o-'has been fixed to Eail.for' Greymouth to load for Wellington. The John left Timaru . yesterday ■ for Oamaru to load produce and general cargo for 'Wellington.. She" is due on Thursday afternoon, and will. eaiV on Friday for Wanganui. •'' • A fireman short in the crew of the Blenheim -was tho riaupeof the- -vessel not sailing for Wanganni last night. ''"' As she could not take in all her'cargo in time the Waimcn'B departure for- Nelson and West Coast 'w<is postponed ■to this morning. ' .
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 171, 9 April 1918, Page 9
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1,666SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 171, 9 April 1918, Page 9
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