' PHASES OP THE MOON. MARCH. Day. Hr.m. Last Quarter 6 0 14 D.m. Now moou 13 1 22 a.m. First euarter 20 1 0 a.m. . Pull moou 28 I 3 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 9.5 p.m.; sets, 0.43 p.m. to-morrow. TIDE. To-day, 9.10 a.m.; 9.31 p.m. To-morrow, 9.51 n,m,; 10.13 p.m. SUN. Suu rises to-day, 5.34 a.m.; sets, 6.32 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, MAROH 2. MARABOA, s.b. '7.15 a.m.). 2598 ' tons, Cameron, from liyttolton. NIKAU, sis. (7.21) a.m.), 248 tons, Hay, from Nolson. ■ • KAPUNI, s.s. !7.25 a.m.), 188 tons, Gibson, from Patea. „, KOWHAI, s.s. (8.10 a.m.) 79?, tons, Plowman, from Groyinoutli. KITTAWA. «.s. (11.10 a.m.), 1247 tons, Nicholas, from Port Chalmers. KOJU'PA, s.s. (11.20 a.m). 1994 tons, Lambert, from 'Wcstport.' MANA. s.s. (2.30 p.m.).' 134 tons, Sproulo, from Vaiiganui PATEENA, s.s.. (10.25 D.m.), 1212 tons, Irwin, from Nelson and Picton. .SUNDAY. MAROH 3. WAIRAU, s.s. (4.45 a.m.), 143 tons, Doiley. from Blenheim. ~„„'. „• ~ OPAVA.'s.s. (4.55 a.m.), 110 tons, Niche las, from Blenheim. ' KAITOA,- s.s. (6 • a.m.). ■ 305 tons. Wildman, from Nelson, MAORI, s.s. (7.20' a.m.), 3412 tons, Mannine, from liytteltoii. ■■' ' WOOTTON, s.s. (11.60 a.m.); 151 tons, Lar■sen, from ■ -Lyttelton. . v .. IN.VEROARGIHva.s. 412.50, p.m), 224 tons, Wahlsrom, from Lyttelton. ' ■ ~_ . . ■ 'QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 198 tons. Hafvor.' from. Toxton. . BLENHEIM, s.s. -(1.20, 120 tons, WUliineon,- from Wanganui DEPARTURES; : SATURDAY, MARCH 2. • NIKAU, s.s. (2.10., 248 toni, Hay, for Nelson. '•' , / .„, . „ MAGlO.'auxiliary scow. (3.35 p.m.), 82 tons, Vcndore, for Puponga. . • ■. • . HAWERA, sj. .(6.5 p.m.), 17.4 tons. M Kmnon.'fdr Patea. ' ' ' MAEAHOA, s.s.(B' p.m.), 2598 tons, Cameron, for' Lyttelton:• Passengers; Saloon--. Misses.Moreland, Patterson, Simpßon, Ohartren Edmondstonc,' Wylie,. Stalker, Lewis. Itowon,. Black,. Robertson, Newton, King, Mesdameß Clark,- Deighton,' Warrington, Mooro,. Dawson,"'Testro; Patterßon _ and ohild. Hislop; Coles,:; Lowman, Roberts, rpglis, l'atason, Rowen, Irving,. Browettl, King, Barry, Cannon, OIKeUly., Robertson, 6ydnoy, Allan, M'Gahen" ■ and 3 children, Messrs.' Clark! Deighton,' Erving, Sadler,. O'Peil, Watkins, .Testro, Patterson, His-, lop, O'Neill, Horfcon. Spcncc. Rowen, Marshal, Brinkman, Martin, Hawkins, Matthows, Coles, Morrison (2), Abercrombie, Briidshawj Fawcett,- Lesher, Bright Madden, Clark, Davis,-Hanarn, Stewart, Wilson, Samuelson. TraseoUi Hayncs. William-, son. Hcan, M'Gahey,. Scaiidrews. Captain WhitfrParsons,- .Lieut, Downer, Lieut.. Wood'' -Pie. Robertson. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Corinna, Onehunga, March- 4. Poherua, Westport, March. 4. Putiki, Timaru, March. 4. Kamo, Greymoutli, Maroh 4. ■ tyakatu, Kaikoura, March 4. Ripple,'Gisborne.-March-4. ■ Rosamond. Auckland, March 5 John, Wanganui, Marci: 5. Mararba,'Lyttelton, March 5. Nikau, Neison, Jiarch 5. Pateona. Nelson, Melon, March 5. . Hawera, Pate(i, March .5. ■ .... Baden Powell, New Plymouth, March 5. ■ Kapiti, Wanganui, March 6. Kapuni, Patea; March 6. Waimea, Picton, March 6. , Calm, southern ports, March 6. Kahu, Napier, via const. March 6. Kittawa, Westport, March 6. "Maori, Lyttelton, March 6. Kaitoa, Nelson, March 6. .. Inv'ercargill, Wanganui, March 6. v .Waverley. Patea, March 6. . Queen of tho South, l'oxton, March 6. Wairau, Blenheim, March 6. Opawa, Blenheim, March 6. Ngahere, Wanganui, March-7 • Blenheim, Havolonk, Sounds, March 7. Monowai, Auckland, via portß, March 9. Ngakuta, March 9. Corinna, southern -ports, March 10. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. • Corinna, Duucdin, March 4. Kapiti, Wanganui, March 4. Kapuni, Patea, March 4. Pohorua, Westport, March 4. Jluia, Duncdin, March 4. Waverley, Patea; March 4. Opawa, Blc'nheini, March 4. Ngakuta, Grcymoulh, March 4. Invoroargill, Wanganui, -March 4. \ . Himitangi, Waitangij Pitt Island, Mar. 4. Blenheim, Havclock, Sound-, March 4, Maori, Lyttelton, March 4. ■ Kaitoa, Nelson, March 4. Patecna, Picton, Nelson, March 4. Wairau. Blenheim. March 4. Queen of the South, Voxton, March 4. Wootton, Sounds, Lyttelton, March 4. Putiki, Wanganui, March 4. Eileen Ward, Westport, March 4. Kowhai, Greymoutli, March 4. . Baden Powell, Wauganui, New Plymouth, March 5. . • , Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, March 5, Ripple, Napior. March 5. Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 5. Nikau, Nelson, March 5. Hawera, Patea, March 5. . John, Dunedin. March 5. Komata, Westport, March 5. ■• vßosamond, Lyttelton, .March 5. Komata, Westport, .March 5 > Waimea, Nelson,' Coast, March 6. Calm, Wanganui; Starch G. Kahu. East Coast, March 6. Kamo, Greymouth, March 6. Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, March 9 .- BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. . SATURDAY, MARCH 2. : "OI'ONINI. Sailed.-Rimu. M'-p.m.), for Onehunga. PORTAHUIIIRI Bailed.-Eipple (5.5 p.m.), for Wellington. Arrived.—Monowai (5.30 p.m.), from Wellington. - WESTPORT. Sailed.-Pohor'ua (11 p.m.), for Wellington. SUNDAY, MARCH 3. . . ONEHUNGA. Arrived.-Rarawa *8.58 a.m.), from New Plymouth. ' ~ NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived-Karamu (6.45 a.m.), from Greymouth. NELSON. Arrived.-Nikau (2 a.m.), from Wellington. GREYMOUTH. Sailed.-Kamo (12.10' a.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON. . Arrivod.-Mararoa (8 55 a.m.), from Wellington. WANGANUI. Arrived.-John !1 p.m.). and' Maua (1.15 p.m.),' from Wellington. TO-DAY'S BERTHAGE LIST. Maori-Ferry Wharf. Poherua-No. 2 Ciueen s Wharf. Kamo-Taranaki Street Wharf. Corinna-No. 6 Queen's Wharf.. Kaitoa-No. 10 Queen b Wharf. Wootton-No. 13 Qucons Wharf. Ripple-Pipitea \Vharf. Blenheim-No. 7 Queens Wharf. Waverley-Kiug's Wnarf Putiki-Taranaki Street WhaTf. ■: Opawa-No 11 Queen's Wharf. Wairau-No. 13 Queen':; Wharf Queen of tho South-King s Wharf. Invcrcargill-No. 12 Queen's Wharf. Ngakuta-Railway Wharf. Patceua-No. 14 Queens Wharf. . ' FREIGHT FROM AMERICA. Imnorterß of goods from..the United Statedffi-to face the problem of ,urther delay in the arrival .of goods, lhe fnllowinir cablfi was receivod from lion York by a Srm of manufacturers' agents in Sydney, on February 18, and the in ormation was forwarded on to Auckana:"Oargo steamer sailings, liave beeii sub. pended; sailing ships available, ttate or freight on general movchandise 40 dollars per ton of 40 cubic feet. Can . only inenrcfreo of-particular average incliul ng !u'ri S 8 per cent;....-SlmJ \\ we si P orders?" Owing to the congestion of tr.i - f,c on the railway lines in tho States dnc to the demands of the Government for war purposes; difficulty is experienced in eettinir goods delivered to sea ports, even whe o veTels are available, and now that everything will have to come by sailing vessels it necessarily means still further delay in getting suppliCb to New Zealand. Another cause of .delay is tha mnnufacturers in the UmM Stales And it diHcult to get timber delivered by tho railwars and are thus at a ios to provide cnßcs in which lo dispatch, poods A similar difficulty exists in ll'ose trades requiring tins for their manufactures to lie .dispatched in. OORINNA~FOR. DUNEDIN ■ Goneral-cargo for Duncdin will be received till 3 p.m. loday liy tho Union Company's Corinna. MESS-TARLE GOSSIP Mr. .1. J. Smith has rejoined tho Hawera as mate. _ . Mr. ,"S. Sh'erwin, engineer on the Huia, has conic ashore. The (leparilire of the iluia for Duncdin has been delayed, owing to her reauiring an engineer.
Perishable cargo ouly will be taken to Lyuuiiuu by tiio Mar-iroa to-morrow uighu Tlio dredge Muriliika, wliicli is leaving Uluil' for l'ort' CUnlmcrs tins week to go on tlio slip lor .norliaul, will be a ship of caiitiiiiis. Even the eooli Can, if necessary, take over the navigation of the ship auu produce his ticket ua an accredited master inariner, fclates tho "Muff Press." The Wcstport Harbour Hoard has asked tho Government to send its engineer to Wcstport to look into tho auestiou of river encroachment above the Duller Urirtge, becauso the board has'no power to expend money there, and, lesides, its engineer is away with the Expeditionary Forces. Tho coastal steamor Budon Powell was, according to latest advices by the-agents, to leave New Plymouth last night for Wellington. From Wellington she will sail again on Tuesday at 5 p.m. for Wangauui and Nov/ Plymouth. Costal vessels Eot down for .'sailing today tfiilcludci-niniltangii, at noon, "for Waitaiigi and Pitt liland; Wootton, 'for Marlborough Hounds and Lyttelton; aud, Putiki and Invorcargill, for Wanganui. An alteration' in the time-table" of the John was made en Saturday, and the vessel sailed in tho evening for Wanganui, from which port" sho is duo back to-mor-row. The John will sail in the evening for Dunedin ''.'"' ',"'
Tho Ngakuta is to Bait to-night for Greymouth to'load another cargo of coal for this port. ■;•"-. An tho Mann ia needed for lightering work at Wanganui this week, one - returned to that port on Saturday night, after-putting oiit her cargo. Tho Rosamond left Auckland on Saturday afternoon direct for Wellington, and is duo early to-morrow morning. After dlscharging slier cargo she will fully load transhipments for Lyttelton. The vessel will'return to Wellington to load probably for soul-horn ports. ' Tho movements of tho Union' Company's colliers at Wellington arei-Tlie Kowhai arrived on .Saturday morning from Oreymo.uth, nnd-ia"to return to that" .port at 3 p.m. to-day; tho .Komata' arrived on Saturday morning from Wertport to discharge a Ml cargo; tho Kittawa, after unloading gelioral oargo from Dunedin. sailed in the evening for Wcstport to load coal for Wellington; tho Poherua. m-due early this morning '. from Wcstport,'-and is to return to-night; the Kairio is also duo early this morning' from Tlio Blackball Coal' Company's Ngahero has beeu diverted to Wanganui with a full cargo of oial. and now she is duo at Wellington from-that port, on Thursday .morning. The .vessel will lay up here 'for overhaul, lasting."several days. Mesrs. H. L. Tapley and Co. have pur- : chased from tho. original owners,-a'Dun-edin syndicate, tho auiliary schooner : Gls-' borne, which, for pome time. past, has heon undergoing repairs 'and alteratioris fat'Dunedin. It is the intention of flie .company to place the' little vessel, in the -DunediuInvercargiU trade in conjunction ivith the schooner May ..Howard,, .which is dpi at Dunedin from ' A uokltind'in a. few days' time Tho Gisb'orne present having, a 45-horse-power-Globe oil-engine -installed, and--various improvements' are also being effeoted to her accommodation-, and .cargo-handling'-gear;' The-, -vessels .-will, make their first triris-'n the new service within a fortnight. The -Gisborne. is a.wooden vcs. sel of 68 tons-gross relator, and;was built at Wh&niarba' th 1881.,-'.' :. .'- It is'advertised-that as-ihe Waimea wi 1 not nrrvo. here ' from Piclon - till. ■ Wednesday morning, her departure. Tor JJclsnn and West Const, ports will' he taken in .the oventng of .that day. . ' -
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 141, 4 March 1918, Page 9
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1,589SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 141, 4 March 1918, Page 9
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