APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS The appointments, promotions, resignations, and transfers of the undermentioned officers of the Territorial Force have been, approved:— .. .' . . . Appointments. '■ • Captain Andrew William Alexander Richardson \ Unattached* List'(h), General List, is appointed an attesting ofiicor under the i'&ilitary Service Act, 1916. Dated October 3, 1917. .Captain Alexander Kinder, M.8., •8.5., F.R.C.S., Eng.,. N.Z. Medical Corps, is appointed a member of a Special District Medical Board and granted, the pay. of lieutenant-colonel, at Expeditionary- Force, rates whilst so acting. Dated January 12, 1918. Captain (temporary) Henry Caldwell Tait, M.8., 8.5., N!Z., N.Z. Medical Corps, is • appointed ft" member of a Special. District Medical Board and granted the pay of a lieutenant-colonel at .-Expeditionary- Force rates whilst so acting. Dated January 1918. .Lieutenant Stanley Moxliam Dixon, Seventh (Wellington-Wbst Coast) Regiment, is appointed group commander, 'No.' 2O'(Wangainii) Group (temporary), and is granted the temporary , rank of captain whilst, so employed. . Dated Augiißt 20, 1917. ■ ■ .*' . ••• Promotions,. Resignations, and ■ ■ Transfers. -v.-- .-' • Third (Auckland) Mounted Rifles. Captain Walter Ernest Curtor to be .major under the' : provisions of paragraph 111, General Regulations, 1913. Dated- November 1, 1917. .
Lieutenant Osmond Henry, to be captain, under 'Hie' provisions of paragraph 111, Gener-aLKoßulationS) 1913. .Dated November 1,'1917: ■ . ' •■ ;flie following for the notice which appeared in the N.Z..Gaz-ette;-No-. 117, of July 19,-1917, ..relating to Jlajflr Charles Victor Leeming:--Major Charles'!'-' Victor Leeming, M.C., N.Z. Expeditionary:' Force;: is struck off .the strength-with effect from .August •i, 1917,*: and is absorbed, into the '■•establishment : with_ his., .original ranlcand seniority therein viz.,.major, 'as from Decembsr 29, i<ll6, vide N.Z. Gazette, No.' 161, .of October 25, 1917.
..-;'-Corps of New v&aland Engineers., • New-Zealand'liailway Battalions (£outh ... ;■ • '■- ■;/■ ••Island);'.'.-. '■■■ - Captaiiyfiamlin 'My.ThiinAs resigns his-commission. ; Dated October 7, 1916,- -•• ' ■■;;•; . s . - •; ,- ■• ■ First..(On-nterburyV Regiment. '.'.: Captain; John.Laws6n : Turnbell. N.Z. Expeditionary -Force, is. struck off \%) strength \vith effect from July'Ur 1917, .and is 'absorbed into the os'wtfmim'ent . with-liis.original .'rank aoA.'Eonio.rity therein, viz., lioutenaiit, as from Aiig\isfc'l9,'l9l3; vide N.Z. Gazette, No. :• 5Q,.0!..the.-Mw'-21, 1914,. ■;', The -following is- substituted Jor tho notice wbiyk appeared in tho N.Z. Gazette, No', 180, -of December 20,1917', rcto :2nd Lieutenant,V(temporary) -Francis -D'-Oyley ..Clears," Unattached List' (b)i—Francis iD'Oyley Mears to be .2nd lieutenant ,(te v mpbrary)V Dated Oc- ? ,tolier.-,16,-tl9l-7. ■: . ... .:...• •'Third- .'(AubKandy Ecgimpnt (Countess : • • 0f,.8-anfttrly!s Own) v . Sergeant John Canning Dovej to lie-. 2nd.--lieuten,ant| .. siipcrnumerary to establishment..' DatedJanuary:7,l9lß. • ■■•' "•'.''Fourth"(Otago) Regirpent. -. ■•' Oopw"n D.udley'Hnrcourt Sheppard ' Buddie/ is transferred'to tho-,Reserve : of Gficers.. Dated"January-8, 1918. '.. Coast Defence Detachment. ■ Company .SergeanUlaJoT, Frederick Stuart North to-be Second Lieutenant. Dated January 8, 1918. ■ ■ . sth (Wellington) Regiment. Cantaiu Bernai<i ■ Russell Lank•sheav, N.Z, Espeditionary Force, is struck off the strength with effect fem August -28;-191?; and is. absorbed 'into \vibh=his original'rank and seniority therein, viz.. Lieutenant as from August 21» 1913, vido ■ : "NZ.' : 'Oa!zette, No. 71, of. September
-.' Caatain Philip Vernori .Hackworth, ' N Z 'Expeditionary Force, is struck ott the,.strength with effect; from February 8, 1918, and is' absorbed' into the • establishment' with .his original rank;and -senioritythcvein, viz.,- lieutenant •as-fronv. June. .1.8, 1017, vide N.Z. Gazette, No, Ho, of July 12, 1917,. .. . V-. Reservo of Officers.- . •' - ; - Captain. Alexander .Mor/is MaeDiarmid N.Z: Expeditionary Force* is. Btrnck off the strength '.witli: effect ■from--December. 23, 1917,. and is absorbed with his original rank, viz., captain. •' - : . ■•■•■•••_.. •...• . ( ■ Lieutenant "William. Varlu.v •. Smith, N.Z. Expeditionary , . Force,- 'is struck off the strength and.absorbed into the .establishment . with, his original rank »n'l seniority; viz., lieutenant, to date : from February 15j 1917. V ..: :13th.(North. Canterbury and Westland) • '• - •"■ - ' ■-:■.• .Regiment-■■ ■'. , ■.-.. . Lieutenant Hyde Horatio Herring ito be captamMiivfef"-/tlfe provisions of .parsgrapii 11.1;' ■ Qejievar ■Reguktions, 1-913. .'Dated'January; 7, .19%". ..: "14th".(South' -Otftgo) Regiment.-. . • T6p : "widei'mentioned second lieut;fnant3 (temporary) to be lieutenants (temporary),' datwl- November 27; 1917:—James ■ Stevens, Thomas Devoneld Pearson, Alexander Francis Duthie. - 16th-(-Waikato) Regiment. Major Alfred Ernest M'Donald, N.Z., Expeditionary Force, 's struck off the strongtli 'with.; effect .from February 8, •l'9lßj- and 'is- absorbed into the/establishment with his original rank/and seniority therein, viz., major, :AS iirom SeptemW-18, 1916, vide N.Z.'Gazette, .No.. 113; .October 5, 1916... ■ ■ ~ v 17th (Rtialiine) ; Regiment. ■' Lieutenant Alfred John-Price, NJ5.' Expeditionary. Force, is (struck off. the ■strength -with-effect from December 5,- ■ 1917, and is-absorbed : irit-o the,- ostab-'. lishmenfc with 1 his original rank and ; seniority therein, viz.',.second lieuten--ant as from September 30,191.2, vide N Z Gazette, No. 81, Ootober3l, 1912. . Captain. Charles John Hollitrd, N.Z.. Expeditionary. Forco, is struck off the. .-.strength .with'effect from.-, February 8, 1918, and is absorber! with his original rank. viz.. captain, vide N.Z. Gazette, ■No. 86, of November 28; 1912. ' New Zealand Rifle Brigade, Earl of Liverpool ,, ! Own. , (Territorial). Second Lieutenant Hugh Cooper Ten.nen't, -N.Z. Exjioditioiiary Force, is struck off the strength .with effect from February 8. 1918. and is absorbed with'his'original'rank and seniority, viz.',, second lieutenant, as from .1 illy 22 1916, vido N;Z. Gazette,..-No. 139, of' December 1.4, 1916. ' ' . . '.-New Zealand Modical Corns. . ■Captain (temporary Licutenant-Col-.oriel): William Diamond, M.8., M:S., CJlas. (Ketired List), ceasos ro-lio.om-ployod as a mnnlier of a special district -Triedirnl bnar'fl on aiTOlint of illlinaltli,;..an(l roliqiijfilios' tlm lomporary rank of lioutonant-coloncl whilst so emolovwl. Dated Jaiuuify I,' 1918: ■•'William 'Frederick Brnw'np, .M'.B., 8.5.-, N.Z.. is-granted tlm temporary rank of"captain. Dated December 15, 1917. New Zealand Dental Corps. The nndnrmentioned tn be lieutenant;S:—'James Andrew'' Brown ; : dated March 15, 191". "William Henry James Poole; dated April 17, 1917. New Zealand Chaplains' Department, j The Row. Christopher. Wilfrid Dun-' ciinib. to be chaplain to the Forces, ■lib Class. Dated January 8, 1917. ."Unattached List (Bj.. .. .J)ajor"Tohn M'Donald Johnsion. N.Z. .Expeditionary- force,-, is struck off the strength with effect-'from October-7. I 1917, and is absorbed with his original [ r/inJc and seniority, viz., captain, as
from Juno ];), 1011, vide N.Z. GastpfctoNo. 68, of August 24, 1911.
Honorary Captain John Ratlfo Smith, N.Z. Expeditionary '.Force, is struck off tho strength with direct fiyim January 6, 1918, and relinquishes bis appointment as■'officer-in-chnrg'.o, Wireless Station, Samoa, and the honorary rank of captain whilst so employed. Dated January 6, 1918.
Lieutenant Eric Francis Joseph j R coves, M.C., N.Z. Expeditionary/ Force is struck off the. strength with, effect from February 8, M'S, and if/, absorbed with his original ■ rank and-' seniority, viz., lieutenant, as from January 30, 1917, vide N.Z. Gazette No. 170, of Novemher 22, 1917.. Lieutenant Thomas Gains Vincent, N.Z. Expeditionary Force, ie struck off the strength with effect from July 11. 1917, and is absorbed with his original ■ rank and seniority, viz., 2nd lieutenant, as from August 81, 1914, vide N.Z. Gazette No. 103, of September 21, ) 1914.
2nd Lieutenant John Coull, N.Z. fe peditionary Force., is struck off tho strength with offect from Januar-v-J), 1918, and is absorbed with his original rank and seniority, viz., 2nd lieutenant as from August 27,1915, vido N.Z. Gazette No. 128, of November 11, 1915.
Lieutenant Harold Charles Pateliett, N.Z. Expeditionary Force, is struck off tho strength with effect from February 9, 1918. and is-absorbed with his : original rank and smiiority, viz.. 2nd lieutenant, as from November. 16. 1911.' vido N.Z. Gazette No. 8, of February 1, 1912. Colour-Sergeant Leonard Charle,s Byers to be 2nd lieutenant. Dated January. 1, 1918. 2nd Lieutenant John Coull resigns his commission. Dated January 10, 1918. "■' " ,
Unattached List (B), General List. Albert Patrick Polkingiiorne is granted -the honorary .rank of captain (temporarily) ' whilst employed _as officcr-in-charge .of wireless station, S-amoa. Dated January 7, 1918. _ Lieutenant Bertie Atho' .",.■'-, N.Z. Expeditionary For. £ Rf ™l B;Jf r 8 ' p,.--ti«.rbed with his ori?pW * m seniority, viz., 2nd lic-u-S'Vm tfiii July 22, 1918, vide No. 78, of July 20, 1916. ■ 2u«i Lieutenant William Russeil, N.Z. Expeditionary Force, is struck off the Strength, with' effect from January 11, 1918, and is', absorbed w : th his original Tank and-seniority, viz., 2nd lieutenant, as from March 27, 1917, vide N.Z. Gazette No. 160, 'of October .4, .1017. The notification ■ "published in the N.?. Gazette, No. 180; of December 20, • 1917, relatinc to 2nd Lieutenant licugIsvs Warren JJussell, N.Z. Expeditionary Force, is cancelled. ■ Memorandum, ■Employment of Officers from Reserve , and Retired , Lists. The following officers of the Reserve nnd Retired lists were called up for duty -with, the regiments set out bcreI under, as from tho dates specified ngainst their names:— Bth South Canterbury Mounted Rifles. Captain Alfred Garland (Retired List),-from March 27, 1916. ■ 10tV- (Nelson) Mounted Rifles. ;. Lieutenant Alexander. James Maclaine (Reserve of Officers), from January 1, 1916; Lieutenant Henry Joseph Stacn (Reserve of Officers), from Janu:nryl, 1910...;. ■ : . : . N.Z; Field Artillery. Captain Henry James Daltry, 1) HM. (Reserve of Om'cers), from 1 August 4, 1914'(now on active service); Captain Norman M'Pherson Duncan (Reserve of Officers), from' February 2, 1915, to October 30, 1917. 2nd (South Canterbury) Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel- Kenneth Macken* zie, D (Reserve of Officers), from January 19, 1916; Major William Henry Fodeh, D (Retired List), from February 15, 1915.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 103, 24 January 1918, Page 9
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1,426TERRITORIAL ARMY Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 103, 24 January 1918, Page 9
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