CANDIDATES QUALIFIED. The following candidates at the i'Junior National Scholarship examinnf tion have qualified for Junior Free ; Places. (Abbreviations for education 'districts: T, Taran'hki; H. 8., Hawke's jfiay; Wa., TPanganui; We., Welling-
ton; N, Nelson). The list is alphabetically arranged:— Addison, Leslie William (N.); Alexander, Florence Beryl (We.); Allan, Colin Barkwith (Wa.); Andrews, Francis John (N.); Andrews, Leslie Albert (T.); Ankotell, Reginald (We.); Auso, Alma Marv (Wa.); Archer, Tom M'Lnren (We.); A reus, Ohvo (We.); Ashcroft, Dudley Walker Astle, Nprnm (We.); Atkinson, Harold Herbert (We.); Afckinsoii v Mary (We.); Austin, Reginald Will (N T .). Banks, Dorothy Constance (Wa.); i Barak, Montefiore (T.); Barker Doug- ' las William Ashley (Wa.); Barker, ■ Marion Susanna (AVe.); Barltrop, Phyllis (Wa.); Barr, John Manson (AVa.); Bn.ttv, Azalea Zealandia (N.); Bnyliss, John (H.B); Vf!"?™' ' Tercv Norman (H. 8.); i, , Raymond 1 Ward (T.); Itenson, Ilosm Alice (H. 8.); Borridge AYill (U; L 1- , lows, Russell Gordon (We.); Black, ' Erie Zelman ? ' ,-,lw, , Emma (H. 8.); Blake Gordon Chaiks (We.); Blake, Rose (Wa.); Bolton, , Herbert (Wc.); Bone George ' Henry (H. 8.); Bowden. Beryl Evelnu , (We); Bowring. Marlowe Reginald 1 (We.); Bramweil, Harold Joseph (Wa.); Brierloy, Reginald (We- , Briggs, Lindsay. H L.), Briufewi, Vera Lena Anne (W a.]l, Uritlawir Walter Edward ' Ccdrie John Charles (Wa.); Richard Michael (H. 8.); Brooke., Harold George Thomas (We.); Brosna- £ MnVv Ali» (H-Bh "rown Faye Edith (H. 8.); Brown Riehaul (AU , Bmcc Margaret Inglis Brim dall, Monica Doris (N.): B,lo!l i n ™' Alien Tmn (H. 8.); Buchanan, Helen Kittv (Wa.); Buchler, Arthur AVi V Bull Gladys Martha (We.), Rurdett. Ethel Edwina (H. 8.); Bum, Janet Eileen (N.); Ja B.SorButler, John James (H. 8.), Buttti field, Dorothy (1U3.). -> r , V id-er Calwell. James Eclmonston M X cUi (We.); Cameron. Hector brahani AlUn (AVe.); Campbell, Colin Millar (H.B.i , Carlson August Colin (Wa.); Cni- > Robert .Tames (Wa.), C . .. . Vivian (We.): Chaplin. uegmaM AX Alfred (H. 8.); Chaplin, "Walter Thomas (AVe.); Cheel; Percv Avtlim m ( „' ! Chrisp. Arnold Dickson _ [ Churchhfiuse. Gladys X lctona ( e.. , Clark, Harold Vernon (AVe.), Ua 01iv° Mav Dorset (XX e.), Clarke Thomas Charles (We.); Cleaver, Hazel May (Wa.); Colhnge, John Brian (H. 8.); Collins. Henry Connor, Melo Eileen. (IO i.Cook, A\ mouth Keith (AVe.); Cooley,, Mary &5 V( Sr^ 1 ); Cowling. Leonard XVilliam (XYe.); Cos, Aulson Fitzgerald (Wa.); Craven, Earle John ConiMle (XX'a,); Cromptonata CWa ) • Crumpton,. Dorothy K-ai g (N.)'; btimmins, John (AAV); ttunvmghani, Lydia Jean (We.); Cnrteis, Mta bel Cliarles Philip (H. 8.): Downes, , AVinifred (T.); Drummond, Ronald, £ge (AVe.) ; Duff, Alice Buchanan j o Ealles, 'Marshall Jack (Wa-),: Kg-1 cers Florence Nita (Wa.); Encksen, | a & (XX'a.)! Erslane, Nelhe (IS Farnuhar, Rov (H. 8.); Farrell, Edna Hazel (We.); Farrell, Inez Mabel (We.); Faull, Gordon Elvms (T.), Field Godfrey Spence (N •); Tiield, KU OliveVj; Kwarf, Basil (H B.); Firth, Violet Alice (XXiO.), ttl ( s;sy{-y (Wa.); Veriion Boy » George (We.); Foley, ? oot P e - » James Grant (\\e.j, Emilv Blizabofeh. Ronald (N.); I'reedman' Cecil X ictor (H. 8.). „ , Gardner, Jack XVe.); Garshhook, Annie Rose (We.); Gernhoef f Qewge Tames (N.); Glenny, Mavis Mna \. -Godfrey, Gwendoline Isobel (T.); 'Goodger, Arthur Clarence Ford (H. 8.); Graham, Linda Huia (N.), Graham, Lindsay Marl" l 3 (H. 8.), Gray, Lillie (We.); Green, John (N.); Green, Myrtlo Esther (H.B-), Griffiths, Eustatius XVilliam Barton (T.); Griffin, Arthur XVilliam (N.), Grintlrod, Olive Marjorio Forman (T.); Grono, Cicily Constance (We.); Grout, Nancye Florenco Aume (r1.1i.). _ Haigh, Henry James XVe.); Haiseldon, Thomas John XVilliam (XVe.), Haisman, Clairo (H. 8.); Halke, Eileen Meredith (Wa.); Hall, Cecil Robert (AA r a.); Hall, Dorothy Male (H. 8.); Hamcrton, Charles Erie (T.); Ilauan, Alfred Josiah Clarke (XX e.); Hand, Hugh Smythe (XVe.); Hansen Dulcie (AVe.); Hansen, Sylvan (H. 8.); Hardin", John XVilliam (XX r c.); Harlmess, Gmce Ellen (T.); Hart, Irvine Alfred
(We.); Hay, AVilliam John (II.R.); Hayward, Alfred (Wa.); Haywood, Kdwai'd Leo (XVe.); Henderson, Bruce ■Raymoro (XVa.); [Jenclerson, Ethel Mary (We.); Henry, Leslie Faithful (11. B.); Henson, John Bruce (T.); Herons, .Duncan MacKellar (We.); Herliiiy, Patrick Joseph Michael (Wa.): Hewlett, Henry Charles (T.); Heycock, Ellen Gough (T.); Hiekling, H.iilierc Henry (U. 8.); Hindinarsh, Margaret Kathleen (N.); Hincs, Albert Henry (AVe.); Hobbs, Albert (AX r e.) Hobin, AVilliam X'ernon fll.B.); llogan, Marguerite (AVe.): Holbertoii, Jessie Margaret (XVe.); Hollis, Kenneth Jackson (We.); Hopkinson, Connie Clare Ruahmo (XVe.)Horner, James Hasley (AX'e.); Hoskins, Dlavis Lillian (W. 8.); Hunter, Ronald (H. 8.); Hnssey, AVinifred May (XVe.) ; Jlyslop, Thomas Gordon (AVe.). Ingrain, Linda Ethel (XVa.); Ivory, Nola Mar.v (XVe.); Jackson, Donald 1 Leslie (H. 8.); Jackson, Ernest Charles (AVe.); Jackson, Mary Eileen (H. 8.); Jacobson, Leonard Clifford (XX r o.); James, Gladys Margaret (AX'e.); Jenkins, Marjorio Phyllis (ATe.); Johnson, Maisie Henrietta (XVe.); Johnston, Edith Agnes (AX 7 o.); Johnston, Mary (H. 8.); Joll, Leono Alexandra. (II.B.); Jones, Norman James Emery (AVe.); Jones, Ronald (AX'e.); Judd, Cccil George (AVe.). Kells, George Jervis (AVn.); Kelly, ilarie Awl (AVe.); Kondall,; Normal Thomas (AVa.); Kennard, Harry Alfred (AVe.); Keogh, Alexander Pntrious (We.); Kerr, James Wilson (H. 8.); Kershaw, John Clifford (Wo.); Key, Beatrice (XVa.); Keys, George Maxwell (XX'a.); Keys, Herbert John (XX r o.); Kidson, Elsa Beatrice ■ (N.); King, X r era Edna (AVe.). LafFan, Roy Joseph (XVe.); Larson, Bernard Lawrenco (H. 8.); Lavelle, William Edward (H. 8.); Lawn, Arthur AX'illiam (!'.); Leach,/ Jack George Charles (AYe.); Lecher, Norman Richard (N.); Leet, Alfred XVa Iter (XVa.); Leighton, William Flollis (XVe.); Leonard, Ivy (AX r a.); Leslie, Joan Alison Amy (AVe.): Letlmby, Olive May Irene (AX'a.); Litchfield, Maris Eileen (H. 8.); Lithgow, John Lancelot (AVa.); Lloyd, Glynne Man3ell (AVa.); Lock, Alfred Edward (N.); Longmore, Keith (AVe.); Luckins, Roy Jeffrey (AVe.); Lys, Bevis, (H. 13.).
Macallan, Guy (H. 8.); M'Cntcheon, Gordon Oliver (H. 8.); Mac Donald, Moira (T.); M'Ewen, Albert AVilliam Alfred (We.); MaeGibbon, James MacDougall (N.); M'lntyre, Nathaniel Herbert (H. 8.); Maciver, Islibal Alice (We.); M'lvor, Urbin Douglas (H. 8.); M'Kenzie, John Marshall (N.); Mackenzie, Mary Isabel (We.); MackenRobert Henry Craig (We.); M'Kenzio, Roderick Allan (We.); M'Kinnon, Angus Hilton (H. 8.); M'Lean, Brian Hugh (Wa.); M'Lean, Edward Kenmure (H. 8.); M'Millan, Bertha (Wa.); M'Millan, David Gervan (T.)j■■ Maeneii, James Ivan (Wa.); M'jficol, Douglas James (H. 8.); Macpherson, Margaret Livingstone (We.) j M'Quillaii; Kathrene Maude (N.). Maden, Rhoda (N.); Malt, Leslie Cyril (N.); Markmann, Noleen Ila (We.); j Jlarriott, Forrest (We.); Marshall, Nellie Alice, (N.); Martin, Lois Grace j (Wc.); Massie, Ernest John (1T.B.); j Meaker, Wilfrid Ernest (We.); j Masters, Charles Ison (We.); Moli huish, Phyllis Edith (We.); Miley, John (Wo.); Mill, Alexander (We.) ; I Miller, Edward Thomas Gordon (We.) ; ; Miller Leslio George (H. 8.); Miller, [ Rona. (Wa.); Mitchell, Eileen (N.); Mitcliell, Frederick Charles (H. 8.); Moffatt, Francis Keith Laird (Wa.); I Montgomery, William John (H. 8.); j Moore, Gladys Geraldine (Wo.); MorI gan, Hilda (We.); Morris, Leo Bolton ! (T.); Morton, Veda Margaret (Wa.); Mullan, Joan (N.): Mumine. Frederick Otto Rudolph (We.). _ Neivcombe, Henry Heal (Wo.); NTew- | ling, Muriel Maxino (H. 8.); Nicliolls, John Christian (T.); Nielsen, Christina. Louisa (H. 8.); Nightingale, AVilliam Henry (N.); Noble, Myrtlo (T.): Norris, Thomas Seton (AA'e.). O'Brien, Leo (AVe.); Oldershaw, Sydney Alfred (N.): Olson, Ada Mary (T.); oivors, Ralph (We.). Parker, Gilbert Edgar (We.); Paterson, Audrey Arbuthnot (AVa.); Patterson, Agnes (AVe.); Pearco, Arthur Fairehild (AVe.); Pearco, AValter (T.); Peattio, Jessie Methven (T.); Pedersen, Harold Taur (H. 8.); Pedorson, Paul Alfred (Wa.); Peek, Charles Edward (AVe.); Phillips, David Charles (T.); Phillips, Thomas (B.); Phillips, William John (B.); Pickard, Mona A r eronica (B.); Pickering, Thelma Grace (B.); Powell, Ella Irene Jessie (AVa.); Powell, Hubert (H. 8.); Prentice', Madge Rfiukura (H. 8.); I'ringle, David Frank (H. 8.).
Radford, Arthur Georgo (Wo.); Ramsbottom, Jack (Wa\); Rankin, Andrew (Wo.); Reed, lola (Wa.); Rhodes, Francos Ma-y (H.B.)j Richards, Arthur Charles (H. 8.); Richardson, Georgo Maxwell (Wa.); Roberts, John Wellington (Wo.); Robertson, Mabel Moana (We.); Robinson, Kathleen Marjory (N.); Rockstrow, Audrey Fredrika (We.); Rollins, Doris Edith (We.); Lynda Toync (WnJ; ; Rowley, Hugh Ogilvio (H. 8.); Rowley, Jessie (Woi); Rowntreo, John Burgess (We.); Russ, Alan Percy (Wa.). Salmon, Kathleen Margaret (We.); Sampson, Evelyn Myrtlo (T.); Samson, Marion Mosley (We.); Sawyers, Claude Herman (N.); Scott, Edward William (We.); Scott, Jack Wilfred (H. 8.): Seber, Frederick Henry (Wo.); Seller, Marjorie Kathleen (We.); Sheelian, Anthony (H. 8.); Sheppard, Olive Mareia, (Wo.); Sim, Gina (H. 8.); Sim, AValter Hownrd_ (H. 8.); Simmers, James Colin Macintosh (H. 8.); Skcon, Gordon (Wa.); Smith, Douglas John Smyth (H. 8.); Smith, Frank Ebling (Wa.); Smith, Frederick William (N.); Smith, Margaret (We.); Smith, Sydney (Wa.); Snell, Edward George (We.); Snelling, William (H. 8.); Sowerby, Ivy Mina (H. 8.); Stanford, Mary Phyllis (T.); Stanuard, Louis (Wa.); Stead, Goraldino (H. 8.); Stodarfc, William Swan (We.); Strand, Ruth (We.); Sfcrombom, Warren (Wa.); Sustius, Alma. Margaret (Wc.); Sutton, Gladys Marjory (N.).
Tanner, Claude Frederick ("We.); Thomas, Ada Rachacl (H. 8.); Thomas, Ivy Winifred (Wa.); Thompson, Holier b Cecil (N.); Thompson. William Miller (AVo.); Thomson, Isabel Alexia (H. 8.); Thomson, Leonard Henry (H. 8.); Thomson, Marjorio M'Lean (AYo.j; Tlnvaites, Vivian Harold (We.) ; Townsend, Jack Edwin (We.); Tregurtha, Elsie (Wa.); Tullodi, John William (Wa.); Tully, Bona, Marjorio (H. 8.); Tnriibull, John (Wa.); Turner, Jlnlcie Deborah (We.); Turvoy, Vera Amy (H .B.JUdy, Joyce Catherine (We.); Underbill, Hubert Thomas (We.). Veale, Walter (H. 8,). Walker, Howard Bernard Grea;snn (Wa.); Wall, Margaret Helen (Wa.); Waters, Gerald Bockstrow (Wa.); Watkinson, Alico (Wa.); Webster, Enid (H. 8.); West, Emily Beryl (T.); White, Edmund John Basil (Wa.); White, Evelyn Mary (T.) ; Whiteford, Dnreen (We.); AA'liitlock, George Frederick (Wa.); "Williams, Pearce Melvin Eddie (H.R.); Williamson, James Edward (H. 8.); Wills, Eric Philp (H. 8.); Wilson, Annis Bracken (T.); Wilson, Eric William (We.); Wilson, Flora Macdonaid (We.); AVilson, Phyllis May (N.); Wilson, Stanley Livingstone (H. 8.) ; Winn, Mnhcl (iST.); "Withers, Archibald liinnie (Wc.); Wood, Bernard Harold (iV.): Wood, Edmund Charles (We.): Wood, Manrieo (T.); Wood, William Stan lev (Wc.); W.vl.ie, William Camphell (H. 8.). Young, Burton Conrad (We.).
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 99, 19 January 1918, Page 9
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1,605JUNIOR FREE PLACES Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 99, 19 January 1918, Page 9
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