CLYDE QUAY SCHOOL. Certificates of Proficiency.—Stanley Apps, James Besant, Rupert Berg, Gordon Brown, Ronald Bull, Grace Baueham, Maud Burnett, Kato Boffa, Albert Caulton, Harry Chawn, Doris Cambell, Louie Craig, Tom Delbridgo, Lionel Donovan, Agnes Daniel, Vennon Fletcher, Margaret Fisher, Edna Farrell, Inez Farrell, William Gamble, Dorothy Gardiner, Harold Guy, Joseph Huston, Arthur Ho|gard, Charles Hoggard, James Hunter, Norinc Hayes, Rita Hands, Rose Hardwick, -Dorothy Hedderwiek, Violet lngerton, Eudalph Kuch, .lack Little, Henry Little, Gerald Low, Waller Marshall, Alfred M'Gregor, Allan Mitchell, Ken. Mitchell, Noel Moss, Keith Millman, Margaret Mnclauriu Nancy Maclaurin, Dorothy M'Farlaue, Edna M'Donald, John Nixon, John Paul, Alei. Patorson, Momce Patkowsky, Janie Post, Mavis Prince, Ngairo Prince, Annie Rogers, Mavis Rogers, Maisie Rowntree, Roland Searle, Rachel Sigall, Hazel Somerville, Thelma Sulivan, Basil Teviodale, John Tait. Ruby Tibbs, Aroara Tait, Muriel Thomas Leonard Ward, Cyril AVhitaker, Cecil Willcox, Donovan Williams, John West, Marjorio Walsh, Olive Walsh, Edward Young. Certificate of Competency.—lrene Aitken, Nellie Bolton, Camuiellia Bolton,' Sarah Benjamin, Regional Carmndy, Gladys Day, Kenneth Easton, Albert Grounsell, Norman Galbraith, Valontino Gini, Norman Greenwood, Ethel Hobbs, Douglas Jenkins, Alex. Kelly, Howard Lambert, Richard Mathew, Leith M'Millan, Brenda Meade, Antony Osborne, William Ralph, Thelma Sales, William Stew, art, Douglas Smith, Gordon Spenco, Clareuce Trengrove, Joseph T'urnbull. BROOKLYN. Following' is tlif=- Brooklyn School's list of successful candidates for Proficiency Certificates:—Rex Marple, Keith Purdie, George Boddy, Claude Elliott, John Kennedy, Carl Kershaw, John Malcolm, William Montgomery, Albert Tonk, Douglas White, Florence Drury, Rita Armstrong, Nora Barrs, Amelia Blake, Maud Clifford, Agnes Cost ley, Isabella Coad, Myro. Collyer, Mary Cowley, Fyvie Dawson, Hilda Deardeu, Doreen Elisor, Louise Freechtting, Holly Frost, Doris Hill, Edna Holcroft, Florence Lark, Jean Mather, Gwen M'Caull, Catherine M'Ljod, Dorothy Newman, Mona Raxwortliy, Vera Schon, Ruth Scott, Doris Seddon, Agnes Semple, Helen Short, Dorothy Simpson. 1910 Certificates endorsed.—Arthur Moar, Doris Cox, Elsie Hill, Winnie Hus. sey. Staudard Vl.—Geo. Carpenter, Arthur Chatfield, 'George Clifford, Fred. Turniss, Jas. M'Ginnity, Leslie Turner, Myrali Hopkinson, Winifred Dormer, May Kounedy.
KARORI. Proficiency Certificates.—Harold Brooker, Ina Caldwell, James Curtis, Grant Forbes, George Foster, Donald M'Gavin, Henry Neivcombo, lan Ninuno, William Nitnmo, Alfred Smith, .Tcan Caldwell, Ina Cooper, Phyllis Dittmer, Kathleen Parqukar, Annis Halliday, Gwendolino Kilminster, Florence M'Callnm, Gladys Moore, Kathleen Salmon, Valerie Simp* son, Evelyn Wallwork. Competency Certificates—Dorothy Ferguson, Vera Sutton. Attendance Certificates—Standard VI: Grant Forbes, Henry Newcombe, Alfred Smith, William Nimmo, Jean Caldwell, Ina Cooper, Mary Griffin, Annis Haliday, Gladys Moore, Kathleen Salmon, Evelyn Wallwork. _ Standard V: Fraser Shortt, Alister Tait, Dora Ash, Eileen Burne, Ivy Channan, • Hilda Crawford, Teresa Hobbs, Monica M'Kenzie, Gwendoline Robinson. Standard IV: Robert Caughley, Alec. Forbes, Daniel Gregg, Ronald M'Donalct, Bupiiomia Hilston, Nellie Mitchell, Edith Baker, Henry Turner. Standard III: Albert Dyer, William Hearfield, James Hilston, John Jacobson, John M'Douald, Arthur Wildermoth, Austin Radclift'e, Violet Bennett, Elsie Brown, Rose Whithair, Lorna Dodd. Standard II: Thomas Brookor, John Costall, Cyril Gibson, Geoffrey Gilbert, Park Gregg, Phyllis B'enn, Miri Bianche, Lily Dean, Phyllis Goodhi, Katie Griffin, Lilian Hinchliffe, Enid M'Kenzie, liita Mitchell, Evelyn Shotter, Jlolly Lonrie. Standard I: Bert. Goodin, Barry Smith, lan M'Gavin, Robert Hilston, Sadie Gibson. Primary: S#u Dyer, Stuart MDonald, Jnmcs Whithair, Alice Doan. Gladys Fuglnnann, Betty Fugle, Edie Hearfield, Frank Newcombe, Percy Adams, Eric Adams, Georgo Becknall, Jessie Fugle, Winston Turner.
, MARANUI, The closing ceromony for the Christmas - vacation took tho form of a series of children's concerts—the first for llio pupils, tho second for parents. At the latter function tho chairman of tho School Coinmitteo (Mi\ F. Evans) presented medals and certificates as follow. Dux of School—Gordon Blako, winner of gold medal presented by a friend of the school. Swimming Championship— Harold Couzens, winner of gold medal presented by N.Z.A.S.A. Proficiency Certificates—Standard VI ; Gordon Blake, John Boyd, Martin Benfell, Nat. Bonfell, Jolm Bell, Lionel Easson, Benjamin Edginton, Herbert Fryer, George Goodsell, Ceoil Graham,
Alfred Lucas, Ronald M'Gregor, Kcimoth Millar, Archibald Morns, Ihomas Nov.lands, Leslie Smaller, irauoio Sullivan, Nelson button, Edgar Ward, Benjamin Williamson, Kathleen Critehley, I n. Hare, Annie Lang, Irene Lnwtoii, h hbal Maciver, Lily Whisker, Winii"; baiter, Yvonne Sinclair, Dorpthy Smith, lnna Certificates. -Standard VI: Neville Brewer, George Ldginlon, Walter Hollings, Neil kuiitart, Colm Milne, Esma Mawhinney, Ellen Robeitson, Tlielma Taaker, Neville Brcner, ana George Edginton were awarded Jmdorsod Certificates," with special merit in handwork and the elementary science, •entitling tliein to Free Places at tuo Technical School. Attendance Certificates.—Standard Vi: Gordon Blake, James Boyd, Neville Brewer, Lionel Easson, Beu. Edginton, George Edginton Herbert Goodsell, Alfred Lucas, Ronald M Cxugo , Kenneth Millar, Archibald Morns, Nel6ou Sutton, Annis Lang. Ishbal Maciver, Dorothy Smith, Lily Whisker. Standard V: Harold. Cousins, ilornington Smyth, Leslie* Potter Ormund Dormer, James Gilbert, Roy Purdoy, Jack Telford, Bertram M"?, I ''.. M'lnnes, Samuel Bowden, Robsit Ciaig, Agnes M'Clintoek, Phyllis Robertson, Florence 13aker, Edifcli Harlow, Jlclcu East, Leonie Sutton. . Standard IV: Lionel Bowden, Ernest Chadwick, William Corlcy William Grieve, Ralph Hogg, Neil Hutchings, William Johnson, Edgar M Lachlan, John Townson, Elk Bid, Tlielma Crockett, Beryl Fairway, lsobel Lithgow, Doris Sawtell. , , Standard III: Norman Abethardt, Edward Biel, Clarence Boyd, Frank Brewer, Horace Cairns, William Dormor, Joseph Gilbert, Androw Maciver, George M Ivenzie, Vernon Rankine, Lisle Tonks, Keith. Webster, Norah Ardrey, Freda Bakor, Rona Brewer, Ethel Crockett, Gladys Hall, Edith Lang, Isofcel M Gregor, Githa Richardson, Robina Williamson. Standard II: Ashley Ardrey, Frank Costin, Harold Edmonds, l'avid Lyon, Arthur Meier, William Millar, John M'lnnes, lan Nicolson, Maurice 0 Kane, Dudley Perkis, Lawrence Roberts, Reginald Scott, George Scott, .Ewart Emus, Ruby' Hall, Nellie Johnstone, Limio M'Clintxick, Mavis M'Whannel, Muriel 'M'Lachlan, Tlielma Neilson, Lena Taylor, Ethol Tamplin, Gladys Meier. Standard I: Victor Hutching, James Lyon, Edward Harlow, Mary Dormer, Frances Hazlewood, FJlsie Nidson. Preparatory Classes: Gladys Cook, John Levestam, Pearl Hazlewood, Joseph Bennett, Graco Stanford, James Locheao, Reno Oughlon, Oswald Death, Frank M'lnnes—a total of 107 who have rot been absent more than two days and a half.
ST. CATHERINE'S, NEWTOWN. The following is the prize list of St. Catherina's School, Newtown:— Senioi'6.—Class I: General progress and map, Mona Taylor. Class II: English, Marjorie Black, 1. Class III: English, term and year, Thelnia Harris, 1; Noel Hill, 2. Class II: Arithmetic, term and year, Marjorio Black, 1. Class III: Arithmetic, term, Norah Kellow, 1; Olive Goodall 2; year, Olive Goodall, 1; Norah Kellow, 2. Division I: Recitrftion, Nellie Amies, 1. Division II: Recitation, Aldyth Black, 1; Olive Goodall, 2. Classes 1 and 2: Best examinations, Nellie Amiss, 1. Class 3: Best examinations, Noel Hill, 1. Composition.—Division 1: Nollio Amies. Division II: Aldytri Black, 1; Noel Hill, 2. Copy-Class III: AJdyth Black, 1; Olive Goodall, 2. Freuch.—Class I: Mona Taylor, 1. Class II: Marion Kowden, 2. Maps.-Class I: Mona Taylor, 1. Class II: Manom Black, 1. Class III ; : Olive Goodall, 1. Juniors.—Class I: Arithmetic and Englis'h, iierm and year, Feo Smith, 1; Eosalind Dillon, 2. I'otry and Exnimnationg, Ursula Burjjoss, 1. General improvement: Olpa Gilberd and Harold Lwon, Class II: English and Arithmetic term and vear, Marjorie Wills, 1; Kathleen Loney, 2. Best examinations: Bonnie Flannagan, 1. Arithmetic, term and examination: Trevor Lyon, 2. Arithmetic examination: Harold 'l'.iplin, 1. Recitation: Mavis Burgess. 1. Class In: English, term and year, Maxßoslier, 1. Be6t examinations: Jim Gilbert!, 1. Scripture and Recitation: Janet Lewis, 1. Writing: Eva Crnddoek, 1. General improvement: Muriel Stuart . Class lb: .Arithmetic and English, term and year, Edwina Varo, 1. Arithmetic: Best examination: Jlarjorie Young. 1. Writing: Clive Cooper. 1. Arithmetic, tern: Trevor Lyon, 2. General improvement: Maynard Tompson and Dorothy Anderson. HUTT DISTRICT. The following pupils of Die ITutt District High School won proficiency certificates:—James Austin, Jack Andrews, Norman Brown, Albeit; Berry, William Carter, Jack Exley, Gordon Forsyth, Hector Fleet, Clair Gunn, Walter Ilutton, Felix MurpTiy, Major Mason, Stanley Maicndie, John M'Lachlan, Svdney Potts, Fred Reynolds, John Richardson, Gordon Richardson, Forbes Tnylor, Roy Waite, Rana Wagg, Donald Meldrum, Bernard Whitlow, Elsie Burn, Agnes Butler, Jeanotte Cross, Roslyn Callander, Edna Cunningham, Grace Doran, Tui Dyer, D-slcie Johnson. Myra Murray, Nora Kingdon, Eva Slinn, Vera Warnnngton, Ella Wright, May Wilson, Wengilal, Elsie Watson. PETONE WEST. Dux of school and silver medal, Weymouth Keith Cook. Proficiency.—Victor Bertram, Alan Blakeley, Seymour Bell, Leslie Bradley Keith Cook, Raymond Carter, John Craig, Lennox Clark, Roy Dixon, Charles Dicken, Robert Elder, Eric Edwards, Rayuer Goddard, Cyril Goddard, Frederick Jones, Ernest Jones, James Kerr, Alexander Mill ward, Carlyle Rodger, Robert Simons, Frederick Sheppard, William Simpson, Reginald Urcn, Harold Woodhead, William Wilson. Beatrice Andrews, May Andrew, Euphemia Clark, Marion Crooks, Nellie Carter, Nancy Craig, '-Mma Davis, Mina Davie, Marjory Putter, Irene Gardner, Daisy Horne, Myrtle Hunter, Mabel Jollands, Agnes Lacey, Ruby Philp Grace Parrant, Jessie ltowley, Evelyn Stubbs, Joan Withington, Mny Wellington. . . . Competency.—Frederick Brace, John Humphrey, Susan Aitchison, E* elyn Johnson, Ruby Miller, Vena Mateon, Anno Mason, Mary Police, Cora Scott. Attendance Certificates.-Keith took, Victor Bertram. Seymour Bell, < Jiarles Dickens Eayner Goddard, Cyril Goddard, James Kerr, Carlyle Rodger, Frederick Shepliard, May Andrew, Marion Ciooks, Agnes Lacey, Ruby Miller, James Cr oks, George Spence, Stacy Hutchinson, Reginald Prebble, Andrew Hanulton, A be t Clmdleigh, Terence Evans, Water "inch, Archibald Barber John Hamilton, Alexander Macfarlane, Robert Tovey, Madeline Stupples, Elsie Parrant, Ivy Andrew, Riti Adshead, Alice Price, Fergus Mncfarlant Ronald Parker.Norman Lawrence Robert Kerr, William MGouan, May Dickens, Dulcie \ichplls. Inl "S Rodger, Agnes Spence, Doris roomath, Jean Vicars, Maurice Chevins, Alan Collin Gordon D'Arth. Ernest Elder, Edgar Andrew, WaiJ ■ _ -p o^„ei . ( Leslie AnstaA"' Cranston Barnelt ' Mabel Parrant.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 74, 20 December 1917, Page 5
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1,541SCHOOLS BREAKING UP Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 74, 20 December 1917, Page 5
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