(fit liIOQSN.)
Miramar Red Cross Workers. ! The Miramar Red Cross Guild work- | cfs spent a pleasant social eevning at "Lyndhurst," Park Road, Miramar, on Saturday to'celebrate the close of a very successful season and to further tnark their appreciation of the services of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Robertshaw, whose assistance in placing the Miramar bakery at thoir disposal on the special baking days, and in otherwise helping the Red Cross movement, had materially strengthened the guild funds, enabling the workers to supply a greater number of cakes, etc., for the Red Cross shop on the days the Miramar ladies took charge of tho sales. A musical programme, with competitions and a presentation, added to the interests of the proceedings, songs, recitations, and musical items, etc., being contributed by Miss R. James, Mesdames East, Moon, Rountree, and Mr. Redsliaw; recitations by Mrs. Gerrie and Mr. Moon; and musical items by the Misses James and Mrs. East and Mr. Frank Barker. The competition—one of huried words representing all the ingredients, etc., required in making cakes—was won by Mrs. Moon, who received a cookery book as a prize. In presenting Mr. Robertshaw with a framed photograph of the Miramar Flat, taken from the Seatoun Heights, Mrs. W. W. Rountree (the guild secretary) said that, by tho introduction of the special cooking days at the bakery which Mr. Robertshaw had placed at their disposal, they had, although only a poor community, been able to increase their takings first from £6 to £16, and then to £30, the extra cooking facilities placed at their disposal and the introduction of the cooking "bees" having placod them on a much bettor footing, for which they had to thank Mr. and Mrs. Robertshaw. They therefore desired to show their appreciation of the special help received, and tlie photograph had been inscribed as a memento of the pleasant days spent by the members of the guild with their friends in this way. Mr. Robertshaw suitably responded, the proceedings closing with a vote of thanks to Mrs. James for placing her bouso at the disposal of the guild for tlio evening, refreshments being served before the oompan.v separated. Mr. P. Townsend, Mayor of Miramar, sent an apology for his inability to attend' t'je function, mid promised to provide the ham for tho Christmas hamper which is to form one of the prizes for an art union the guild intends holding, subject to the approval of the Minister of Internal Affairs, in aid of tho Red Cross shop, as the final effort of tho year.
Nun's Diamond Jubilee. Tho diamond jubilco of Mother Mary Camillas, of the Order of the Sisters of Mercy, was celebrated at St. Mary's Couvont, Ponsonby, Auckland, on Friday. Mother Camillas entered the Order as a novice at Carlow, Ireland, as n young girl in 1855. She came to Auckland shortly afterwards, and took her vows as a professed nun of the Order on November 22, 1857. Some time later she established a branch of the Order in Wellington in conjunction with tlio latoi Mother Bernard, who had spent two years at the Military Hospital at Scutari during the Crimean War. After the work in Wellington had been soundly established, Mother Bernard and Mother Camillas returned lo Auckland. Motlior Camillas has been connected with the work of the Sisters of Mercy in Auckland ever since. She received a largo number of gifts and messages of congratulation on the attainment of her diamond jubileo. There was a large gathering of tlie members of the Order and friends, and Mass wrb colebrated at the convent by Bishop Cleary.
Contributions from the following have been received at the Red Cross Depot in Merccr Street: —Miss Greenwood, Patriotic League, Foxton, Takapan, H. 8., Qreymouth branch, Napier Red Cross Workers, Mrs. Clapham, Mrs. Crowther, Levin and District Patriotio Society, Miramar lied Cross Guild, Y.M.C.A., officer in charge G.P.O.- garage, Mrs. Mestayer.
The following is one of the many letters which nave been received by tho Mayoress (Mrs. J. P. Luke) from soldiers in France, acknowledg : ng the receipts of gift parcels, and expressing appreciation for what was sent and the thought that directed the gifts:—"On behalf of members of No. 4 Company, N.Z.A.S.C., allow me to sincerely thank you for the gift we received to' day. The thoughtfulness, time, and money required to dispatch those to the fighting forces of New Zealand is very fully appreciated by all of us, and these linlcs with home make redletter days for the troops, and act as encouragement to continuaiio besiwcosb* ful conclusion the mission on which they left New Zealand."
Contributions to tlie Monthly Parcel Fund, also for the Christmas parcels, havo been received by the lion, secretary of the Countess of Liverpool Fund from the following Messrs. Lewis and Cameron, 17s. Cd.j Wellington Free Kindergarten Association, refund for box, 'Is. Gd.; Manaia Patriotic and Red Cross Society,' for parcels, £5; Rata-iti School, Halcombe, £1; Eastbouruo Countess of ■ Liverpool Fund, £6, also for French repatriees, £3; Mrs. Hay, Karori, 10s.; Woodville Ladies' Patriotic Committee, per Mr. R. Stovenson, £20; collected by Mrs. Purely for French Repatriees' Fund, £6 25.; Giris' Red Cross, Bulls, for parcels, £1; Ohakuno Junction, parcels, £1 55.; Raetihi (rnrcels), £3; Petone Salvation Army," £2; Hiss Stuart-Forbes, Lower Hutt, £1 9s. 2d.; Dannevirke Patriotic League, £8 18s.; Otaki (parcels), £6; Patea (for parcols), £4; Levin Patriotio Society, for French Fund, £10; Hunterville (for parcels), £3; Ohakune Women's Patriotic League (for parcels), £6; Mrs. A. Hamorton (for French Fund), £2 25.; per Mrs. Luke, Ruawhata School (Christmas parcels), 55.; Hastings (for Christmas puddinge). £43 155.; Bulls Red Cross Society (for parcels). £2; collected by Mrs. Cramp for Christmas Puddings Fund, £1 16s.
Auckland "Our Day" Funds. A remittance of £20,000 iu connection with the "Our Day" Red Cross appeal in Auckland will be sent to England almost immediately (states the "Herald"). This fact ivas announced at a meeting of the local Joint Committeo of the British Red Cross and the Order of St. John held on FYiday. The remittance will bo composed of £10,000, representing contributions in connection with the "Our Day" appeal and the ordinary revenue for the month of October, and the £10,000 received from the Citizens' Committee. Half tlio remittance will bo placed at the disposal of the British Red Cross Society and tlie other £10,000 will be allocated through the tsame society to the Eed Cross institutions of tlie Allied countries in proportions yet to be determined.
Mrs. Boden, lion, secretary of the Crippled Soldiers' and Sailors' Hostel Committee, acknowledges the sum of twelve guineas from Miss Crab tree, of Brooklyn, as the result of a garden fete held in her grounds. Tlio money has been banked and ear-marked for the Brooklyn room or ward in the new hostel, for which other moneys have been raised by the ladies of that suburb.
In order to recognise the work of their ladies for the Bowlers' Stall,'on November 30, the members of the Thorndon Bowling Club are making Saturday next a "ladies' day," t-o which all contributors, workers, and their lady friends are cordially invited. There will be much going on to amuse and interest the ladies. Afternoon tea, a band, and the beautiful surroundings will lend a charm to the scene. Mrs. .Ti. J. Collins and her committee will be at the pavilion on Thursday aftornoon to rcceive the cakes, etc., so kindly promised.
It is important that ladies should know tho difference between Svdal and "face cream." Sydal is au emollient to bo rubbed into tho skin. It makes tho hands, neck, and arms soft and white; it is not a greasy cream, but a soothing, fragrant jelly. A 2s. jar lasts three months. Get some from tho chemist or store.—Advt.
Eastbourne E/cial Club. There was a largo attendance of members at tho monthly gathering of the Eastbourne Social Club 011 Saturday evening. Mr. 11. A. Reeve occupied the chair. A novelty in the Bhapo of a "ballot programme" was held, each member's name being plaocd in a ballot-box, and those drawn being called upon to contribute an item or pay a fine. By this means quite a lot of latent talent was discovered. The following ''reservists" answered to the call: —Mesdames Carte, Reeve, Downs, 11, Wise, Stephen, and Marquis, Misses Cook and Nixon, Messrs. Shand, Aislabie, Bennett, Marquis, Downs, Stephen, Reeve, M'Donald, and Probert, jun. The orchestra, under the leadership of Sir. S. Cimino, also contributed two delightful items. Mrs. W. M'Donald acted as accompanist. An Appeal for the N.Z. Volunteer Nursing Sisterhood. An appeal has been issued by the honorary secretary (Mrs. A. Crawford) of the Mayoress's Countess of Liverpool Fund Society for funds with which to provide the New Zealand Voluntary Nursing Sisterhood with a greatly needed holiday. Sinoe 1915 these members of tho Nursing Sisterhood have been working strenuously in the most trying conditions,- of which climate was not the worst, for the benefit of tho soldiers of New Zealand. Officcre who have seen their work in Egypt havo spoken most hiehlv of it, and have considered that the people in New Zealand owe a very great debt : to these women for the splendid self-sacrificing work they have done for our soldiers. Not even the desert has deterred them from their work of looking ate the soldiers' welfare, and in the most terrible heat they have cooked, started clubs, and done all manner of work, so that the men might be cheered and helped in all the ways in which women can help. The sum of £300 is needed to give them this holiday to the north of Egypt, and it is considered by those who are personally in touch with their work that a breakdown iB imminent unless they have a. rest. To have been working continuously _ from 1915 onward in such conditions has beon enough to try tho strongest of physiques. If eacli district can provide £75 each, sufficient money _ will be raised to give the volunteer sisters this holiday.
The very thoughtful scheme for providing a Rest Club for Women _in Stratford has been under consideration for some time, and has now so far advanced that central premises have been secured owing to tlie kindness of Dr. T. L. Paget, and a portion of the furniture required has been donated, states a Taranaki exchange. The idea is that on Tuesdays and Saturdays (Stratford's principal market days) many women from the country come into town and —especially mothers with young children—would greatly welcome a comfortable rest place, where they might wait after shopping or leave parcels during the day. Tho proposal is not to provide any refreshments, oxcept hot water for preparing infants' food, but that there will bo magazines and papers. Of courso tho scheme is in its experimental stages, so far as Stratford is concorncd, though similar clubs have been highly successful in many other New Zoaland towns.
The committee of tho Returned Soldiers' and Sailors' iiostel acknowledges with thanks tho following gifts and donations:—Mrs. Oswald Johnston,. 61 useful articles of furniture, chutney, marmalade, and pot plants; Hutt Patriotic Guild, £3 monthly; Merlyn Social Club. £2; Mrs. Dewhurst (Berhainpore), cakes; "A Friond," picklcd onions; Mrs. Charters, Lyall Bay, Bovlil (monthly); Newtown School children, per Miss Hayes, flowers; British Empire Trading Co., cigarette tobacco. "Our Day" appeal at Featherston resulted in a net total of £513 4s. 4d. being raised for the patriotio purpose in view. The bottle campaign realised £20 os. -sd. All parts of the district assisted-in obtaining the.vory satisfactory result indicated, and this without any heavy call upon individual members of the community.
Holders of subscribers' blue tickets are reminded of the weekly dance to be held at the Sydney Street Soldiers' Club on Wednesday.
The Palmerston North Countess of Liverpool Fund organisation baa forwarded to Wellington the sum of £300 for the French Hospital Fund. For the same object Mrs. Ptirdy has collect, ed the following amounts Mrs. V. Iliddiford, £4; Mrs. Ellis, £1 is.; Mrs. Gear, £5; Mrs. G. Pearce, £2 : Mrs. D. Ewen, £2 25.; Mrs. Brown, £5; General Henderson, £1; Mrs. K. Iliddiford, £2 2s. From Levin md Eketabuna liavo been received £10 each.
Some very enjoyable games of. croquet were played last week between the Seatoun and,the Kelburn Croquet Clubs, resulting in three wins for Kelburn and one for Seatoun. Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Futter (Kelburn) beat Mrs Magill and Mrs. Stone (Seatour.): Mrs. Rigg and Mrs'. Frost 'Kelbuin} beat Mrs. Crichley and Mrs. Berry (Seatoun); Mrs. Fair and Mrs. Remington (Kelburn) beat Mrs. M'Girr and Mrs. Shannon (Seatoun'); Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Kircher (Seatoun) beat Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Christie (Kelburn).
Dr. Alice Moreland (Christchuroh), sister of Colonel Moorhouse, has returned via. America from a visit to England.
Mrs. Herbert is visiting Christchurch.
Miss Stella Aston is visiting Christchurch and is staying with Mrs. Philip Whatman, New Brighton. Yon can treat your own hair in your own homes. No occasion to go to the expense of coming iuto the (ity. Ton can grow hair if you but follow out the instructions and use the preparations dnilv sent out by Miss Milsom. If you call you ore taught and shown how to use. Tf yon write you buve the fullest a.nd yet simplest instructions. Miss Milsorn recommends her preparations for nil. including those with good hair. Complete outfits for dry and perished, greasy and rancid, prey and faded, ami falling liair. Advice gratis as to treatment of the scalp, which alone is Hie true cause of all hair ailments. Guaranteed the very latest designs in Switches. Transformations, Toupees, Pads. Wigs, Cap Nets, etc. Combings made nn to order. All skin preparations. Clipping, Shampooing, delightful Face Treatment, Manicuring. Miss Milsorn, 91 Willis Street, opposite Sliortt's Pichre Theatre. Tel. BU— Advt.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 54, 27 November 1917, Page 2
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2,309WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 54, 27 November 1917, Page 2
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