'j (Bt IMOGEN.)
Wedding in St. Mary of the Angels. Tho wedding took place , in St. Alary of tiie Angels Church, Buuleott Street, on Saturday morning, of Lieutenant .1. JJ. Sheldon, Royal -N'.Z. Artillery, eldest sou of Mr* and Mvs. J. C. Sheldon, of Mount Soin'ers, Canterbury, lo .Miss Mary £. (Molly) Davis, eldest daughter ot Ciiptain T. J. Davis, of Nairn Street, Wellington. Tho Kev, Father Yenning performed the ceremony. Tho bride, who i was given awajl by her father,.was attended by her sister, Miss 'Flossie Davis, as bridesmaid, whilo Corporal Thomas Dans, a returned soldier and brother ol' tho Bnde, was best man. Lieutenant Sheldon is stationed' in Wellington at present. ■ In Aid of the Crippled Soldiers' Hostel. On Saturday evening a "social" and dance, organised by tho Berhainporc branch of tho W.N.R., was held in the Concoi't Chamber of tho Town Hall for the benefit of iho Crippled Soldiers' Hostel at Thorn was a largo attendance pf returned soldiers,, soldiers from the camps, and members of tho reserve and their friends. Tho chamber bad been very effectively decorated with red, white, and blue drapery in the form of a canopy, and on the stage woreislands of arums and scarlet geraniums, in keeping with iijo, general scliemo of the decorations, lor whicn tho Economic was responsible, i Miss Ewart had carried out ihe flflSfil arrangements.' Songs, recitations, and fancy dances wero sandwiched in between the dances, Mrs. Hondcrson and Mr. Buckeridgo contributing , songs, Miss Rita Magce reciting by 'special request an appeal for funds, and little Miss Betty Menard and Miss Molly, Madden dancing 6ome solo dances. Mr. Williams's orchestra provided excellent music for the dancing, which was entered into with much enthusiasm by those present. The committee responsible for the arrangements comprised the followingMesdame's Watt (president of the Berhampore branch), Marris, Monro, Gleed, Jolley, Allen, and M'Cartie,_ Mrs. M'Cartie also made all arrangements for tho programmes and for the music. An excellent business was done in ice-creams, of which Mrs. M'Whirter .and Miss M'Whirter were in charge. Sweets were sold by some of Mrs. Menard s dancing pupils, and altogether as a result of the evening the committee hope to realise a very satisfactory amount for the hostel. "The arrangements for supper were in 1 tho hands of the committee, and about 12 o'clock specially arranged cars took residents of Island Bay and Karon back to their homes. * Children's Sale ,of Work. On Saturday afternoon a children's sale of work was held in the schoolroom of St. Michael's and All Angels Church, Kelburn, in aid of tho Baptistry 1 imd of life new church building. The bazaar had been entirely organised by the children of the Sunday School with the assistance or their teachers, and tho Kev. Air. Payne performed tho opening ceremony. A large marquee had been erected outside in wiiich alternoou tea was obtainable, a b£sil for produce also having a place filere. All 'the other stalls-flowers, sweets,, etc.—were inside the schoolroom. A feature of the sale- was an arts and era7B stall, and in this connection prizes were offered for the best articles made out of material ordinarily looked upon as being of no utility. 'Ihe prize-win-ners wero (for boys): Arthur■ Haywood 1, Roy Wright 2, and Elgar Brav (consolation prize). I'or the gir\s u doll-dressing competition had been arranged, the wingers Tilling: Huia Doherty 1, Mamrj Webb 2. Thero was a good attendance of adults and children, and excellent business appeared to be transacted. In the evening a. children s concert was given. ; 1 ; Sailors' 'Day.- ' Gifts of produce of ail kinds, wofck, etc., will be very gladly received by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Savy League tor their stall on Sailors Day, November 16: All such gifts should'bo left at Messrs. Harcourt's rooms on Thursday, November 15. It should not bo necessary to remind people in this country of the great debt which wo owo to the men of the Navy, but as its work is so silent and so unostontatious, also so sure, we are rather apt to take it as ono of the sure and certain things of life that work automatically instead of being a purely human ngency with needs that urgently require to be met in a/ similar way to those of the Army. •
Canon Cumn-Siggers,. vicar of St. Matthew's, Duuedin, was mamed on Thursday to Hiss* iixlytli younger sister of Sir. Charles L. Hertslet who was formerly at tlie Pacific Cable Board's Doubtless Bay station, and at ono time superintendent of the station at Fanning Island.
The sum realised from. St. Petoi's Church bazaar: was .approximately 41220.
The Miramar' Sewing Guild and tho New. Zealand Natives' Association were able to band in JHS from their efforts at tho Wellington Bed Cross Shop on Friday. The stalls were well loaded with produce, and the home-made cake stall was a show in itself. There were many Christmas cakes, and before the afternoon came everything was sold out. There was a particularly " fine show of flowers, and this stall as usual did well. Many kind friends are sending beautiful roses for Miss Cooper and Miss Moss at tho present time, and these ladies desire to express their thanks and appreciation. On Tuesday last Mrs. Best, from Wadestown, provided the shop with homemade cakes,, which found' a ready sale,/and brought in a nice little sum. The committee of the shop feel most grateful for all efforts (o help tho fund for our Sick and Wounded Soldiers. Tho proceeds from the shop are now being banked for ..out' returned Sick and AVounded Soldiers. Mrs. Bacchus and Mrs. Magill will be in charge of tho Woodward Street lied Cross Shop on Wednesday, and will have a good supply 'of home-made cakes, 'sweets, etc. Miss I'aram, visiting nnrse of flic Wellington branch of the New, Zealand Trained Nurses' Association, has returned from Kngland- to the Nurses' Club, Kensington Street; Tho doath occurred at her residence, Laery Street, Lower Hutl, on Saturday of Mrs. Hannah Hoggcr, wife of Mr. W. H. Haggcr, Conciliation Commissioner. Mrs. Hngeur had been unwell for some time, but tier death was unexpected. Tito deceased lady was horn in Lngland, 57 years ago, and leaves, besides ber Imsband.aadaughter and a sisterat Soddon. Mr.* Hugger was in Nelson on business at the tim<S of his wife's death.
■ANSWERS TO COKIUiSPONIJENTS. t ßy Arrangement with Mm. . Rol'gsloii, Hair Physician and Face SiJi-cialist. Qualified London, Paris, awl Amur*fca.] "NX"— l Once » month or every si* weeks the hair should be shampooed; this should not, unless for exceptional reasons, be done oftenor, as .'aily b'ushinjf will keep t.ho scalp quite clean,. Uso Culvo Shampoo Powdfcrs, Gd. cncli, 56, doz. . "il.K.T."—Psoriasis is a skin affection. Although difficult to cure when chronic, yields To treatment in the earlier stages. If you forward your address J will writo you fully and advise you of (lie- best means of treatment. Consultation and advice gratis. , < , . Private rooms For hair treatment, ince massage, electrolysis, shampoaing, hairdressing,, and manicuring. linirworlc of .every (leflcriptif.il. Best minlily English hair.used. Mrs] Tiolloston, '250 Lambton Quay.— Advt.
A Brcaking-Up Coromony. On Saturday afternoon the "breakingup" of Miss Nesta. Carwell Cooke's (lancing classes was.Jield in the Concert Chamber of the Town Hall, tho resulting proceeds to bo handed over to the Wadestown branch of Ihe W.N.R. for their day at tho Wellington Red Cross Shop. H»r Excellency the Countess of Liverpool was present, and Mrs. A. lv. Atkinson presided. The chamber had ' been effectively decorated by the Economic, and tho stage arranged with bowls and stands of arum lilies and scarlet geraniums by Miss Ewart. The proceedings opened with a grand march, performed by all the children, after warcn they stood at attention whilo Mrs. Atkinson read tho report of the year's work, in which tho following ohildren wore specially mentioned for progress: Vora Nesbit (Northland class), Mavis Tolan (Saturday morning class); Marjorio Curtis (Wadestown class); Phyllis Tanner (Hataitai class), Biilio Gor/ler (Kelburn); in the Lyall Bay class (all small children) they were of equal inorit. For the. prize given by Miss Carwell Cooke (for the greatest progross) two children,. JJavis Tolan (of tho Saturday morning class) and Vera Nesbit (Northland) tied. Following the reading of tho report tho children joined in a ballet. Miss Cnrwell Cooko danced a difficult too dance, "The Blno Bird," followed by another bolo, "Ecstasy," as an encore. A dance railitaire was performed by children of tho Hataitai class, tho boys being dressed in khaki and the girls in prettycoloured frocks, and a two-step whs danced by all the children. Miss Agaire Phipson gave a pretty "Valeo Caprice, and a minuet was given by a number of very tiny children, the youngest of .which was not more than three yoars of age, and the oldest not more; than fire. Northland children danced a Russian peasant dance, and a polka by all the cla6sesand a Swedish, jig followed. During an interval, afternoon tea was handed around, Miss Cooke providing for the children, and tho Wadestown branch of tho W.N.R. entertaining the grown-up members of the audience, Mrs. Stewart being in charge. Taking part m the remainder of the programme wero i representatives from all the classes in the Lancers, six sots boing formed, in which tho children did well; a dance of flowers and sprites was given by some of the older children from these classes, and an Irish jig by some of the older girls. A galop and a waltg were nmong the other dances by the combined -'.classes, and Miss Cooke gavo a very charming Dutch dance in character. Skipping exercises followed, and another solo was a Highland fling by Vida Brodie. A scan dance was given by tho Wadestown cinss; Mavis Tolan danced as a wood nymph; a. .dance from "Coppelia was given by the Kelburn children, and another, lied, White, and Blue," with . Miss Ngaire Phipson as soloist, was given by the Northland I class. . At the close of the afternoon Her Excellency the Countess of Liverpool, on behalf of all tho children, presented Miss Cooke with a wr stlet watch, and' expressed her pleasure aUitnessing the performances that wternoon. Mrs. Willis (president of the Wadestown branch) also thanked Wisa Cooke for the pleasant and interesting /afternoon, which they bad all enjoyed. Stalls for sweets, flowers, and cakes wero in charge of the following:-!lowers, Miss Ewart, Mrs. Godtsclialk, Mrs. Curtis; ' Mrs. Best; sweets, Mis. Johns, Miss Gannaway, and Miss Hubbard.
The sun is now much stronger. (low about hats for your little boys. Boaters, 3s; lid. to 6s. (Id.; Man-o-war, 3s lid. to 6s. Ltd. Panama shape straws, is. bu. to 7s. 03. Geo. Fowlds, Ltd., Manners Street—Advt.
Wedding Announcements. — .Ei\autirul roses and the choicest of flowers cnly are used when designing wedding bouquets, which I mako a speciality of. Packed and forwarded through the Dominion. Miss Murray, Vice-Regal Florist, EG Willis Street.—Advt. ■
Customs and Marine Departments' Dance. On Saturday, evening a, s^ 8f , ul dance was held in Alexandra Hall bv the officers of the Customs and j nartments for raising funds to obtain comforts for their brother officers on active service. Judging by the nttendsit*® p ayed by Mrs P. O'Kane and Mr. H. STg C&. a£TWipresent wero Mesdames Chamberlain, D'Uicali, Grav Chaproan f Hfilliday, t Lambeit, C lins 'and Moroney, and Misses MorigomBeveridge. Messrs. Halhday and Mf rence acted as M.C. s.
- A very successful sale was held in the hall at Ohau recently by the Red Cross Guild. There were produce, meat, cakes and sweet stalls, and .afternoon tea, also a concert in tho c vemng. The sum of £103 3s. was raised, being between the "Our Day .appeal and tho local Red Cross Funo. I The thanks of the guild are due to the friends who contributed to this spien did result. ;
They ray "beauity is only skin deep, so how important it is that we to p nF the skin Apply a little ijyaai. u> the face? neck, and arms each evemng, and the nkia will be soft, white and attectivo even in the most tmnt Sydal is a fragrant emollient-only U. » jar at chemists and stores.—Advt. KNITTING SOCKS FOR- SOLDIERS. The condition of things as wo to-day demands strict economy, both n lime and ■ inoney. : ..thi6 Hint combination of usefulness,. TH KNITTING MACHINE, so .ndispM6a.b e n helping to supply tl.eßecdsof the men who are doing so much for us. um Street, Welliugton.-Advt.
-C:;ri;tnias Gift Fund. The "Charley's Aunt" Club will give .a performance in the Grand Opera House on Wednesday, November 21. The proceeds are to be devoted to the Soldiers' Christmas Gift Fund. The performing '.will consist of three of the very latest American one-act plays, "The Avenger," .''The Eleventh Hour," and "Kisses and .'Misses," The second part of the programme will be provided by the "€harlley's Aiinf' Costume Comedy Company, /'The Cheero's." The 'performers will •.include Miss Winnie Birch-Johnson, Miss iD. Miliar', Miss E. Driscoll, Mrs. 11. riTracey/Mr. Albert Russell, W. W. Crawford, C. Moore, G. Blackie, and Norman ;Aitken. ' "The Cheero's' l will be produced under the direction of Maud ißietsoe-Buck^ridge.
iiny awcrds |to Australians in the present list of the new order of the British Empire were for purely British services, and only one woman was included, Dr. Dorothea • Proud, of the Welfare Department of the Ministry of Munitions, an Adelaide girl, who has already had a brilliant career, and will / her new honour with distinction. She is a B.A. of Adelaide University, a D.Sc. (Economics) of London University, has written a valuable book on welfare wort, and was the first person chosen by Mr, Rowntreo to help him to found a welfare department in connection with the production of munitions in 1915. Incidentally, she is still well under thirty. Her award is- the more appropriate, because she was the first winner of the scholarship founded in Adelaide to the memory of Catherine Helen Spence, a woman who did perhaps more than anyother in Australia to better the conditions of wopien workers and help them socially and economically. To Picnickers and Campers! Whereever yon go take a bottle of "NAZOL" with you. Colds come easily. Tlie.y go quickly when "NAZOL" gets to work. Sixty doses for Is. 6d.—Advt.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 41, 12 November 1917, Page 2
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2,382WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 41, 12 November 1917, Page 2
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