PEASES OP THE MOON. OCTOBER. Day Hr. m. Full moon 1 I 1 ».m. quarter 8 9 44 a.m. Now mooii 16 2 H P-J". First Quarter 24 2 « a.m. Full moon 30 5 « p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 8.6 p.m.: sets, 5.30 a.m. to-morrow. TIDE. To-day. 4.43 a.m.; 5.9 p.m. To-morrow, 5.41 a.m.; 6.5 p.m. SCiV. Sun rises to-day. 4.10 am.; «ctf. 6.30 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 30. JiAGIO, sco\i- (5.30 a.m.), 81 tone. Johansen, froDi Sandy Bay. INVERCARGILL, s.s. (6.15 a.m.), 224 tons, Wahletrom, from Wanganui. MAKAROA. 5.5. (7.15 a.m.). 2598 tons, Cameron, from Lyttclton. QUEEN OV THE SOUTH, s.s. (7.25 a.m.). 198 tons. Harvey, from Foxton. NIKAU, s.s. (8.25 a.m.l, 248 tons, Hay, from Nelson and Motueka. HAZEL HEI'TON. scow (8 a.m.), 142 tone, it'Clcllan. from Greyinouth. ■ WAVEKLEY, B.n. (11.20 a.m.). 157 tone, Pisk, from l'atca. RAKANOA. s.e. (12.14 p.m.), 2246 tons, Hender, from Auckland. JIUIA. s.s. (2.35 p.m.). 127 tons, Owen, from New Plymouth. PATERNA. 8.8. (U. 20 p.m.), 1212 tons, lrwin, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Saloon— Mjsses Schadnick, Schwaes. MaßSey, Wilkes, M'Gregor.Gray, Prussinff, Hylton, Pcrrie, Crump. Eoberts, Thomas, Crump, Lewis, Keurye, Sinclair, Mesdam«s Wills, Harrison, .1011, Lorn, Rickcttß, Trenavas, Wat9on, Parker, KinsrstoD, Bcyan and child, Murray. Wyleu and child. Hijgine, Dyan, Newson, Walker. Saundcrs, Botham, Duncan, Fernandez, Hynca, Messrs. Haig, Tomlinson. Horton, Wymess, M'Klrdy. Webber, Speedy, Laurie, Letts. Marriage, Oiley, Itamagc, Barker. Joll, Dedell, Wntson, Rlcketts, Murchison, M'Gregor, Gouffh (2), Read, Barltrop, Tucker, Meekam, Kingston, Kruse, Morgan, Burrow, Kobineon, Ethoridgc, Gray, Henderson, Brown, Penny, Newson. Dunlea, O'Meapther, Best, Goodman, Simpson, White, Patched, Walker, M'Artney, Coi, Fisher, Duncan, Mahoncy, Butt. Water, Downey. Hodgson, Williams, Oerrard. Conway, Wyles,Bowdon (2>. Mills; 17. steerage.
DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30. NGATOKO, p.s. (2.15 p.m.), 1137 tons, Diithle, for Wangamii and New.Plymouth. KAPUNI, B.s. (3.15 p.m.), 188 tons, Gibson, I for Patea. HD.IA. s.s. (4.55 p.m.), 127 tons, Owen, for Lyttelton. / KAPtTt, 5.6. (5.10 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers, for Wanganui. ' MAPOURIKA. s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 1203 tons, Sewell. for Nelson and West Coast. CALM, 5.6. (5.20 p.m.). 981 tons, Radford, for Wanganui. ALEXANDER, s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 377 tons, Wildman, for Nelson. BADEN POWELL, s.s. (6.J0 p.m.). 174 lone, Thorns, for Wanganui. NIKAU. s.s. (5.35 p.m.), 248 (ons, Hay, for Nelson. RIPPLE, s.s. (6.45 p.m.). 370 tons, Carlson, for Naiiier and Gisborne. MARAROA. s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 2598 tons. Cameron, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Underwood, Murray, Graham, Mandell, Hewitt, Morris, Foster, M'Dongall (2). Jones, Davis, Parker, Melville, Mesdames Underwood. Murray, Roberts, Oarrosso, Graham, Mandell. Young, Trewoer, M'Donald. Hamilton, Arnst, M'Dougall. Hare. Hay. Home, Whitelaw, Milne, Bennett and child, Smith, Kerr, Parker, Harbroe, Kerr. Manson. Neale and 3 children, Moore and 3 children. Kitching, Mensrs. Raynell, Kraetyes, Trswepr, Bagrie.i Brodie, MTJonaid, Gahagan and child. Hamilton, Arnst, M'Dougall, Griffiths, Russell, Thornton, Farquharson, Atkinson, Mikon, Seager, Sharpe. Webb, Hare. Lee, Home. Blackwood. Graham, Hon. Mr. Moore, Griffiths, Owens, M'Carthy, Jackson. Laing, Brown. Stevpnson. Weston, Mark. Brown, Murray, Ave'rTll, Milne, Cornforth, Clark, Pane, Benge, Arbuckle. Edwards, Tudor. Smith, Manson. Ncale, Moore, Major Bond, Lieut. Kerr. Carrosso, Capt. Kitching, Lieut. Rowe. Cant. Atherford, Lieut. Denton, 2nd Lt. Orr. "
BLENHEIM, s.s. (8.10 p.m.). 151 tons, Wilkinson. for Havelock and Pounds.
WAIRATJ, s.B. (10 p.m.), 143 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kamo, Greymouth, October '31. Monowai, Lyttelton, October 31. Nsakuta, Oreymouth. October 31. Kaitoa, Nelson, October 31. 'Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, Oct. 31. Kapuni, Patoa, November 1. Kiipiti, Wanganui,. November 1. Wootton, Lyttolton, November 1. Huia. Lyttelton, November 1. Baden Powell, New Plymouth, Nov. 1. Mararoa, Lyttelton, November 1. Pateen.a, Nelson. Picton, November 1. Nikau, Nelson, November 1. Wairau, . Blenheim. November 1. Tarawera, Timaru, November 1, Calm, Wanganui, November 2. Inveroargill, Wangiinui, November 2. Blenheim, Havelock, Sounds. Nov. 2. Waimea, Tarakohe, November 2. Waverley, Patea, November 2. Queen of the South, Foxton, Nov. 2. Hawera, Patea, November 2. John, southern ports. November 2. Mapourika, West Coast, Nelson, Nov. 4. Ripple, Glsborne, Napier, November 4. Putiki, Dunedin, Timaru, Nov. 4. Komata, Westport, November 4. Kakapo, Greymouth, November 4 .
' PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Komata, Wcstport, October 31. Kakapo, Greymoutli. October 31. Hawera, Patea, October 31. Queen of the South. I'oxton, October 31. Xoutunui, Napier, October .31. Inveroargill. Wanganui. October 31. Waverley, Patea, October 31. Pateena. Picton, Nelson, October 31. Lyttelton, October 31. Kaitoa, Nelson, October 31. Kotare, Dunedin direct, October 31. R&kanoa, Westport, October 31. Ngakuta, Greyniouth, November 1. Regulus, Picton, November 1. Nikau. Nelson, November 1. Wairau, Blenheim, Novomber 1. Kapiti, Wanganui, November 1. Kapuni, Patea. November 1. Tarawera, Lyttelton, November 1. llararoa, Lyttelton, November 1. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Not. 1. Waimca, Nelson. West Coast. Not. 2. Himltangi, Lyttelton, Chat'oam Islands, November 2.
Calm, Lyttelton, Diincdin, Bluff, Timaru, November 2. Maori, Lyttelton, November 2. Wootton. Lyttelton, November 2. Hnia, Picton. November 2. Blenheim, Havclook. Sounds. Nov. 3. November 3. Putiki, Wanganui, November 5. BY TELEGRAPH. - COASTAL. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 30. .' POUTO. Arrived.-Hinemoa (4 p.m.), from Hokianga. NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailed.—Earawa (8.40 p.m.), for Onehunja. Arrived.—Kowhai (2.30 p.m.), from Greymouth. PICTON. Sailed.-Dcfender (4.;5 p.m.), lor Hokitika. NEL6ON. To sail.—Kennedy (6 p.m.), for Grcymonth. GREY'MOUTH. Sailed.—Rosamond (0.10 a.m.), for Duncdin; Poherua (9.45 a.m.), for Timaru; Kamo (11.10 a.m.). for-Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived—Wakatu (5.40 a.m.). from Kaikoura; Wootton (5.45 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailod.-John (11.10 a.m.). for Oamaru; Neahere (6.10 p.m.), for Oreymouth; Monowai (7.50 p.m.), for Wellington. PORT CHALMERS. . Sailed.—Kaituna (midnight Monday), for Greymoutb.
BEETHAGE LIST. The followinz is tlie berth»Bu list of vessels in oort mid of these duo to-daj:— Monowai—Ferry Wharf. Pate^im—No. W (south) Queen's Wharf. Kaitoa-Nu. 10 Queen's Wharf. Huia—No. 11 (south) Queen's Wharf. E«eulua-No. 12 Queen's Wharf. Waverley—No. 5 (lucen's Wharf luvcrcargill—King's Wharf. Kakapo-Kalhvay Wharf.
PROM AUSTRALIA. The following passengers hftvt arrircd in New Zealand from Australia :-Saloon— Misses Smyth. Hawell, Scott (2), Jones (2), Hooper, Campbell Spain (2), Monrad, Oardno, Truman, Sinclair, Donald, Stevenson (2), Maxwell, Kane, 0. Smith, nardine. Nolson, Baxter. O'Neill (2), Maloncv, Mesdames Guthrie, Stevenson. Mason and child. Watson. Whytn. Aldriden. M'Donald (2), Kiddle, Bushcll, Brodie, Humr, Miller. Hummer and child. Hulston. Thrap. nithardsoii and 3 children, Qillandorß, Yule, Barrio, Cunningham nild 2 children, Admore, Staniland. Baldock, Wilson, Truth and child, Dcumead and ohild, Theate, Smith and child, Ctarr and 2 children, Baker, Tully, Messre. Martin, Bennett, Kiddle, Doran, Dlxon, Brodie, Mirams, Brown, Cole, M'Laren. Sharpc, Kumo, L. Brown, Bushcll. Trimm, Kitlo. Moorehouse, Griffiths, Admorc, Nealc, P. A. O'Neill, Sim. Spain. Staniland. Wilson, Tiipth, Tiilly. Dqnmcad, Prascr, Field, Baker. Olderag.
I'rivate cable advices received in Sydney From Jiondon under date of Oetoiwr 19 stiie that there hap heeu no alteration in the cargo war rate under the Siitifh war risk fohemc, which etill remains at £5 se. nor coat.
FOE AJIEIUCA. Tho following persons have left New Zealand for Canada and America:—Mrs. Ayeon and 2 children, Mrs. Brown and infant, Mrs. li. Edwards, Miss M. Edwards, Mr. mid Mrs. 11. W. Gntte, Mies J. M. lsbester, Dr. A. G. Jlatheson, lira. and ilifla Symington. Alisg A. Temple, Mrs. Woodward and child. Joining at i'apcete —Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson and Mr. Barker. MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. The death is announced of Mr. Daniel M'Alpiuc, formerly mi engineer in tiie Union Company's sorvice, The deceased, who was a son of Mrs. Sarah lL'Alpine, of Wellington, had been ill for ii lousj time. Mr. T. L. M'Doiiald, late junior purser of a Union Company's steamer, lias joined the Tu Auau as purser, in place of Mr. a. B. Darker. Mr. \V r . Barnes, second officer on the Eipple. has left the vessel, and Jlr. Alien has taken tho position. Captain 3. Lennard, chief officer of Ihe Komala. has come ashore to lake temporary command of the Terawhiti, relieving Captain Fowler. Mr. J. Murray, second officer on a Union Stoain Ship Company's Btoamer. lias beeu relieved by Mr. W. C. Watt. Mr. ,r. Cable, chief engineer on the Monoirai, has joined another vessel, and lias been succeeded by Mr. A. I!. LcTestau. Mr. Smart, superintendent engineer for the Union Steam Ship Company, will leave Wellington to-day for Dunediii. Captain A. M'Kinnon. mate or the Hawera. ia nojv master in place of Captain Thomas Jackson, and Mr. i: .1. Smith has joined the vessel as male. ' Tho Kamo is due this afternoon from Greymouth. She has a, full load of coal for this port. Tho colliers Komata, for Wcatport. and Kakapo, for Greymouth, will sail !o-Uay to load again for Wellington. The departure of the Himitangi for Lyt--telton and Chatham Islands has been postponed to Friday at noon. The Tarwero will not arrive here until to-morrow morning from Timaru. She will sail in the aftornoon for Lytteltou, and from that port will go to Gisborne and Auckland. Tho Cairn sailed last night, for Wnnganui, and is due back on Friday morning. In the afternon she will sail for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, and Timaru, receiving careo until noon. The Blackball Coal Company's Ngakuta, is due early this morning with a cargo of coal from Greymouth. The Waimea in due on Friday from Tara.kohe, and wi'J sail the came day for Nelson and West Coast. Th 3 Hazel Eepton arrived yeetPiday morning, and berthed at Miramar 1o discharge a full carsro of timber. ' The Magio arrived yesterday morning witt stone from >-an"Jy INy. The Huia. on her return from Lyttelton, will Bail on Friday for Picton. Tho Blenheim is due on Friday from Havelock and the Sounds, and on Baftirday at noon will sail again for those, potts. It is probable that the JRegnlue will sail to-morrow for Picton to Uiojl chaß for Wcstßort and Greymouth. It. has been decided hy the Marinn D f . partment, to publish no information reganl s nK eiports to the United Kingdom except in the annual volume issued by tha Government. A circular let-l" - 'SsiiPd to the harbour hoards of the Dominion frenj the Department on :hc matter rcrjiicsts that no facilities bo pivci to nuvone to compile such information from documents in their Dosssession-
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 31, 31 October 1917, Page 8
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1,636SKIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 31, 31 October 1917, Page 8
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