ANOTHER CONTINGENT ARRIVES TO-DAY By Tele&raph-Prcjs Association. Auckland, October 24. A number of returned soldiers arrived this morning invalided and wounded. Thoro are 22 officers and 2 sisters, and 22C men. There were no cot cases. Most of the wounded are. from the Battle of the Soinme, Jlessines, and Armeiitieres. The drafts for the southern districts will arrive at the Thorndon station about 1! p.m. to-day. The nominal i*oll for th'e whole contingent follows:— Beunett, Capt. J. 8., 24/17, Palnierston North. Curtis, Capt. A. H., 3960, Temuka. Waters, Capt. D. 8., 4/1220, Dunedin. Boyle, Lieut. E. D., 10/4033) Wellington. S track, Lieut. G. 0., 10/2-321, Hawera. Bailey, 2nd Liout. A. L., 24/361, Napier. Barren, 2nd Lieut. B. D., 23/674, Dunedin. Boles, 2nd Lieut. G. H., 23/366, Thames. Daniel, 2nd Lieut. V. L. JL, 10/2575, Wellington. Davenport, 2nd Lieut. E. J., 12/3291, Eangitikei. Gibbous, 2nd Lieut. 8., 26/41, London. Hall, 2nd Lieut, J., 6/1033, Tβ Aroha. Hnmilton, 2nd Lieut. G. A., 6/1216, Southbrook. Hill, 2nd Lieut. L. G., 12/411, WellingM'Ke'naie, 2nd Lieut. F. E., 12/190, FeildlUEf. Millier, 2nd Lieut. B. W., 11,771, Hastings. Pettit, 2nd Lieut. H., 3/612, Nelson. Roberts, 2nd Lieut. T. V., 13/337, Sydney. Kowe, 2nd Lieut. L. 8., 8/2512, Jamestown, S.A. Scddon, 2nd Lieut. G. H., 8/2369, Mount Eden. ■ Stewart, 2nd Lieut. M. E., 12/2568, Aranioho. Wilkins, 2nd Lieut. J., 10/3777. DannePlowman, Matron E., 2/6, Christchurch. Peterson, Nurse L. F., 22/273, Christeluireh. Anderson, J., 27,191, Sydenham. Angus, T., 48,425, Scotland. Arnold, F. J., 45,643, Meta Mata. Ashbuy, L,-Corpl. F. C, 41,939, England. Auld, A., 23,783, Dannevirke. Baker, J., 15,870, Dunedin. Bastings, S., 47,301, Waimate. .Bertram, J., 33,088, Marton. Bovan, D., 17/17, Otaki. Biber, S., 25/161, London. Bowden, W. H., 11,615, Ashprington. Boyle F. P., 23,303, Morriwville. Bray, L.-Corpl. F., 11/2281,-KilWrni*. Bree, J. F., 33,236, Aramoho. Brighouse, Corpl. J. S., 12(2981, 'Whangaroa. Brockett, R. G., 46,278, Devonport. Burr, W. R., 22,934, Wnihi. Bush, F., 44,345, Elthum. Byford, B. G., 46,885, Bsser. Cain, 15., 25,109, London. Carleton, W. J., 26/72-1, Helemmlle. Challinor, A., 46,851, Auckland. Chamberlain, C.-T.. 19,116, Wellington. Chnppell, Corpl. M., 12/2974, Auckland. Charlton! W. D.. 20,097 We linpfton. Chieholm, W., 36,414, Sutherlands. Cliuok, Serjrt. G., 33,210, Napier. Clark, C. N., 25.083, Wellington. Clarke, G., 8/4103, Lepperton. Clarke, H. P., 43,761, Tauranga. Clee Corpl. P. H., 10/866, England. Coleman, A., 45,993, England. . Cook L.-Corpl. A. W., 48,173, Tawa Flat. Cook, J., 21,496, Rungiahua. Cooko, A. ,T., 28,982, Wellington. Coomber, J., 24/1961, Lewishnni. Cooney, D., 45,735, Centre Bush. Cooper, F.W., 14,075, Aehhurst. Corsar, J. H., 0/3C66, Scotland. Crawford, A. G. C. IftHOT, CBstarte. Culling, L., 45,07*. Southland. Cunningham, W. t>., 8/1961, Hampden. Davidson, Cpl. H. T 8/2810, Glenorchy. Dickson, A., 8/3558, Scotland. Dorab, L., 6/2118, Wellington. Doran, Vl. A., 46,315, Auckland. Dossett, H. C, 27,246, Timaru. Duncan, A., 36,324, Christchurch. Eaddy, W., 48,473, Frankton Junctioß. Edwards, H., 15,253, Tβ Horo, ETnvaros N. C, 26,820, Devonport. Edwards, T. H.. 37,789, Leviu. Edwards, W., 10,331, Ponaonby. Eggers, !r., 46,007, Waverley. !t°fe, J.. «,84-2, England. Ennis, 3: A., 8/2907, Hunterville. Eustego, F. L., 41,766, Dannevirke. V'ioan J H , 12/2257, Te Araroa. l-irrweatiier, Set 8., 29,636, Devonport. Fakonor, J. W., 24/425, .toverwrgiU. Falconer W. H., 10/2930 New Plymouth: Farquharson, A. E., 40./92, Dunback. Faulkner, A. <*~ 25/1731 Hawera. Faulkner, F. J., 6/4244, ChnstcUurcu. Ferrall, C, 7/1068, Parkhurst. E. It., 23,16*. Wanganui. Fisner, Cpl. W. 0., '28/444 Scotland. Fitzherbert, 46,013 Feildin ß . Fitzsimmons, H.. 8/A WeUm S ton. Vord T., 15,513, Lyttelton. F? a ndi, Cpl. A.'R.;23/426 Te Iraeer, H X, 44,266, Gisbornc. Viirness E M., 31,052, Parnell. Gaskin. X. T., 10/1027. OartaGraham, C, 8/2928, Tasmania. Sp, P it; 2 Wfeat r . Griffin, L. P., 38,689, Auckland Guthrie T. E., 13,907, Inyercargill. Hargreaves, W., 22,021, Dunedm. Heald, H. F., 12/4189, Napior. Hewfft, J., 24,1075, England, HOTj'ett, G..C, 11,035, Ajickland. Dod*i T. H., 12/2330, England. Kworth, M.' E,, 14,630, iftw Plymouth. Ttolgate, I-. 2V802, England. ■ Tolraes, .T. T., 26/811, Oamaru. Hooper, C. K., 41,556, Aramoho. Hopa TV.-, 8/400, Worcestershire. , HoSgH, R., 11,670. Chatham Islands. Hughes, D., 41,261 Hu?ley, J. J-, 5/305, Aramoho Tlutchinson, S., 6/2430, Ponsonby. Fvde, W. J., 47,595, Waitoa. Hvslop. S.. 25,247, Hastings. Jack, V. J- 25/645 Naseby. Jam'«S, H., 45,519, B.ihotu. Jameson, E. M.. 47,596, Grey Lynn. Teffrev R., 8/1520, Kaikorai. Jo-liansen, X. J., 22,090 Mmenton N. Jones, L.. 8/3645, Scotland. Jordan, J. M., 37,569, Ngatapa. Kane, J.. 3/2599, Dunedm. JCatene. M.. 16/1236, Eotorua. Kiv T., 11,680, Dunedin. Kelly, Corpl. C, 24,842. Wellington. KellT T)., 24/2012, Wellington. Kennedy. G. F., 2/1282, Annat. Kenny, Sergt. C, 26/28. Paeroa. King T. W., 24/2016, Petone. Kin Si. H-. injlS2,TePuke. Kipa, H., 16/«6, Kopn. W C, 27.520, Dunedin. Koskfik, 8., C/ 2180, Lyttelton. Under, P., 11.057. Norton. r,eith, G., 89,258, Dunedin. Leslie, G. 24/1712, Dunedin. Lewis J. T., 9/2082, LoMtash. r.inwood. A., 13/3586, Wamku. tchfleH, F. G., 8/3318 Wanganui. Lynch. J. P., 19,016. Murchison. tf'Bride, W. ,T. 19,024, Ireland. U'Obtcnv, J., 26/GO3, Tmiarn «Tnlon»h 8.. 3/1712, Addington. 'C cheon. H., 10/2446, Tni-ingamutu. HTCcnor. C-, S/ 30 * 1 ' Blenheim. tt-Kinlcy, 8., 42 : 553, Dunedin. ifaclean C, 8/3096, Scotland. ll'Clo, .L M. S/208e TJenmore ,I'Nnmnra, T.ce.-Corpl. 1., 6/l(iM, Ji a more, N.S.W. _ , it'Plierson, A., 39.550, Homabapa. Jafon, G.. 8/4171, Gore Jatthcw, J., lfi/543, Te Mata. . Toro, C. H.. 6/798. Cheshire, tills \ 12 429. Weber, loor; W.' K.. 37,508. Wanpuiui. '-ore T.. 3!).fi«n, Milton. , , . :• 't -n a '13/524, Natal, forrison. L.-Cnl. n- a-> -''/•'-*• forris A 18,833, Ponsonby. A., .15.531, MHanita. tnir, H. J.. 6/950, Hokitika. ipw \., 23.8(15, Hnwera. G T , .. W-P 5 ' Wanganui. W/fl rfe Spreydon. O elienJ A. 39.873. Whetnkura. P «« Taum—. Mtex _, I, 21.075, iruntly. '•Br en, T , 47,«n0, England, "ilvie A. J., 30,839, Ponsonby. ■ r Cchlin T. 35.124, Bunanßa. Iwt Tt S , 23.124. Wellington. a til, t «.«». ,pw oapo F H., 31.131, Waverley. *p. A., 11.525. England. prVins S 46,779, Dunedin. rich. C., 25/135, New Plymouth.
Philp, E. E., 22,086, Dunedin. Prebble, ii. J., 44,412, Eicearton. . . Pugh, 8., 49,002, New Brighton. Ouina, R., .24/1766, Dunedin, Quinn, It, C. A., 46,437, Alahnraagl, Kansley, E. L. 16,580, Belfast. Ee«d, Cpl. E. W., 2/22i6, 'J.'« Arolu. Eeid, L. H., 12/20U7,. Auckland. Rice, T. D., 28.483, Netherton. Kogers, L.-Cpl. A. A. H., 39,897, Welling
ton. Koscvear, J., 28/2031, Cornwall, Houlston, Cpl. J. J., 2/586, Napier. Kowlande, A. G., 32,731, Duuedin. Byan, 8., 24,057, Silverdale. Sandbrook, J. J., 16,130, KeiMing. .Sanders, 1 , ,, 45,385, Lower Hutt. Saxon, S., 26/281, Lancashire! Seldeu, C. E., 41,003, Ariunoho. Senich, A., 4/213-1, Northcote. . Sbau-, J. E, 10,910, Leichardt, N.S.W. Shields, E. M., 2a'llßl, Patea. Southgnte, G., 14,879. Wingham, N.S.W. Soutter, A., 33,409, Patea. . Stevens, a L., 8/3767, Paeroa. Stevenson, J., 17,736, Wanganui. Stewart, G. il., 3i,933, Port Chalmers. Stewart, L.-Cpl. J., 10/2324, Masterton. Smith, N. P., 47,940, England. Smith, W., 41,176, England. Stafford, A. 1., 6/357, Mapua. Sutton, get. H. H., 10/2831, Tinui. Tate, E. It., 4/467, Opawa. Taylor, A., 25/1824, lnglewxl. Taylor, H., 36,437, Lumsden. Toner, M., 34,175, Nortlicote. Troup, J., 2/2279, Glentunnel. ■ TunneU, J. P., 17,947, Wellington. Turner, L., 27,623, Dunedin. Warnock, Cpl. 11. 8., 7/1016, EataMl. Webb, F., 24/931, England: West, W. P., 52,008, Wellington. Weston, A. J., 42,487, Pukekohe. Whorskoy, P... 21,130, Huntly. Wilkes, E. H., 12,318, Napier. Wilka, A. 8., 2/108, Christchnrch. Williams, E. L., 23,320, Wahiku: MMlliams, W. A., 23,233, Cardiff. ■Williams, W. P., 31,387, Kaetihi, Willis, E. C, 42,607, Christchnrch. Wilson, J., 25,764, Tangowahine.\ Wilson, S., 26/1762, Dunedin. Woledge, E. E., 16,037, Epsom. ■ Wood, 0. J., 21,369, Melbourne.' Woods, J. W. T., 24834, Hawea Slat. Wright, J. A., 48,754, Waiotahi. Young, A. F,, 8/513, Orepuki. Young, J. W., 10/2366, Cheshire. Young, J., 4/1216, Oamaru.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 26, 25 October 1917, Page 6
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1,246RETURNING SOLDIERS Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 26, 25 October 1917, Page 6
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