PHASES OP THE MOON. OCTOBER. Hay. lir. m. Full moon ......... 1 8 1 a.m. bast quarter 8 J M a.m. New moon « 16 '1 U p.m. First, quarter 24 2 8 a.m. Full moon ......... o0 6 49 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day. 4.5 a.m.; sets. 5.35 p.m. TIDE. To-day, 3.35 a.ui.: 3.56 p.m. To-morrow, 4.30 a.m.; 4.39 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 5.4 a.m.; sets, 6.11 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, OCTOHKU 13. MONOWAI, s.s. 1.6 a.m.l, 3433 ions, Drcwetic, from Auckland, via ports. . KOMATA, fi.s. tn.3o .a.m.), 1994 tons. M'jjean, Irani Westport. MAKAItOA, s.s. U.o a.m.), 209S tons. Cameron. I'roiu LyLtclton. IiAPOUKIhA. s.s. 110.65 a.m.), 1203 ions. Sewetl, from West Const, and Nelson. NOATOHO, s.s. (11.45 a.m.), 1137 lons. Dowelt, from Grcymouth. I'ATiiliNA, s.s. (9.40 p.m.), 1212 tons, Hiteliie, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers; Sa loon—Misses Sleator. lioss, Stexcns. i'lury, fitadc, Shane. Osborne. M'Kcnzic. (2), Mason, ltodley. 'l'errill, M'lloberts, O'Connor, Hendry. Parsons, Jlolmes. Jackson (2), Wallace Orr; Jtesdamcs Nicholson and child. Burnt). Hewlett, Cornet, Parsons, Morgan. Moxry, Hodge. Hunt. Wilson, Howard. Taylor a us) child, Bell and child. Hamilton. .Tellymau. Wisby, Mit.chinson, Sheridan. Beddie, Litchlield. Curnon, Denton. Bryden, Oxlcy. Lsicrv. Johnson and infant. Brooker and child. Robertson, Hylton, Hull Daly and infant, M'Culloueb, Cross. Brooke; Messrs. Burt (2), Sanderson, Brown, Hewlett, Parker, Parsons, Thompson. Scott. (2), Baicent, Riley Cornet, Johnston. Denton, Morgan. Money, Lockycr. Coleman, Surrell. Hunt. Kathbono, M'Leod. Horton, Hansford. Mills, Hunt, O'Sullivan. Fry. JfKellar. Brooker. Bryan, Wiuklemaii. Wanden, Johnson, Goodwin. Henderson. Hamilton, Shallcrass. Sheridan, M'Cusker. Beddie Curnow, Wisby Morrison, Dawson, Biick, Bothara. Simoon, M'Kinley. Pullmau, Macintosh. Jackson, M'Mahon. Hylton. M'Oullough. Saul. Gaun, Mills, Gulvin. Walker. Metson. Jones, Booth, Turner. Brooke; and 23 stecr"mAGlC, aux. scow (11.50 p.m.), 82 tons. Johansen, from Sandy Bay. Sunday, october m. MAORI, s.s. 17 a.m.). 3412 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. REGULUS, s.s. (8.45 a.m.), 585 tons. A ickcrman. from Tarakobo. KAMO, s.s. (12.30 n.m.). 1236 tons. Watson, from Greymouth. HUIA, s.s. (1.15 p.m.), 127 tons. Owcr. from New Plymouth. ' HIMITANOI. B.s. (3.45 p.p.). 323 tons. Thompson, from Chatham Inlands, via Lyttelton.
DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, OOTOBF.R 13. MAKO, s.s. (0.5 a.m.). 505 tons. Jones, lor oa6tlepoint. and Napier. AMOKURA, s.s. (9 a.m., from Worscr Buy) 805 tons, Hooper, for Cook btrait. MONOWAI, a.s. W. 30 p.m.), 3433 tons Drcwctte, for Dunedin. . OORINNA, 6.5. (6.5 p.m.), 1271 tons, Mders, for Dunerlin. • MABAROA, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 2598 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton. WHANGAPE, s.s. (11.25 p.m.), 2931 tone. Frew, for Auckland. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 11NGATORO, s.s. (0.10 a.m.), 1137 tons. Dowell, for GrcymouUi. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Ngahcre. Greymouth, Oclobcr 15. Amokura, Oook Strait, October 15. Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 16. Patcena, Nelson. Picton. Octobcr 16. Mapourika, Picton. October 16. Baden Powell. Lyttelton, Octobcr I_6. Calm, southern portb, October 17. Maori, Lyttelton, October 17. 1 Huia, Wanganui, October 17. Himitangi, Lyttelton, October 17. Kamona, Oreyiuouth. Octobcr 17. Monowoi, Dunedin, .Lyttelton, Octobcr 18. Rosamond, Greymouth, October 19. Klttawa, Grcymouth, October 19. Breeze southoru ports. Octobcr 19. Corinna., Timaru, Octobcr 20. y
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Mapourika. Picton, Octobcr 15. Himitangi, Lyttelton, October 15. Nuahcrc. Whanuarei, October 15. Huia. Wausauui. October 15. Resulus, Nelson. West Coast, Octobcr 15. Maori, Lyttelton, October 15. Patecna. Pioton, Nelson. Octobcr 15. Komata, Westport, Octobcr 16. Mararoa, Lytteltoji. October 16. Mapourika, Westport, Greymouth, Oct. 17. ICamo, Greymouth. Octobcr 17. Baden Powell, Lyttelton, Octobcr 17. Calm, Wanganui, October 17. Monowai, Auckland, via ports. Oct. 18. Breeze, Wanganui, October 19. Corinna, Nelson, New Plymouth, Oct. 20.
. BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13. AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Arahura (12.15 p.m.), lor Gisborue. ONEfIUNGA. Sailed.—Kiui (5 a.m.). for Grcymouth. NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailed—Rosamond (6 p.m.), for Wanjanui. CABTLEPOINT. Arrivea.—Mako (11.20 a.m.), from Wellington. _ GREYMOUTH. Sailed.—Kahika (7.15 a.m.), for Lyttelton; Poherua (7.30 a.m.), for Napier; Ngaliere (6.53 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTT3LTON. Arrived.—Baden Powell (7.55 p.m.) from Waucanui. Sailed.—Kittawa (3.30 p.m.), for Westport. TIMARU. Arrived— Tarawcra (6 a.m.). from Dunedin; Karamu (9.45 a.m.), from Westport. PORT CHALMERS. - 'Sailed.—Calm (5 p.m.), for Timaru; Karori (7.30 p.m.'), for Lyttelton. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 14. ' GIBBORNE. Arrived.—Arahura (2 p.m.), from Auckland. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Mararoa (8.35 a.m.), from Wellington; Bveezu (11.30 a.m.), from Onchuuga. TIMARU. Arrived—Calm (4.5 a.m.), from Duncdiu. BERTHAGE LIST. The followinc: is the berthacc list of Vessels which arrived during the weekend ;— Maori—Ferry Wharf. Komata—Taranaki Street Wharf. Pateena—No. 1 (south) Queen's Wharf. Kaino—No. 16 (south), Queen's Wharf. 12 Queen's Wharf. Himitangi—No. 13 (north) Queen's Wharf. Huia—No. 6 (north) Quccn'B Wharf. Reeulus—No. 14 (south) Queen's Wharf. Magic—Glasgow Wharf.
MAPOTJRIKA'S RUNNING ALTERED. The Union Company advise that an alteration, for one trio only, has been made in the running of the Mapourika from Wellington, conseauent upon tho vessel having to make a special trip to Picton. The Mapourika will sail to-night for Picton to load chaff for Wellington returning to-morrow night. She will sail at 5 p.m. oil Wednesday, omitting Nelson. Returning from Greymouth, she will call, as is usual, at Westport and Nelson.
MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Mr. J. W. Burns, late chief officer of tho Karu, has been appointed eccond officer of the Kamo. relieving Mr. W. L. Crowe, who has como ashore on holiday leave. Captain Bone arrived in Wellington yesterday morning by the Maori frOni Lyttelton. Captain Lobb was a passenger from Lyttelton by the Maori yesterday morning. Mr. K. G. Don, son of Dr. Don, of Dunedin. who served his apprenticeship in the Union Company's service, has just passed his examination for a second olKccr'R certificate. Mr. Don is now waiting an anpointment at Dunedin.
The Ngatoro arrived oil Saturday from Groymouth and after discharging a carco of coal, sailed shortly after midnight for the West Coast. port. The Blackball Coal Company's Nfjahcru arrived in port last night from Greymouth. A part earso of coal will he disehareed hero and she will sail tn-niirht lor Whangarei. At the northern port the vessol will load commit for Wellington. The Himitangi arrived yesterday from Chatham ißlands and Lyttelton. A part carco of fish will be discharged here, and the vessel will sail this afternoon for Lyttelton. The Himitanei will return to Wcllinctou. The Anchor Company's Itegnlus arrived ycßtcrday to dischargo a cargo of cement. The vessel will sail to-day at 5 p.m. for Picton, Nelson. Westporl. and Gre.vinotith. The Huia arrived yesterday afternoon from New Plymouth. She will sail today at 5 p.m. for Wancanui. The scow Magic. arrived late on Saturday night from Handy Bay. The Whangape sailed lato ou Saturday night for Aucklaud. where she will discharge a part cargo of coal. The Union Company advise that the Kalitoua is duo here about Wednesday, and (lie Kittawa about Friday, with coal ftom th« West Coast. The Corinua loaded explosives at Shelly Bay ou Saturday afternoon before leaving for Duncdin. The vessel is due here on Saturday from, and will sail the tame day for Nelson and Now Ply. mouth.
A suggestion for imtiroYinE the sea. journey between (iisbornc unci Napier liiis been put forward by a Gisborue rcsidcut. The idea iB the oDenins: up uf ;t channel throuch the isthmus at Mahia. Discussing the subject with fishermen Trom that locality, he was informed that tbe lagoon that opens in the low sandy stretch that connects Mali in with tin; mainland extends to within nine chains of the sea on the Hawke's Buy side, and that it would only require a comparatively small amount of dredging to opeu np a navieable channel for the smaller class of vessels. A canal Ihrouirh this iap it in no in toil out, would obviate the nassairc, round Portland Island at the extreme southern point of the peninsula, cHectine a savins of 26 miles in the journey to Napier. The Rosamond will sail to-nisht. from Wansanui for Greymouth, where she will load timber for Wellington. The Kaino, with a of coal and 50,000 ft. of timber, arrived yesterday from Grr.ynionth. She will get away on Wednesday for Gre.vraoutli. The Koinata arrived on Saturday with a- cargo of eoal from Greymonth. She will leave to-morrow for Westport to load again for this wort. The barque Fnrsnnd, which went\ashore on Vansittart Island, Bass Strait, some four or five years nKC, and has been bine there on a sandy bottom ever since, has been purchased by a mainland syndicate who. in view of the increasing viltc of flhippinf: at the present time, arc f il'K.lvourins to refloat the vessel. The Launces- , ton Murine Board were asked by the syndicate to pivo a quotation for the us-e of the tug Wybia in connection with the salvage operations. The board did so, andare now awaiting instructions with recanl to the use of the tug. The Farsuad was originally known as the British harsne Caradog, and is well known nt V'lney t*nd Newcastle. She was built in Sunderland in 1891. It will be learned with satisfaction (sty* "The N.W. Advocate") that the vessel to he built at Devonnort, Tasmania, to the order of the Federal .Government -v ; ll be larger and faster than the usual traders to the port. Originally auxiliaries were oliosen, bul now it has been decided to construct full-powered oilships of 200'j tons, and with a snecd of 10 knots. By the way of comparison, it might bo mentioned that the Karltano is 1376 tons, the Koonya 1092 tons, the _Tavinui 1542 tons, and the Knkano 1521 tons. Their speed would average about 9 knots.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 17, 15 October 1917, Page 8
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1,535SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 17, 15 October 1917, Page 8
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