A Red Cross Need. Very many people bolb in Wellington and in several of tho country districts aro we!l acquainted with the splendid work for siok and wounded soldiers which is carried on so steadily and unostentatiously by tho workers of tho St. tfohn Ambulance Brigade Overseas and Red Cross Society. Ever since the out- , break of war (practically speaking) they organised, and day in and day out, wet or fine, weary or not weary, as the case ttjjsrht ho, they hayo gono on working wituoirt stay or hindrance, and' have become recognised as ono of the best organised baud of workers which has been called into being by tho exigencies of the war. It is quite unnecessary to say (hat they are all voluntary workers, giving their services for love of tho cause. Naturally there are clerical duties to bq carried' out, as well as sewing and packing; not perhaps so very arduous, but still duties that call for time and attention; and within the last few days Miss Stevens, who has been undertaking this part of the work, has been obliged through unforeseen circumstances, to relinquish the task, at any rate for some time to come. For an intelligent woman who has no urgent call upon her time and energy, and who is anxious to do something for tho sake ol'fflo sick and wounded a golden opportunity presents itself, affl she may be quite sure that the greatest! satisfaction tliat life can offer her at the present tune is to do what sho can in Tefiirn ' for ■ tho groat sacrifices that tko men of our nation are making. The work is there-all that is wanted is the'labour, and and there are yet to bo found in Wellington women wTio can give still a Htlo more of their leisure and energy to tho work of the Bed Cross.
Maori Patriotic Work. Mrs. Eomare, lion, secretary for the Lady Liverpool and Mrs. Pomare's Maori Soldiers' Fund acknowledges the follow-' ing donations :-Received per Eina Thompson for Ngatipukeko Ladiea Committee, .£5; per Mrs. M'Millan and Mrs. K M'Donald, Kopataroa Committee, ,£3O; Miss L. E. VoaU, hon. eec. Cambridge Women's War Fund, 20 woollen vests, 20 balaclavas, 20 mittens, 48 tins tobacco; per Wairata- To Keepa, sec. Ngatihokopu Women's Committee, j£s; Mrs. Tβ Au, Colac, 3 parcols ready to post; Mr. otfd Mr 3. Stevenson, Rarotonga, Jii ; P. Morito, Whakatnne, 3 caees containing 50 tins biscuits, 57 packets dates, 25 tins herrings in tomato sauce, 50 tins salmon, 25 tins lobster; per M. Wikiriwhi, p.esident Tuhouirangi Committee, .£3O; Mrs. Te Hou Heu, Tukino, 16s. 6d.; Otakou, parcels; per Mrs. M'STillan, Koputaroa Committee; ; Ci)0; Mrs. Baukura Tamilian, £10; per Wairata To Keepa, eoc. Fpatihokopu Committee, .£5; Mr. IV /.vson, Rarotonga, '£2 2a.; per Mrs. Parerangi Merito, see. Tβ Pahou, Ngatipokeho, £W; Rivcrton,' Invercargill, 2 parcels; per Tangimei Ahomiro, fov N?atimoKo and Tohourangi Maori Women's Committee, .£•25; Miss A. Hnpetn. M: M. Puliipi, sec Maori Women's Committee, Mangamuka. £9 65.; per Mr. 15. Alford. Native School, Knnginhna, Frnsertown, £K.
War Funds Committee. The treasurer of the War Funds Collecting Committee begs to ncknowlodgo recoipj: of the following sums:—Alrondy. acknowledged}, £121 Ss.; L. Blundell, .£2O; A. T. Atkinson,' £2 25.; V. Jensen, £1 Is.; Major; Norman L. D. Smith, 10s.; Anonymous, 10s.; B. G. Holloway, 55.; Mrs. Lowis Allen, 55.; Mrs. Watson and family, 4e.; total to date, £U6 ss.
A meeting; of the trustees of the Wellington Convalescent Home was told at Mrs. Litchfield's, Pipitea Street, on Wednesday. There were present:—Mosdaraes Moorhouso (in tho chair), A. I'oarce, Watkins, J. Joseph, Young, Litchfiold, and Miss Harcourt (hon. treasurer). The matron reported that 11 pationls were admitted to the home, and 12 discharged during the month.
Yesterday afternoon Miss Ada Reeve and some of tho members of her company visited tho Victoria Military Hospital and gave an entertainment to'tho soldiers who are inmates of the ward.
The visiting members' stall at the Bed Cross Shop yesterday, realised J357 ■ ss. 10d., a splendid total to achieve at cno stall only. Lady "Ward was the convener.'
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Navy League acknowledges with thanks parcels of warm clothing and comforts for the men of the lessor craft of tho Fleet from tho following:—Marton Ladies' Auxiliary, Mrs. Pannin (Mastorton), Koop-on Leaffuo (Napier), Mastorton Ladies' Auxiliary, WOTS'inui Ladies' Auxiliary, Lady Wilson, Miss Levclt (Bullfi), and-Mrs. D'Oyly. *
Tho St. John Ambulance Hed Cross Society, Star Boating Sheds, wishes to acknowledge with thanks, donations ot money and hospital equipment from tho following—Fcilding Red Cross, Wainui-b-mata fled Cross Guild, Taikorea Ked Cross, Nireaha Ked Cross Guild, Man[?apehi Hod'.Cross Guild, Mrs. Bland, Kungomai Red Cross Giiild, Otaki Red Cross, Awahuri Bed Cross, Hamua Bed Cross, J. Sheppard (£% Petono Red Cross 'Shop (.£2B 11s. 2d.), Aurora bowing Guild, Hufcmui Red Cross Society, Wαnganui Red Cross Society. Tho committee also wishes to thank MeSdames Hales, Bxley, Parton, Collins, G. A. Kennedy, Shangny, Logmore, Byron Brown, Blair, A Hamilton, Wardell, Bayfield, Misses Muir, Chatwin, Sheppard, Nathan, E. M'Carthy, M'Donald, E. Stanscll, Melville Beck, Messrs. Wright, Stephenson and Co., B. W. Mills, J. Nathan and Co., M"Eldowney Bros., Cock ,and Co., Esther, Master Winston M'Carthy, and tho D'l C. and nil the workers of tho depot for tho splendid effort they put forward to make tho St. John Ambulance Brigade stall at Paddy's Market »uch a. cucces3. Also the Star Boating Club for the use of their crockery for the rift tea bold at the depot for "Paddy's Market.
Nurses' Memorial Fund. Recent additions to this fund sire:— Hutt Patriotic Guild, £20; Messrs. George and Kerslcy, £1Q; Mrs. Brooke-Lceti, il. The concert to bo held in aid of this fund on October 23 promises to bn a great success, and will add a considerable sum to the funds.
French Club. Tho French Club had a musical evening on Thursday, the details of wl-ich wero arranged ,-by Miss van Staveren. There was a large attendance. Tho first item w.a.s a piano duet played by Kisses Allan . and M'Diarmid. Miss Rosa van Stavoren sang "Tlio Jewel Song. ,, - Mr Whotton recited "Le Lac" (a' poem by La Martine). Mr. Lo Cocq sang "Mon Amo a Dieu, mon Coour a toi," and was heartily applauded. Mrs. A. M. Myore gave a violiu solo, and Miss V. Jfacdonald sang , "Mignon," whicU was also much appreciated. Then followed a dialogue scene from Shakespeare's Henry V, giVon by the Misses van Staveron and Hind. Jfr. If. van Stavoren sang "La Berceuse," with violin obbligato p'ayed by Mrs. Myers. Miss Rowley played a pianoforte solo, and Mr. Cooko sang "Sous rOrmean." A. recitation by Miss Mead, "L'Etoile du Sojr," followed, and another violin eolo by Mrs. Myore. Miss V. Macdonald sang "Quand tu Chantes." Miss Eosa van Staveren sang "L'Ete," and as all oncore gave "Les Quinze ans de Rosette." Tho last item was a short farce, "Chez le Dentists," played by Misses Hind, Allan, and van Stavaren. This caused a good deal of laughter, and was heartily applauded. On tho moti6u of Mr. Adamson, a hearty vote of thanks was carried to those wjio had taken pprt, especially to the visitors, special mention being mado of Miss Macintosh and other accompanists. Miss vaii Staveren also received a. hearty round o.f r-p----plnuso for having provided finch f.n excellent programme. * Proceedings ended with the einginct. of "La Marseillaise" and "God Save the King."
The ladies in charge of the rtfresliment room at St. Mark's Sale of Work this week desire to thank all ivho so generously gave donations of nioney, cakes, meat, butter, milk, cream, etc. These gifts contributed in no small rcrasure to the grand total success of the bazaar.
Biting winds of winter play havoc with the complexion and tho hands. But if you uee Sydal, your face, neck, and arms will bo as soft and ivliite as ever. Sydal is splendid—not a greasy cream, but a sweet-emelling emollient which, sootheß and smoothes tho skin. Get a 2s. jar from any chemist's or etoro.—Advt.
For artistic floral work ring 'Phone 3tOD, or write to Miss Poole, 70 Manners Street. Wedding bouquets, wreaths, crosses, baskets, etc., executed in the choicest flowers in, the latest designs. Now ready, beautiful boxes of i'rfcsh violets, packed for posting to any part of the Dominion, from is. upwards.—Advt.
Y.VV.C.A. Notes. A cordial invitation lias been received by the Young Women's Chris bar.Association from the chairman of the fatiangore. Tea' Committee of the ™-C.A..,1 - viting all Y-W-C.A members to attend a combined' service at the Y.M.C.A., Willis Street, to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, and afterwards to stay, to tea. Member of the'Y.W.C.A, are asked to take this notico ae their invitation. Mi. C JI. Poolo, M.l'.. : vnll be the speaker, and there will bo special soloists The annual meeting of, the Young Women's Christian Association will be. leld on Monday night at s o'clock, and the 3oarii of Directors earnestly request that every member will make an effort to attend. At their invitation refreshnents will be served at the close of he business part of tho meeting, when ime will bo allowed for social intercourse. The Sto who term of .office expires. and who are elipMe to*W n L X ! Mrs G W. Shirtcliffe, Mrs. J. r. WiJto. Mrs' B C. Adene, Mrs. J Bennie, ami Mrs t/Murdoch. Members «".«**?.*» come prepared to exercise .their. voting privileges A stunt, in which the stiitt Will tale part, will be part of the programme. ■ »n vwf * The elocutionary c ass of the under the -leadership of Mrs Xeicy Woods, will give an interesting and bright entertainment at the \.\\ .ua. Club Booms, Aids's Building, H Art Street, to-night at 8 o'clock Af "; entitled "The First Pnze, q ynll.form uart of the programme. lnis v>lll Dβ Health of Women and Children. The monthly meeting of the Royal Rw Zealand Society for the Health of A\ omen and Children was hold on IhureZy, October I, at 3 OrartwHwPresent were: Mrs. Massey (in thel chair). Lady Stout, Mesdames Winder, M Vicar, W. Nathan, Chapman, B. Even, J. Even W. Luke, Barclay, Brown Ward, taucht to prepare humanised milt-, -'• It! ntend P ed to , hold a Dominion baby week throughout New Zealand, commencOctober 28 to November 2, when addTessea, lectures, demonstrations l ull bo given by Dr. Platts-Mills, Mrs. rytho Brown (late matron of the Kantanearris Hospital at.'Dunedin) and others. Sewing bees were held regularly, and ISO toby earments have been distributed locally. Subscriptions to, the material, fund are, gratefully acknowledged utA-low6-.-"War Keliof," £5; Mrs. W. Luke, 15s ; and Mrs. Ponsonby, ss. Hon. rtsum (Mrs. Richardson) grateful y acknowledges from Mrs. Brookes £1 Iβ., Mesdames Treadmore and Smith, £1 eachTWalton and M'Namara, ,10s. each; Eobinson, 6s. 6d.; Robertson 55.; Brown, 5s ; Miss Eeach, 55.; Chambers, 2s. 6d.; box in rooms, 17s. Hd.
Thorndon Day at the Wellington Red Cross Shop. The Thorndon Day at the Wellington Red Cross Shop, convened and organised by Mrs. W. F. Massey, must rank as one of the most successful of the many big efforts which have been made there 6ince the shop first came into existence, an amount -well over -EIMO having been realised, with further amounts yet to come in, including the sports and dance among the Maoris of the East Coast, for which Mr. Ngata is responsible. From an early hour in the morning the people began to crowd the room, and continued to do so throughout the afternoon. A great amount of work had been expended upon this day, everyone in connection with it having worked for weeks before, hand to secure the beet possible results, and last night there must have been many women who could best describethemselves with sighs of relief as being "tiled but happy" with the day well over. The different stalle showed a wonderful collection of sowing of all descriptions, the daintiest and prettiest of novelties and lingerie, a tplendid collection of produce, of all knds, cakes, sweets, toys, flowers, etc.,. even to tho meat stall, which was im excellent money-maker. A. stall wheh was some, thing of a novelty was the pie stall, in charge of Mrs. Leslie and ladies ot "Kenilworth." Delicious meat pies «9 well as fruit pies, in all sorts of sizes, were sold, and were in great demand. The Thorndon Girls' Committee did good work also with their- surprise packet stall. Sirs. Massey was present, i> nd assisted in many ways. In charge of the stalls were the following:-Work stall, Mrs. Fulton. Mrs. Bigg, Mrs. Henry Hall, Mrs. A. Young, Mrs. Izard, and Mies Kebbell; pie stall, Mrs. Leslie- and ladies of "Kenilworth"; cakes, fancy work, produce, vi3iting members' wives, with Ladv "Ward «s convener; produce, Mrs. Shirtcliffe, Mrs. F. Dyer, Ml*. Joseph, and Mrs. C. O'Connor; meat stall, Mr*. C. Earlo and Mrs. X. Burton; ruffles. Mrs. Bolton, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. F. Ward, Mrs. Gillon, Mrs. M'Namara; Mrs, MaseeyV autognpli fiuilt. Miss Sheridan; cake stall, Mrs. K. Blundell, Mrs. Tripe, Mrs. .l.'eading, Mrs. Keesing. Mr*. C. Bichimleon, Mrs. W. G. Russell; sweet stall. Mrs. 1;. M. B Fisher. Miss Frasor, Mies Harcourt, arid others; flowers. Miss Cooper and. Miss Moss; packet stall, Miss Massey, Miss Wyllie. Miss Russell,* iliss Gunn Miss Clarke-Johnson, and Miss Price: a small toy stall, Mrs. Hobbs and Miss D'Oyly. "Le Bal Masque Parisien." Arrangements are well in hand for tho masquerade ball and poster pageant organised by the combined drapers assistants. It is well known the success previously achieved by these enthusiastic workers in patriotic efforts, and this function bids fair tn excel anything previously attempted. Special prince arc offered by tho daily papers, '"I he Free Lance" and Mr. Herbert Seaton for the following costumes :-Bcst poster, best fancy, best comic, and most original, soldiers in uniform are to bn admitted at a low charge, and the lios plan for reserved seats will be opened shortly. the committee is receiving a good response from firms proposing tohhow posters. Tickets are now available at drapery establishments. Proceeds arc to be oevolcd to the Citizens' Christmas .Wit Fund. . Urgent Appeal to Women. At a meeting of women held yesterday afternoon at. lady Stout's request, the provisions of tho- Social Hygienn Bi I now before Parliament were discussed, and it was decided to call <m urgent meeting of all women interested lnllic--weliaro of girls, to protest against them as tfcThg most dangerous. Resolutions were drawn up which will be presented ai this general meeting to bo held this BiVnoon in the Esperanto Hall at three o'clock. Dr. Newman, M.P., will at-te-tf, and will address the meeting, and tl. is hoped that as many members ot 7'afriament as possible will be present, in order that they might gain a better comprehension of the woman s point ot view in these most vital matters upon v.Tiich they arc asked to legislate. Mrs. J. P. Firth is visiting tho South Island. Tho S(. John Ambulance Brigade Ited Cross Society wish to acknowledge with many thanks gifts of fleeces for spinning from Mrs. Barron, Mr. Norman, and Mr. Eglinton. Modern liainvork for ladies must, have these riualilicalions to give sntisiactioii, via., neatness, durability, rebel, and comfort, and a perfect match. Tho Miss Milsomhairwork is made of tho finest grades, and displays tho best possible handwork throughout. Therp is no mechanical help for high-gnidn nuirwork, only tho skill of the specialist can turn it out. Information gratis aim strictly confidential. cannot call, please'write. Wu have this variety, wo liavn the. slaft", we hiivo tho knowledge. Best in best quality English liaiv. I ranslormniinns, Toupees, Switches, Pads, olc. All hair and skin preparations and Tonics. Clipping, Shampooing, Manicuring, Electrolysis. Miss Milsoin. Barnetts Buildings, !M "Willis Street. 'Phoiie ?11. -Advt.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 10, 6 October 1917, Page 4
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2,614SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 10, 6 October 1917, Page 4
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