Ad'ie, P. M., settler, Okahukura. "Aitchison, A. 8., farm labourer, Euanui. Aitken, G., carpenter, Wanganui. _ ■ 'Alderton, 0?. D. H., oivil engineer, K.Z. Aviation - School, Auckland. Allan, O. R., farm labourer, Mftkinriki. Allan, \Y., jun., Okoia. ♦Alien, O. R., mail contractor, Wanganui. . Anderson, J., carpenter. Wickstead Street. Anderton, D. H., ■ blacksmith, Hataroa-. Annabell, E.. plumber, Jlathieson Street. Armstrong, D. A., 'fireman, N.Z.E., OhaIrune Jnnction. Austin, G. F., hairdresser, Purnoll Street. Bach, W., boilermaker. K&kariki. Barham, Tv', J., employee, N.Z.11., Levin. • Barnes, W., wharf labourer, Smithfield. Bart-ell, H.. fa-rmor, Turangaarere. Bates, O. P., teacher, London Street, flatten, T. W„ farm hand. Eiver Bank. *Beokwlth, A., mechanioal engineer, Halcombe. . „ „ i. "Bergin. D., carpenter, Bignell Street. Best, t. H.. fanner, Westmere. •BilHnghurst, A. R., farm assistant, MaxiTclltown. ' , *Birch. H. J., machinist, Manunul. ' . Dirt, E., 'shearin(i-«hed hand, Jlakinkiri. *Blaclnvell, TV'. G., clerk Dunedin. Botit, W. H., bushman, Eaketapauma. Bowman, T7. F„ cleaner, N.Z.E., Wauganui "Bronnan, B. 0.. carpenter, Aleiander St. Broadbent, A.,, butoher, Durie Town Extension. Broadbent, li.. tunneller, Aukopae. Brown, D., bridge carpenter, _Burle Hill. Brown, W., bushman, Kaetihi. Brown, V> r . E., solicitor, Putiki. Bubb, A. 15., carter, Guytou Street. ' Buago, 0. S., Pordell, Wanganui. Bunt; J. E., saTvmiller, Eaurimu. •'Butler, W.. roadmaker, Euatiti; Campbell, A., grocer's assist., Harrison Bt. Campion, I'. N. D., Arawhata, Fordell. Oarrel, L. 8., drover, Nixon St. Extension. 'Oassels, D., clerk, Olcahukura. •Caterer, A., bushman, Waimiha. Cathro, O. L., labourer, Sprlngdals. Cathro, W. J., painter, Harrison Street. Church, H., farmer, Te "Whakarai. Clanoy, M. J.. labourer, Ohakuns. Coker, E., painter, Baetihi. *Oole, W. J., bushman, Wanganui. Coleman. 'P., labourer, Ohura. . Coolisley, H.. farm labourer, Kai Iwi. Cooper, H. 8., labourer, Putiki. Comn, I'., labourer, Wanganui East. Cozens, H. J.. labourer, Parnell, Auokland. ♦Crotliers, X)., drover, Putiki. Cudby, It. D„ painter, Ea-stown. Cummings, P., cutt-er, Eanana. »Oummins. h.. engineor, Harrisoa. Place. Oummins, P. D-, farm hand, Mangoihe. Cunningham, A. E., joiner, Eangataua. Cunningham, J., labourer, Ohakune. Davies, D. D., dental Wanganui E/ Davis, A. ,0.. postmaster, Piriaka. Day, E. J., bailiff, Guyton Street. Dense, A. M., sawmill proprietor, JSihoniho Denys, E. J., engineer, Boulcott St., Wgn. ■ Dexter, E., switchboard oiperator, Wanganui East'. Dickson, 8., wooa cutter. Ea-etlhi. Dillon, T., bushman, Kaetihi.- , Donald, E.,' labourer, Mat-aroa. *Dooley, E. G., butoher, Castlecliff. Duggan, 0. L„ contraotor, Mackay St. Dungey, J. H., cheesemakor, Ngutuwera. Edwards. B. G., savmiller, Manunni. Edwards, . H., slaughterman, Gresham Hotel, Wellington, , „ Engebretsen, S. H., mill hand, Horopito. Fargie, E., carpentefr, Ar&moho. •Farmer, J., labourer, Eangat-aua. Plynn, L., yardman, Horopito. Fordyce, E." E., Methodist minister, Taihape. . Fowler, h. A., railway employee, Ohakune. W. L.. builder, Glasgow street. Fraser, J. D., bushman, Owhango. Fredrickson, E. W., sawmill nana, Eactihi. Frewin, E„ Wicksteed Place. Gallagher, E.. farm hand, Enanui. Garyan, H. 0., sawmill hand, HamaUo. Gee, J., labourer, Hatriok Terrace. George. E.'B., mill hand, Eon go tea. Gibb E., railway guard, Taumarunui. Gilford, E., -taxi dnvef, Wanganm. Graders, G. E„ larmer, Hamilton. Goaley, M., labourer, Owhango. Gonns, J. W. K plumber, Sumner. "Gordon, H. W., iron machinist, 'lay Bt. Gould, H., upholsterer, Gonville. *Graj, A. A., farmer, Keith Street. ♦Greene M. J.. stockman, Wauganui. GrieTe, W. p iaboarer, Kal Iwl. Hancox, J., navvy, CasUeclih. r . ♦Hansen, J. K-„ barman, St. Hill Street. Hansen, \Y. A., cook, Kakatahl. Hardy, St. A. G.. euginecr, Ourio Hill. 'Hartley, A., fitter, Eastown. Hartncll, P„ contractor,Omaio. Hawken I.' 8., bushman, Eangat-ana. Hcald, fl., Joiner, OhaKune..
Hewitt, 0., labourer, Kakalii. , Hodder, F„ motor driver, lire" Elation, am Street. Bocigetts, 11. 13., bushman, Diinia. Hodgson, G. W., bushman, Ojiatu. Bolloway, F„ grooor, Uverpool Street. liopkiußon, fl. Jl,, farmer, Raetilii. iioroozi, A. i.'\. xluuL ifourlgan, 1)., shearer, 'iaihape. B„ labourer, Huntly. Hurst, J., labourer. Niblett Street. Ir\Tjn. A., carpenter, Maiingakaramea. Jackson, P., cyelo engineer, Little Nixon Street. Jackson, W. A., dispenser, 61a Brougham fat., Wellington. James, W: L.. labourer, Pukeroa. Jensen, A. W„ farmer, Euatiti. "Jensen, M. C. L. A., butter-maker, Thames. Johnson, A. E„ Makirikiri. Jones, T„ labourer, Eaetihi. W- C.. farmer, Mangoihc. *Kellick, A. H„ farmer, Mangamaliu. ♦Kemp, J,, tram driver, Sargent St., Wa.nganui. Kronast, W., carpenter, Oastlecliff. •Kroschel, J. \Y. P.. surfaceman, Waimarino. Land, J. G., labourer, Ohura. Lawrence, It. N., shepherd, Liemore. Leinowcber, P., farmer, Westmere. Leineweber, W., farmer. Westmere. *Lewis, J„ engine driver, Hihitahi. , Lewis, T. A., bushman, K-etaruke. Lourie, A., teacher, Denlair. Lyne, 6., farmer, Manunui. Alacanergny, W., sorub-cutter, Foton. M'Cann, J. p., farm labourer, Euanui. M'Oarthy, M. E.. grocer's assist., Hamilton. "M'Causland, K„ ploughman, Te Wera. M'Cleiland, A., bushfeller, Eaetihi. M'Ciintock, E. J., settler, Okahukura. M'Cormaok, C. K„ storoman, Heads Ed. M'Connack, W. A., farm hand, Ngaturi. •M'Donald, C. loco, cleaner, Wanganui. M'Donald, J. H„ painter, Taumarunui. M'Donald, T. P., shepherd, Euatiti. M'Donnell, P., shepherd,- Mangamahu. •ITGovern, W. M„ farmer, Nihonilio. •• M'lllwaine, W., labourer, Methveu. Maclnnes, A. .mill hand, Manunui. llaok, J. J. G., surfaceman, N.Z.E., Horopito. U'Kechnie, J. D„ labourer. Willis St., Wanganui. M'Kittrick, IT., shop assist., Fordell. M'Knight, E„ labourer, Islington. M'Lachlan, D., shearer, Hunterville. M'Masters, J., labourer. Wanganui. il'Quilkin, A., farmer, Mangaohutu. Madden, 11., Bettler, "Martondcll," Erua. Mahoney 11., shearer, Keith Bt, • Malpas, E. W.. farm labourer, Okoia. Markham, J. D„ cabinetmaker, Nixon St. *Jlason, B„ Caetleollß. Matthews, G.. station hand, Kahumingi. Meade, H„ railway employee, Ohakune Jn. *Merrie, R,, motor mechanic, Gonville. JflsTialick, P., bushman, Eaetihi. Mills, 0. 11., surfaceman, Tanuka. Mitchell, A., carrier, Guyton St. Mitchell, P. E. J., architect's apprentice, Wickstead St. Mitchell. .W G., farmer, St. John's Hill. Mitchinson, P. E., farmer, Eaetihi. Montgomerie, E. 0„ farm hand, Taukoro. Murpeth, G. M„ bushfeller. Ohura. Morrlssey, M. V|"., farmer, Euatiti. , f Mosen, E. J., ropeman. Eaetihi. Mullins, D„ farmer, Kirikau. Murphy, J. T„ clerk, Erewhon.' Nairni A. S., clerk, Niblett St. *Neal, IV., barman. Great North Ed., Auckland. < Nelson, S„ roadman, Euatiti. Ncwth, E. D., Civil Servant, Ingestre St. Nicol, Ei, farm labourer, Tokirima. Norton. J„ Castleclifl. Nott, P. 0., labourer, Lowec Hutt. Nott, T. H., farm hand, Oly®. O'Connor, S„ navvy, Ongarue. Ogilvie, A. 0., farmer. Kapanui. O'Halloran, T.. labourer, Makirikiri. O'Halloran, W., labourer, Puoa. O'Neill, P., farmer, Muvunmru. O'Neill. T„ farmer,-ICaliatahi. Osboldstone, E.. clerk, Eiverbank. Palliser, E., farmer, Mangaonoho. 'Palmer, A., stationmaster, Waiouru. Palmer, W. E.. farm hand. IJpokongaroa. •Parker, V,". 8.. farmer, Waitanga. Parkinson, E. E., farmer, Owhango. Pattorson, J., labourer, Temuka. Paul. N., carpenter, Harrison St. Pearson, T.. Bushman, Eaetihi. Piloher, A. S., dairy farmer, Ohura. Plunkett, 11., J., bush contractor, Eaetilu. Power, J. J., dairy farm assist., Nukumarn. Power, T„ tcani6tor, Mannnui. Preater, H. A., farm labourer,..Harrison St. Prltchard, P., farmer, Denlavi, Fordell. Punch. J., farmer, Eaetihi. Quinn, J. F., boilermaker, Aramoho. Eae, A., driver, Eaetihi. Randal, L. S„ clerk, Campbell, St. Eandell, H., mill hand. Hihitahi. Easmußsen, P. 0., ruilway oadet, Ohakune. Eeardon, N. E., labourer, Euenui. "Eennie, D., Piplrlki. Eennie, W. S. N.. clerk. Victoria At. Rhynd, G. A., farm labourer, Matters. Eitchie, E. M„ law olerk, Ingestve St. Eoache, J. A„ farmer, Brunswiok. Eobertson, S. labourer, Kakalii. Sogers, E., photographer, Chester House. Eobs, H„ farm hand, Brunswick. *Euadle, W., bushman, Eangataua. Russell F. W., flax-mill hand, Foxton. Ryan, D., labourer, Pavahauliau. . Ryan, J., labourer. Jloropito. Ryan, E., cabinetmajter, itiverbank Ed. Sanders, J., farmer, Eaetihi. Santo, G. v., mill hand, Manunui. Scholea, P. L„ labourer. IVainui-o-mata. 6cobie, P. E., cabinetmaker, Viotoria At. Scott, IV., factory hand, Wanganui East. Seddon. \V. J., waiter, Guyton" St. Shaokhorne, W. (or Home, Willie Shack), labourer, Kolioujii. ilheehan, J. H„ bushman, Eaurlmu. Sherifl, L. A. I'., farm labouror. No. 2 Line. Sims. A. W., timber mill worker, Manunui. , ' Singh, 0., labourer, Taumarunui. Slipper, E. W., billiard saloon keeper, Owhango. Smith, W., bushman, Mussall Beach. Sothern, A.. 1 butcher, Manunui. Sowerby, L. G., clerk, Ongarue. Spiccr, J., Btoreman. Marybank. Stacey, 0. K„ farm hand, Kai lwi. Stephens. J., labourer, Adelaide St„ Petone. Stephens, L. A., mil] hand, Kakalii. Stevens; A. E., farm manager, l Mataroa. Stilborn, T. 8., labourer, Euatiti. 'Stono, L.. farm hand, Taupo Quay. Syme. E„ farmer, Fordell. "l'arrant, P. 1., motor mechanic, Broad St., Palmerston North. Tetzlaß, A., fencer. Campbell St. Thotford, 0., labourer. Plymouth St. Thompson, S., sawmill hand, Hukapapa. •Thomson, A., storekeeper. Wangajiiii E. Thomson, G. M. S„ oiotor mechanic, Campbell Street. Tlerney, J., mill hand, Owhango. Tamson, A., road contractor. Mangatiti. Totty, 0. G., farm manager, Nukunuku. Trigger, J„ labourer, Ngaere. ■ • Twiniqg, W. W., bushman, Kakatahi.' Twomey. W. J.» bushman, Hihitahi. I Tyler, S., bushfeller. Owhango. Venus, A. G„ returned soldier, Ball St. Vowles, A., boardinghouse-keeper, Taupo Quay. Waokrow, A. H., farmer. Te Konra. •Waldegrave, C. N., sheep farmer, Kaitieke. Walker, H„ labourer, Kapnni. Wall. A., tramway employee, Harrison St. Wall. b. W., station owner, Waiouru. Ward, A. 0. J., shoe operator,' Wakefield. Road. 'Warner, W. J., bridge builder. Pukehaha. ♦Warwick, H. S.. Halswell St. Watson, H., labourer, Mahirakau. *Weir, P. W. int., carpenter, Wanganui E. White J., Btation hand, Arawhata. •Wilson, 0. T. N., GonTille. Wise, P. H„ farm labourer, Eaetihi. Woods, P., surveyor, Wanganui. *Woolverton, J. H„ ■ bookseller. Durie Hill. Young, J. A., fireman, Eiverbank, Wanganui East. Tounger, D., carpenter, Ohurton St. What is there in our service that attracts thousands of business men to us and keeps them with us? It is efficiency and reliability. Why thev engage us for Customs, Carrying ana Forwarding Work, they know without questioning that the work will be well and faithfully done. The New Zealand Express Co., Ltd.—Advt. |
| CELLULOID TOOTH BRUSH f HOLDERS, to hold six brushes. | Usual Price, la. 6d. Sale Pricc, Is. g BORIC LINT. Usual Price, Is. & 1 Sale Price, 6d. packet, i CUTICURA OINTMENT. • Usual Price, is. 6d. Sale Price, 3s. 3d. tin. I WOODEN TOOTH PICKS. Usual 1 Price, 3s. 3d. box. Sale Pricc, 2s. B box of 500. INCANDESCENT- GAS CHIMNEYS. 5 Usual Price, 9d. Sale Price, 3 for 3 Is. 3d. S SUNLIGHT SOAP. Usual Price, Is. f M. Sale Price. Is. Id. box. LIFEBUOY SOAP. Usual Price, 3 i.}d. cake. Sale Price, 3 for 10kl. jj LULLABY SOAP. Usual Price, id. | cake. Sale Price, 4 cakes for Is. fli ERASMIC TOILET SOAP. Usual f Price, iid. cake. Sale Price, 4 5 oakes for Is. ji ERASMIC'HERB SOAP. Usual Price, | 9d. cake. Sale Price, 3 - cakes for i Is. 3d. I ERASMIC PEERLESS SOAP. Usual 5 price, lOd. cake. Sale Price, 2s. *i box of 3. ? UNCLE SAM'S TAR SOAP. Usual | Price, ,9d. cake. Sale Price, GJd. LAVA SALT WATER SOAP. Usual S Price,: Bd. cake. Sale Price, 6d. % cake. | COLGATE'S CASHMERE BOUQUET J . SOAP. large.. Usual Price, Is. 6d. }i Sale Price, Is. 3d. cake. | COLGATE'S'CASHMERE BOUQUET b SOAP, small. Usual Prices, lOd. I Salo Price, Bd. cake. COLGATE'S OATMEAi SOAP, c small. Usual Price, Bd. cake. Sale J Price, 6d. cake. s COLGATE'S OATMEAL SOAP large. Usual Price. Is. 3<l. cake' Salo Price, 2s. 3d. box of 3 s COLGATE'S CASTILE SOAP. Usual « ■. Price, 9d. cake. Sale Price, 7d. i cake. ■ ■ • ■j COLGATE'S TURKISH BATH S SOAP. Usual Price,,6d. cake. Sale Price, 3 for MM. j COLGATE'S COLOSSAL BATH | SOAP. Usual Price, lOd. cake.'Sale e Price, 7<3. cake. § COI,GATE'S NATURAL ROSE SOAP. Usual Price, Is. 2d. cake, i Sale Price, B£<L cake. ■ j COLGATE'S NATURAL' VIOLET 1 Price, Is. 2<l. cake. Sale Price, BJ<l. ' cake. ' . I C<^4 T1 £ S ,*SP rra clematis SOAP. Usual Price, lOd. cake. Salo S Pnoe, 2s. box of S. COLGATE'S OCTAGON SO.AP, Usual Price, Is. cake. Sale Price, 6d i cake. . j BI CUTTCURA Price, Is i M.-cake. Sale Price, Id. JW. cake' FAIR,BANK'S GLYCERINE TAR I SOAP. Usual Price, 9d. cake. Sale § Price. 6a. cake: | WRIGHT'S COAL TAR FOAP. Usual | Price, lOd. cake. Sale , Price, Sd. | WORKMAN'S TAR SOAP. Usual | Price, 9d. cake. Sale Price, sd. 1 VINOLIA YOUTH SOAP. Usual" I Price, 9d. cake. Sale Price, 3 : cakes | . for la. IROCKFELLOW'S LAUNDRY SOAP. Usual Price, Sd. cake. Sale Price, 3 for Is. LYSOL SOAP. Usual Price, Is. cake. Sale Price. Bd. cake. WTLDWOOD, SOAP, assorted. Usual Price, Is. 6d. box. Sale, Price, llld. box. STERNE'S PEROXIDE BATH SOAP. Usual Price, Is. cake. Sale Price, cake STERNE'S' BIG BATH SOAP. Usual Price. Is. • 3d. cake.' Sale Price. 9d. cake. STERNE'S OATMEAL, BUTTERMILK. AND WITCH HAZEL SOAPS. Usual Price, lfld. cake.ISaln Price, 7id. cake. GOODWTN'S " CARBOLIC SOAP. , Usual Price, sd. cake. Sale Price, i for la. ERASMIC BALL SOAP. Usual Price, Gd. ball. Sale Price, 3 balls for tosd. KIRK'S SAPOCUTI SOAP. Usual Pricc, Is. Cd; cake. Sale Price, Is. & coke. 1 JERGEN'S BENZOIN AND ALI MOND SOAP. Usual Price, ;ls. 6d. E cake. Sale Price. lOld. cake. | CLEAVER'S SCENTED SOAP. » Usnal Price, IOJd. Sale Price, Is. p ' 9d. box of 3. 1 M'CLINTON'S BARILLA SOAP, | large. Usual Price, 6}d. cake. Sale I Price, 4}d. cake. I -M'CLINTON'S BARILLA SOAP. I • Usual Price. Is. 2d. box. Sale Price, b 10id. box of 3. . f Boxes containing 2 bottles of PERI FUME, one cake SOAP, and one 1 packet. VIOLET POWDER. Usual I Price, Is. 6d. box. Sale Price, Is. J box. g FIELD'S FLOATING BATH SOAP. P Usual Price, 7Jd. cake. Sale Price, I ■ SJd. cake. , SOAP BABIES. Usual . Price, 6d. % each. Sale Price, 3d. each.' I ROGER AND GALLET'S TOOTH
| CREAM. Usual Price, Is. 6d. 0 Sale Prioe, Is. tube. 1 BREIDENBACH'S ENGLISH TOOTH | PASTE. Usunl Price, Is. 6d. Sale *1 Price lijd. tube. | KOKEN'S CREME SNOW, large. 3 Usual' Price, 2s. lid. Sale Price, | Is. lid. jar. § LA VERNA CREAM, non-greasy. 5 Usual Price, 2s. lid. Sale Price, 5 2s. jar. I WITCH HAZEL CREAM. Usual I Price, 2s. 6d. Sale Price, is. Gd. jav. s EBONY-BACK LADIES' WHALEt BONE BRUSHES. Usual Price, s Bs. Gd. each. Sale Price, 4s. lid. f: CLOTH BRUSHES. Usual Price, Is. 'i Sale Price, 6}d. each. I: CAMPHORATED OIL. Usual. Price, i Is. 6d. Sale Price, 9d. bottle. ' 5 '.ROGER and GALLET'S BRILLAN--1 TINE'. Usual Price, \Js. 6d. Sale • t Price, lljd. bottle. | BREIDENBACH'S BRILLANTINE. S Usual Price,! Is. 6d. Sale Price, I Is. bottle. | PICARD FRERES BRILLANTINE. I Usual Price, 25.. Gd. Sale Price, ij- 'is. 6d. bottle. . ; DUPRAT'S. BRILLANTINE; Usual I Price, is. '3d. Sale Price, 7}d. | bottle. , ' _ t ST. THOMAS'S BAT RUM, Boz. i Usual Price, is. Gd. Sale Price, ■ IOJd- bottle. AMERICAN BAT LEAF BAT RUM, j Boz. Usual Price, Is. 6d. Sale Price, Is. bottle. i LIMEJUICE and GLYCERINE. 4oz. ' Usual Price. 9d. Sale Price, sd. >! bottle. TT , I WIOLETTA HAIR TONIC. Usual 1 Price, 3s. 6d. bottle. Sale Price, I Is. lid. bottle. « PETROLEUM JELLY. Usual Price, a Id. bottle. Sale Price, 5 for Is. '
COCOANUT OIL. Usual Price, 9d. Sale Price pot. ERA SMIC SHAVING STICKS. Usual Price, Is. 6d. Sale Price, 10|d. stick. CAMPHOR ICE, •• Oheeseborouglf's. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price, 9d. tin. COLGATE'S SHAVING STICKS. Usual Price. Is. 6d. Sale Price, .-Is.'.ld. stick. COLGATE'S SHAVING STICKS, small. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price, Bd. stick. CRADDOCK'S MEDICATED SHAVING SOAP. Usual Price, Is. 6d. Sale Price, Is. stick.' ELSO SHAVING SOAJP. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price, 4}d. stick. M'CLINTON'S SHAVING SOAP. Usual Price, Is. 6d. Sale Price, Is. stick. MENNEN'S - SHAVING CREASI. Usual Price, 2s. Sale Price, Is. 6d. tube. > COLGATE'S SHAVING CREAM. Usual Price, Is. , 9d. Sale Price, Is. 2d. tube. ' JOHNSON'S SHAVING CREAM. Usual Price, Ib. 9d. Sale Price, Is. 3d. tube. M'CLINTON'S SHAVING CREAM. Usual Price, Is. 6d. Sale Price, Is. - BREIDENBACH'S ALMOND SHAV- . ING CREAM. Usual Price, 2s. 6d. Sale Price, Is. 9d. pot. ' COLGATE'S SHAVING POWDER, large. Usual Price, fs. Sd. Sale Price, Is. Id. tin. COLGATE'S SHAVING POWDER., small. Usual Price, Is, Sale Price, 9Jd. tin. ATKINSON'S SHAVING POWDER, Usual Price, Is. 6d. Sale Pnoe, Is. tin. VTNOLLi SHAVING SOAP. Usual Price, Is. 3d. Sale Price, BJd. COLGATE'S. DENTAL CREAM. Usual Price, Is. (id. Sale Price, Is. Id. tube. " , COLGATE'S DENTAL . CREAM; (small). Usual Price, lOd. Sale . Price, ,7d. tube. KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE, .with. ■ small 'tube free. Sale Price, Is. 6d. DR. LYONS' TOOTH CREAM. ■ Usual Price, Is. 6d. Sale Price, Is. tube. ROGER AjST) GALLET'S ASSORTED SOAPS. Usual Price', Is. Gd. cake. Sale Price, Is. 4jd. cake. , OLIVE .OIL CASTILE SOAP 4 Price, 9d. cake. Sale Price, 6d. cake. ■ , WHITE BUTTERMILK SOAP. Usual Price, 2{d. cake. Sale Price, 8 cakes for la. . SAFETY PINS, ASSORTED.' Usual Price, Is. . Sale Price, 6!d. box of 100. ' , KOKEN'S ADONIS CREAM. Usual 1 Price,' Is. Gd. Sale Price, Is. iar. - JOUBET'S PEROXIDE CREAM. Usual Price, Is. 6d. pot. Sale Price, Is. pot. PICARD FEERES' PACE POWDER, Usual Price, ss. 6d. Sale Price, 3s. 6d. box. PEAR'S VIOLET POWDER, Usual Price, 9d. Sale Price, Gd. tin. 1 KALODERMA FACE POWDER, Usual Price, 2s. Sale Price, ls.\box. „ TETLOW'S PACE POWDER. Usual Price, 3s. 6d. Sale Price, 2s. box. MARCH VIOLET FACE POWDER, Usual Price, 2s. Gd. Sale Price, lljd. box. . PIVER'S LE TREFLE, ETC., POWDERS. Usual Price, ss. 6d. Sale Price, 4s. 6d. box. POMPADOUR FACE POWDER. Usual' Price, S3. Gd. Sale Price, Is. Gd. box. PIVER'S POWDER. Usual Price, 3s. 'Gd. Sale Price, 29. 6d. box. ROGER AND GALLET'S VELOUTEE POWDER. Usual Price, 2s. 6d. Sole Price, Is. 9d. box. . LANE'S TALC POWDERS. Usual Prioe, Is. Sale Price, 4}d. tin. MENNEN'S'TALC POWDERS, Assorted Perfumes. Usual Price,' Is. 9d. Sale Price, Is. 3d. tin. BRIGHTON AND ROSE TALC POWDERS.. Usual Price, Is. 6d. Sale Price, 9Jd. tin; SELMO TALC POWDER, ■ Usual Price, Js. Sale Price, Bid. tin. JERGEN'S TALC POWDER 'large eize). Usual Price,' 2s. 9d. Sale Price,- Is. IOSd. tin. ARTHUR'S TALC POWDER, Violet and Rose. Usual Price, 2s. lid. Sale Price, 2s. tin. JERGEN'S TALC POWDER.' I'suai Price, Is. fid. Sale Price, IOJd.. tin. JOUBERT'S TALC POWDER (large). Usual Price, 2s. Sale Price, la. 3d. tin. / COLGATE'S TALC POWDER. Usual Price, Is. 6d. Sale Price, llsd. tin. TARDLEY'S TALC POWDER. Usual Price,\ls; Gd. , Sale Price, 16. tin. CARBOLIC ' TOOTH POWDER, Usual Price, la. Sale Price, Gd. tin. TONKING'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price, 4td. tin. . VINOLA TOOTH PASTE. Usual Price, Is. 6d; Sale Price, Is. tube. COLGATE'S ■ TOOTH POWDER, Usual Price, Is.' 9d. Sale Price, le. 3d. bottle. JOUBET'S MASSAGE CREAM. . Usual Price, 3s 6d. Sale Price, 2s. 6d. jar. : 1 HAZELINE SNOW. . Usual Price, Is. 9d. Sale Price, Is. 3d. jar. JERGEN'S BENZOIN AND ALMOND LOTION. Usual Price, 2s. 9d. Sale Price, Is. 4M. bottle. JERGEN'S BENZOIN AND ALMOND LOTION, small. Usual Price, 2s. Sale Price, Is. Id. per bottle.. .KOKEN'S ROSE CREAM. Usual PRICE, 2s. Sale Price, 6d. per bottle. CUCUMBER AND GLYCERINE. Usual Price, Is. 9d. Sale Price, Is. 3d. per bottle. . CREME SIMON. Usual Price, 2s. Gd. Sale Price, Is. 9d. tube. JOUBERT'S BEAUTY ROUGE. Usual Price, 2a. Sale Price, Is. 3d. ' bottle. ROSALINE.. Usual Price, 2s. 3d. Sale Price, Is. 6d. pot. EAU-DE-DENTIFRICE. Usual Price, ■ Is. 6d. Sale" Price, Is. bottle. MENNEN'S COLD CREAM. Usual Price, 2s; Salo Price, Is. 6d. tube. COLGATE'S COLD . CREAM. Usual Price, 2s. Sale Price, Is. 3d. tube. LANOLINE. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price, 6d. tube. ZAM BUIt OINTMENT. Usual Price; Is. 9d. Sale Price, Is. 6d. tin. BOEHM'S POMADE HONGROISE. Usual Price. Is. Sale Price, 6<l. bottle. • . WHITE PETROLEUM' JELLY. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price, 9d. bottle. ROSEMARY and CANTHARIDINE HAIR WASH. Usual Price, 3s. 6d. Sale Price, 2s. 6d. bottle.
BORACIC OINTMENT. Usual Price; Is. Sale Price, 6d. bottle. POMADE HONGROISE LESCOLS. Usual Price 9d. Sale Price, 4Jd. tube. ' RECORD NOTE BOOKS, HJd. doz. MARVEL WHITING PADS. Usual Price, 9d. each. Sale Price, 3 for Is. 3d. 300-PAGE LINEN WRITING PAD. Usual Price, 2s. Sale Price, Is. 3d. 400-PAGE LINEN WRITING PAD. Usual Price, 2s, 6d. - Sale Price, Is. 7}d. 200-PAGE PERFECTION WRITING PAD. Usual Price, ; Is. 6d. Salo Price, 3 for 2s. 9d. CAMBRIC. LINEN WRITING PADS, in blue, green, gray, and o:eam. Usual Price, Is. 6d. Sale Price, 3 for 2s.- Bd. ■ NEW ' ROLLED LINEN ENVELOPES. Usual Price, Gd. packet. Sale Price, i lor Is. LARGE SIZE MANILA ENVELOPES. Usual Pries; Is. 6d. hundred. Salo Price, Is. for 100. FOREIGN ENVELOPES. Usual Price, 6d. packet. Sale Price, 3 for 10} d. LADIES' "DAINTY" PADS. Usual Price, 9d. Sale Price, 3 for Is. 3d. OFFICIAL ENVELOPES. Usual Price, Is. packet. Sale Price, 6d. STUDENTS' EXERCISE BOOKS. Usual Price, 3d. each. Sale Price, S for Is. THINKERS' EXERCISE BOOKS. Usual Price, 2d. Sale Price, 12 for Is. - -
STRONG CARPENTERS' PENCILS. Usual Price, Is. 6d. doz. Sale
Price, 9d, . H.B. LEAD PENCILS. Usual Price,. Is. doz. Sale Price, 7Jd. . . RECORD PENCIL SETS,. Usual Price, 3s. 6d. Salo Price, Is. 9d." PAPER'SERVIETTES. Usual Price, Is. 3d. per 100. Sale Price 9d. SCHOOL PENCILS, -.with Rubber Tops. Usual Price, 2s. doz.- Salo • Price, Is. 'PRINTING \ SETS, with Eubber . Type. Usual Price, 2s. lid. Sale ' 1 BLACK CROW INDELIBLE MARKING INK. Usual Price, 9d. Sale Price, Gd. IVORY AND LINEN PLATING i CARDS. Usual' Price, 2s. Sale , i Price, Is. .3d. SCHOOL OUTFITS. ' Usual Price,, 3s. 6d. Sale Price, Is., lid. set. . SCHOOL COMPASS SETS. Usual Price, Is. 6d. Sale Prioe, 9Jd. i' PINT BOTTLES MEEK'S. INK.Usual Price, 9d. Sale Price, Sjd. ? . bottle. INK PENCILS. Usual Price, 6d. 5 each. Sale Price, 4 for Is. STIFF-COVERED NOTE-BOOKS. - Usual Price, 4d. each. Sale Price, • 2s. Bd. doz. SCHOOL-PEN NIBS. Usual Price, 3d. doz. Sale Price, Is. 9d. gioss. -. . WRITING PADS.. Usual.Price,.id. cach. Sale Price, 5- for Is. . ' . FOUNTAIN-PEN CLIPS. Usual price, 9d. Sale Price, 6d. each. Will take two or three pencils. :■ STRONG LEATHER POCKET BOOK. Usual Price, 2s.lid. Sale ' ■ Price, Is. lid. '■ SOLID PIG-SKIN LETTER CASES. Usnal price, 2s; 6d. Sale Price, 16. BRIDGE SCORERS. Usual -Price, 6d. each. Sale Price, 3 for Is.- ' ANTIMONY SERVIETTE , RINGS. .' Usual Price, Is. Sale Price, 4jd. WEDDING. CAKE-BOXES. Usual ; Price, ed. each. Sale Price, 3s. lli'i a dozen. "RED ELEPHANT" -STYLO PEN, fitted with spiral, spring needle. Usual Price, 12a. 6d. Sale Price, - 7s. lid. . "EVERYBODY'S" . SELF-PILLING FOUNTAIN' PEN, Uct. gold nib; ■ each pen guaranteed. Usual Price, ; 17a. 6d. Sale Price, 103. Gd. , '--' 'i THE "WHIPPET" STYLOGRAPHIC : PEN, fitted with- spiral needle. Usual Price, 12». 6d. Sale Price, 7s. Ud. '■.!! ' H.B. STYLOGRAPHIC PENS. Usual. Price, ss. 9d. Sale Price, 2s. lid, WILLIS PLAYING CARDS. Usual Price, Is. ' Sale Price, 9d. a pack. PUMP - FILLING FOUNTAIN ' PENS. Usual Price, 2s. Sale;! • Price, 7|d. ' > ' - J SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PENS. Usual Price, 2s. lid. Sale Price. Is. 6d. ' ' ' '' PUMP - FILLING FOUNTAIN :. PENS. Usual Price, ! 2s. lid. • Sale . Price, Is. 6d. The "ERIC" SELF-FILLING FOUNTAINSPENS, Uct. gold ::ib; each - pen guaranteed. Usual Price, 21s; Sale Price 12s. 6d. H.B. FOUNTAIN PEN, Uct. gold." nib. Usual Price, 12s. (!d. Sale Price. 6s Gd. RUBBER HOLDALLS, 1 Suitable for y Soldiers. Usual Price, 10s. 6d.' Sale Price, Gs. lid. each. RUBBER SPONGE BAGS. .Usual Price, '2s. 9d. Sale Price, Is. Gd. .each. • v ■ 1 COTTON WOOL. Usual Price, 3s. lid. Sale Price, 2s. Gd. lb. ■ p<iclc&t. WIOLETTA COUGH CURE. Usual Price, 2-s. 6d. Sale Price, 9Jd. bottle ' MUHLEN'S TOILET VINEGAR' ' Usual Price, Is. lHd. Sale Price, 9{<l. bottle. ASSORTED PERFUMES, all well- , known makers. Hart's Special': Price, to ClearlOJd. each. CHEESEBOROUGH'S VASELINE. Usual Price, 9d. bottle. Sale Price, 3 bottles for Is. 2d. - - - LADIES' BACK COMBS. Usual . Price,, Is. Sale Price, 3d. each. BRILLIANT HAIR ORNAMENTS.' Usual Price, Is. Gd. Sale Price, ■ 4kl. each. • i LADIES'. AMBER COMBS. Usual i „ „ Sa '° Price 4!d. cach. -1 SCENT SACHETS. Usual Price, 3d. ' 3 each. Sale Price. 6 for Is. i ATKINSON'S PERFUME. Usual j Price, 2s. Gd. Sale Price, Is. bottle. PAPER POWDERS. Usual Price,'?, 9d. Sale Price. 3d. each. ■ ,■ \ VANITY BOXES. Usual Price. Is. Salo Price, 3d. each. TOOTH BRUSHES. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price, Gd.'each. TOOTH BRUSHES. Usual Price, 9d. Sale Price, 4Jd. each. ■■■ • ? TOOTH BRUSHES: Usual Price, : S 6d. Sale Price, 3d. each. | NUGGET BOOT POLISH. Usual -fe Price, 3d. tin. Sale Price, 5 tins p for Is. • UNBREAKABLE COMBS. Usual I Price, Is. Sale Price, Gd. each. J STERLING CINNAMON CHEWING • I GUM. ; Usual Price, 3d.-packet. Sale-,> s Price,- 10 packets. for- Is.- -5 PEAR'S FULLER'S EARTH. tJsuaf Price, 9d. Sale Price, Gd. tin. a TALCUM PUFFS. Usual Tries, Is % Sale Price, Gd. each. 5
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2 October 1917, Page 5
Word Count
3,974WANGANUI RECRUITING DISTRICT Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2 October 1917, Page 5
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