A LETTER DP APPRECIATION. A well-known Christchurch lady, who for many years has been troubled Tilth a strong growth of superfluous hair, writes:— Mrs. Eolleston, i Lambton Quay. •' Dear Madam,—For the benefit of many I who suffer with tho humiliating disfigurement of ■ a growth of- hair on tho face, I am writing to assure them hew perfect and permanent your treatment of Electrolysis is. I know I am only ono of many you ] have successfully cured, but as it ft as long beforo I could bo inducod to try Electrolysis I wish to advise all who neod treatment not to hesitate'a day. It is nearly twelvo months since my kst treatment, and ifs impossible to cVti'c' I ever had a growth. Please uso tin's to advortise your excellent work, f" which J I am, ? A GRATEFUL PATIENT. I —Af'.irt. IT LIGHTENS THE DRUDGERY of household work! That is the real reason of the success of the "Daisy" Vacuum Cleaner. At the depot, Lower Cuba Streot, you can have a demonstration of its work. Get ono and let it cut your housework in two. Simple, effective, oaf-y, tho "Daisy" is the most I perfect Vacuum Cleaner on tho market. Inquiry is invited by the N.Z. Agents, Osoir Hewett and Co., 58 Cuba Street (just below Bank N.Z.).-Advt.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3189, 13 September 1917, Page 3
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216Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3189, 13 September 1917, Page 3
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