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PHASES OP THE MOON. SEPTEMBER. Day. Hr. m Full moon - 1 'J « P ' m ' Last quarter 8 635 p.m. New moon 16 5 57 p.m. first Quarter 2-1 5 11 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 10.2? p.m.; sets, 8.23 ..m. Thursday, fflß To-day. 7.27 a.m.; 7.55 p.m. To-morrow, 8.25 a.m.; 8.52 p.m; 'SUN. Bun rises to-day, 5.11 ftjn.; sets, 5.30 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. ■ 'MAKAROA, s.s. (6.55 a.m.), 2538 tone, Rir<Mii>". from Lyttclton. NIKAU, s.s. (8 a.m.), 248 tons. Hay, from Nelson and Mctueka. INVERCAHGIUi, s.s. (9.50 a.m.), 224 tons, Wahlstroin, from 'Wanßanui. VTOOTTON, s.s. (4.45 p.m.), 161 tons, Larsen, from Lyttelton. , PATEENA. s.s. (10 p.m.), 1212 tons, Irwin, from Nelson and Picton. IIHFENDKH, s.s. (10.30 p.m.), 190 tons, Jamicson, from Hokltika.

DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. NGAHEBE, s.s. (J. 35 p.m.), 1090 tons, DlUner for Greymouth. KAITUNA, 5.3. (4.10 p.m.), 1977 tons, Eyan, f °HAWEKA? s.s. (5 p.m.), 174 tons. Jackson, fO WAVEKW, s.s. (5.5 pirn.), 157 tons. Fisk, PTJTIKI.' s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 407 tons, Eobertson. for Timaru and Dunedin. NIKAU, s.B. (5.10 p.m.), 248 tons, Hay, for N MAPOTJMKA, 8.8. (5.15 p.m.), 1203 tons, Scwell, for Nelson and West Coast. I'OIIEItUA, s.s. (5.J0 p.m.). 1175 tons. Edge, for Greymouth. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (6 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvoy, for Foxton. WAKATU, s.s. (6 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura and Lytteiton. MAEAEOA, s.s. <8 p.m.), 2598 tons, Ritchie, for Lytteiton. Passengers: SaloonMisses M'Combie, Dierks, Cochran, Donnell Salmon, llesdames Bennett, Finlayson, Sutherland, Saunders, Cameron and 2 children, Smith, Page, M'Kay, M'Keohme and child, Barnett, Grubb and 3 children, Messrs. Grubb, Kahn, Baume, Lee, Curne, Penny, Waterston, Bakowell, M'Callum, Merrett, M'Lennan, Barnett, Oato, Grimwood, Douglas, Golding, Long, MoSB, Townsend, Jameson. M'Kay, Dephofl, Thompson Avery, Alpers. Elder, Bennett, Finlayson; Sutherland, Saunders, Cameron, Captain Bone, Lieut. Simpson. Cpl. Dougall. EIPPLE, s.s. (10 p.m.), 370 tons, Carlson, for Napier and Gisborne. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Hazel Eopton, Greymouth, September 6. Kokiri, Greymouth, September 6. Kapuni, Patea, Septembor 6. Kamona, Westport, September 6. ' Huia, New Plymouth, September 5. ■ Kennedy, Foxton, September 5. Alexander, Waitape, September 5. Kaitoa, Nelson, fioptember 5. Maori, Lvttelton, September 5. Opawa, Blenheim, September 6. Kapiti, Wanganui, September 5. Queen of the South, Foxton, Sept. 6. Pateena, Nelson, Pictou, September 6. Mararoa, Lytteiton, September 6. Nlkau, Nelson, September 6. Hawera, Patca, September 6. Hiniitangi, Lytteiton, September 6. Baden Powell, Auckland, Wanganui, September 6. Waverlcy, Patea, September 6. Orepuki, Lytteiton. September 6 Blenheim, llavelock. September 6. Ngabere, Greymouth, September 7, Storm, Wanganui. September 7. Wimmcra, Auckland, via ports. Sept. 7. Wakatu, Kaikoura, September 7. Calm, northern ports, September 8. Mapourika, West Coast. Nelson. Sept. 8. Eosamond. New Plymouth, Sept. 8. Itipple, Gisborno, September 8. Karori, Auckland, September 8.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kaitangata, Lyttelton. September 5. Invcrcargill, Wanganui, September 5. Komata, Wcßtport. September 5. Rosamond. New Plymouth, Sept. .5. Kennedy, Kelso* West Coast. Sept. 5. Kapuni, Patea, {September 5. - Kaplti, Wanganui, September 5. Opawa, Blenheim, September 5. Maori, Lyttelton, September 5. Knitoa, Kelson, September 5. Pateena, Picton, Nelson, September' 5. Woottou. Lyttelton, Scntember 5. Queen of the South, Foxton, Sept. 6. Hawera, Patea. September 6. Wavcrlcy, Patea, September 6. Nikan, Nelson, September 6. Mararoa, Lyttelton, September 6. Orepuki. Nelson, Nydia Bay, Sept. 6. Alexander, Ncl;on, Wert Coast. Sept. 6. Blenheim, Wanganui, September 6. lluift, Wanganui, New Plymouth. Sept. 6, Wimmera. Lyttelton. Dnne-dln. Sept. 7. Tlimitangi, Chatham Islands, (Sept. 7. Storm, southern ports, Sept. 7. Calm W"iif"Hnu. September 8. Rosamond. Bluff,' Dunedin, September 8. Wakatu, Kaikoura. September 8. . Defender, Pioton, Hokitika, September 8. BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. ONEHUNGA. Sailnd.-Rimu (9.45 a.m.), for New Plymouth. PORT AHTJRIRI. Arrived.-Monowai (10.25 a.m.), for Wellington. GISBORNE. Arrivcd.-Arahura (6.35 a.m.), from Napier. WANGANUI. Arrivcd.-Brceze (9.40 a.m.), John (10.30 a.m.), from Wellington.' Sailcd.-Kapiti (1.40 p.m.), for Wellington. FOXTON. Arrivcd.-Konncdy (11.55 a.m.), from Puponga. _ LYTTELTON. Arrived.-Himitangi (3.10 p.m.), from Wclliugtou. Sailed.-Storm (1.10 p.m.), for Picton.; Oalm (.4 p.m.), for Oamaru; Tarawcra (5.50 p.m.), for Port Chalmers; Maori (8 p.m.), for Wellington. OAMARU. Sailcd.-Kittawa (4.16 p.m.), for Lyttelton. BERTHAGE LIST. The following is the berthage list of vessels due in port to-day:— Maori—Perry Wharf. Pateena—No. 1 south Queen's Wharf, Kaitoa—No". 10, Queen's Wharf. Alexander-Petone Wharf. Kennedy-No. 12 Queen's Wharf. TCanuni— I'ipit.ea Wharf. Kapiti—No. 7 Queen's Wharf. Opawa—No. 11 north Queen's Wharf. Defondcr—No. 13 Queen's Wharf. Hnia—No. 13 (south). Queen's Wharf. Wootton-No. 13 north Queen's Wharf. Hazel Rcpton—Miramax. ' INDUCING OVERSEA STEAMERS TO VISIT DUNEDIN. At the Otago Harbour Board's meeting last week, Mr. H. C Campbell brought a vcrv important matter to notice, in regard to the number of overseas vessels that brought cargo for the port and did not come here, the stuff being transhipped from the north, states J-he Duncdin "Star." Within the last, (month or so that had been dono with four vessels. Tho number of direct ships visiting our port was becoming less and less. Ho brought 'tho matter up in the hope that some means could be devised whereby these vessels would be brought to the port of Otago. Tho consignees hero had to pay just as much as those in Wellington, and were burdened with an extra £1 per ton for transhipment charges. There was also the question of the damage caused by the extra handling of the cargo. The majority of the steamers from New York did not come further south than Wellington, and their bills of lading were issued for only as far as Wellington, and consignees in the south, had to make their own arrangements to have the cargo transhipped. This involvod harbour dues in and out at Wellington, cartago, etc., also a ohargo for coastal. freight. The chairman (Mr. J. Loudon) said that if Mr. Cflinpbell would give the secretary a note of the names of the steamers ho referred to, he (Mr. Loudon) would sec tho companies interested and ask for the reasons why vessels did not pome here, and the\inforrhation could be snbmittod to the board at their next meeting. Mr. Campbell said ho would do so.

BTJBKR. PTTILr. ANT) f!O., T ,TD. Tho report, and accounts of Burns, Fhilp and Co., Ltd., for the twelve months ended March 31 last show that, tho gross profits for the year total £441,155, which compares with £394,514 in the previous year, £352,141 two years ago, and £341,629 three years ago. Salaries and general working expenses total £225,340, against £205,355, £166,294, and £158,664 respectively in the three previous years; £69,935 is set aside for depreciation and bad debts, against £74,719, £54,766, and £49,211, leaving, after adding £11,844 from last year, a net profit of £157,725, as compared with £125,594. The directors recommend the payment of a dividend and bonus of 7J per cent., against 7J per cent, in the previous year, and 6J per cent, in 1914-15 and 1913-14, and the transfer of £57,500 to reKcrvo and insurance funds, against £30,000 a year ago, leaving a balance of £11,470 to carry forward. MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Mr. G. Colcbrook, purser on a Union steamer, has come ashore. Mr. E. W. Scott has signed on tho Kaltuun as the head engineer in place of Mr. J. E. Dugdale. Mr. C. A. Brent, purser on an Island steamer, who mot with an accident In Customs Street, Auckland, last Tuesday, is reported to bu progressing favourably,

and eipccts to be able to leavo the private hospital in another' week.

Tbo Union Company colliers Komata for Westport, and Kaitangata, for Lytteiton, will fiail 10-day, the former at 5 p.m. and tho latter at noon. Tho Kokiri was to have left Greymouth at midnight last night with a cargo of coal and timber for Wellington. The Union .Company collier Karori is to leave Auckland on Friday with coal for Wellington. Tho Defender arrived late last night with a bis cargo of timber from Hokitika. The Invercargill leaves for Wanganui at 5 p.m. to-day, and from that port will go to Tarakohe to load cement for New I'lynjouth. Tho vessel will then come to Wellington. A special meeting of the Waterside Workers Union was held last night to discuss a proposal to found a sickness and accident benefit fund, and to adopt a rule for striking a funeral levy. It was decided to sot up a fund independent of the union, and a committee was appointed to draw up rules and conditions. In the matter of the funeral levy the rate was adonted. The Alexander is due to-day from "Waitape with cattle for Petonc, and is to fail to-morrow afternoon for Nelson and West Coast. Tho Eosamond is to sail at' 5 p.m. to-day for Nelson and New Plymouth, from which port she will como to Wellington, arriving on Saturday. Tho steamer will sail the samo day for Bluff and Dunedin. taking cargo for those ports. The Blackball steamer Ngahero left yesterday afternoon for Greymouth to load again for Wellington. The vessel should return on Friday. The barque undergoing repairs on the sliii will be relaunched on Thursday. Ten years ago the German steamship Scsostris drifted ashore on the sands of Ocos, on the coast of Guatemala. Her hull and machinery were uninjured, and tho enterprising townspeople used tho latter for the purpose of lighting their town by electricity! Last year it was decided to salvage the sh''p. although grass was growing around her keel. After ten months* hard work sho was successfully floated, and sent north under her own steam. She in now on the registry of the United .States, and hecn rechristcned tho Prances L. skinner.

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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3182, 5 September 1917, Page 8

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SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3182, 5 September 1917, Page 8

SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3182, 5 September 1917, Page 8


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