NEW ZEALAND MEN'S BRAVERY - REWARDED DECORATIONS GAINED IN FRANCE The following list of 230. or bo military - decorations gained by New Zealand sol--diers in France was obtained from the Defence Department, yc-Etcrday ' 'Distinguished' service Order. 12/3538 Lt.-C'ol. Eobert Candlish Allen (Mrs. I. T. Allen, wife. Bank of New Zealand, . London): ~ E6/11 Lt.-001. Alfred , Winter-Eyans (Mrs, Winter-Evans, wife, Eoofton). 84,25 Major Alfred Digby-Smith (Mrs. M. C Digby-Smith, -wife, Dunedin). 10/1171 11ajor Eobert Davics Hardie (Mrr Georgo Jl. Hardie, father, Palmerston . North). • . 11/601 Major John Adam Rommemllo'(Mrs. ' ' Olara Edith Sommerville, wifo, Devonport, Auckland). (5/604 Col. Donald Johnstono M'Gavin (Mrs. - Mary M'Gavin, wile, 200 Willis Street, Wellington). , - Military Cross. . 8/823 Capt. Arthur Stanley Addison. (Mrs. ' J. G. Addison, Melbourne). 10/159 a Captain William Aitton (Mr. Peter Aitken, Otago Central). 15/114 Capt. James Garfield Crawford (Mr. Alexander Crawford, father, Timaru). 7/36 Capt. George Carlisle Dailey (Mr. Wm. John Dailey, South Timaru). • ~ • E4/1270 Capt. Claud.! Jamcß Hunter Davidson (Mrs. Jameß Davidson, mother, 5 . Featherston Terraeo, Wellington). 7/332 Capt. Outhbert William Free (Capt. Free, father. Dunedin). -E4/13 Capt. Ernest Astley Harding (Mrs. Margarot Harding, mother, DargaTille). 12/2C04 Capt. Cedric Leonard Knight (Dr. A. 0.-Knight, Epsom, Anekiand).: ' Capt. Malcolm John Morrison (Mr. Arohibald Morrison, father, Kaitangata). 3/1220 Oapt. Arthur Dysant Nelßon (Mrs. Nelson, wife, Raetihi). . i ' \ .8/483 Oapt. Ernest Frank Solby (Mrs. Emma Selby,. mother, Waipawa). ' , . 12/2606 Capt: William. -Watson (Mra. L. M. Watson, wife, Berauera): , 3/1996 Oapt. Frank Norman Whitmore (Mrs. ' E. F. Whitmore. wife, Whangar6i). 11/272 Capt. Allan. Standish Wilder (Maud Wilder, Otane). E3/1875 Temp.-Major Owen. Wallis Williams (Mrs.: O- W: Williams, wife, 75 Austin St., Wellington). 117,032 Lt. Ivor Alford Bristol (Mrs. L. E. H. Bristol, mother, Timaru). . 13,387 2nd Lt. Frederick James Eeitl Earl (Mrs. Georgina Earl, v/ife, Waimahoe, Weilingto'n).. ■- 1 ' . E4.308 Lt. Edward Victor .Freed (Mrs. G; E. Simon, sister,, Ohristchuroli). p/2023-Lt. William M'Kail Qeddcs (Mrs. ,J. M'Kail Gedde3. mother, Auckland). ;• ' 12/2602 Lt. Wynne Peyton Gray (Mr. J.'A. F. Gfay, father, Epsom). £5/954 Lt.; Frank Eggar Greenish (S. M. Greenish, Chlsenliall, Street; Karori;' Wellington).. H/1716 Lt. Olaude Harrison (Mrs. E.i Harrison, mother, Wanganui). . 64/1906 Lt. Leslie Ivan Manning (Mrs. L. S. Manning, mother, Ohristchurch). 11/1642 Lt. Alexander John. Mackay Manson Manson. lather, Hastings). 84/1268 Lt. Frank Georgo Massey (Et. Hon. ' W. F. Massey, father, .Wellington). E6/15 Lt. Andrew Logan M'Dowell (Mrs, E. M. M'Dowell. Gore). 16/1303 Lt. Alexandor George Melius (Mr. W. Melles, father. Palmerston North). 6/109 Lt. Stanley Natusch' (Mr. 0. -Tilleard Natusoh, Ballance St., Wellington); , . K/1786 Lt. Bryan Palmes (Ifr. A. E. Palmes, . father, JJevin). • . £3/1786 Lt. Erio Francis Joseph. Reeves (Mr, F. K. Reeve 3, father, "Evenins Post," Wellington). B/3170 Lt. George Swan (Mrs. H. H. Swan, mother, Gordon. Eoad. Moßgiel). 1 lit. Arthur James Pegley. '• JO/766 Lt. Eobert Wood (Mrs. Elizabeth Till, mother, Stratford). 14/1185 2nd Lt. Eex Clifford Abernethy (Ect. 0. Abernethy, father, Woodville). : jff/2580 2nd Lt. Paul Oalverlpy. Ashby (E. L. Ashby,. Dunedin). 15/2065 -2nd Lt. James Mefteri Barton (Mrs. E. Barton, wife, Ohristchurch). E/1140 2nd Lt. Oharlea BosweU (Oharles Boswell, father, N. Dunedin). - ; . . ' 11/445.James Henry Catchpole (B. A. Catchpole, father, Mokoia). ! . 1/511 2nd Lt. Leslio Alec Craven (Aleo Cra--1 ven, father, Grovetown). 1 E6/66. 2nd Lt.' Donald Kennedy (Mrs. E. Guy, sister, Grove Ed:, Kelburn, ■ Wellington). ■ : . j E3/33f 2nd Lt. Ernest Lcwer (Mrs. Louisa Lower, Karori. Wellington). . (0/1154 2nd Lt. Athol. Eichard . M'lsaao (William Eussell M'lsaac, father, New Plymouth). . 12/190 2nd Lieut. Frank ■ Ezekial M'Kenzio (Kenneth M'Kenzie, father, Feilding). •• E/104 2nd Lt- George, Reginald Park (Mrs. - H. J. S. Murchisoni Christchurch).' i 7/386 2nd, Lt. Leonard Parkinson (Pearl '• ,>• ParMinson, wife, Ireland).. ~ 5/393 2nd Lt. Kenneth Scott (A. Scott. father, Mosgiel). 1 ' E/15 2nd Lt. Leonard Smith (Georgo Thofta I Smith, 11 Palm Grove, Berhamporo,. Wcl- - .lington). • - , 12,338 2nd Lt: Erling Zicsler (Mrs. -L. E. Zieslcr, mother, . Timaru). ; . , B/2180 2nd Lt. Stephen Parr (Mrs. E.' Parr, ; Pleasant Point). Peterson, James Moir. ... ■ , 'James Moir Peterson. • ■ Distinguished Conduct Medal. ; E5,765 Eflmn. Lawry Satter 'Williams (Mr. , T.: E. Williams, father, Eussell). - 26/951 Sgt. Walter John .Williamson (Mrs. t Mary Williamson, mother, Auckland). fc/3924 Pte. FreScrick White (Mrs. Whcet- : man, mother, England). 1 . ; ' Military Medal. 10,089 l'tc. James Alexander (G. L. Alexander, brother, Auckland). 13/2701 Pte. Jack Phillips Alexander (Mrs. Alexander,- mother, Auckland). . 10,205 Pte. Eiza; Alexander (Wm. Alexander. father, Bratriiany, Syria). £3/1316 Sgt. Herbert Allan (Mrs. E. Mill, mother, Castlcelifl). " 14,212 Pte. Wm. Harcourt Alio,ll (Mrs. A. E. Allom, mothor, Wairoa, H. 8.). S/1522 -Tpr. Philip Amos (Mrs. E Amos, mother, Aramoho). jt/67.4 Cpl. James Henry Anacrson (T. S. Anderson, Blucher Avenue, Wellington). £18,313/Pte. David Burnett Amrand (James " Amrand, father, Hastiugs). E61710 L.-Cpl. George Henry Baker (O. U. •Baker, father, Otahuhu).- ■ 8/3181 L.-Sgt. Richard Thomag' Barnett (Mrß. W. Bamett, mother. Wyndhain). 2/2057 Lt. James. Neil Baxter'; (James • M'Laien .Baxter, Pukckohe).E6/385 Eflmn. Alexander Ceaton (Mividock ■ Beaton, brother, Canada). .' 10/2855 Opl. Matthias Beck (Mrs. Tictoria Eowe, friend, Urcnui), 8/3867 Sgt. Donald John Bennetto (Mr. Willinm Itancls Bennetto. father. Gore). £5,666 Eflmn. Arthur John' Berghan (Mrs. C. Pepi, mother, Wanganui). 12/2950 Pte. James Herbert Biddick . Was. G. Biddick, father, Orakei). 26/388 L.-Opl. Hinton James Blako (Mr. Jilake, father. Waing'awa). 84/1940 Rflmn. Joseph Blsnkinsop' (Mr. R. W Blcnkinsop, father, 1 Mudgcs Terracc, Wellington). Distinguished Conduct Medal. e/1751 Opl. Alfred Hind Andrews .(Mrs. Hi«. Andrews, mother, Allandalo Eoad, Dunedin). 1 8/1192 Private Thomas . James Beck (Mrs. Coster, sister, Invercargill). 10/2901 Sgt. Hoy Corkill (Mr. Thomas Oorkill, father, Hawera). , 26/299 Sgt. Francis H. Daviß (Mr®. G. Davis, mother, Napier). . , Z/lß6a- Sgt. Tincent Raymond Davy iWm. ' l'hos.' Davy, father. Nelson). 26/766 Rilmn. Alfred Eunthornc (Mrs. Edith E Dnnthorne, wife. Auckland). B/1979 Pte. Chaß. A. Fitzpatrlok (Mrs. Catherine Fitzpatriok, mother, Auckland). 13 286 T.-0.-Sgt.-Major John 0. Fothorgill (Mrs. Alice Annie FothergiU; wife, c/o Mrs. W. Dovino, . 12/577 2nd-class War.-Offlcer Thomas J. Gordon (A: 0. Wallace. Hokianga). 6/4053 Pte. Arthur James Hammond (K. Hammond, father. Qeraldinc) 5/1438 Pte. Gordon Hewitt (H. Marra, Wai--22!503 TI CpI. Henry John Jeffery (Mrs. E. Jeffery. mother, Bell Block). 24/654 Sjrt. Ttlchnrd T. Latimer (E. E. Latimer, father, Orari). 16 560 Pte. John Alexander Leo (Mrs. .Y. Lee, wife. New Blight-on). r 6/1097 Cpl. DanieUat-'-ick Lloyd (Mrs.-Mary Lloyd, Christchureli). ■ ■ e/4313 Sst. John Joffnh ICGall (Mrs. L. E. V. -M'Call, wife. Christohnrcli). . ' 33/034 Eil'mn.. Hugh Muir (Mr. Hugh Muir, father. Otngo). - . - • .. . - 6/3917 Pie. JarneF H. 0 Bncn (Mrs. rlicc Parr. moMier. Dennistiin). 6/594 Pte. Harold ; Page (G. W. Sinclair, Timaru). 3/1189 Pte. Horborf, Lancelot Sail (Mary Ann Hurt. Chrintchnrch). ■ ... 66/'551 Cnl. Chflrl« n John Williams (G. A. Gregory, friend, Mcrcer). Military Medal. '22,585 Cpl. '-.Tohn Cecil Goo to (Mr?- J. O. Coote, wife, Nelson). 6/7369 Sgt John Conling (W. Conling. fothnr, Invercargill). 11,170 L.-Opl. William James Cousins (John Consins, father. Dunedin): 3/1379 Sgt. David James Crawley 'Wm. Cravrley, father, Thuiedin). 22.939 Pto. George Patrick Orowe (Mrs. Jf. Crowe, mother, Temuka). 12/1933 Cpl. Samuel A. Crowhurst (Samuel G. Crowhurst. father. Newmcirkct). 5.886 Cnl. George Tsaoc Cuthbertson (Isaac Cnthbertson. father, Oamaru). 23/1613 T.-L.-Cpl. Owen Bailleo Dpwar (Mrs. H. A. Dewar, mother, Auckland).
25/1162 Eflmn. Albert Mward Dickason, (W. J. Dickason, brother, T«kapa«). 6/3681 L.-Sgt. Bayley. Win. Dixon (Albert Dixon, father, England). 4/1707 Spr. Arthur James Dobbyn (S. J. Dobbyn, father. Woodville). 4/2072 ftpr.. Matthew Donaldson (John Donaldson, father, Cavcrsliam). 13/3019 Pto. Waltor Eric lfowden (Iticliard . Ridings Dowdon, fatlier, Auckland). 5/677, L.-Opl. William Downs (G. Granger, flanceo, Auokland). 8/1970 Pto. Arthur Francis Doylo (Mrs. A. Low, aunt, Kstrori, Wollington). 3/196 Sgt. Francis Eaglo (Mrs. M. Eagle, Awarua). 4/1152 Spr. llathow Georgo Easton (Mrs. E. B. Easton, mother, Wanganui). 9/924 Pte. Wm. Campbell Esplo (John _ Espio, brother, Tasmania). 3/820 Pto. Hugh ToneyclilTo FaJla (Mrs. Saraji Falla.: mother, Oliristchuroh). 3/1699 Opl. Edward Ernest Farnsworth (Mrs.- i,. Farnsworth, wifo, Masterton). 12/3315 Dvr. Malcolm Ohorlos Farlington (Henry' . Wright, friend,- Auclt--20,980 iiflmn. Charles Costello Ferguson (Mrs. Mary Fergiuson, "wife, Auokland). . 11/367 Opl. Jaek Fernandoz (A, G. Fernandez. fathor, 126 linokori Eoad, Wellington). ■ y 12/3012 Pte. James Fuinerty (M. Finnerty, father, Auokland). 5/767 Pte. James Dunlop, Fraser (Mra. 6." Frasor, mother, Scotland). 4/401 Act.-Sgt: Harry Ernest Pricker (Mrs. j Frances Jano Frickcr. mother, Auck-j land). 25/1227 li.-Opl. Franoia Lincoln Frnin (Mi's. Alice May Owen, sister, Auckland). 26/98 L.-Opl. Alfrod Ernect Fulcher (Mrs. Caroline Fulcher, mother, Pahiatua). 24/430 Sgt. Arthur' Walton Gallagher (Joßeph. Gallagher, father, Auckland). 21,671 Pte. Eobert Thomas Garlick (Lewis Garliok, father, Oantcrtaxy). 24/1492 Opl. Frank Olareuce St. Georgo (Leonard Shaw St. George, father, Masterton). 4/699 Spr. William Henry Gibbs (Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Heyden, mother, Wanganui). 23/1402 Eflmn. Alexander Fredk. Gilmore (Frederick Gilmoro. father. Dannevirke). 6/1031 L.-Sgt. James Alfred Godfrey (John Godfrey, Auckland). 25/109 A.-Sgt. Arthur Ernest Gorton (Mrs. Barbara Gorton, wife, Stratford). 2/2951 Sgt. Howard Burton Grave (H. T. H. • Grave, father, New Plymouth). 2/1164 Sgt. James Gregson (Mrs. Sarah ' Gregson, 'wife, England). 24/435 Rflmn. Edwin Grieve (John Grieve, fathor, Scotland). > 20,335 Pto. Arthur. Griffin (Mrs. A. Griffin, ■wife,' Hawera). 12,174 L.-Sgt. Gerald Qilmour Griffiths (Rev. 6. GrMHth6, father, Waipu). 14,418 Sgt. Harry Reginald Grundy (Mrs. Gertrude Grundy, wife, Anekiand). 6/2745 Opl., Lewis Eichard Sands (Mrs. Ellen Sandß, wife. Auckland). 6/4015 L.-Cpl. Samuel Scott (Mrs. T. Scott. mother. Glasgow). 12/2366 Pte. Edwin Seiirje (Mary Bath Searlo, mother, England). 3/1722 Pte. Frederick James Sharpe (Rich•aa'd John Shajpe, father, Ohristchurch). 11/2154 Opl. Walter Graham Sinclair (Robert P. Sinola-ir, father, Southland). 13,502 Opl. Rupert -Harold Sly (W. H. Sly, father, New South Wales). 13,644 Pto. Jokn Oharles Smith (Mrs. S. Smith, mother, Auckland). 6/2290 L.-Opl. .William Alfred Smith (Mrs. Wj' Smith, mother, Hokitita). 14,501 Eflms.' James Somerville (George Somerville, fathor, Auckland). 12/3159 L.-Opl.. Georgo Stanley (George Stanley Williams, father, Invercargill). 6/3884 L.-Opl. Eobert Stiles (Eobert Wm. StileF.' father. Nelson). 26/421 Rflmn. Charles Haselden Still (P. Still, father, 29 Marama Crescent, Wellington). 1 „ 14,602 Pto. James Orighton Stow (Mrs. Gwendoline E. Stow, wife, Auckland). 11,976 Pte. George Aubrey G. Tait (Mrs. E.' M. Tait, mother, London). 23/295 Sergt. Andrew Taylor (John Taylor, fatlier, New Plymouth). 6/4362 Pte! James Wallace Tennant (George Tennant, fathor, Timaru). 26/927 L.-13J1. William Napier. Thom (Mrs. E.Kensington, mother, Auckland). 6/370 Pte. Stanley G. Thompson (Walter Douglas Thompson, father, Nelson). 6/3183 Sapper John Tindall (Mr. Rogers, Blenheim). 12/4285 Pte. Albert Tronglioar (Robert Troughcar, father, Ooromandel). 13/2939 Driver Act.-Bomb. William Harold 'Turner (Mra. Sarah Turner, mother, New-, market). . ' ' 26,718 Eflmn. Edward Vazev (Edward. Henry Vazey, fathor, Auckland); / 16,015 Pte. Samuel James Venning (Mrs. Mary Venning, mother, Timaru). Pte. Reginald Ellis Yoller (Thomas W.' Voller, Lin-wood). t 23/948 Eflmn. Henry Thomas Waller-: (Mrs. J. H.-Waller, mother. To Aroha). 14.704 Pto. Georgo Albert Ward (Mrs. H. 0. Ward, mother, Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, Wellington). 24.257 Pte. Wilfred L. Watson (L. Watson, father, Oxford, Canterbury). 17/317 Gnr. Erneßt Alfred T. White (Mrs. T. Smith, mothor, Hastings). 16.028 Pte. Leslie A. Wlritelaw (A. A. Whitelaw, father, 282 Eintoul Street, Welling- , ton). 13/3091 Pte. Robert Abraham Wilkie Jano Wilkie. mother, Balidon Eoad, Grey Lynn, Auckland). 8/2184 Pte. John Hugh Wilson (William Wilson, father, Dunedin). . 3/295 Pte. Eeginald Wilson (Mrs. R. Wilson, Auckland). * ' 26/227 L.-Cnl. Thomas. Wilson (Eobert Wil- ; son. nephew. Linwood). ' . 12/4122 Cpl. John Robert Winkley (Thoa. Winkley. father, ■ Devonport). '' 8/508 L.-Cpl William Woods (Mrs. Woods, Invercargill). . , 10/4219 Pte. Frank Wright (Alfred Wright, • brother. Mataman). \ 12/3205 Pte. Alfred Toung (Mrs. Mary Young, mother. England).
Bar to Military medal. S/40 Opl. Georgo Whallcy (Mrß. W. It. Whalley, mother, Auckland). 1 Special Mention, Mesopotamia Dispatch. 4/2205 Sapper. William Pcarsc (Mrs. A. > Pearse, wife, Rhine Street,' MandUay, Wellington). v. - Military Medal. ' 26/332 Sergt. Lawrence Maurico Elytli (Mr. D. Blyth, father, Christchurch). 6/4588 l'tc. Harry lioy Bower (Mrs. J. Bower, mother, Napier). 24,331 Oorpl. James il'Kenzie Boylo (Mrs. , -Frances Boyle, wife. Post Office, Court.enay Place, 'Wellington), 6/3628 Pte. Alfred Bradley (Mrs. B. Bradley, mother, Vaitangi House, Boulcott Street, Wellington).' 11/2046 Bdr. Robert Isaac Brake (Mr. Eobert B.rake, father, Christchurch). 10/2873 (Pte. George Brown (Mrs. S. .A. Brown,, mother, Kongotea). 4/1744 Sapper Cecil Arthur John Browning (Mr.. A. Browning, father, Dunedin). 6/2559 Bdr. Leslie Henry. Buchanan (Mrs. Jane Graham Buchanan, mother, Christchurch). . . 1 13,588 l J te. Thomas Bullick (Mrs.! J. 'Builicit, mother, Hastings). 'li 3 ',, Sl)r - Leslie Evans Bullock (Mrs. h. Bullock, nether, Linwood). 25/1195 Rflmn. Henry James Byrne (Mr George Byrne, father. New South Wales). -2/H95 Driver John Teuton Castles'(Mrs. W. Fleming, sister, Waipukurau). 23/381 A.-Sfft. John Vincent Moslcy Canty ■ (Mr. James Thomas Canty, fatlier, 3 Baden ltd., Kilbirnie). 26,042 Etlmn. Jack Hubert Clicasman (Mrs. ,Annie Dartnell, friend, 32 Lawrenco S„ Newtown). ■' , 23,346 Eflmn. Herbert Sydney Clinker (Mrs. Hannah Clinker, mother, Thames). 10,740 Sgt. Arthur Henry Coe (Mrs. Daisy May Coe. wife, Wanfcanui). 25,197 Pte. Douglas Patrick Gordon ColeBaker (Mrs. M. R. Cole-Baker, mother, Tuakau). 10/2556 Pte. Bryant Alwyn Collin (Mr. J. P. Collin, father, Takapau). 14,587 Pte. Henry Cooke. (Mr. James Cooke, father, Christchurch). 2/2598 Gnr. Arthur Camnhcil Arthur Cooke (Mrs. Mary Oooke, mother, c/o' Gordon CooUe, Wellington). 108521 Pte. James Albert Coomhes (S. E. Coombcß, sister, Waneanui). 11,275 Sgt. Alexander Gunn (Wm. Gunn, father, Scotland). , . 23/440' Itflmn. William' George Giinn (Mrs. Jessio Gunn, mothor, Balclutha). 10/2953 L.-Cpl. Carl Walter Hansen (J. nansen, Urenui). 23.308 L.-Opl. Itaef Walden Hardiufr (A. E. Harding, fathor, Dargaville). 24/176 Eflmn. Henry Harinan Hartiuan (T. Hartiga-n, father, Weatport). 26/1651 Cpl. Grahame Heard (Mrs. Ada Stowart Heard, wife. Palmerston North). 20,525 l'tc. Ernest Henderson (Mrs. M. E. HendcrEon, mother, Turakina). 4/478 Opl. Peter Dalrmyplo Holmes (James Holmes, InvcrcarEill). 9/935 L.-Opl. Alfred Leslie Holmes (Mrs. Julia Holmes, mother, Sydney). 10/2435 T.-Cpl. Honry Moodie Hopper (J. W. Hopper. 42 Waripori St., Wellington). 8/2019 Sapper Charles Malcolm Hyde (Mrs. M. S. llyde, Eound Hill, Shannon). 812019 T.-Cpl. Claude William Jacksou (T. J. Jackßon, Invercargill) 26/1177 Sgt. Hueh Dicby Jcfireys (Mrs. H. Motice, sister, Gisborno). 15/108 Pte. Archibald Johnston (Major Johnston,, father, 20 Harper St., Newtown, Wellington). 4/417 T.-Cpl. Daniel An'gus Kennedy (Dan Kennedy, fathefr, Auckland). : 13,946 Pte. Walter Thomas Lacey (Mrs. M. W. Lacey, mother, Gore). 22.044 Pte. Thomas Lainchbury (Chaa. Lainclibury, father, Dunedin). 26/273 Rflmn. Harry Larsen (Mrs. Hannah Larßcn, mother, Palmerston North). 25,113 Pte. Clarence Lionel Lester (T. Lester, father, Ohristchurch). 9/378 Pte. Evan Daviea Lewis (Miss B. Lewis, England). . 13/2823 A.-Bouibr. Albert. Henry Johnston (Mrs. A. A. Johnston. Gisborne). . 12/3705 Pte. Rothwcll Linscy (Mrs. 11. Linscy, mother, Scotland). 1 8/933 Pte. John Robert- Lyall (Thomas Lyall, Otago). . . 2/2367 A.-Tidr. Henry Francis William Mnindsuald (Miss Constance Swan, friend, New Plymouth). 4/1818 Gpl. Robin Victor Manson (Mrs. [ , Louisa Manson, mother, 59 Webb Street-, Wellington). . 21.047 Rflmn. Charles R-aivson Stuart Marlelli (Mr. C. MarteHi, father, Waihou). 4/469 Sgt. Frederick Harold Masters (Mr. J. ' Masters, Stratford).
24,292 Rflmn. Cecil John Haubon (Mrs. J. A. Aluubou, mother, Lyttelton). 4/621 'l'.-L.-Cpl. Arthur Parrot Maekio 'Iter. James Mackic, father, Gisbornc). 12/2407 Pto. Edward M-'Brcen (ilrß. Mary Chapman, mother, Hokianga). 15,012 I'te. William M'Colgan (Mrs. C. M'Colgan, mother, Mrs. K liarnolt, Uleiilicim). 2/143 Gunner Robert Henry M'Donald (Mrs. S. M'Donald, mother, Thames). 12/2052 P-t«. Reginald (M'Divitt (Mr. Win. M'Divitt, Pukckohc). 24,383 Sgt. Charles M'Koegaii (Mrs. 'A. D. k'Kccgan, wife, 42 Waipa.wa Road, taitai). 18,462 Sgt. Alex. Thomas M'Kcnzio fMrs. M. M'Kenzie, mother, Maeterton). 12/1736 Pte. Edward George M'Kenzio (Mrs. S. A. M'Kenzie, mother, Hamilton East). 3/9-1 Cpl. Donald. S. M'Leod (Win. M'Leod,. EHliam, l'aranaki). 12/3761 Opl. James Duncan M'Lcod (Mr. A. 0. M'Leod, father, Auckland). / 6/3391 (Opl. Andrew Edmond M'Mahon (Mra. li. Reinlmrdt, mother, Harangaha). 10/3022 Pto. George .M'Ordc (Peter M'Onie, father, M'Kay Street, Shortland). 6/2708 Pte. Walter Messenger (Mrs. Emma Messenger, mother, Greymouth). 26/1014 Sgt. Henry James Mieholl (Mr. Joseph Miehell, father, Blackwater). 14,460 Pte. Owen M'Lean Millar (Mrs. Sophia. Millar, mother, Auckland). 3/267 Sgt. Percy George MiUigan (E. Milligan, Otaffo). ' • 6/2709 Earry Waterworth Minnus.iltrs. Kathleen Lucy Minnus, mother, Ash-burton). . 8/3361 Cpl. George Mitchell (Mr. W. A. Mitchell. father, Mosgiel). 24/848 A.-L.-Cpl. Pcrcy Moffitt (Mrs.- Molßtt, sen., mother, Waikaia, Otago). 4/665 Sapper Reginald Antony Munt (Mrs. H- L. Munt, 6 Hanson Street, Wellington). 15,937 Cpl. Thomas Templeton Murray (Mr. John Murray, brother, Mangaohine). 3/1783 Pto. George Myers (Mr.- E. R. Myers, father, Ooromandel). 26/1666 Eilmn. Frederick Negus. :Mi\ John Negus, Onehunga.). 1 10/4159 Pte. Jrarinus Neilson (Mr. J. A. fieilson, Mauricevillo West). _ . 25/558 Rflmn. Patrick Joseph (Miss K. Aevillo, sister, Blenheim). 11,920 Pte. David William Newell (Mrs. Mary : Newell, Feilding). ■ 4/1725 2nd-opl. John William Nicolas (Atibio Nicolas, sister, iGisborno). 9/569 Cpl Jasper Warner O'Oallaghan (Mrs. W. A. O'Callaghan, mother, Ohristchurch). 2/2693 Cpl. William Leo O'Connor (Bridget O'Connor, mother, 25 Barker St., Wellington). . ' , ,T >. 6/3820 Pte. Studlcy Osborne (John Osborne, father, Ashburton). 10/4162 Pte. Walter Edward Otto (John Otto, father. Te Aroha). 13/3887' Gnr. Ellis Alexander Parr (Thomas Edgar Parr, father, Petone). . i 21,083 .Pte. Jack Parsons (Miss Winnie Parsons, sister, Auckland). 161757 Pte. Tamati Te Patu (Te Patu lirepa, father, Karioi). 12/3121 Hugh Lindsay Patton' (Mrs. M, Patton, mother, Te Awamutu). 15 601 Pte. David Rohert Phillips (Mrs. J. Phillips,'mother. Christchurch). ' 14 675 Pte. Edward Lawley (Mrs. Amy Pinching, wife, Waipukarau). 4/500 Sgt. Leo-John Poll (Mr. James Poll, Methven). ,~, _ _ . 10(3371' Pte. Robert Poots (Mr. R. Poots, father. Ireland). - ■ 8/454 Pte. Arthur Powers (Mrs. Powers, mother. Tasmania). ' ■ 23/883 T.-Sgt. Fred Leslie Prebbft (Mrs. J. Prcbble, mother, Napier). . 23/1782 'Pte. Alfred Thomas Prince (Mr, Joseph-Prince, father, ■ Auckland). t 14 479 Pto. Charles Quinn (Mr. C. Quinn, father. Thames Valley.). _ 3/1547 Pte. David Stanley RadcliiTc (Mrs. Louie Radcliite, mother. 514 Adelaide Ed., Berliampore,-Wellington). 26/1689 Pte. Robert .Ray-(Mr. Thomas Bay, brother, Gladstone): 1 . . ' - 6/3842 L.-Cpl. Jolin Wesley Bennie (Mr. George Eennie, father, Wcstport). 32.065 Pte. 010 Gordon Conrad Eicbtpr (Mrs. Richtcr, mother. Kelburn, Wellington). 23/266 Eflmn. Jack Edward Eicketts (Mr. E. H. Eicketts, Napier). . ; 10/601 Pte. Louis Itennie (Mrs; Olive Eennie, wife, England). 10,899 Pte. Henry John Eingliam .(Mr. 11. J. Rlngham, father, Taumarunui). __ 21,097 Pte. llobcrt. Pooley Roberts (Mrs. M. . Roberts, mother, Thames). 1 t ■ 13,810 Pte. George Eobinsou (Mrs. Boyle, friend, 50 Webb St., Wellington). " 7/1510 Tpr. Henry Frederick Rogers . (Mrs. I.' Eoger3, (staee name) Miss Mmuie Ladora, mother, London). ■ „ ~ 9/1611 Pte. Francis . Byers Rowley (Lydia Rowley, Glcnt/unnel). ' - - ■ ' 3/1793 Pte.' Kenneth M'Kmley Rutherford (Mr. J. O. Eutherford, father, Reinueral. 12/3805 Cpl. Albert Hirtiry * Sage (Mr. J. jjage* father,-Mangero).
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3181, 4 September 1917, Page 7
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2,957FIELD OF HONOUR Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3181, 4 September 1917, Page 7
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