PHASES OP THE MOON. ' JULY. Day. Ur. m. i Full ' moon .;..'.....'. 5 0 10 a.m. Last quarter 11 1142 p.m. New moon .'. 19 2 30 p.m. First quarter 27 6 10 D.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 10.15 a.m.; sets, 1.1 a.m. to-morrow. TIDE, ; To-day; 10.16 a.m.; 10.36 p.m. To-morrow, 10.59 a.m.; 11.20 p.m. SON. .Sun rices to-day, 7.19 a.m.; set--, '1.52 p.m. ARRIVALS. , THURSDAY., JULY 25. KAPI'W, s.s. (7.25 a..m.), M 2 tons, Sawyera, from Wanganui.. ■ NIKAU, e.s. (6.55 a.m.). 248 tons,, Hay, from Nelson and Motueka. 3CAKAKOA, s.s. (7.20, 2593 tonE, Cameron, from Lyttelton. JOHN', s.s. l'j a.m.), 339 tons, Harwich, from Timaru. ■ liEGUTjtTH, s.s. (3.10 p.m.), 835 tons, Vickermau, from Picton. PATEBNA. s.s. (10 p.m.). 1212 tons, Iγwin, . from IJelson and Picton. DEPARTURES. THUBSDAY, JULY 26.' OPAWA, s.s. (3.20 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. WAIHAU, e.s. (1.10 p.m.), 143 tone, Vendore, lor Blenheim. OOEINKA, s.s. (4.45 p.m.), 1271 tens, Eldera, for Bunedin. , NIKAU, s.s. (5.10 p.m.). &!8 tons, Hay, for Nelson. ' JOHN, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 339 tons, HaiTrick, for Wonganui. MAEAKOA, s.s. (7.55 p.m.), 2598 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses West, M'Oarthy, Conder.v. t'rouoe, 'Jemplni-, Karjier, TnompEon, Pot-l'le, Ulrich, Beck, Scott, Duncan, Tiomron, Mesdames Townend, Vincent; Willis, M'Namora, Batohelor, Maunder, Wallace. Ander. son. Edsar, Alexander, Thompson, Gid(iings, Little, Clifford, Field, Heck, Law, Jf'Laren, Ibholsen, Gibbs, Ulrich. Hamilton; Craighead, Gillanders. Karatina, Messrs. Goss, Hcrdman, Denny, Andrcae, Stewart, ittnxk, QiddinKe,' blttle, Clifford, O'Neill. Aiiscombe, Hunt. Anderson. Butterworth, Hartlctt, Holden. Selph. Soyda, Jfandeno. Field, Jones, Luna, Telly, Wood, Livingstone, little, l.owe; Gibbß, Winter, Jl'Grannell, Mount fort, Scandrette. M'Laren, Anderson. Pa-vitt. Edbrook, Hurst, ,'ilurray. Ari'ott, Bujton, Hon. .T. Barr. M.P.. Oant. Dobson. hieaz. Bw.k. Lieut. Jf'Arthur, Lieut. Bendil, Pte. Willis. Q.M.S. Thomas. Seret. Oonliffe. Spr, Hieginbor-in. Dr. Ironinc. Ptes. Jfoir, Clarkson,, and Ballanee, Corpl. Doylu. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ■ Wakatu, Lyttolton, Kaikoura, July 27. Ngakuta, Greymbuth. July 27. Komata, Westport, July 27. Wootton Lyttelton, July 27. Kaitoa, Kelson. July 27. Maori, Lytteltoii; July 27. Monowai, Auckland,' Gisborne, Napier, July 27. Blenheim, Pelorus Sound, Havelock, July 27.' . Opawa, Blenheim, July 27. Eegulus, Picton. July 27i Huia, I-yttolton, July 27. Himitangi, Lyttelton, July 27. John, Wanganui, July 28. Kaituna, Westport, July 28. Invcrcargill, Wanganui, July 28. Wairau. Blenheim, July 28. Jfikau, Nelson, July 2.8. Itararoa, Lyttelton, July 28. • Pateena, Nelson, Pioto.n, July 28. Kapuni, Patea, July 29. Kapiti, Wanganui, July 29. ' Queen of the South. Foxton, July 29. Waverley, Patea, July 29. ifßgic, Sandy Bay, July 29. Bippje, Gisborne, July 29. Calm, Onehunga, July 30. Breeze, Lyttelton, July .31. Eunice, Lyttelton, "Susust 1. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. t Jlonowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, July 27. Maori, Lyttelton, July 27. ) Kaitoa, Kelson, July 27. Queen of the South, I'oxton. July 27. -Eesnlus, Kelson and.Coast, July 27. Patcena, Picton, Nelson, July 27. Huia, New Plymouth, July 27. /Waverley, Patea, July 27. Opawa, Blenheim, July 27. Kapiti, Waverley. July 27. Kapuni, Patea, July 27. Wairau, Blenheim, July 28. Mararoa, Lytteltoo, July 28. Nikau, Nelson, July 28. Wootlon, Xyttelton, July 28. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, July 28. Invercargill, Wanganui. July 28. John, Bluff direct, Julv ?3. Komata, Westport, July 28. Blenheim, Blenheim, July 26. ' Queen of the South, Foxton, July 00. Calm, Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Dunedin, July 30.' Itipple, Napier, Gisborne, July 31. livceze, Wanganui, July 31. .. Corinna, New Plymouth, August 2. BY TELEGBAPH. COASTAL. THURSDAY, JULY 26. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Manaia (7 p.m.), from V hangarei ana Ouerahi. / Sailed.—Chelmsford" (0.30 p.m.), for Whangarci and Onerahi. ONEHUNGA. Arrived.—Calm (10 a.m.). from I'icton. Sailed.—Karawa (3.35 p.m.), for New Plymouth; Bimu (2.30 p.m.), for Opononl. GISBOBNE. Sailed.—Arahura (8.25 a.m.), for Auckland. POET AHURIPJ: Arm.Ted.—Ripple (1 a..m.), from Wellinjton. To Yail— Mouowai (6 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed—Karamu (12.35 p.m.), for Westport. PATEA. Sailed.-Waverley (1.15 p.m.).. and Kapuni (1.30 p.m.), for Wellington." BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Opawa (noon), i'roni Wellington. HATELOCK. Sa.iled.-Blenheim (2,25 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. To sftil.-Kaitoa (8 p.m.), for Wellington. TABAKOHK. Arrived.—lnvcrcargill (early), from Wanganui.. WE6TPOBT. Sailed.—Hinemba. (12.20 a.m.), for Kalianrangi Pt.; Komata (2.15 a.m.), for Wellington. 1 LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Himitangi (11.50 a.m.), from Wellington. . To sail.-Maori (7.45 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed—Huia. (2.50, for Wellington. TIMARU. Sailed.—Wanakfl. (S.JS and Orcpukl (5.20 . p.m.), for Lyttelton. OAJfABU. Sailed.—Tr Anau (7.20 p.m.). for Timaru and Wellington. BEETHAGE LIST. The following is the berthage list of Ttsscle due in port to-day:— Patecna—No. ,6 Queens" Wharf. Jlouowai—No. 1 (south) Queen's V'liarf. O|i»wa-No. 11 (north) Queen's Wharf. Kaitua.-No. 10 Qucoh'k Wharf. Waverley-Glaegow Whart. Kapunl-Glasgow Wharf. Komnta-TaTunaki Street Wharf. Wootton-No. 13 (north) (.-uccu's Wharf. Maori-l'crry Wharl. PASSENGERS I'OE AUSTRALIA. The following persona have booked passages for Australia :—Misses Maisey, Beattic, Canvcr, Murphy, Dickinson, Robinson, Ryan, Yatcs,' Murphy, Amcry. flowa'id, Grainger, Stafford (2), I'rycmun, Davy, Wheeler, Russell. .Barber, GriUun, Jtapnacl, Williamson, Dowhcs, Patteraon, Lowther, M'Murtry, Barlow, Garter, Keys, liutlcr, Marconi, Hill, Gold, Watson, Lloyd, Savage, Davics. Y?,te«, Baton, Stirling, liugacott, Simpson, Mc.ylnmes Shatz, ijim. Wilson, Stiganl,. Lcvitus. Cameron, lieamc. Whitlield. Lcvick. llos-iback. George, V.'iggs, Eaynor, Beynolds. Fullbrook, Hyaii.-Wylic. Wruu, BuUciTvorlh. Deviuu, Young, Staffor.i, S«;ot-I.. Stirling, Scott. Ktotic, Jones, Simpson, Crockforcc, Messrs. Schalz. Stewart. 'Sim. Henry. Collctl. Mortgn. RcxIniry, Langford. Oliver, Heaglewood. Brst, Amadiu; Merrily, Kirk. Wra.y, Wilson, Stiffant. Hcarne. Whilfield, Jlnvinc. Roesbaok, Chaplain-O'apt. Dore. M'Donuoll (3), Wren, Oa-pl. Barlow. Kaynor, Tteynolds, Fiillhrook. Ronton, Renfrew, Owen. Williams, Davis, M.'Kcnzic. Atkiuson, Wilson, Russell, Opitt. Morrison, Albert. Young, Cavcll, Pepnorill. Mea.dley, Wray, Bowman. West. liogen, Stirling. Atkin?,' Bcnton, t'echin, Allen, Smith,- Norton, F-ffc. and Scott. . '■ i , MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Mr. W Webster, la,U> of the Kotoa-e, ba.s joined tho coastal stamter John, ae chief engineer. Mi. Murdoch, late chief engineer iil the Jobu, has joined thu I'utilii in a- similar capacity. Captain A. Robertson, late of tho John, has been appointed to the command of the Put-iki. Oapl-aiu J- Harwick. who has riccu mate of thu John for some- time. ~*st ,haa been appoiiitud ma.ster of the vessel. Mr. 8. K. Sleigh, manager at Christchuroli for the U..S.S. Co., is visiting Wellington. Captain M'Gibbon, the well-kuown overseas stiipmaster, is, flocording to tho latosi edrices from Sydney, still confinod to his bed. ilr. '.V. niiich, whu was seriously injured by an explosion on the Breeze, is reported to be progressing favourably. It will bo sorao time before he will be able to lea-v'o the Wellington Hospital. |
THE TAINUI. An examination of tho Mil-shaft of the co9,stal steamer Tainui w<l3 made ycFtcinay by Mcssr?. Cablo and Co. The propeller, which wos worth about. £100, boon lost. The local agents, Messrs. Salmond and Sju-ngEon. stated, tho.l. as the Patent Slip would be in use for about a. month it has been decided to ijcocli the vessel to fit a new (ail-shaft and a. liioticllcr. Tho cargo of benzine is Icing transhipped, and it. l« hoped that, the vessel will be ready on Monday for leaching at either Evans Ba_y or Kaiwarra. The Tainui should resume her running by the middle of next week. THE HAWERA. It is as yet not known definitely -what will be done with the Hawera-,. but it temporary repairs oajinot be etl'eeto'i when vessel is beached again, she will Uave to lay up until she can be taken on th« slip, and that will bo in about u. month's time. Mr. Grainger, general manager of the South Shipping , Company, to which tho Hawera belongs, arrived in Wellington yesterday morning from l'atea, to arrange matter^ Tho following officer have been elected to the Waterside Workers' Union:-Presl-dent. Mr. Ij. Glover: vice-president. Mr. W. Cnrric; treasurer, Mr. W. J. Bassett (unopposed): secretary, Mr. J. G. Bruce.(unopposed); assistant wcrcto-iy, Mr. H. Callaghan; trustees, Messrs. A. Bolton. BHarrison, and S. G. Jones (unopposed); committee- No, 1, stevedores, 'Messrs. M. Carlson, T. Holding. Alex. M'Kay: No. 2, stevedores, Messrs. J. Andersou, A. , Glass, T. Pressley; coal department, Messrs. A. Collinge, G. Matthew, J. Freiv; Harbour Board, Messrs. A. Bevaji. ,1. Smart. L. Trcmaine; slip workers, Mr. J. Brock (unopposed); band. Mr. 11. Broadhurst (iinopnosed); Disputes Committees. Messrs. L. Glover, Jas. Eoberts, A. Collinge. The Dunedin agents for tho steamer Calm have advised that the vessel has been fixed to load general -cargo at Dunedin on. August 2 for Napier and Gubornc finewill discharge at the ir.ner harbour at both ports. Owing to pressure, in other trades it is now some time tdnre any of the Canterbury Company's boats have mario a. trip from Dunedin to Ka.picr or Giaborne. ■' ' The Huia will for New Plymouth at 5 p.m. to-day. She is due back on Tuesday next. The John is due on Saturday morning from V/aiigauui. She will Joad hero ai.a sail tho same da/ for BluS direct. It is not often that this -ressel goes further south than Dunedin, but sufficient cargo is offering for the trip. The John ■will call at the usual ports on the return trip. It is stated that a movement is afoot to purchase ah-auxiliary .-scow to carry timber between Hokitika and Wellinglo":. Tho vessel, -which it is proposed to purchase, will be able to carry considerably over. 100,000 ft. of timber per trip, and will also be able to work Okarito. The Kometa, with a ro.rgo of coal, left Westport for Wellington at 2 a.m. yesterday. ,It "is expected to get her .-.way on the return trip on Saturday night. The Monowai, from Auckland. Gisborne, and Napier, is due in port at about 11 o'clock this morning. She is limed to sail at 5 o'clock this afternoon for Lyltelton and Dunodin. The Orepuki, which will sail from Lyttelton for northern ports to-day, will omit her usual call at Wellington this> trie, ■only , falling at. Nelson and Greymonth. She will then come to Wellington. Tho Defender, which has been laid up, >js expected to resume her running some time next week --
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3147, 27 July 1917, Page 8
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1,596SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3147, 27 July 1917, Page 8
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