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PHASES OP THE MOOS. JULY. Day. Hr. ki. Full moou 5 310 a.m. Last quarter 11 11 « P-m. New moon 19 2 30 p.m. First quarter 27 6 10.p.m. M.OON. Jtoon rises to-day, 8.24 a.m.; sets. 7.56 p.m. TIDE. To-day, 7.5J a.m.: 7.54 p.m. To-morrow, 8.14 a.m.; 8.34 p.m. SUA'. Sun rises to-day, 7.9 a.m.; tela, 4 44 p.m. v, ARRIVALS. SATUU-DAY, JULY. 21. I'OHEHUA, s.s. (5.20 a.m.),' 1175 tons, Chadwiok, from AVestport. TAIXUI, 6-s. (7 a.m.), 12S tons, Conner, from Lyttelton. JIAKAKOA, s.a. (7.5 a.m.J, 2398 tons.. Cameron, l'roui Lyttelton. .NIKA'U, s.s. (8 a,m.l, 24S tons, Hay, from .Nelson aud Motucka. HUIA. s.s. (9 am), 127 tans, Thorns, iroiu Lyttelton. ' GALiL. s.s. (9.10 a.m.), 981 tons, liadford, from Lyttelton. „ ~ BitEEZE, s.s. (10.30 a.m.), 553 tons, Lraidwood, from AVanganui. NGAKUTA, s.s. (12.15 pm.l, 12=0 tons, Dowell, Irom Tokomarn Hay. KARTT, s.s. 11.20 p.m.j, '«67 tons, Edge, from Grcymouth. . , AYAYEHLEY. s.s. (9.50 p.m), 157 tons, Hsfc, from AVanganui. PATEENA. s.s. (10.10 p.m.), 1212 tons, Irwin, from Kelson and Pkton. ALEXANDER, s.s. (11.45 p.m.), 377 tons, AVildman, from AVanganui. SUNDAY. JULY 23. BLEXITEUI, s.s. (1.20 a.m.), 151 tons, Wilkinson, ,from Blenheim. KAPUWI, s.s. (1.35 a.m.), 188 lons, CilbEon. from I'atea. MAORI, s.s. (7 a.m.), 4214 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. ' . OREI'UKI. s.s. (10.20 a.m.), 520 tons, T)cwliursl. from Xydja Bay.'. , KAITOA, s.s. (10.45 a.m.), 305 tons. AAiMman. from Nelson. KAIUT.I, s.s. (W0 p.m.), M 2 tops, Shuyore, from Wanganui. DEPARTURES. .SATURDAY. JULY 21. INVEIKiAitGILL. s.s. (uoou). 224 lons, AVahlstrora. for Wanganiu. HIMITAiNGI, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), j2o tons, Thompson, for Lyttelton. i' IXIKAU, s.s. (3.20 p.m.), 218 tons, Itay. for Nelson. QVEKX OF T.H.E SOUTH, s.s. (6.5 p.m.),. 198' tons, Harvey, for Foxton. MAIIAROA. s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 2090 tolls, Oamorou, for Lyttelton. Passengers: ba-loon-Misscs Rist. Foster, AVard. Smythc, Steele. Higgs, Buokhurst, Jlcsdanies Fondall, Nelson, I'ipe, AVollf, Dc Alma. Messrs. Martin, Goodman, Duncan, Morrison, Kpencc, Do Alma, AVollf. Fisher, Lindsay, .Sharp. Sa.iiudc.r, Cock, East, Oakley, Drown. Sheen, Archer. ButtJey, Ilalloran, AYasp, Foster, Buckhurst. Wilson. Wilton. Laurence, Proctor (2), Spencer. Sir Joseph Ward. Scrgt. Dodge, and Lieut. Mitchell. TAINUI, s.s. (8.45, 128 tons, Connor, for Timaru. • CAUL, s.s. (9.5 p.m.), 981 tons, Itadford, for AVanganui. KOMATA, s.s. (11 p.m.), 1994 tons, M'Lean, for AVestport. , OI'AAYA, s.s. (11 p.m.), 110 tons, Aicholas, for Blenheim. HUIA, s.s. (11.50 p.m.), 127 lons, Thorns, for Picton.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Wairan. •Blejilicim, .July 23. Nora. Nivcn. Cook Strait. July 23. John, southern ports. July 21 llimitaiißi, Lyttclton. July 21 Patccna, Kelson. Pieton. duly 24. Mararoa, Lyttclton, July 24. . Nikau. Kelson. July M. Komata. Wrstport, July M. . Corinua, New Plymouth, July TA. liivereiiTglll, Wanp.inui, July 24. Queen of the South. Foxton. July M. Hinemoa, Cook Strait lighthouses, July2o Knitoa, Nelson. John. July 25. ■Maori, liyttelton. July 25. IvupiLi. Waus«iuui. July 20. Hmvcra, l'atea. July 25. ' Wavcrley. Patea, July 15. Wakatu, lij-ttellon. Kaikoitra, July 26. Kapuni, Pat-ca, July.26. . Jlonowai, . Auckland, Gisborne, JNapicr, July 27. , Hlcnhcini, I'clorus Sound, Havelock, July 27. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Uuia, Lyttclton, July U ■ Hawcra. Patea, July 21. Kapiti. Wanganui, July 23. Blenheim, Havelock, I'clorus bound, July Alexander. West Coast direct, July ia. Opawa, Blenlieim, July 23. Waverloy, l'atea, July 23. I'ateena, I'icton. Nelson, July 23. Kaitoa, Nelson, July 23. Maori, Lyttclton, July 23. . jfisaknla, Gi-eynioiitli, July 2.3. Wakatu, ICaikoura, Lyttclton, July 23. Hawera, Patea. July 23. Breeze, Dunediu, Timaru, ljyttolton, July 23. J'ul-iki. Buncdiii, July 24. Invorcarcill. Waneanui, July 24. Queen, of the South. Kc-xt-ou, July 24. Kapunj, l'atea, July 24. . Nikau, Nelson, July 24. Mararoa. Lyttclton. July 24. Tiipple, Napier, Gisborne. Akitio, July 24. Corinua, ' Duncdin, Onmnv.i, Timaru, July 24. John. Wanganui. July 2x Monowai, Lyttclton. Duncdin. July 27. Mapourilia, Nelson, West Coast. July 30. BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. SATURDAY. JULY 21. AUCKLAND. \rrived—Tasman (8.40 a.m.). from Whaka- * tane; Clansman (6.30 a.m.), from Russell; Ncapuhl (6.46 a.m.). from Tauranga.; Manai (7 p.m.), from Whangara Sailed— Arahura (3.30 p.m.), Jor Gisborne. ONEHUNCA. Arrived.-Karawa. (10aa.u s ), from New Ply. mouth. „„„ GISBOBSE. Sailed—Runt (6.30 a.m.), for Napier; Monowai (2.60 p.m.), for Auckland, via Tokomam Bay; Koutunui (5.30 p.m.), for 'l'iiparoa; Awahou (8.15 a.m.), lor Auckland, via bays. NELSON. Arrived.-Oorinna (noon), from Wellington. Siiilcd.-Itegulus (3.20 p.m.), for Orcymoirth, ™ PWtS - GHBTHOUTH. Ar.rivcd.-Awahon (11.35 a.m.), from Wellington. . , , ,„ . , Sailcd.-Wainjcn (12.15 p.m.;, for lara-Kone. LYTTEI/CON. Sailcd.-Opouri (5.5 p.m.), lor Greyraosth; T'e Auau (8 p.m.), lor Bluff. SUNDAY, JULY 32. AUOKLAis'D. •U'rived -Daphne (0.30 a.m.). from Marsdcn * I't.; Mouo\v«i (3.10 p.m.). from.Gisuorue. GISBOItNE. To sail.-Arahura (9 p.m.), for Napier. ■ TORT AHURIRI. To sail.-Tauearua (2.30 a.m.), for, Wairoa. WANGANUI. ■ ; v reived -luvercargill (0.2* a.m.), and Calm "(10 a.m.), from. Wellington. I'OXTON. Arrived.-Queen of tho .South (11.40 a.m.), (ram Welliugton; Kennedy (noon!, from V » mSa - BLENHEIM. ' .Wivert.-O'puwa (9.30 a.m.!, from ffel- ' [i " SU,a - NELSON. Sailcd.-Corinna (1.50 a.m.), for New I'lyWam - WESTPORT. Mrivcd.-Kamoua (12.40 p.m.). from Port ' Chalmers; Rcguius- (12.40 p.m.), from Nelson ami Tarakolic. Sailcd.-Kiiii (11 a-m.). for WcUineton; Canopus (11.30 a.m.i, tor Lyttelton; kiirow (noon), for Auckland. GREYUOUTH. Sailed.-Karajnu CI a.m.), for Napier; Kamo (noon) lot Lyttclton. LYTTELTON. Arrived —M'araroa 18.35, and Ilimi- ' tangi (10 a.m.), from Wellington; Kittawa (4.55 p.m.), from West-port. OAMAEO. Armed.-John (8 a.m.). from Wellington. PORT CHALMERS. Arrived.-Slorro (LtO p.m.), from Wellington and Lyttclton. Sailed.—Ngatoro (1.20 p.m.). for Grcymoulh; " Kahikti (U.oO p.m.), for Grcymouth. BERTHAGE LIST. Vessels which have arrived and lUofo duo in port to-day have been allotted tho following berths:— I'ateena.—No. 14 (north) Queen's Wharf. •Karu.-Clydc Quay. NgakutH.-No. 2 Railway Wharf. Kailoa-.-Ko. 10 Queen's Wharf. Ore|)Uki.-No. 1 King's Wharf. Wakatu—No. V Queen's Wharf. Wootloii.-No. 13 (uorlh) QueonV Wharf. .Mex-a.ndor.-No. t (soiifhl Queen's Wharf, Hippie- No. 12 Queen's Wharf. Wavcrley. -No. 11 (north), Queen's Wharf, Huia.-No. 13 (south) Queen's 'Wharf. Hn.wcr.l.- Pipitea, Whart. Kapuni-l'ipilea- Wharf. Ulenheim—No. )3 -(sonthj Uueen's Wharf. Nora- Niven.—No. 7 Queen's Who.rf. Kapiti.-No. 5 Queen s Wharf. liini.-Rnilway wharf.'

THE LOSS OF THE NYOBA. SUHVIVOIi TELLS STOGY OF I OSS. Advices from Kingston state that (he two men rescued from tile ill-fated tug Nyora have arrived there, says (he. Sydney "Shipping List" of July ; 13. Captain M'llain was 100 exhausted to relate his experiences, and went to hed, but, Seaman O. Lansley, when interviewed, gave a thrilling account of his expeifcuees. Jle suiil that all day Sunday and on Monday morning the Nyora cnco.untered extremely rough weather. The waves were mountains high, and repeatedly broke over the tug. The water was unable to get away, and at about 11 a.m.. when 16 miles off Cape .lalfa. a largo wave came over and smashed the wooden door of the ciiKiao room The wauir immediately filled the room, end the boat, gave a list. The pump was unable to cope with the inrush, and within fifteen minutes tho lug went, down atei'ii foremost. The boats could not he cleared, and the tug gave u lurch and went down immediately. The captain was on the bridge all uigl't, and in tho moruiug did everything possible to save the ship and the crew. When the tug went down th» skipper and Lausley. who was at the wheel, were thrown into the sea. Coming up a second time Lansley found himscil near one of the lifeboats, which was upside down, with tlio engineer sitting on top. He climbed up and saw the skipper about 100 yards away swimming towards them. The men managed to right the boat, butfound the stern post pulled out. They picked up the. fireman, who, like the skip, per. had a lifebelt. The four were tossed about and tho boat capsized several times. They had no meaus of rowing or steering except by a bottom board of the boat. Two hours afterwards the fireman died from exposure. The engineer died a, couple of hours later. The survivors struggled on, and although as often in tho water as in the boat, by 7 o'clock in the evening they nan the Cape .Taifa Lighthouse. All night long tho strangle for existence went on, and by 8.50 in ilio morning they were signallrd by the lixht-keep-ers, Messrs. Jamicson and Clark, who went to l.heir assistance in a dinghy. The onlookers from the land did pot, think it possible that, they would ever return to the lighthouse, so rough was the sea. The Pntilii will sail for'Duncuin diicet io-morrow af'crnoon. This is the first trip of the vessel under the new owners, and on arrival at the southern port she will he docked for overhaul. Cargo will be received till. 3 p.m. to-morrow, through the agency of Messrs 0. T. Hull and 00., Johnston Street. It is expected that, the coastal steamer John will reach Wellington to-morrow from Timaru. Tho vessel leaves on,V'cdncsday for AVanganui, returning to A\ r clKngton on Friday. On sSat.urda.y tho Tninui left for Timaru with a. cargo of benzine, .vhe wfil Tcturn fiom Timaru with general cartro. It. is probobln that the To Ana.u will not call at AA'clliugkin on her next, trip .north. The vessel left on Thursday for Lyttelton. Timaru, fliid Bluff, and is fixed to load produce at. Hluff for Oamnru, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. The following saloon passengers arrived recently from America:—For Av"cll»npton: Fjrst-01a.53-M"r. and Mrs. A. E. Turner, Atr. and Mrs. Jas. Fanicll, Mrs. J. TV. Young. Mrs. V. AY. Plaits. Messrs. A. Varney. E. T. Taylor. JJ. E. Varney. Secondclass—Misses V. I'?, Ilurss, jr. Morrison. For Auckland: Second class—Mrs. L. AY. Beeson and son, Mr. Jns. Unlcher. For •Sydney: Firsl-class—Mrs. aud Mis- .Simpson, Mrs. M. E. Reynolds. Second-class— Jl'sr. F Young. 'Messrs. it. Tt-.. V. W.. and M'. It. M'Donncll. Mr. J. ft. lientun. Third-clnss-Jtrs. P. North. Mcssrs.C. Cock", and t. Simon. For Napier: Third-class-Mr. 11. Smith.

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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3143, 23 July 1917, Page 8

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SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3143, 23 July 1917, Page 8

SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3143, 23 July 1917, Page 8


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