PHASES OF THE MOON. JDLY. Day. Hr. m. Pull moon 5 9 10 a.m. Last quarter 11 11 42 p.m. New moon 19 2 30 p.m. First Quarter 27 6 10 p.m. aoox. Moon rises to-day, 8.1 a.m.; sets, 6.55 p.m. TIDE. To-day, 6.1 a.m.; 6.28 p.m. To-morrow, 6.49 a.m.; 7.11 p.m. SDK. Sun rises to-day, 7.9 a.m.; sets, 7.44 p.m. ARRIVALS. FRIDAY. JULY 20. OORINNA, s.s. (5.55 a.m.), 1271 tons, Elders, from Lyttelton. . MAOEI. s.B. (7.10 a.m.), 3412 tons, Manning, from Lytteltou.. KAITOA; s.s. (7.25 a.m.), 304 tons, Wildmau, from Nelson. , DEPARTURES. FRIDAY. JULY 20.
PATEENA, s.s. (12.50 p.m.), 1212 tons, >lr. win, for Picton and Nelson.
MAORI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 3412 tons, Manning, tor Lytteltou. Passengers: SaloonMisses Campbell. Martin. O'Rourke. Lee, Noble, Darby, Jlahar, Johnson, Park, Marton, Jl'Oarthy, M'Keckie, Park, Flynn. Walker. Snow, Nurse Wynder, Campbell, Mcsdames Jamicson, Simpson, M'Lcan, Stead. Hardy, M'Adam, Jamicson, Blair, Browning, Suiter, Hart, M'Leod, Boyce, Wallace, Broglio, Hancock and child. Courage, Lyske.v, Macintirc Walker, Norrie, Rodgers, Melvin and infant. Brook, Kennedy, Byrne, Smith and 3 children, JeHerson, Manning. Daly, Kellehev, Simons, Dichney, Wansford. Pitt, Messrs. ' Dryborough, Smith, Brook, Olarkson (2), Price, Smith, Cussen, Paris. Alexander, Greenfield. Douglas. Quirk, Davis, Fletcher, Kogers, M'Gill, Glover, Peverell, Gersster. Triller, Thompson, Wade. Martin, Wishart, Wallace, Goodman, Martin, Doinbrane, Inichbrookc, Oliver, Macintire, Dickson, Arlidge (2), Hart, Wallace, Soldie, Hancock, Courage. Keece. Graham. Williams, Jmuicson, Dickie, Witty, Haydon, Statham, Barker, Stead, Hall, Bennett, Johus, Campbell, Simpson, M'Loan Ralph, Stead, Shepherd, Pricdlandor, Reeves, Jamicson, Jt'Cullougli (2). Scales. Lightband, M'Donald, East, Bloomer, Cameron, M'Kcnzie, Lynch Major Waite, Lieut. Reid. Lieut. Hodges, Hon. R. H. Khodes, Hon: Buddo, M.1 , ., Sir Francis Bell. Rduin. Lynskcy. Key. Tucker.
KAI'ITI, s.s. (4.25 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers, for Wanganui. KAITOA, s.s, (5.5 p.m.), 304 tons, Wildman, for Lyttelton.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kgakuta, Tokomaru Hay, July 21. Opawa, Blenheim, July 21. Wakatu, Lyttelton. Kaikoura, July 21. Kapuni, Patea, July 21. Nikau, Nelson, July 21. Mararoa, Lyttelton. July 11. Patecna, Nelson, Picton, Jujy 21. Hawera, Patea. July 21. Kaitoa, Nelson. July 22. Maori, Lyttelton. July 22. Wavorley, Patea, July 22. Alexander, West Coast, Wanganui, July 22. Blenheim. Blenheim, July 22. Hippie, Aliitio, Gisborne, Napier, July 22. Ngakuta, Grcymouth, Tokomaru Bay, July 22. Kapiti, Wanganui, July 22. Nora Nivnn, Cook fitrait, July 22. Wairau, Ble.nheim, July 23. Komata, Westport, July 24. Corinna, New Plymouth, July 24. lnvcreargill, Waneamii, July 24. Queen of the South, Foxton, July 24. Hinemoa, Oook Strait lighthouses, July 25 Monowai, Auckland, Gishome, Napier, July 27.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Himitangi, Lyttelton, July 21. Karu, Lyttelton, July 21. Wairan. Hlcnhcirn, July 21. Kapuni, Patea, July 21. Nikau, Nelson, July 21. Jlararoa, Lyttelton, July 81. • Komata, Westport, July 21. Qiiecn of the South, Foxton. July 21. Invercargill, Wanganui, July 21. j Hawera; Patea. July'2l. ' Kapiti, Wauganui, July 23. . Blouheim, Havelock, I'elorus Sound, July 23.
Alexander, West Coast direct, July ij. Opawa, Blenheim. July 23. Waverley, Patea, July 23. Pateena, Picton. Nelson, July 23. Kaitoa, Nelson. July 23, Maori, Lyttelton. July 23. Ngakuta, Greyinouth, July 23. * Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, July 23. Uiimlo. Napier. Gisborne, Akitio. July 24. Corinna, Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, July 24.-" Monowai, Lyttelton. Dunediu, July 27. Mapourika, Nelson, West Coast, July 30. BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL, FRIDAY, JULY 20. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Arahura (11 a.m.), from Gisborne. GISBOHNE. Soiled—Ripple (4.10 p.m.), /for Wellington. PORT AHTJRIHI. To sail.—Monowai (8 p.m.), for Gisborne. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived..—Rarawa (5.30 a.m.), from Onelninga.', PATEA. Arrived—Kapuni (8.20 p.m.), from Welliug--*ton. Sailed,.— Waverley (noon), for Wellington. WANGANUI. Sailed.—Breeo (1.10 p.m.), for Wellington. TOKOMARU BAY. Sailed—Ngakuta (0.5 a.m.), for Wellington. PICTON. Arrived—Pateena (4.40 p.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. • Arrived—Rcgnlus (1.30 p.m.), from Onehunga; Orepuki (7.15 a.m.), from Wellington. . Sailed.-Nikau (7.10 p.m.), for Wellington. PUPONGA. Arrived.—Kennedy (11 a.m.), from Wellipgton. , WESTPORT. Arrived—Kini (7 a.m.), from Wellington. GREYMOUTH. Arrived.—"Kamo (noon), from Lyttelton; Karamu (4.51} p.m.), from New Plymouth. LI'TTELTO.N'. Arrived.—Te Anau : (12.15 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Mararoa (6.30 p.m.). Oalm (3.30 p.m.). Huia (12.45 p.m.), all for Welling- • ton; Storm (10.25 a.m.). for Port Chalmers.
PORT CHALMERS. Arrived.—John (8.30 a.m.), from Timavu.
/ BERTHAGE LIST. Vessels which arrived late yesterday or aro-due to-day have been allotted the followiir-' -berths:— Mararoa—No. 2 Ferry Wharf. Karu-No. 2 Clyde Quay. Nikaii—No. 10 Queen's Wharf. Tainui—No. 10 Queen's Wharf. Huia—No. 13 (south), Queen's Wharf. Poherua-No. 2 Olyde Quay Wharf..Waverley—No. 11 (south)/ Queen's Wharf. Ngakuta-No. 2 Railway Wharf. Alexandor—No. 2 Queen's Wharf. Brcczc-No. 2 (north) King's Wharf. Hawera-No. i Pipitea Wharf. Calm—No. 2—Tarauaki Street Wharf.
PASSENGERS FOR AUSTRALIA. The following saloon passengers left recently for Australia:—Misses Reid, Morton, Van Rtavcren. Brodcric.k, Maxwell, Ridley, Jefierson, Turvoy, Buracott, Hunt, union. Ohing, Thomson (2). Knowles, Jones, MesSamca King, Simons. Cameron, Manoy, WilloHghby. Ackland, Pharazyn, Ben Puller, Eowe'i Burnes. lloore, Ridley. Ah Wai, Monrad, Chlng, E. Eeid, England, liev. Willoughby, Jiessrs. King, Waldron, Williamson. Russell, Collins, Nettlebeck, H. Irwin, Simons, Sullivan, Cameron. Ben Fuller, Yavasour, Scott, Scollick, Jledhurst, Durant, Hutchinsou, Ah Wai, Jackson, Butler, Held, Denmead, A. J. Johnston, "Daddy Long Legs" Dramatic Co.; 32 steerage.
MAPOOTUKA RESUMES. The Union Company advises that it is expected that tho Mapourika will resume in the Wellington-West Coast running about the end of' the month. The vessel has been laid up in Wellington for some uionth6. Recently she went on the Wellingtpn Patent Slip for cleaning, and has since been undergoing general overhaul. This overhaul will shortly bo nomjjletcd, and the vessel will recommission and commence in her old time-table.
DOOK EXTENSION AT TILBTJKY. The extension of the main dock at Tilbury for the convenience of large oceangoing steamers has now been brought into full use by llio Port of London Authority. Tile water uvea muled by this enlargement is about 20 acres, and the available quayage of the (locks has been increased by 20 per cunt. Alongside the three new berths which have been constructed arc transit sheds respectively 550, COO and 650 feet in length and 120 leet in width. Railway lines, electric cranes, and other necessary 'equipments hn,vo\ been provided at these sheds, which are the largest of the kind in t!io Port of London.
Some lino work was accomplished by the Port of London Authority at the end of May in the rapid discharge of grain cargoes. The s.s. \7ir»')ornu. with 6906 tons of oats in bags and i.hil'k, was discharged in the Mijlwall Dock in 36J working hours; while the e.e. Bronze Wings, with a similar cargo of 4890 tons, was discharged in the same dock in 24 hours. In tho Surrey Commercial Docks the St. Qnentin, with 7177 tons of bulk wheat, wan discharged in 35-j hours. In the Royal Victoria Dock tho bs. O-atnton, with 85« tona of wheat Id
bulk, was discharged in 3<t£ hours an average of 247 tons an hour. One. day's working of eleven hours resulted In no fewer than 3397 tons being unloaded.
THE GERMAN STEAMER POSBN. It is possible that arrangements will 1)0 made for the interned , German steamer l'osun, which left Bremen on July 22 1914, with general cargo for , Australian ports, to bring her cargo to its deslination. The vessel was on her way to Australia via Cape Town at the outbreak ot war. Apparently Captain P. Iseke received word of the commencement of hostilities, for, instead of coming to Australia, he ran for Eio de Janeiro, where ho arrived on August 29, 1914, and his vessel was subsequently interned. Recently the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce received a cablegram from London intimating that the vessel mig&t be sent on from Rid do Janeiro with her cargo. To consider this cablegram a mooting of consignees was held. A committee was appointed to obtain information from the consignees as to the value and nature of the cargo, and later to take what steps were considered advisable.
Owing t0... being bar-bound at Wanganui, the Waverley and Alexander are not duo until to-morrow, and both will, leave on Monday for their respective ports. Mr. C. H. P. Broughton, who during the past twenty years has carried out the duties of signalman at Kaipara, North Head, has retired on and has settled down on a farm at Papatoetoe. During his lengthy term of office at Pouto, says tte "North Auckland Times," Mr. Broughlon was responsible for the safe, passage of many hundreds of vessels over the Kaipara bar, and is possessed of particularly valuable maritime information in connection with those, days when Kaipara was an important oversea shipping, port. In the early days it was nothing unusual for from ten to twenty barques, brigs and schooners to be weekly lying at anchor at Pouto. whilst almost a similar number were loading. at Te Konuru and Aratapu sawmills. A chief export to Australia in those days was log timber, both in the round and rough-squared state. It is expected that the Corihna will return from New Plymouth on Tuesday. She will probably leavp (he same day for Dunedin, Oaniaru, and Timaru.
Mr. Charles Madden, purser, has come ashore from the Maori.
A message received by the Marine Department yesterday stated that the Hineraoa had passed Cape Farewell, en route for Kahurangi Point. ■It is, however, doubtful whether she will he able to land. After finishing at.' Ktihurangi the vessel will proceed to Farewell Spit; The Brothers lighthouse, and Okouri Point. She should arrive in Wellington about Wednesday next.
The sale of Sir Ernest Shackleton's cxtHOTatkm steamer Aurora is \ confirmed. The Aurora, which is a wooden craft of 580 tons gross, was hnilt at Dundee in 1876. She is 165 ft, long by 31ft. in beam with a deptli of 18ft. In 1905 she was ■fitted with a new boiler. The vessel has been purchased by a British buyer. The price paid is not stated.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3142, 21 July 1917, Page 10
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1,598SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3142, 21 July 1917, Page 10
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