The casually list issued last night- contained, the names of 1003 members of the Xew Zealand Forces who took part in Sir Douglas llaig's advance at Messines a few days ago. This iE. the longest list that has been, issued, and it brings to memory the lists that "were issued when the New Zealanders were fighting at Gallipoli. A classification of the casualties follows:— Officers. Hen. Killed in action 3 235 Died of wounds 3 24 Diod of -sickness — 2 Wounded 15 683 Wounded accidentally 1 1 Wounded slightly, remaining with unit 5 31 Totals 27 976 Total casualties, 1003. The names and addresses of the next, of-kin are given within parentheses, relationship being denoted by m. for mother, f. for father, sis. for sister, b. for brother, w. for wife, a. for aunt, u. for uncle, c. for cousin, g.-m. for grandmother, sis.-in-1. for sister-in-law, b.-in-law for brother-in-law, s.-m. for step-mother, s.-f. for stepfather, g. for guardian, JTr. for friend. Particulars follow:—
KILLED IN ACTION. New Zealand Field Artillery. King, L.. 10,613 (W. G. Bassett, Wanganui, u. Juno 3). Turner, E. 11., 2/3110 (J. It. Turner, Wool6ton. f. June 3). Shepherd, R. 8., 13/2*131 (P. M. Shepherd, Dunediii, f. Juno 6). Banfleld. W. H., 9/1648 (Mrs. J. Eogors, Bnnedin, sis. June 7). Machinc-Gun Corps. Gilbert, S. W.. 17,067 (llrs. S. Gilbert, To Kiri, w. June 5). James, 0. E., 9/444 (Ill's. 0. James, Inchcltitha, in.). June 5). June 7. Addis, D. L., 16,520 (Mrs. M. Addis, Kaiwc, Taihape, m.). Allan. Lcc.-Corpl. J., 26/382 (Miss M. Butler, Hamilton). Ames, A. E., 11,592 (—. Kotobay, Merivale). Balfour, N. 8., 10/14 (L. Balfour. Gisborne, b.). Bridson, Lce.-Corpl. P. S„ 12/988 (li. S. Bridson, Auckland, b.). Carter, E. J., 27,668 (Mrs. K. Carter, High Road, London, m.). Pail, C. L., 13,389 (A. G. Fail, Hastings, f.). Finlayson, P., 24/139 (P. Finlayson, South Duuedin, f.). Goddard, H. G., 12/3352 (G. E. J. Goddard, Ngaroma, Kihi Kihi, 1.). Hunt, L. h., 21,824 (Mrs. J. Hunt, St. Albans, m.j. Knox. Lec.-Corpl. A., 26/1630 (Mrs. H. Knoi, Glasgow, m.). M'Kav, M., 24/1143 (0. A. Knox, Glasgow, m.l. Thornton, P., 24,084 (Mrs. E. Neville, Onehunga, m.i. „ ~ Wattam, S, 3., 21,125 (E. Wattam, BeWduTcorpi. J. E., 18,198 (Mrs. A. E. Wells, Wanganui, w.). „ JcUyman, N. W., 24,174 (Mrs. v 7. JeUymon, Spring Creek, m. June 8). Tait, J. A., 25,125 (J. B. Tait, Ballance. !.). Bryant, G. F., 6/3999 (Mrs. W. Bryant, Somerset, m. Juue-9).' Auckland Infantry Battalion. June 7. Aniey, D. F.. 31,571 (Miss Hunt. Morningside, Auckland). Bailey, A. W„ 21,172 (W. H. Bailey, Huntly). Bloxham, 6. B„ 12/2219 (Mrs. E. Bloxham, Taumarunnl, m.). ," , . Brewer, H. A., 14,379 (H. J. Brewer, Mokai, Putararu, f.). Brown, H. V., 24,484 (Mrs. S. J. Brown, Auckland, m.). ' „ , , Carleton, A. H., 26,791 -(Mrs. E. Carlcton. Helensville, m.). Charles, Lce.-Corpl. E. C. 28,321 (C. 0. Charles, Hastings, f.). Churchill, H. G., 21,210 (Mrs. T. L. Church- • ill, Oxon, Eng., m.). Cockroft, 0., 11,171 (0.. Cockroft. Bluff f.). Davis, C. E.. 12/3973 (Mrs. L. Davis, oambridge, in.). Dodds, T. N., 10.329 (J. T. K. Dodds, Te Kuiti, b.V _ „ . „. , Dowsing, a. J„ 26,577 (H. B. Dowsing. Richmond, !.): ,„ , „ , , Fletcher, G. H„ 18,783 (Mrs. A. Fletcher, Kingsland, w.). Hall, G. S., 12/4000 (S. Hale, Swanson. Kav Hammerell, H., 22,458 (O. B. Erause, NukuaHarrison, A., 21,1260 (Mrs. M. G. Harrison, Harvey, T., 32,001 (Mrs. M. Harvey, Stocklon, Newcastle, tv.). Hodder, V. J., 12/2738 (E. Hodder. Devonport, b.). - „' TT , TT L U Hopd, G. H„ 26,845 (S. Hood, Kent, Eng- . Jetniiigs',' N. W., 13,028 (B. M. Jennings, Christchurch, m.). '~ „ . , Kelly. H. C. 18,811 (M. M. Kelly, AuckKendo'n™H. S., 31.657 (Mrs. W. Kendon, H.. 12/1103 (T. H. Keven, Knilands, R.. 26,858 (Mrs. R. 0. Knilands, Auckland, w.). 'Linney, N., 10,099 (W. B. Lrnncy, Burnley, aSurtJ.'A.. 19,163 (Mrs. E. M'Arthur, Auckland, w.). ■ M'lean, D., 18,839,(Mr5. J. M'Lean, AuckIMteft, M.036 (Mrs. M. MaddoCk, . Tologa, Bay, m-). ,_ . . . ~ Marx, E.H., 12/4053 (J. MaTX,.Mangatoki,f.. Moraii, P. 0. P., 18,830 (Mrs. E. Moran, Mt. •. Mord°on?'R. T., 11,503 (T. Morrison, OpoMu'lviliiil', Lce.-Corpl. J. L., 26,892 (Mrs. M. Mulvihill, Auckland, m.). Pemberton: A. W.. 12/3778 (A. W. PembcrE- -Hoe, Avondale. J., 12/2559 CC. W Eose, Alars, Slade S H b A., , (D. Sladc, Eocky Nook, 1 BmSafSfnitß (T. Smced. Tuakau, AuckSmith' J 1 ! 12/943 (Mr. Smith, Waikumete!. Smith. J. J. F-. 18.865 (S. G. Smith. HercStepTcnsVn, J. H., 20,443 (Mrs. B. A SorrenwSTtws- A. Walsh, WaterM. M. Watt, AuckWienenbohni. G., 12/3510 (Mrs. A. Wiedeni bohm, Mangatainoka, m.). Williams W. H., 23/2304 (Mrs. J. Williams, Kaiwaka, Auckland, ,m. June 8). Juno 9. Hall, 2nd Lieut. H. F.. 12/3343 (H Hall, Devonport. Auckland, f). Moore, J. W.. 12/3736 (8.. Moore, Glenroy, i "8,841 (Mrs. M. North,' Auck-1 land, w.). Wellington Infantry Regiment. Irving. W. J., 27,656 (W. Irving. Eeefton, I. June ST. June 7. Borthwick, J. E.,'10/3195 (Mrs. E. Berthwick, Tarakohe, m.). .. Codd. H. H.. 28.093 <B. Codd, tofewood. iX Cook, .Lcc-Corpl. H. G., 10/UO6 (H. G. Cook, Houuslow, England). . Crauswick, T. 8.. 10/2564 (J. Cranswick, <t 23,812 (Mrs. Jr.Dototr. 1?0 pfddilord Street. Newtown, Well., m). Fitzmauricc, H. S., 31,247 (Mrs. 1,. A. Fit Z - Tnmirice Alle*town, Lower Hntt, m.). Fiavdl Corpl. C. 10(2935 (W A. Flavcll, 185 'I'lio Terrace. Wellington, £.). F.'ancil L<fe'.Co W l. W. A., 10/2139 (W. FranFriw. D W W«5M V (MI.. M. Frew. TnverHeSco^, SI H. H.. 10/900 (H. Heathcote. DSfor S -« , -G., r ß(IIr,A.H.1Ir,A.H. Ja 1 m C er°D.. G lW 0 5 6^D ra -Ja I nes. New Ply20,921 (J. Johns. Te AwaJo I ne I s tU, H. ) 'E.. 25.165 (Mrs. H. E. Jones, liid\™Ts n ', 2 , 0,364 (J. Laidlaw, WaverLoughma'n, D. P.. 12.421 CM. Loughmau, Aliberley. Ireland, f.). Aloffett, T., 28,177 (E. Moffett, Hfl-wera. f.) H.. 23/847 (Mrs. Beady, Linwood, Christchurch, sis.). Morgan, T.. 31,323 (Mrs. T. Morgan. EaMntton, to-Corpl. C. T.. 10/ffllS (Mrs R. Jenkins, Nelson Street, Potone, a.). O'Brien, It.. 10/1937 (P. O'Brien, AuckPieree! D." W.. 24/2073 (Mrs. E.. Pierce, Ashford, England, m.). . Eobinson, F. J. C, 32,066 (G. Eobmson, Greenmeadows, Napier. IJ. Eyan. J-, 29.492 (Mrs. E. Ryan, Dundalk, Ireland, m.). „ _ , Sc.wrave. -A., 10/1647 (A. Scagrave, Tent Shopierd, 0.. (Mrs. n. 'Slieplierd, Fitzroy, New Plymouth, w.). Stevenson, C, 10/2772 (H. Stevenson, OisWaby n0 8.,' 12,517 (Mrs. G. VTaby, St. Glair, Dunedin. w.). , .„ _ Wilson, W.. 10/3128 (Mrs. V, Wilson, 227 The Terrace. Wellington, m.). June 8. Bouttell. J. A., 10/3196 (Mrs. E. Bouttcll, I Older. 0 W. 8., 31,220 (E. B. Cal'der, Alberta, 1 Canada, sip,).
Claguc. W. A., 10/3217 (J. I- Clague, Manaia, > CoMnson, It. W., 10/2893 W. CollinEon, Hull, Creamer, K. H.. 10/3445 (G. Creamer, Kaia-! D2«io""j. 8., 10/3872 '«. Wildes. Palmer- ! Bo" 1 "! a« (Mrs. W. H. Doyle, (**• «• FaSer m t J.. 20,131 (Mrs. L. B. Falconed AT*«»- K - *«■ Waipuku ■ Fra"eV m D.', 31,251 (A. Eraser, Inglewoota ; • Hninblyn, T. D., 25,517 (O. J. Hamblyn, HamMyn/'V. C, 25.516 (C. J. Hamblyn. to&l It,. 13.761 (Mrs. E. Harwood, Henofp. 8.: ) 'i7,655 (P. Hende. Boss. WestH&^A.K..3I^««H.B. B enJo Zto F n P leVfw^ (G .^ a , SJI W.. 25,283 (J- W. 3 Sa?A.aT2^( J .K'Na ra ara.Pon. Main! 1 S.'K.', 20.373 (Mrs. M. H. Main, New ' Plymouth, wX Orangoa. f.). MBon U T!"3I iS (A. Gardiner. 2 Islington 0 J- O'Connor, U.W '°- H - OU,W - opaWa StVutLrs. Lofc-Corpl. A 10/347 (Mrs. J. Peter,. KingsS K.t«.-Corp. E. 10/W U. Sutton, Sumner, 7.). Canterburv Infantry Battalion. Donnan.V 14,080 (Mrs. E. Donnan. Ireland. .Time 6). 1 June 7. . 3aker, Sergt. A S.. 11,580 (E. Baker. Wai97 203 (W H. Bell, Waimatc, b.). ItLltoW? 3(7 (Mrs. A. Benton. 290 a Te ,<*dcnhH3!C St ("-Cross. EUcsmere/ Banes. c/oWel-' o S^to» B< (Mrs. A, ■ iSferg": tK\h.. 61104 (Hra. W. Mein. - iffi"SllmW (H. Mellon. Sutherland, /„r?ay', U '.T f J.. 32,2*5 &J. Murray. Auob H. A., 6/3118 (Mrs.' A. NordRtrom Tinwald, Canterbury). Parke?, N. 8, 15,5*97 (Mrs. J. Parker, Ohch., , PMteatC A. -8., 32,462 (Mrs. E..Po6t E at«, Co b rpl. 3) i. H.. 6/3146 (A. 0. Boss. Ohch,, =cannell, M. J., 22,427 (Mrs. B. Scannell,' St Andrews. S. Canterbury). Stoiain! T H., 27,720 (Mrs. M. Sheridan,Waikari, Canterbury, m.): Willoughby. 3., 16/2812 (M«. E. A. Willouehby. Orowdon; England). Vrason, £ H., 24,447 (Mrs. A. Wilson, Newmarket, Auckland, m.). ■ . KUmiuster, H. M.. 17,927 (Mrs S. Kilm.nster, Wakefield, Nelson, m. June 8). ■ Kinesioy, D. 0.. 6/3374 (Mrs. D. 0. Kingsley. 211 Ingestre Street, Wellington, w. June Otago Infantry Eegiment. i Medley. Lcc-Corpl. W B. 8/M53 (0 J. Medley. Boscommon. Ireland, f. June »). 13,974 CD. KUkelly, Lochiel, ' Southland, fr. June 3). ■ WnnT.nehlan D. li., 26/602 (Mrs. li. b. Dipton. Southland, m. June Spurring. A. A., 26/280 (Mrs. E. Sperring, : • Manchester, England. June 6). June 7. Tiddv, 2nd Lieut. A. J., 8/2521 {A. Tiddy,Ca^rwNl 0 (Mr, M. Caldwell. Campbell* M.. 32,140 (Mrs. A. Campbell, KaCofue' C.S.M. A. E., 8/862 (W. Collie, EosCripps/'H. E„ 8/4UO (Mrs. W. E. Cripps,' Romford, England). . Davis, J., 8/561 (M. Davis, Bunedin). ■ ■■ Dempsey, W., 27.475 (D. Dempsey, Ireland, Dignan, M., 32,148 (P. J- Dignan. AuckBoak.V.,' 22,321 (E. Boak, Alma. Oamaru, ' Brake. Lce.-Corpl. J. E., 8/562 (Mrs. J. It. j Brake. Woodhaugbl. . Hardie, K. S.. 27,885 (C. D. Bardie, St. U A J?o a d n , S 'lt i ;' ) 'j.- 27.887 (Mrs. L. Gavin, 175 Adelaide Boad. fr.). . , Humphries, J. A., 8/4145 (A. Humphries, Auckland, fj. ' ' - _ Johnson, E., 8/831. (J. T. Johnson, 16 Onepu, ' Boad, Wellington). ' ~„-,.! M'Bride, M., 29,802 (J. M'Bndc, County An-: M'Oarthy,' A., 29,804 (Mrs.. A. M'Carthy; j Kilmarnock, Scotland). j Morley, H.. 8/3956 (Mrs. H. Morlcy, Dun-! Sibbald, LccSergt. D., 8/2727 (J. Hamilton,! Gullare, Otago. fr.). . i Smith, W. J., 27,601 (S. Smith, Musselburgh,, Dnnedin). '■'■_'' , , Steele, J., 23,054 (J. Steel. -Kumara, b.J. • ; TomUnson. J. L., 27,394 (Mrs. A. J. Tomlinson, St. Albans, Christchurch). | TrowheUa, Corpl. J., 8/1881 (Mrs. S. Trc-M whella, Takapuna, m.) Wheeler. 8., 32,764 (Mrs. W. Wheeler. Dun-! edin, m.). .. . i June 8.. ■ j Greenslade, E. G.,. 12,129 .(A. Grccnsladeii Wellington). „ _. ' „., Wilson, B. M., 8/4243 (Mrs. F. Wilson, Mil-1
June 9. i Andrews, S. J.,. 22,222 (Mrs. F. William!, i Wyudhani, c). „. _ ' Simpson, J. E. L., 15,245 (A. Simpson, East Gore, f.). „ ' Walker, H., 26,347 (R. E. Walker, PupongiW Ward, H., 22,144 (J. Ward, Inangahua, b.). N.Z. Rifle Brigade. Elliott, H., 15,35!! (Mrs. H. Elliott, Opotiki, m. June 3). .. • Patching, E. W. J., .28.529 '(K,. Patching,. Otaki, f. June 3);-■ •"" N. Z. Eiflo Brigade. Heyden,. L., 29,922 (Nurse Lcitch, Wynd<! ham, sis. June 5). • - •■■■ -'" ; - June 6. Hertz, A. J.', 22,797 (Mrs. 0. Hertz, Port; Ahuriri, m.). ' i Lusk, A. E., 14,120 (Mrs. A. Lusk, Tin-1 M - Arthur, 'fi., 14,846 (Mrs.' M. M'Arthur, ; 16 Bay Street, I'etonc, m.). Marsack, Sergt. 0. W., 25/891 (It. Marsack. c/o Lambton Police Station, Wellington). Morland, P., 15,934 (T. Morland, Eakam.i.)., June 7. ■ . ' Adams, E. 8., 19,100 (A. Adams, Isliugtou. bS*" E., ; 26/49.,(Miss E. Blis-: set, 15 Terrace Gardens, Wellington, sis.). Blackinore, W. E., 32,934 (Mrs. M. J. Black-. more, Riverton, m.). . rr Tr Blair, E. E., 12,346 (A. 0. Blair, 55 Hopper St., Wellington). ~. . . Oliitty, J., 10,998 (Mrs. J. Clutty, Xiugsland, Ed A wardt, n Lce.-Corpl. W. A. E.. 26/169 (Mrs. M. E. Edwards, Sydenham). Ellison, A. R,, 23/1979 : (Miss S. J. Ellison. Eastburu, Yorks). , ~..,,«; Buglet, T. H. L., 26,076 (Mrs. M. Englct, 6 Islington St., Petonc, m.). Ferguson, J. A„ 29.918 (Mrs. 0. Ferguson,FIcU.V., 18,980 (J. G. Flett, Otautau, b.). Ford, H., 18,644 (Mrs. It. Ford, Manaia, w.. Geard, A. 0., 26/793 (C. Gcard, Cupc ColGemuicll, Sergt. C. V., 26.-790 (Mrs. T. C. Jesscn, Tasmania, sis.). Giifrey, P. A., 25,852 (A. Godfrey, Palmerston North, I.). „ _ Godscll, S. J., 22,451 (Mrs. M. Godsell, Duusaudel, w.). „. , r . ITay, F. V., 13,019 IW. Hay, Gisborne, f.). Jones. ]•!., 15,374 (Miss 1). Jones, Folkstone, Kent). „, ~-, ~r T? 1.1 Lelicvrc. Corpl. C. E., 26;0m (Mr.-,. 1. t. Lelicvrc Pahiatua, m.). , . , r , .. Mackay, S. A., 12,435 (Mrs. E. J. Mackay, 29 Brougham St., Wellington, in.). iPKce, T., 23/2247 (H. WKce, Palmerston M'Keuzic, A. E. C., 26,145 (Mrs. L. M'Kcu r zic, Perth, W. Aus.). ' Mellin, G., 26/586 (Mrs. J. Mcffin, IniercarMeilo'r, T.-Corpl. P., 20,187 (Mrs. S. M. Mcllor, 20 Victoria St.. Petonc. w.). Morgan, L. 0., 22,634 (Mrs. M. M. Morgan, Wellington). „ , _. Ncwlove, C, 21,877 (M. H. Ncwlove, Dunsandcl, Canterbury, f.). Old, C. It., 20,560 (R. Old, Pukepkahu, WclPcnrose?'Sergt. J. W., 26/200 (Mrs. Harrop; Newcastle, N.S.W.). Phelan, E. M., 12,465 (Mrs. A. Phelan, Enfield, Ballarat, m.). . „ Porter, G., 25,586 (Mrs. 51. J. Davis, Onakunc fr) Powley, J. 0., 26,169 (E. Powley, Lyjtclton, f) Real It. J., 26/137 (J. Rea, Douglas, StratRiddle, ,T.' T., 24/2558 (Mrs. J. Eidaie, Linwood, in.). ~ i _, Rob.iohn, W. P.. 26/624 (Miss M. Dormer, (W. Stuart, Forglin, Thomas! 1 g'., 21,911 (M.;H. Thomas, Ohoka; Thompson, Lcc.-Sergt. J. E., 26/284 (Mrs. It. Holloway, Gisborne). Warren, Lcc.-Corpl. L. A.. 26/936 (C. Warren, Snotswood, New Plymouth). Williams, E., 30,416 (J. Rothcry, Whangawnson? W.. 21,134 (B. Wilson, Otahnhu, b.). Woolton, Beret. P- J... 23/34 (P. Wootton, 93 EUsabetlJ St., .Wollingtog),
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3116, 21 June 1917, Page 5
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2,131ROLL OF HONOUR Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3116, 21 June 1917, Page 5
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