casualties were reunited yesterday to members of the New Zealand I'orceu There were forty-nine deathsfive oliiocrs and seven men killed in action, and two officers and thirty-fire men including one member of the Maori Contingent, died of wounds. The wounded were eight officers and forty-one men, including three members of the Maori Con. tingonl. The hospital and nrogross report was a long one. The names aud addresses of the next-of-kin arc given within parentheses, relationship being denoted by m for mother, f. for father, sis. for sister, b for brother, w. for wife, a. for aunt u for uncle, c. for cousiu, u.-in-l. for hro-ther-in-law. Particulars follow —
KILLED IN ACTION. Machine-Gun Corps. W i lli 2nrt Licut - K. G.. 23/649 (Key. A O. Williams, Wanganul, f. June 9). Auckland Infantry Battalion. No Date Given. Hoard, W.-Cnrpl. C., 21.192 (Mrs. J. Board I Hangatiki. in.). Brodie, J 26,664 (Mrs. K. Brodic. Auckland, TV.). Hill. W.. 28.342 (D. Hill. Whatattitu. b.) HuUon, G. 11., 25,246 (Mrs. W. Unison Ranrimu. m.). O'Bnglien, K. It., 14,313 (Mrs. M. O'Bnglien Grey Lynn, Auckland, m.). Salmon, Sergt. A. L., 12/468 18. T. Salmon. Whatoro, Nth. .Wairoa. f.). Winstone. W. if., 28,587 (W. H. Winstonc, Opaheke, f.). Canterbury Infantry Battalion. M'Mcnamin, Ckap.-Capt. 3. J., 6/1215 (M'r« E. MMennmin, Lower Hutt. June 9). New Zealand Ttiflo Brigade. Collins, 2nd Lieut. W. 13., 23,109 (Mrs. J. I) Sclby, Porangahaui m. Juno 9). Previously Itcported Missing, Believed Wounded, Now Reported Killed in Action.
Aucklaud Infantry Battalion. M'Cormick, 2nd Lieut,' W. It., 12(4305 (W. .1 IL'Cormick, T© Aroha. June 7). Previously Reported Wounded, Now Reportcd KUled in Action. Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Thompson, Lieut. W. P.. 15,468 (T. J Thompson, Hastings, 1. June 7). DIED OF WOUNDS. Machine-Gun Sectioß. Fransham, S-, 20,984 (R, S. I'ransham, Whitford, Auckland, f. June 7). Mansfield,- 2nd Lieut. W. H.. 6/868 (T. G. Mansfield, Pcshaivai, India. ):wae 8). Aucklajid Infantry Battalion. Akc.rsten. H. S-, 18,741 (.Mrs. M. Akcrstcn, Ponsouhy, Auckland, w.). BuU, H. M.. 39,651 (A. Butt, Whangarei, f.). Carsou, W. P., 30,748 (Mrs. J. Foley. Auok.) Ernest, 'J'., 21,235 (T. Ernest, Onelrunga, !.). Doole. W. J., 13,744 (W. Doole. Pukeokahu, f. June 9). Burrows. Temp.-Corpl. I. H.. 12/3953 (Mrs. A. Burrows, Auckland, ml June 9). Wellington Infantry Battalion. Limpus, P., 15,737 (0. Lttupus, Tamunui-, Waipawa, u. June 7). Cowan, J. L., 20,971 (J. L. B. Oowan, Hunua, Auckland, f. June 8). Stubbs, P., 10/3096 (Mrs. E. E. Stubbs, Gisborne, m. June 11). Karalus, F. S. It.. 20,360 (Mrs. M. A. Karalus. TariUi, Taranaki, m. June 9). Ncwlovc, L. L., 11/1940 (Mrs. I. Ncwlovc, New Plymouth, w. June 13). Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Kirdy, J. A.. 6/2065 (Mrs. J. Kifdy, Tinwald, Canterbury, m. June 8).. Little, J. R„ 26,122 (W. Little, Waikawa, I. June 10). Wilson, Lieut. A. C, 15,448 (Miss A. 0. Wilson, Ohristehurch. June 12). Wells, J., 6/2322 (Mrs. N. L. Wells. Woodstocii, Hokitika, m.). Ingram, F. C, 6/3755 (W. H. Ingram, Beaumont, Invercargill. June 8). M'Cool, P./ 6/2213 (P. M'Cool, Welehton, Ireland, f. June 91. Williams, J. J., 11,586 (Mrs. R. Williams, London, m. June 9). White. J., 29,328 (W. White. Couuty Armagh. Ireland, f. June 11). Otago Infantry Battalion. Baird, J. A. «., 29,720 (E. Stakey, Cavcrsliani, o. Juno 7). Coombs. J. W. L.. 15,143 (G. Coombs, Dunedin, f. June 9). Smith, J.. 8/4222 (J. Ironside, Pembroke, Otago. Juno 11).
t New Zealand Itille Brigade. s Peterson, J., 25,931 (Mrs. A. Larson, Makat retu North, m. June 7). i Thorn, J.. 23(933 (J. Thoni, Moriani. India, , b. June 7). 1 Campbell, G. H., 14.061 (Mrs. If. Campbell, Ashburton, m. June 8). - Grav, T., 15,361 (J. Gray, London, b. June 8). t Beaton, J., 23/3154 (Mrs. 0. Beaton, Dun- > cdin, m. June 9). . Ourric, Sorgt, E„ 24/1008 (Mrs. Currio, Mataura, m. June 9). 5 Benjamin, H. T., 18,950 (Mrs. If. E. BenJ jainin. Oamaru, w. June 11). ! Hirst, Corpl. S. L. 8., 26/1552 Us. L. Hurst, : Ponsonby. f. June 9). . Wheeler, H..29,114, (Mrs. C. Wheeler, Ohriatj church, in. June 9). . ' Cyclists' Corps, i Showry, 1). J., 11/2226 (R. E. Shewn-, Huremoana, Stratford, f. June 7). | Banvick, C. H., 10,296 (J. W. Banvick, , Christchurch. f. June 11). Divisional Signal Company. ; Sinclair. J. L.. 4/1062 (lira. M. Sinclair, i luiiieilin, m. June 9). WOUNDED. iraoUine-Gun .Section. Davies, 2ud Lieut. B-. 8., 16,501 (D. Davies, Wanganui East, £. June 9). ■ Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Woolf, Lieut, H. A.. 15,477 (P. W. Bail's, City Lind., b.-iu-law. June 9). New Zealand Hide Brigade. June 9. Dove, Oapt. W. W., 26.5 iJ. C. Dove. Auckland, f.). M'Dowcll. Lieut.. A. L„ 26/15 (Jlrs. E. M. Jl'Dowell, Gore, w.). Baker, 2nd Lieut. C. G., 23,112 (Mrs. 0. G. Baker, Christcliureh, v.). Gow, 2nd Lieut. G. V., 15,836 (Miss C. il. Govr, Audit Office, Wellington, sis.). Turner, 2nd Lieut, .R. W., 13,141 (J. Cornl'ord, Greatford, u.i. WOUNDED, ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL. Machmc-Guu Section. Baker, Lce.-Corpl. E. H., 12/2534 (J. H. Baker. Kaihu, X. Wairua, f. June 6). Birvell, A., 22,921 (A. Birrell, Perthshire, Scotland, f. June 6). Simpson, J. N„ 9/1489 (\V. Simpson, Jlalahiwi, f. June 6). June 7. Cameron. Corpl. L., 25/851 111. Cameron, Whaugarei, f.). Chalmers, Lce.-Coiipl. J., 23/706 (W. Chalmers, Whakatane, I.). Church. Lce.-Corpl. F., 8/155 (G. Church, Riverton, f.). Eraser, Scrgt. J., 8:1737 (J. Eraser, Stirling, f.l. New Zealand Field Artillery. Home, W. 8.. 17.191 (W. S. Home, Devon- . port, Auckland, f. June 4). Nowsham, J. G., 2/1066 111. Newshaiu, Gisborne. June 4). ' Walpole. Jf., 2/112 (Miss E. Walpolc, Toronto, Canada, sis. June 4). liodger, A. W„ 2-1195 (11. A. Eodger, Devonport, Auckland, m. June 6). Piston. 1S T . G., 10,657 (15. A. 0. Pigou, Spring Creel;, I. June 7). Sew Zealand Engineers. Williams, G„ 4/1396 (G. Williams, Lyttelton, f. June 1). Auckland Infantry Battalion. Bishop, A. G.. 28,319 (W. Bishop, Richmond, Christchurch. Juno 4). Hamilton, H., 7/2394 (Miss A. Hamilton, St. .Albans, Christchurch, sis. June 4). June 5. Bovine, A., 31,613 ('Mrs. Canning, Pukekohe, m.). Miles, G. 13.. 23,846 (Miss I. Miles, Mcl- ! bourne, sis.). Simonsen, I'!. J'.. 14,495 (A. J. Simonscn, Rougotca, f.). Yule, J.r 27,778 (Mrs. Yule, Toowoomba, Aitstralia, m.). Summcrficld, It., 267539 (If. J. Summerneld, Blackburn, England. June 6). Millar, G. J„ 14,461 (Mrs. Millar, Auckland, v/.1. , Canterbury Infantry Battalion. O'Brien, D.', 11.921 (M. O'Brien, Duckmaroi, N.S.W., b. Jiuie 5). June 7. . Barter, J. W.. IL6C6 (J. Barter, St. Albans, Christchurch, f.). Clark. T. W„ 6/3295 (Mrs. E, A. Clark, Greenwich, England). ' Henry, W. L„ 27,292 (Mrs. D. Henry, Te- ' miika. in.). Jt'Nicholl, D.. 612822 (A. M'Niehoil, Christ- ' cliureh). Mould. T. G., 61632 (Mrs. F. Mould. Kaihu, X. Wairoa, m.l. Scott. 11. G.. 25/1809 (Mrs. L. (till, Lvltel- ' ton). Waruock, Corpl. K. 8.. 7/1016 (li, Warned*. ' Cfltlins River, f.). Clarke, A.'S.. 28,858 (J. Clarke. Timarn, f. ' Juno 8). - 1 Drmninoiiil. A. M„ 21.666 (H. O. Oruminond, ' Itiwaka. f. .[llllO 8). ' New Zealand fiiflo Brigade. Holiday, F'. N. S., 19.162 (Mrs. V. f). noliday, Oxfovdshjre, England. June 61. Webb, A. It., 32.917 (Mrs. A.-Webb, luvcrcargili, m. June 5). J
Pioneer Battalion. ' Brown. W. G., 24/2517 (Mrs. Mitcharn, Bristol, England, m. June 7). WOUNDED SIJGIITLY. REMAINING WITH UNIT. Machine-Gun Corps. Inglis, Capt. li. if., 24/23 (J. T. Inglis, Tiuiarn, f. June 7). Field Ambulance Brigade. May 27. Blackburn, IT. C. 2-1/691 (Mrs. J. niaokburn. Sydenham. Christrhureh, m.>. Hounscll. W. K„ 3/1746 tt\ 11. Hounsell, Dcvonport, Auckland, f..i. Hughes. J. G.. 3/2209 (Mrs. E. J. Hushes, New Plymouth, m.l. M.'Pherson, J., 3/2230 (Mrs. MThorson, Kingsland, m.l. MAORI CONTIHCENT. 1)1 KI) OF WOUNDS. Wynyard, Lcc.-Oorpl. J., 20,704 (J, L. Leonard, Chelsea, Auckland,, f.l. WOTJNDKD. ADMTTTBTI TO HOSPITAL. Anderson, A., 16/1253 (Mrs. Anderson, Pipiriki, m. Juno 41. Koha, K.. 20,595 (Kolia. Herckino, N. Ancle-
land. f. June' 51. Tijii, J., 16/1438 (Mrs. 51. Tini, Little Hirer m. June 8).
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3115, 20 June 1917, Page 6
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1,295ROLL OF HONOUR Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3115, 20 June 1917, Page 6
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