FOTJBURY TAJIK MEETING. By Telegraph.—Pices Association. ' Dunodin, May 25. The Forbury Trotting Meeting opened in dull, threatening weather. Tho attendance was good, but tho track was heavy. Tho totalisator handled .£12,073, against .£16,533 last year, ltesults:— , AMATEUR HANDICAP. . One mild and a halt'.—l Oxendalo, scr., and 4 Princess Colo, scr., dead heat, 1; 9 Royal George, 100 yds. behind, 3. Also started: 15 Miss Sylvia, scr.; 10 Undecided, scr.; 7 Taneatua, scr.; 20 Jaunts, scr.; 17 Kentucky Moor scr.;, 16 Princess Bell, scr.; 9 Granny Franz., scr.; 11 South Star, scr.; 18 Eadianto, scr.; 13 Kepuka Lass, scr.; 19 Carrie Vue, scr.; 17 Inchcape Bell, 10yds, behind; 3 Dolly Rodgers, 10yds. behind; 14 Bright Child, 10yds. behind; 13 Ruo Patchen, 10yds. bohind; 5 Alnieda, 20yds. behind; 5 To Ake, 60yds. behind'; 8 Belgian, 70yds, behind; 8 Galindo Bell, 80yds. behind; 7 Robert E., 80yds. behind. Time, 4min. 49scc. DOMAIN HANDICAP. Two miles--1 Solace, scr., 1; 3 Swiftwood, 50yds. behind, 2; 4 King Pirate, COyds. behind, 3. Also started: 13 Lady Ola, scr.; 12 Waihemo, scr.; 15 Little Kate, scr.; 18 Oku, scr.; 16 Pat M'Kinney, scr.; 7 Peter Bill, scr.; 8 Betty Moor, scr.; 9 Gracio D., scr.; 10 TJrurua, 10yds. behind; 17 Joe L., 20yds. behind; 5 Murphy, 40yds. behind; 14 Patard, 50yds. behind; 2 Miss Lorna, 60yds. behind; 6 Lady Wild, 80yds. behind; 18 Beeswing, 80yds. behind; 11 Pine Bell, 100 yds. behind. Won by six lengths. Time, smin. '13sec.
BEACH HANDICAP. Two miles.—l Nihilist, 20yds. behind, 1; 2 Gladiola,' scr., 2; 8 Silver Patch, 60yds. behind, 3. Also started: 7 Stanley Direct, scr.; 6 True View, scr.; 3 Calton, ecr.; i Sweet Child, 20yds. behind; 9 Scenery, 40yds. behind; 11 Kaweka, 50yds. behind; 10 Bergan, 60yds. behind; 15 Promise, 60yds. behind. Won by a short head. /Time, 5m in. fi Msec.
KITCHENER HANDICAP. Two raiics—2 Hardy Wilkes, 20yds. behind, 1; 1 Matclilight, 40yds. behind, 2; 5 Harold, Junior, 20yds. behind, 3, Also started: 6 Captain Stanley, scr.; 7 Lindetta, scr.; 4 Dillon Eddy, scr.; 8 Sir Fulham, 20yds. behind; 3 Jolly Girl, 40yds. behind; 9 Adelaide Direct, 120 yds. behind. Won. by half a length. Time, smih. 17 3-ssec. • •
INNOVATION HANDICAP. One mile and a half.-,") Mammon, scr., 1; 2 Dillon Maid, scr., 2; 5 Breadalbanc, scr., 3. Also started: 9 Rubee, scr.; 14 Miss Sylvia, scr.; 6 Evening Chimes, scr.; 8 Taneatua, scr.; 12 Robert Dillon, scr.; 13 Kapuka Lass, scr.; 10 Bidens, scr.; 11 Betty Blue, scr.; 7 Geo. M. Dillon, scr.; 9 Cross Battery, 20yds. behind; 4 Biddy Tracoy, 30yds. behind; 1 Scottish Queen, 60yds. behind. Won by two lengths. Time, 4min. 10 3-sscc. ST. CLAIR HANDICAP. Two miles. -5 Lady Wild; scr., 1; 2 King William, sor., 2; 6 Gemma, 10yds. behind, 3. Also started: 10 Spscial Ribbon, scr.; 4 Sunrise, scr.; 7 Brown AVilkcs, scr.; 12 Allen Doouo, scr.; 14 Bamboo, scr.; 9 Blackball, scr.; 3 Royal Rothschild, 30yds. behind; 11 .Tames Maddison, 40yds bohind; 8 Maungatui, 80yds. bohind; Tho Sprinter, 80yds. behind; 13 Win All 150 yds. behind. Won by ton lengths, lime. smin. 13 3-ssec. JEFFS' MEMORIAL HANDICAP. One milo and a quarter—l Dunspoy, 24yds. behind. 1; 2 Sir Fulham, scr., 2; 5 Nancy Patch, 30yds. behuid, 3. Also started: 4 Annio K., scr.; G Radiant Morn, scr.; 7 "Wilkin, 12yds. behind; 3 Cello, COyds. behind; Sydney Wilkes COyds. behind. Won hv four lengths' Time. :imiu. 27sec.
I'XYING HANDICAP. One/ milo.-2 iUaconnochie. scr., 1: I Naucu O'Neil, ser., ,2; 5 Willie Lincoln, scr., :i. Also .started: 8 Tmrood, scr.; li Nore scr • :i Agnus Chief, scr.; + Will o' this' Wisp! scr.; !) Sparkling Kola, scr.; 7 Vice-Ad-miral, scr. liacchns, was coupled with Jdiiiico O'Neill. Won liv loin- lon"l;li.s Time, 2inin. 20 .l-Sseo. SECOND. DAYS' ACCEPTANCES. Dunedin, Jlnv i"i. Acceptances for Mm second day" are — iUIATEUK HANDICAP, Oiio inilo and
lego Green, scr.; Aecktie, scr.; Uracie !>.. 6cr.; Jjiuly Ola, scr.; reier Jieli, scr.; jMcotinc. scr.; Scud, .sit.; -Mac Bell, scr.; rrinte Bill, -xt.; Ngaiuma, scr.; 'Alusior AwlaLlali, scr.; Wainmo, scr.; i'aer Sinipjc, scr.; Ki'iibyran. «.; Upu, scr.; Urimiu, 10yds. uciiuul; Joe L„ 20yus. bolniHi; I'ucUcapo Bell, 20yds. bciiiiul; Almont, Junr., ;>oyils. betiind; Petard, 40yds. behind; .Major Taylor, ■10yds. hcimid; Beeswing, (iOytls. behind.
PACIFIC HANDICAP. One mily and a half.—Royal Hope, scr.; Biddy Tracey, scr.; Mavis, scr.; Rupee, scr.; Cross Batiery, scr.; Dolly Roclger.s, scr.; Evening Cnimcs, scr.; Almuun, -scr.; Granny Franx, scr.; Breadalbanc, 20yds. behind; Te Aka, 30yds. behind; Scottish Queen, 30.yds. behind; Expedite, 40yds. beliind; Galindo Bell, 50yds. beliind; Robert R„ 50yds. behind; Dillon Maid, GOyds. behind; Flower of Turi. GOyds. behind; Seaward Spot, 80yds. behind; Royal George, 90yds. behind; Kawoha, 90yds. behind. DUNEDIN HANDICAP. Two miles. —King William, scr.; Stanley Direct, scr.; First Chime, 20.vds. behind; Sweetchild. 20yds. behind; Gemma, 60yds. behind; Gladiola, 60yds. behind; Promise, GOyds. behind; Bergan, GOyds. behind; Silver Patch, GOyds. behind; Country Queen, GOyds. behind; Damlv Chimes, GOyds. behind.
WINTER OATS HANDICAP. Two miles.—Captain Stanley, scr.; Lindetta, scr.j Harold Junior. 30yds. behind; Pax, 30yds. behind; Jolly Girl, 40yds. behind; Hardy Wilkes, 60yds. behind; Alatchlisrlit. _70yds. behind.
PENINSULA HANDICAP. Two miles. —King Pirate, scr.; Miss Lornu, scr.; Happy Jack, scr.; Livingstone, scr.; Pino Bell, scr.; Royal Rothschild. 10yds. behind; Prince Gift, COvds. behind; Lady Wild, GOyds. behind; Dariield. 80yds. behind; Win All, 130 yds. behind; Annie K., 200vds. behind.
IMPROVERS' HANDICAP. Ono mile and a half—Princess Bell, scr.; Dolly Rodgers, scr.; Jolly Major, scr.; Evening Chimes, scr.-; Cross Battery, scr.; Rue Patchen, scr.; Undecided, scr.; Lilly Dillon, scr.; Stoker, scr.; Puwhenua, 20yds. behind; Te Aka, 30yds. behind; Trno View, 40yds. behind'; Oncndale, 50yds. behind; Robert R., 50yds. behind; Galindo Eelle, 50yds. behind; Kiwi, 50yds. behind; Seaward Spot, SOyds. behind; Royal George, 90yds. behind.
PARK HANDICAP. One milo and a quarter—Sir Fulhain, 24yds. behind; Moorland, 24yds. behind; Jollv Girl, 24yds. behind; Harold Junior, 24vds. behind; Nancy Patch, 2Gyds. behind; Dunsp'ey, GOyds. behind;. Cello Sydney Wilkes, GOyds. behind; Don Caesar. 84yds. behind; Adelaide Direct. Oliyds. behind.
FAREWELL HANDICAP. One mile. —Radiant Moon, scr.; "lnwood, scr.; Hove, scr.; Agnes Chief, scr.; ViceAdmiral, scr.; Will o' the Wisp, scr,; Willie Lincoln, 10yds. behind; Nance O'Neill, 20yds. behind; M'Connachie, 3Gyds. behind; Bacchus, 4Syds. behind. SOUTH WAIRARAPA TROTTING ACCEPTANCES. The following acceptances have been received for the South Wairarapa Trotting Club's annual meeting, to bo held On June I:— TRIAL HANDICAP. One mile-Elmo, Junr., scr.; Stella C, 2sec.; Charming Rod., 2sec.; George the Fourth, 3scc; Jennie Wood, 4sec.; Dardanelles, ssec.; Bliss, Gsec.; Wild Step, 7sec.; Montague, 7soc; Toi'ua, 7scc; Valmai, 7sec.; W. J. Beldon, 7sec.; Edna Wilkes, 7see.j Desert Gold, 7sec.; Marinoto, 7sec; Anna, 7scc; Eagle Jewel, 7sec; Rosonna, 7sec; Titbits, 7sec.; Doc, 7sec.; Highwood, Bsec.; Shannagolden, Sscc; Hal Joseph, Bsec.; Iledgewood, Bsec.; Lyall Bay, Bsoc.;-'The Bath, Sscc; Turo Ilewi, Bsec. LADIES' BRACELET TROT HANDICAP. One milo aud a half—Cupid's Whisper, Iscc; Waitoranui, 7sec; D'ardanclies, Usee; Wioldtta, lOsec; Desert Gold, 20scc; Rejoice. 2flsec; Highwood, 23sec; Wild Stop, 23sec; Hal Junior, 23sec; Lyall Bay, 23sec; Plain Rose, 23sec.; Marinoto, 23sec.
GREYT'OWN TROT CUP HANDICAP. Two miles.—Tim Doolau, lscc; Sjauibok, Gsec; Warlock, 9sec; Red Empress, lOsec.; Goodrich, 12sec; Wild Daisy. 14scc; Silverlocks, Msec; Ravenslad, Msec; Lylock, Msec; Orangeman, Msec; Cross Battery, Msec; Fair Puritan, Msec; Rubicon, Msec.
BIRTHDAY TROT HANDICAP. Ono mile.—Agesemos, scr.; Glcnidol, ssec..;Lincoln Star, 7sec; Winston M., 7sec.; Littlo Jowel, 9sec.; Admiral Hal, 9sec; Junior, Oscc; Stella C, Tiscc; Rejoice, Msec; Tho Bath, Msec; Child Agnes, Msec; Plain Rose, Msec; Marinoto, Msec; Rosanna, Msec; Titbits, Msec; Tufna, Msec; Bliss, Msec; Hedgewood, Msec. TAMAHAU MAHUPUKU MEMORfAL TROT HANDICAP. Two milcs.-Glad-all, 17sec; Cottage Belle, 18sec; Taumata, 21sec; Aranui, 21sec.; Bluewood, 21sec.; Chocolate Soldier, 24sec; Wiolotta. 24scc.; Grey Snot. 25sec; Montaguo, 25scc; W. J. Beldon, 25sec; Councillor,
KEMPTON PARK TROT nANDTCAP. One milo and o. half.—Tim Doolau, 2sec; General Advance, 4scc; Sjambok.jSsco.; Warlock, 7sec; Winston M„ Bsec; Red Empress, 9sec; Goodrich, 9scc; Boadicca, lOsec; Silverlocks, lOsec;, Ravenslad, lOsec.; Littlo Jewel, lOsec.; Orangeman, lOsec.; Cross Battery, lOsec; Rubicon, lOsec
PRESIDENT'S TROT HANDICAP. Ono mile—Rippon Child, scr.: Tim Doolan. Gsec; Siamlwlc. 9sec; Glenidol, flsec; Winston 31., Usee; Lincoln Star, Usee; Admiral Hal, l.lsec: Elmo Junior. Msec; Waitoranui, Msec; Goodrich. 15sec; Wild Daisy, 15sec; Stella 0.. 15sec.; Jennie AVood, 17sec: Hal Joseph IRsec.; Dardanelles, 18sec.: Hal Junior,' 18sec.; Rejoice, 18sec; DesertGold, 18\sec; Child Aenes, lSsec; Rosanna, lSsec; Titbits, 18soc.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3094, 26 May 1917, Page 9
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1,371TROTTING Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3094, 26 May 1917, Page 9
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