AUCTIONS. . • PAHAUTANUISALE. ■ FRIDAY, MAY I, 1917. ABRAHAM AND WILLIAMS, LTD., will sell atl p.m., at tho above yards— , 100 2 and 4-tooth ewes 100 s.m. ewes 100 f.m. ewes 10 f.m. Romney rams UNRESERVED CLEARING SALE AT MANAKAU. SATURDAY, sth MAY, 1917, At 1 p.m. NZ; LOAN AND MERCANTILE • AGENCY CO., LTD., have received instructions from Mrs. M. Hardcastle (who is leaving the district) to eell at 1 p.m., on the Farm, the following:— 5 choice Jorsoy cows, due AugustSeptember, . second and third calvers 2 selected Jersey heifers, due AugustSeptember 1 7-month heifer . 1 horse (Pathfinder) broken s. and h. (any triaU , Sow and litter of nine 150 p.b. W. Leghorn fowls (MerrittHopkins strain) 21 Black Orpjngton fowls (Davis strain) ' 20 ducks ■■ ■ 1 pedigree bulldog. Bill Massey, by British Beaming Gig and , harness, spring dray and harness , 2 good riding saddles a'nd bridles, 27-gal. Diabolo separator (practically new), horse and cow covers, lime, cement, chairs, hospital bed, table, etc. On account of a client-.— 40 extra prime fat ewes and wethers OUTSIDE ENTRIES SOLICITED. ; : . : AUTUMN CATTLE FAIR. ' LEVIN SALE YARDS. TUESDAY, Bth MAY, 1917, .- . ' At 12.15 p.m.. MESSRS. ABRAHAM & WILLIAMS, LTD., will sell on account of various vendors, including Messrs. J. Leydon, W. J. Bryant, H. G. Bryant, H. G, E. Swainson, Kingdon and Gorringe, Arapeti Co., S. W. Carter, .J. Ryder. H. Easton, A. J. Seivers, A. M'Kenzie, J. M'Leavey, and others— CAA HEAD OF CATTLE, Comprising: 50 3 and 4-year bullocks . 50 3-year ■. steers 50 2 and 3-year steers 50 18-month steers lOO.yearling and 18-month steers and heifers SO 2-year-old empty heifers 10 fat cows ■ 50 mixed yearlings SO fat and forward empty cows ' 60 S.H. heifers in calf to P.A. bull 20 S.H. Holstoin heifers in calf to S.H. bull FURTHER ENTRIES SOLICITED. LEVIN STOCK SALE. Tuesday! may sth, 1917. T\ALGETY AND CO., LTD., will sell JL' at 1 p.m.— . ' ■ ' '. , 60 fat ewes 30 fat ewes and wethers 100 lambe 80 lamh3 . SO mixed weaners - 9 fat cows 8 2-year steers 8 yearling heifers TIJASTERTON STOCK SALE. COLOMBO ROAD YARDS. - WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1917. 100 sound mouth ewes in lamb to S.D. rams 25 ewes in lamb to S.D. rams 50 w.f. wether lambs, shorn (gbod) On account Tyneside ■ Station— • 300 w.f. wether lambs 100 w.f. ewe lambs STOCK FOR FREEZING. WE are Buyers of Wethers, Ewes, and Lambs; also Ox, Cow, and Bull Beef in quarters, boned or canned. Highest prices paid on "the hooks" at any Freezing Worke, or Tβ will sell' for clients on commission. It will pay you to communicate with Bβ. . ' MELLBOP, ELIOTf AMQ CO. PALMERSTON NORTH, . . FREEZING SHEEP AND LAMBS. fTIHE WELLINGTON MEAT EXPORT COMPANY, LTD., Is Prepared to PURCHASE FAT SHEEP AND LAMBS, By Weight or at Per Head. The Company also offers clients every facility for freezing oa their own account, j x Prices can be obtained'on application at the Company's Offices, or from any of the Buyers'in the country, ' W. G. FOSTER, ■' • Managing Director. Petes 5 iawson's "-Perfecthm". Sc@tdi Whisky, ; ■ as supplied to the House -of Lords, is oa Sale in this district. Obtainable at leading ■ Hotels. "Tke purest Whisky distilled." Ask for "P.D.Q." Wholesale from PEARSON & CO., Ltd., Customhouse Quay, i I FDR A BRINK ONLY ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALB , CONNOISSEURS I TO BE ABSOLUTELY Brewery and OfSfiei Moleeworth and Murphy Streets. /"HOOD Printing promptly produced at vJT popular prices fit 'Dominion" Job Printing Worjb. : ■~ ■
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3070, 4 May 1917, Page 10
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567Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3070, 4 May 1917, Page 10
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