(By Ihoqen.)
SOCIAL ANB PERSONAL Dances for Sofa'iers. Soldiers from the camps who visited : ou B;.Mirdnv aid r.Ov lack for entertainment in tho evsjiiag. The committee of tha Sydney Street Soldiers' Club had arranged'a d9sce, more particularly for tho men of the Tiisncyfourth Reinforcement, ! and a very pleasant evening was spoilt, plenty of partners having been provided. Airs. Lo Marchand played the dance music, and Private Anketell contributed somo cornot selections. The ..ladies 1 of the Hutt Patriotic Guild wero tho hostesses in charge of the supper arrangements, and the House Committee provided light refreshments for tho dancers in tho gymnasium. In the Town Hall the Mayoress and ■ her Entertainment Committee also entortained soldiers at a danco. Thero was a good attendance, not only of tho ■ men of tho Twenty-fourth Reinforcement, but of other soldiers who were in town, and several had brought with them their next-of-kin. Miss Segriof had arranged a programme of songs and . recitations, and tho Trentham Band played the music for the dancing. Supper was proVided by the committee, and the soldiers were welcomed by tho Mayoress (Mrs. Luke). Soldiers' Comforts Afternoon. A very successful ladies' day in connection with the Newtown Bowling Ohrb was held on Saturday for tho purpose of raising funds for soldiers' comforts. Tlio Ladies' .Committee, wlio had organised tho effort, had worked hard, and havo good reason to lie pleased with the .results of tho day, especially taking into consideration that tho high wind which prevailed, • with its accompaniment of dust, was not conducive to out-of-door enterprise. Tho Mayoress'(Mrs. J. P. Luke), who j was presented with a bouquet of cactus ! dahlias, opened the afternoon, and, in | j tho courso of her speech, dwelt upon tho. necossity of keeping 'our men well ; supplied 'with comforts. In charge of stalls for sweets, home-made cakes, ''produce, etc., wero Mosdames Crosby, i 'j W. C. Read, J. Remington, T. Bland, i and G.'Grenside._ In charge of the i | afternoon' tea, which was served in tho 11 pavilion upstairs, wero ! Mesdames J. 1 Laughlan, W/ Wylie, W. J. Robbing, and iiumerous assistants. While. tea was in progress, musical items wore contributed by-Mr. and' Miss Ramsey, and Miss Crosby. Several competitions' were held, Mesdames Swiney, F. Robbins, A. Crosby, S. H. Underwood, and Misses Playno and Wylie being vory . successful with.. those.. Tho winners woro Private Hansen (a returned soljdior). Mr;, R..-Blonkmsop, Mrs. Popple, j and Mrs'.;-Richards (the latter two i ladies making a' tio m guessing tho i weight of a cako), Mr, E. Road, Mrs.' j Richards, and Mr. -Dwyor. • A party, of ] returned soldiers from : tho Victoria ! Hospital wero entertained • by Sirs. | Caterer and . Mrs., Lovcstam; and j'several children, headed by. Miss Read, j sold sweets, cigarettes, etc. ; Tho' committeo aro vory grateful to •; Messrs. Townseud .and Paul, Mr. Quin- ■ livan, tho "Champion" Company, T. ; Rigg and Co., "Defiance" Butter Co., j and to all who helped tlio club by dona-. ; tions, oitlior in cash or in goods, also j to Mr. A. Trevor ajid Mr. H. Ranson | for providing and erecting tho. stalls!, j Fully £38 wero taken by tho afternoon, i and possibly more,, as tho full total i has not yet, been gathered in. '.. j Farewell Methodist Social. • A very successful 'social was held in | i tho Methodist Schoolroom, Lower Hutt, on Thursday, when the opportunity was'taker, to bid farowell to-the Rev. ,i W. Beckett- and family, who will leave ■ tho district next week to take charge of the Sydenham Circuit. Tho senior steward, Mr. Walton, was in tho chair. A programme of entertainment was arranged by Mr. Shearer, and consisted, of gleos the choir and solos by the Misses Knight, Shearer, ,Hiscock, Bosher, Mr«. Johnson, Mr. Crawford, and a recitation by Mrs. Lbive. Messrs. ' &toiiohouse, : Arini'tage, Trim, the Rev. ' Mr. IJ'Bain, of Pot-ono/and the chair- . man spoke ,of the work done by Mr. ■ arid Mrs. Beckett during the past three years, and wished them Godspeed l in their new circuit. Tho Rev. Beckett returned thanks for tho kind wishes, and briefly referred to what had been done, and wished the church and his successor every, success. Refreshments ' were provided by the ladies of' the congregation. The Rev.- D. J. Murray, of 'Feildingj is expccted to arrive 'about April 12, to tako up duties as superin-, . tendent of tho circuit. ' The Wadostown Women's National Rcservo made £80 ss. 4d. at the Wellington Red Cross Shop, I.ambton Quay, on Friday. The flay, was well organised by Mrs. Willis and Mrs. Brice, arid was a most suocessful one. The large amount taken shows the keen interest this suburb takes in Rod Cross work. Those in charge of the stalls were:— Cakes: Mesdames Willis, Stewart,, and Best. Produce: Mesdames Cook and Taylor. Meats, etc.: Mesdames Jacka and Cooper. . Sweets: Mrs. Phipson. A retiring collection of £6 from tho congregation of St. Luke's Church, Wadostown, was brought in by the Rev. C. Harvey, and a donation of £1 from , Miss Colvin was included in the day's takings. Tho cako competition was won by Mrs./ Archibald, a box of sweets by Mr. E. Johnstono, and point lace collar by Mrs. Ward. Tho money taken in tho shop for the week amounted to £94. Noxt Tuesday Mrs. Tweed has undertaken, to supply the shop ; with home-made cakes. The shop will bo closed ' during Easter week. and will reopen on April 13, when the Mercer Street : R,ed Cross Depot ladies will bo in charge. .' > . 1 • Women, here, there, abroad, and beyond who have had the opportunity. of . testing many different kinds of HairWork are unanimous in the opinion that the only kind that has proved thoroughly reliable is the "Milsora." In. spite of difficulties in keeping up supplies, we are enabled to .fill all orders promptly, information gratis and strictly fonft- • dential. If you cannot call, please write. We have the variety,' we have'the staff. rjr we have the knowledge. Best Hair-Work g of every description in best quality En»g lish' hair. Transformations, Toupees, B Switches, Pads, etc.' All Hair and Skin 1 Preparations and Tonics. Clipping, s Shampooing, delightful Pace Treatment. 11, Miss Milsom. Barnett's Buildinijs,'; 91 jj Willis Street. 'Phono Sll—Advt. p Dainty Blouses for smart dressers! 'Wo — aro now, displaying a special range of beautiful Orepe-de-Chene models (25 in all) in creme and lemon shades, etc. You must see them to appreciate thera! Price's Store, 5-4-S6 .Willip Street.—Advt. "Substantial advaneo in correct prin. ciples" are embodied in PATHB- , PHONES. No bothering needles to i change—scratch—throw away, but smooth unwearable jewel reproducer, resulting 3gj in improved tone production of all music, whether vocal or instrumental Daily demonstrations free to nil, al Oscar Hewett and Co., 56 Cuba Street (just below Bank of N.Z.). Full rangi of models at rcasonnblo cost, and up wards of. 10,000 records to select from.Advt. ' ; Wedding A nnouneements. — Beautifu roses and tho choicest of flowers only on ;h- used when designing wedding bouquets m- which I make a speciality of. Pabkei jo, and • forwarded through the Dominion LIG Mis 3 Murray, Vice-Regal Florist, 36 Wil lis Street.—Advt.
An Heroic Nurse. A very, fino story of the devotion of a nurse to her duty is told in ail exchange. It runs as follows ''in one of the field hospitals tho staff ran short of bandages, etc., and Nurse Lorraine volunteered to fetch | tho requirements. As she knew. tho I district and needed some fresh air, ow- • ing to l!er long spell of duty, the authorities acceded to her request. She had covered about three miles of her journey when she met some French soldiers in charge of a lumber-carriage, who informed her that three* wounded, men were lying on tho outskirts of a wood close by, and urgently needed assistance. Without any demur she mounted tho van arid was taken to tho spot. After investigation she scribbled her needs on a pieco of paper, and implored tho- soldiers to hasten to —— and fetch them. "Then, kneeling down, she sought to stanch tho wounds of the stricken men. These she found to bo many'and sorious, and tho brave woman tore up most of her clothing to improvise bandages. Night camo on, and the van camo not. The cold was intense, the. rain beat down in pitiless torrents, two of the men raved in delirium, and to add to tlio horrors of tKo situation tho rattle of musketry denoted the presenco of the enemy. " Thus in pain and suspense "the ill-clad woman spent the long hours of that fearful winter night. x "Next morning a detachment of chasseurs found tho quartet—two of the men were dead, and the other was kept alive by the devoted, woman who had shielded him from the rigours of rain and cold by her own body. She was in-a state ofcollapso from exposure. Restoratives wero applied,- and, recovering consciousness, : she faintly inquired, 'Arc they all right?' Ere an answer could be given she sank back and yielded her noblo spirit to Him who save it. Small wonder that when, tlio full, story of her heroism was told' b.v tho survivor, brave men allowed tho tears to fall down their cheeks, and that martial honours.were accorded tlio funeral of the devoted nurso." For the Bolsian Poor. A Wereroa correspondent writes that a crosided nouso greeted' tho llolgiau concert performers at Mr. Farland's 1 icture Theatre on. Thursday ovening last, tli3 result of which. will bo that somewhere aboil b £30 (rill bo Dotted by '• tho performance, so .that,thero will bo over £100 now in hand for the Belgian poor. The orchestra played tlio overture excellently, . after which the curtain was. drawn on a-, ploaaing picturo: The stage had 'be,en beautifully decorated by Mr.T. Walkor, tho. arches having been specially mado by Mr. W. WliiS a.ker, aud the scene painted by Mr. F. ' Procter. Tho children presented a prott.y picture, and .sang "Swinging" very nicely. A/comic, song by IMr. W.' Young, of Palmerston North,' was loudly encored, and a later song was also well received. Irish sketches' by Miss Thomas, of Christohurch, proved very amusing. Mrsi Lane, Palmerston North, sang ."A Perfeot Day" vory sweetly.' A dialogue, '"Tho Best Way to Help the Belgian Poor," and a demonstration of it by tho children, resulted in a shower of coins being received, on the stage, and in,tho flags in the hall being held out for that purpose. - Tho children looked very .well in. their fairy and kindred' costumes, with tho coloured lights thrown on. the ' stage. In tlio interval V beautiful doll (given by Miss Rita Farlanrl) was sold by Mr. T'-arland, and £11, with donations of 10s.' : each, The Mayor finally bought it and returned it to. tho littlo donor, who hits generously given it to her school class to.be held ,tiii the ond of the year, when it is to be given ■to the most popular girl (by vote). A cake givoii by Mrs. T. I! Vincent roaj- . ised. £1. The.seoond half-of, thoppe r . formanco yas the production of the "Red Riding Hood' cantata. ' Tho performance ' throughout was ■ very praiseworthy. Miss Wini.it' Walker, as Red Riding Hood, had tlib' heaviest part, and acquitted Hrself well; also Mrs. Gapper as the Mother, Mr. Jones 1 as the Woodman, and Mr. Keys as Wolf. Master Schaare, of. the Boys' Training Farm, sang and acted well, as did also little Miss Mary White ns.Butr terenp." Tho 'choiusos by the children woro very well sung. The-management desire to heartily tha.uk the visiting - performers for ■ their .assistruicc. A number of prizo packets were given away ,".t the 1 ., performance, tlio gift of Mr "Farland: /■ ' .Mrs. Coleroan and Mrs. Von Dadelszen (Napier)' aro staying at tho Royal Oak Hotel., • Miss Zena Vallance (Mastertori) is staying with her sister, Mrs. Erl Williams, who. lias' taken a cottage for a few weeks at Lowry Bay, Miss St., . Hill has _ returned.; to Hawke's Bay from a visit to Wellington. ,• Mrs. S. Hutchenson and her sister, Miss Mace, of Masterton, aro staying at Muritai. The Camp Commandant at Trentnam acknowledges with .thanks receipts of two bags of rifle cleaning material, the gift of the New Plymouth - Women's i Patriotic Society.
WOMEN'S MEETING IN AUCKLAND , SOCIAL PROBLEMS. The iutoresfcfhat iYomcii . ning .lo take in social .questions . was strikingly; evidenced in Auckland.'on ■ ■ Thursday evening, when the' meeting which was called by the Mayoress (Mrs. Gunsoh) to > consider the'iieed for improvement' in,': urgent'Mcial problems ; .was described by the\''Star"/as, being quo of the most remarkable ever Lew & Auckland. At half-past seven every "'seat'.'on the floor of, the hall "was occupied, and still the crowd, streamed ' . They sat on the-stops of the stage, ( in every corner/. and stood ten deep right out into tlie vestibule throughout ' the meeting. ' On tho : platform were re- ■ presentatives of all the women's societies in Auckland, ( wliich'number' about thirty.. Mrs. Gunson presided. Adjutant Gordon, oiic of the speakers, n.oyed: "That the age of'direct ccmmit-; ment.to industrial schools in the iusg- t istrate's discretion be extended from 16' . to 19 : years, also that thelaying of information, in the case of ckrnal know-' under the age of consent be ox- : tended from six to twelve months, and that the raising of the age of consent. be extended, from 16 to 18 years." . Miss Hancock, : of St. Mary's Home,' Otahuhu, in seconding the'motion,' said that laclc of home life and home c&n- ---' trbl/waa responsible for the present state'.' of things. - jit was/%, easy >fcr. evory : mother' to teach . self-control' : at :the beginning, yet hardly any did' so; • Everywhere babies out of-'.-ontrol'were. to.be seen. When mothers said no they should mean no. The matter of rajs- ' ing the age of consent must be brought before the Minister, of Justice;-and his '• life made a, burden to, him till legislation was passed. i The motion, ' 'That the. .Government be asked to, appoint women patrols, organisations to provide voluntary helpera," was in the haiids of. Sister Hannah, of the' Anglican Mission, who
read, extracts from English publications >] which showed the value a the work -jdone by the. women patrols in Engknd. j Mrs. Sineeton seconded, the motion, 'j and drew upon her experience in_Eng- / land "to show the great need of this rc- " forin and its''successful working. The \ women 'of New Zealand, she taid, ( Mould never rest till they .had obtained ; this great and' needed reform. , 'l'he control of contagious disease was 1 brought forward by Dr. Elizabeth , M'Donald, M.A., who proposed, "That , this meeting, approves of the checking . of contagious diseases by retaining for ; treatment in prison hospitals until . ( cured prisoners of both, sexes who are , found to'be infeoted." ' 1 i Dr. M'Donald spoke from a medical , poiiit of view, and laid beforo the P'eot- . ing some of tbo dangers which accrue - from the spread of this dangerous die- , ease in the community. ' Women T-ero apt to stand holplessly aghast with. an emotion from which k nothing praoticaj resulted. The speaker advised'-them to , think as to what tl-esej tilings mean. wanted to real* i ise that.practically all n,en or women who lead an immoral life were diseased ( at some timo in'tlieir life,, and these,. . diseases were spread to iiuito lauocent ; Avomon. and ohildrcn. Many of the diseases from which : women. iuffwed were ' the result of .this, infectious disease caught quite innocently, anil no doctor ( was going to '-ell them the truth. Nearly all still h ; rtbs came from-this disease, and nearly all sterility. Onethird to one-half of the blindness m . the world was caused by this tenible scourge. One authority stated that as liiprh as 80 per cent, of the, cuseases of women were the result of this disease quite innocently caught. The motion was passed, - as - were the preceding; ones. . liaison. is sh'owing New Goods until Wednesday, April 4th, at 10 Willis Street; above BartUtVs, Photographer .—Advt. The iersoy ■ is' the ideal garment ; for :small boys ; in oold weather Big supplies just'to hand, 4s. M-to Bs. 6d. Geo. Fowlds, Ltd., Manners Street—Advt. For Children's Hacking Cough, . Woods'' Great Peppermint Cure.*-
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3043, 2 April 1917, Page 2
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2,665WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3043, 2 April 1917, Page 2
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