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4 PHASES OF THE MOON. MARCH. Day. Hr. m. First quarter 1 4 14 a.m. Full moon 9 928 a.m. Last, quarter 17 0 3 a.m. Ncw'uioon 23 3 35 p.m. First quarter 30 10 6 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-da..v, 3.18 a.m.; sets, 4.56 p.m. TIDE. • To-da.y, 2.1 a.m.; 2.32 p.m. To-morrow. 3.1 a.m.; 3.32 p.m. BUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.53 a,.m.; sotF, 6.3 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, MARCH 20. MANUKA, s.s„ 4834 lons, Clift. from Sydney. Passengers: Saloon—Mesdames M'lica.n and infant, Doll, Dunn, Eddington, Mcggitt and 2 children, Holmes, Rockwell, Stevens, Granian and child, D'Almo, Fitzgerald, Newel], Edwards (2), Clear. White and infant, Andrews and infant, Irvine M'sucs Dunne, Rockwell, Paytou, Astin, Knight, Mills, Benbow, Ncwcll, Messrs. M'Caugney, Osborne, Dunn, Mezzitt, Coleman, Garnett, M'Cftrly, Foster, Harvey, Sinan, Brown, Irwin, Victor, Harcourt. Loohart. Hardy, Wilson, Lalor, Stevens, D'Almo, Edcnbury. Weir, Hay, Wjlliains, Rev. Hannigan, Proctor, Dr. M'Kinnon, Moir, Hunter, Ncwcll, Poole, Fidlcr, M'Phcrßon, Dense, Callughau, Jackson; 37 steerage passcngora. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (3.45 a.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxlon. N'IKAU. s.b.' (7.40 a.m.), 248 tons, Hay, from Nelson. JOHN. s.s. (8.25 a.m.), 342 tons, Robertson, from Wanganui. KAPUNL s.s. (8.30 a.m.). 150 tons, (libson, from P«.1«o-. MARAROA, s.s. (9.15 a.m.), 2598 tons. Homo, from Lyttoltorn PUTIKI, s.s. (10.35 a.m.), 409 torn.-, Whaletrom, from Wanganui. WAVERLEY, s.s. (11.25 a.m.), 157 tons, Fisk, from Patca. CALM, s.s. (2 p.m.), 890 tons, Broadwood, from Lytteltcm. AWAHOU, s.s. (4.35 p.m.), 407 ton?, Rogers, from Lyttellon. PATEENA, s.b. (7.30 p.m.l. 1212 tons, Irwin, from Nelson and Picton.

DEPARTURES. 'TUESDAY, MARCH 20. KABAMTJ. s.s. (12.45 turn.), 934 tons, W"illiam6on, for Groymouth. WAIM.EA, M. (2.10 a.m.), 452 tons. Graham, for Picton. KENNEDY, s.s. (9.50 a.m.), 226 tons, Henry, for Picton. HAWEKA, s.s. (12.40 p.m.), 200 tons, Jackson, for Patoa. MAEAEOA, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 2598 tons, Horn, for Lyttelton. Passengers: 6aloon —Misses Boag. Bcadlo, 6oarlotto. L-.mdy, Jones, Anderson, flherwood, Williams, Knott. Poole. Mesdamos Fitzgerald, Hart, Barton, Shand, Harvey, Bustard, Blair, Graham, Horn, Javin. Ourkis. Quirk, Papps, Poolo, Todd, Messrs. Hart, Barton, Shand, Webb, Eodgers, Hoadloy, Callagham, Norris. Bradley, HarTey, Blair, Bustard, White, Oowlcy, More, Neil, M'Kcllar, Cooper, Jubb, Clcary, Yonge. Ice, Daley, Moody, Ward, Brown, Griflln. KAPDNI, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 188 tons, Gibson, for Patea, MAPOUBIKA. s.s. (3.20 p.m.), 1203 tons. Sewell, for Nelson and West, Coast.. OB.EPTJKI, s.s. (4.25 p.m.). 525 tons, Dowhurst, for Timaru. KAPITI, s.s. (4.45 p.m.), 242 tons. Sawyers, for Wanganui. NIKAU, s.s. (5.10 p.m.). 305 tons, Hay, for Nelson. , J ,„ _ KAITUNA, s.s. (5.40 D.m.), 1977 tons, Byan. NGAHERE, s.s. (6 p.m.), 1090 ton". BiUnor, %BffiT& (7 -».>. «* tons, Vcndorc, fO QTOE n N hO OFTHE 60UTH. s.s. (8.55 p.m.), 198 tono. Harvey, for Foxton. soSAlftStD. s.s. (9.30 p.m.), 721 tons, Stewart, for Duncdin. CALM, s.s. (9.10 p.m.). 981 tonß, Gordon, for Wanganui.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kara, New Plymouth, March 21. Kennedy, Picton, March 21. Opawa, Blonheim, March 21. Kaitoa, Motraeka, Nelson, March 21. Maori, Lyttelton, March 21. Eunice. Timoru. March 21. Defender. Hokitika, March 21. Kamo, Greymouth, March 22. Kittawa. Westport, March 22. Wairau, Blenheim. March 22. Hawcra, Patea, March 22. Kapuni, Patea. March 22. Pateena, Nelson, Picton, March 22. Manuka, Lyttelton. March 22. Mararoo,. Nelson. MaTch 22. . Nikau, Nelson, March 22. Wakatu, Lyttelton. Kaikoura, March 22. Hawora, Patea, March 22. Kapiti. Wanganui.. Maroh 22. Koutunui, Napier. Maroh 22. Invercargill, Dunedin, March 22. Blenheim, Sounds, Havelook, March 22. Monowai. Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, Victoria. Dunedin. Lyttelton, Maroh 23. Awahou, Foiton, March 23. Waverloy, Patea, MaTch 23. Alexander. Pioton, March 24. Orepukl. Tima™, Lyttelton. March 24. Mapourika, West Coast, Nelson, Mar 25 ■Ripple. Akitio, Gisborne. Napier. Mar. 25, Neakuta. Greymouth, March 26. MocraM, Sydney. Maroh 26 Wimmera, Sydney, via northern ports, •March, 30. Biverina, Sydney, April 2. Wcstralia, Melbourne direct, April 5.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. John, Lyttelton, March 21. Aivabou, Foxton, Maroh 21. Opawa, Blenheim, March 21. Patcena, Pictoh, Nelson, starch 21. Kaitoa, Nelson, Hotaieka, March 21. ■Maori, Lyttelton. March 21. Waverlcy, Patea, March 21. Kennedy, Pivponga, March 21. Putiki, Wantranui, March 21. VYairau. Blenheim, March 22. Kapitii Wancamii, March. 22. Nlkan, Nelson, March 22. Mararoa, Nelson, March 22. Manuka, Sydney, Maroh 22. Koutunui, East Const, Napier. March 22. Karu. New Plymouth, March 23. - .Eunice, Wangonui, March 23. M'oriowai, IMtelton, Dunedin, March 23. Wakatu, Kaikonra, Lyttcltou, March 23. Victoria, '• Napier. Gisbornc, Auckland, March 23. „ L ~ . nr ' Defender, West Coast, March 23.Orepnki, Nelson, Terakohe. March 24. Jtapourika, Picton, Nelson, West Ooast, March 27. . „,', „ Ripple. Napier, Gisbomo, Akitio, Mar: 27. Moeraki, Lvttelton, March XI. Wimmera, Lyttelton, Dunedin, March JO. Rircrina, Lyttelton, April 3. TYestralia, Melbourne, via southern ports, April 7.

TO-DAY'S BERTHAGE LIST. The following berths have so far been allotted to vessels due hero-.— | Maori, Ferry Wharf. Kamo, No. 2. Tarsoiaki Street Wharf. Kittawa, No. 2 Hallway Wharf. * Karu, No. 2 Glasgow Wharf. Kattoa, No. 10 Queon's Wha,rf. Opawa, No. 13 (south), Queen's Wharf. Defender, No. 1 Ferry Wharf. • BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. TUESDAY, MARCH 20. ONEHDNGA. 6ailed.--Arar>awa, (ILI6 a.m.), for Kawhia aud Raglan. I NAPIER. Arrived.-Tarawera (5.25 p.m.). from Wellington. To sail.—Koutunui (10 p.m.), for Wellington' NEW PLYMOUTH. Armed— liarawa (6.30 a.m.), from OnebunpU PICTON. 'Sailed—Kennedy (7.40 p.m.). for WcllineBLENHEIM. To sail—Opawa (midnight), for Wellington. NELSON, Pailcd.-Raitoa, (7.5 p.m.), for Wellington. To sail.-Waimea..(9 p.m.), for Weslport and Oroymoutli. KAIRODRA. Arrivcd.-Wakatu (6 a.m.). from Wcllingl°n' WESITOHT. Sailed.-Defendcr (10.30 a.m.). for Welling''on' GEEYMODTH. Sailcd.-Karu (8.10 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Sailed.—Maori (8.35 p.m.). for Wellington. PORT CHALMERS. Snilcd.-Invorcargil! (4 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrivcd-Victoria, (11.20 a;m.j, from Aucklond. VESSELS WRECKED. According to advice received in yesterday'fl Sydney mail two steamers went ashore in Australia on Sunday, March 11. The steamer Dunskoy, owned by Messrs. Armstrong and Waters, Albany, and carrying a- Government railway survey parly from Albany to engage in surrey work at Nornalup Inlet, soino miles west of Albany. Jn connection with tho repatriation of soldiers, met with bad weather en route. 6)10 was driven into Wilson's Inlet, aboirT halfway between Albany and Nornalup To let, where she went ashore on a. sand bar and became »• total wreck. Tho party loßt all their belongings, but landed safely, and proceeded to Denmark township. H IB understood that tho vessel was not insured. ' Thosohoonor Korora, from Svdnej to Port Macquarie, had made Tp-cking Point lii-hthouso, when sbc struck a oatm and oftet anchor. There,was a heavy sea running, and it was impossible for a tug ! to cross the bar in answor to her distress |

signals. Af. 6 o'clock tho chains parted, and (ho schooner wnn driven ashore three miles south of the lighthouse. Tho <:row of seven landed safely. Tho vessel was wasbfd high up on (ho beach, and. in li'.'i-Iy i-i ',ccoroo a total wreck. Messrs. Pike and Co. urn the owners. I/dlor advice, in connection with this vessel state- that her plight, is perilous. Salving in hopeless, and she is very much strained.

MANUKA FIIOM SYDNEY. I The yaniika- from Sydney arrived in | port shortly after no-m yesterday, and berthed at No. 1 {north) P.uoen a Wharf. Tho vessel left. Sydney at 2.30 p.m. ou Friday la?l. r oue day lato—and experienced strong north-east 'vir.ds with bead seas unlil Sunday. Tho trip niter that waß line with smooth seas. Thcocssol brought the following linen for Wellington :-1195 bi>'.»*. 390 burs lead, 3481 cross arms. 86 chests tea, 153 half chosla tea. 1041 pieces timber, 100 cases whisky. j • The Hauuka left here laic last night, for I Lyttelton. VICTORIA'S MOVJBfENTS. Some troublo waß experienced by the Victoria in getting into Dunedin on Monday night, and fiho did not get there until noon yesterday. She is now timed to leave there at noon todHy, and is not now duo hero until Friday. Tho vessel leaves hern tho same day for Auckland, via Napier and Gisborne. THE WESTRALIA. The Wcstralia. which is a.t present undergoing an extensive overhaul at Sydney, should leavo that port about March 24 for Melbourne, The vessel is lime-tabled to leave tho Victorian port on Saturday, I March 31, for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin, thus taking up tho Wimmora's running in the Melbourne-New Zealand service. She is expected to arrive bore on | April 5, and will leavo onApril 7 for Meloourno, via southern porta. JACKSON'S HEAD LIGHT. For soma time po-st tho Plntsoh gas light at .lae.kson Head has been giving considerable trouble, and it was decided by tho Marine Department to instal a new Agar automatic light in its place. Thia work was successfully carried out last week, and word has hoen recolved tho now light is fulfilling its work splendidly. NO CARGO. In view of tho watorside workers' picnio taking ;>:aco to-day the Union Comnany advise that to-day will bo rogarded as a close holiday, and they will receive no cargo for shipment. REMARKABLE,/PUBOHABE. Information has reached Sydney of one of the largost shipping transacations over reported. Britain Tcquires tonnago and requires it badly, hence, no doubt, the acquisition of no fewer than soventccn vessels from tho Japanese. Tho vessels aro -at present under construction by tho Kawashi Dockyard Company. Limited, of Kobe, and realised from £43 to £« per ton deadweight, which, on tho aggregate tonnage represents the outlay of £6.600,000. Of the fleet, all of which will bo delivered within the next six months, one tosec! will carry 12,000 tons d.w. on a 28ft. draught, and will be of 9400 tons gross register.' Two aro 7600 tons register, of 26ft. 6in. draußht, and tho remainder are to be of about 5700 tons gross. The smaller vessels arc of tho single screw class, and have a soced of about 11 «> '» knots, and tho others twin scr**'. '"ja. stoam at about 12 to 13 knots Erom tbo information to hand, it anr',?™ ™* ™?'° fleet was laid down on "^ cc the shln " bMUding company, MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Mr. 0. J. M'Lean joined tho Tarawcra as second engineer yesterday. Mr. L. C. Smart joined the Mapourika as purser yesterday, replaoing Mr. 0. W. Richardson, who is to join tbo Mararoa.

Latest advico from Manning Kivcr (Australia), whero, the Cathkit-cx-Arrah-na-Pogue—recently went ashore is to tho effect that the bar has shoaled up, and is unsafe for navigation until soundings aro again .taken. The steamer Oooloon. which recently wont ashoro, has become a total wreck, and has caused a sand-spit, which is making matters worse. It is reported that the first orders for the construction of the standard cargo boats, says "Fairplay," has been given out by Sir J. Moslay, J! •steamers having been ordered. The vessels are to bo of tho single deck type, with dimensions 400 ft. by 52ft. by 31ft., and are to carry about '9000 tons dead, weight. The Defender, from Hokitika, is due today -with wool and hemp to discharge, and iB timed to leave again for Picton. Greymouth, Blackball, and Hokitika on Friday. The Kaituna left last ovenipg for Westport, where she will load for Gisborne and Auckland. • , Captain Aus, of tho steamer Odland, which arrived at Sydney on March IZ, from Onnia and Noumea, stated that the steamer Bellambi, which was driven ashore at Onnia during tho reaSnt hurricane that swept, over New Caledonia, has been refloated. , , , , The Invercargill, recently purchased by Johnston and Co., left Port Chalmers at A p.m. yesterday, and is duo here to-mor-row morning early. Johnston and Co. advise that the vessel will immediately start running in the Wellington-Wanganui The' Kcnucdy is due here from Picton this morning, and is timed to leave at noon for Puponga. , ' We learn with much surpnso (Bays the "Samoa Times" of February 17) of a most unwonted incident, the disappearance of Capt. Olson, of the wrecked four-masted schooner E. B. Jackson.; The captain, together with his crew, departed recently on route for 'Frisco, intending to tranship at Pago Pago. While the boat by which he left Apia was lying, at anchor in \Pago Pago Harbour, Cant am Olson ellmvnated himfil/ in a most mysterious manner, and has not since that time been heard of.

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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3033, 21 March 1917, Page 8

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SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3033, 21 March 1917, Page 8

SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3033, 21 March 1917, Page 8


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