PHASES OF TFIE MOON. MARCH. Day. Tlr. m. Firrf. nuarter :( 4 14 a.m. Full moon 1 328 a.m. Last, quarter 17 0 3 a.m. Now moon Vi i 35 p.m. •■ First, Quarter 30 10 6 ti.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 5.46 p.m.; Ml*. 4.47 a..\u. TIDK. 'I'imlbv, ,U5 a.m.; 4.19 p.m. To-morrow, 4.-13 a.m.; 5.8 p.m. GUN. Suu rises to-day, 6.38 a.m.; telf. t.24 p.m. ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY;, MAKCH 7. WAVKKIiET. s.s. (6.45 a.m.), 157 lon 3 , Fisli. from Patoe. KAITOA. s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 305 tons. Wildman, from Nelson and Itotuekia. SIAOItT, U.S. (7.55 a.m.), 3399 tons, Hannine, from Lyttelton. ULAUOUS, f.s. (8.25 a.m.), 1363 tons, Reynolds, from Surprise Island. AI.KXAisDER, s.s. IBM a.m.), 377 tons, Stewart, from Wanganui. KITTAWA, B. s . (10.30 a.m.), 1247 tons, Nicholas, from Westport. JfAEAMA, New Zealand Hospital Ship (1.25 p.m.), 6437 tone, Edwin, from &g----land, via Auckland. 'JOHN. e.s. (2 p.m.), 347 tons, Kobertson, from Timaru. KAMONA, e.s. (4.55 p m;), lffiS tone, M'Tfiiii. from GreymouUi.
WAKATIT. s.s. (8.45 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, from Lyttelton. THURSDAY. MAfIOD. 8. OPAWA. «..". (1 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY MAKOH 7. NORA NIVEN. trawler (7.15 a.m.), 166 tons, Brnsey, for Cook Strait. PATEENA, 8-s. (12.45 p.m.), 1212 tons, Irvrin, for Picton and Nelson. KAIIU, b.e. (5.10 p.m.), 267 tons, Chadwick, for New Plymouth. KAITOA. s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 305 tone, Wildman, for Nelson. KAPITI, s.a (5.25 p.m.), 242 tons. Sawyers, for Wanganui. ORBPUKI, e.s. (6.10 p.m.), 525 tons, Dewhurst, for Nelson and Nydia Bay. ALEXANDER b.s. (6.15 p.m.), 377 tons. Stewart, for Nelson and West Coast. RIPPLE, s.s. (7 p.m.), 370 tons, Oarleon, for Napier and Altitio. MAOKI, s.s. (7.00 p.m.), 3399 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. MAHAMA. N.Z. Hospita.l Ship (9.55 p.m.), 6OT tons, Edwin, for Lyttelton and Dunedin.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Pufciki. Wanganui, March 8. Tainui, Waniranui, March' 8. Defender, Westport, March. 8. JOu&wa, Blenheim, March 8. Queen of the South, Foxton, March 8. PiUeena, Nelson, Picton. March 8. Nikan, Kelson-, March 8. Mararoa, Lyttolton, March 8. Moeraki, Lyttelton, March. 8. , Kapuni, Patea, March ?. Hawera, Patea, March 9. Himitangi. Lyttelton, March 9. Wainica, Tarakoho, March 9. Kaitoa, Nelson, March 9. Maori. Lyttelton, March 9. Kapuni, Patea, March 9. "Jvapiti, Wanganui. March 9. Hawera, Patea, March 9. Waverley, Patea, March 10. ' Mapourika, West Coast, March 10. Koutunui, Gisborne, March 10. Wftkatu, Lyttelton, March 10. Monowni, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, March 10. Wiuimera, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Mar. 10. .Ripple, Napier and Akitio, March 11. Orepuki, Nelson and Nydia Bar, Mar. 12. .Tohn. Timaru, March. 16. Calm, Lyttelton, March 19.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. /Waverley, Patea, March 8. /Opawa, Blenheim, March. 8. ■Wairau, Blenheim, March 8. Queen of tho South, Foxton, March.^B. John, southern ports, March 8. Nikau, Nelson, March 8. Mararoa. Lyttelton, March 8. TJefcnder, Hokitika, March 8. Moeraki, Sydney, Hobart, March. 8. Waimea, Nelson, West Coast, 'March J. Kapuni, Patsa, March 9. Kapiti, Wanganui, March 9. Kaituna, Westport. March 9. Pateena, Picton, Nelson. March ). Maori, Lyttelton, March' 9. Kaitoa, Nelson, March 9. Putiki, Wansranui, March 9. Wimmera, Sydney, via northern ports, March 10. Monowai, Dnnodin direct, March 10. Kakapo, Greymouth. March 10. Wnkatu, Kaikoura, Lyttolton, March 12. Himitaniji, Dunedin, March 12 • "laurrus. Bluff. March 12: Koutunui. Eat Coast, March 12. .Ripple, Napior, Giebome, March. 13. Rivrriim, Lyttelton. March 13. Tarawern., Lyttelton, liunedin. Mar. 13. Mapourika, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, March 13. Manuka, Lyttelton, March 20.
TO-DAY'S BERTHAGB LIST. - Vessels which, lmvo arrived and those due here ,, to-day have been allotted tlio following berths:— Mararoi, Perry Wharf. Moernki, Queen's Wharf No. 1 South. Ivamona, Clyde Quay Kokiri, Jerrois Quay, No- 16. John, Jervois Quay, No. 13 South. Nil:an. Jervols Quay, No. 10. Opawa, Jervois Quay. Ko. 11 North. Qucon of tho South, Queen's Wharf. No. 3. Olaucus, King's Wharf. Ilefpiider. Jervois Quay, No. 13. Putiki, King's Wliarf. JTeahere, Kinir'e Wharf. Wakatu, Queen's Wharf, No. 7. BY TELEGEA.PH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY. March 7. Sailed.—Victoria (2 p.m.), for New Zealand. HEIjBOCENE, March 7. Arrived.—Melbourne, from tyttelton. NEWCASTLE, Mnrch 7. Sailed.—Wanaka nnd Bakanoa. for New Zealand. COASTAL, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7. AUCKLAND. To sail.—llonowai (6 p.m.), for southern ports. Passengers—Saloon: For Wellington—Misses Turley and Priest, Mesdames Scott. Ciirten, Eeed, Turnbull, O'Donnell Messrs. Iteed, Turnbull. Sailed.—Komata, for Westport; Monowai (10 p.m.), for south. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.— Baraiva (1.30 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed (8.45 p.m.), f.-.r Cnelmnga. WANGAKTJI. Arrived.— Putiki (3.35 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed-Putiki (8 p.m.), for Wellington. POXTON. Arrivod.-Queen of the South (5.5 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTOS. Arrived.—Pfltccna. (4.35 p.m.), from Wellington. < NELSON. ' Sailed.—Nikau (7.5 p.m.), for Wollinston: Mapourikfl. (9.35 a.m.). for Weetport an* Greymouth. VCESTPORT. Arrirpd.—Kauri (6.20 p.m.), from Wellington.
LVTT ELTON. Arrived.—Hinutangi (9.5 a.m.), from Chatham Islands. Sailed.-Maiaroa (8.35 p.m.), for Wellington; Mooreki (8.30 p.m.). for Wellington. Arrived.—Brcczo (8.5 a.m.), from Tiinaru; Himitangi (8.50 a.m.), from.. Chatham Islands; Mocraki [9.10 a.m.), from Sydney. Sailed.—Kiiii (5.5 p.m.), for Greynioutk.' To sail— Cygnet., for Kaikoura. PORT OHALMEKS. ArriTcd.—Wimrono, (6 a.m.), from Welling, ton: Corinna (5 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailcd.-Warattau (5.!5 pm.), I'm Melbourne.
GIiAUCUS FROM SUKPRISB ISLAND. Tho GlauciiE, from Noumea, and Surprise. Island, arrived in the stream at about 8 o'clock yesterday morning, after a passage of nino days from Noumea. The G-lauc-uu has a aross ionnage of 5573 tons, enA wihi built nearly 40 ycai's ago ai Kunderland. She ivas sold nt Melbourne a. few weeks ajo to the Austrai Guano Company, and left for Nowcastle, where she loadtti coa! for Noumea. After discuai'iro there the Olauoue went on to Surprise and Pubre Islands, where ehe loaded for Wellisifton. During the run to thia po;'t excellent weather waa ciiicricnced, and the Glaucuu waf lucky enough to escape the greater part of the hurricane which swept over Neiv Caledonia recently. Dni'lne her stay at Noumea she was compelled to put io sea on account of a tropical storm which arose, and the same thine had to be done at Surprise) leland. After she ha? discharged the greater part of her cargo hero tho Olaucus will ko on to Bluff. Messrs. Cathie, Dempster and Co. aro t.he local agents of the vessel.
Captain Reynolds, well known in the inIcrcolonifl! trade, U in command, and has with him the following oflicers:-Ohief Mr. J. M'Vicar: α-eond, Jlr. M'Minn; third Mr. S. Burn; chief engineer, Jlr. Sarasecond. Mr. Hell; third, ilr. Saunders. A Sflll' OF OLD. The hulk .Jubilee, of th* Wostport Goal Company, wiiinh is tit iio..towed to Auokland nest week, ie exactly 60 years old this "yc«.T. She was built at Cumberland , in 18s7 <i' cak. a_nd coppored to the botr lom, and is 6tiii in » good condition. After many expei'ioncos aa a, emart clipper in tho East, she camo across from
Australia, under sail. Her period cf usefulness a." a freighter Heine at. an <snd. ehc was acquired by I.ho Gea ; r Meat Company, and ivdfl user! for carrying frown raca-l. From l'clone to (lie enrgo steamers at. the wharves. Later the old vessel was purchased by the Wcst.po.rt Conl Company, and has continued in that service ever since.
MOliliAKt FOR HTDM:T. '.flic Mocraki left, Lyttclton at. 8.30 o'clock last evening for Wellington, in wintinua,t.ion or her voyage to Sydney and Htibart. The Fa.iliuß lime of the veEEel has been put. forward to 8 o'clock this evening. ,OOrjUERS TO MOVK. Tlie Kiiituna will move to Miramar thie continue her discharge of coal. She will return to the wharf on Friday, and sail for Westport, the tame day. The. Kakapo will also more to Jfiramar ths morning, and will eail for Greymouth on Friday or Bfctui'day to load for Lyttelton. THE OANOPUe. The Cano|)us is now not expected to olear Timaru for Wellington, until Friday or Saturday. She is towing the hull; Hannah. Nicholson to Wellington. HTJDDART-PAItKER LINE. The Westralia, nfter overhaul at Sydney, mil take the Wimmera'e place in the Melbourne-New Zealand service. The Wiminera tsays a Press Association message from Dunedin) will be, in future engaged in the Sydnoy-Atickland-Eaet Coast serTjce. -■MESS-TABIjB GOSSIP. Mj. K. H. Inness, second engineer ol xho Kajtoa., has come ashore. Captain Muir. of the Ngakuta. ha, Tin» I come ashore, Captain P. J. Dowell has joined the vessel in his place. Mr. a. H. Stevens, fifth .cnsincer of the has left that vessel, as he hae been granted two weeks' sick leave. > Mr. h. E. M'Caskey ihne joined the engine-room staff of the Alexander, and Mr. L. C. Calmon, socond engineer of the vessel, has come ashore.
A consignment of 3000 boxes of butter for transhipment is due hero from Wanganui by the Putiki to-morrow.
I The Defender, which is due to-day from Wcstport. brings a cargo of timber. The Hinemoa is expected to leave Auckland this morning for northern lighthouses. Cuvier and Channel Island will be places of call en route. I Tho Kolriri is due to arrive in Wei- ! hngton eraly this morning with a load i of ooal from Westport. I Tlic Kittawa arrived from Wostport I yesterday morning, and commenced to ; discharge her coal. The Kamona, pith a cargo of coal and timber, arrived hero yesterday afternoon and berthed at the Clyde Quay Wharf. Tho Kamona will leave for Napior on completion of tho discharge of her ■Wellington cargo. Tho coastal steamer Tainui, which, was lately on Sho Waitera-WelLington run, ■was expected to sail from Wanganui for Wellinsrton last eveninc. Tho vessel should arrive here to-dtt7, and is expected to sail on tho return trip tomorrow. The Calm is due here on March 19 from Lyttelton, and is to sail on the same (lay for Wanganni, Kcton, and Gisborne. Tho total output and cxnorf of coal at Westport for tho month of February was 50,475.13 and 49,354.16 respectively. During tho month 50 6toamcrs and 1 sailer, representing 31.959 tons, entered tho port, and 51 steamers and 1 eailer, representing 33,629 tons, left tho nort. the'total tonnage for tne month being 65,588. It Is reported that the Patea Harbour Board has purchased a, grab dredge for use in the river in connection with the harbour improvement works. The dredge, which is practically new, is capable of steaming about six knots.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3022, 8 March 1917, Page 8
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1,664SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3022, 8 March 1917, Page 8
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