The Wairarapa Farmers' Stock Department, report having offered an exceptionally heavy yarding of sheep, cattle and pigs to a very large attendance at their Carterton sale, Jield. yesterday. Bidding at auotion on sheep was rather sluggish, but cattle met -with keen competition, and we made practically a total clearance. Prices: Two-tooth "wethers, 303. Id.; f.m. ewes, 25a. lOd. to 255.; four and fiveyear owes, 255. 4d. to 295. 7<1.; cull lambs, 12s. Bd.; three-year buliooks, £15 125.: fat cows, £11, £11 108., £11 175., to £12 55.; forward store cows, £9, £10, to £10 155.; aged cows, £4, £5 10s., to £6 12s. Gd.: calves, £2, £2 155., to £2 19s.*; bulls, of which there was an exceptionally heavy yarding, £4, £6, £7 10s., £8 10s., £10, £11, £13, to £14 2s. fid. t Messrs. Levin and Co., Ltd., Masterton, in conjunction with Mr. W. i 11. Oruickshauk, report:—'Wo held a clearing sale of the Tiraumea live and dead stock on February 1. There was a very large attondanco of buyers, from practically J every quarter of the North Island, and bidding was exceedingly keen, though the prices realised for the main portion of the breeding llook, namely, the two, four, . and six-tooth owes, must be considered favourable, to the purchasers. The see-end-quality sheep in all classes realised high values in comparison to tho prices paid for tho tops. The Hereford cattle, which' must be considered as being among the-best lines of run cattle in tli© North Island, were exceedingly well drafted, and every line elicited keen oompotition. Tho prices realised for the breeding cows and two-year heifers in calf constitute a record for the district. The bulls, although having already done a season's work, were much sought after, and tho values placed on them by various purchasers speaks well for the iudioious eeleotion of sire 3 which had beoiiSmade. The following are the prioes realised for cattle:39 cows and 41 calves, to Mr. Baybittle, of Te Ivuiti, £20 10s.; 40 do., Mr. T. Pater son. Bay of- Plenty, £20 53.; 42 do., Mr. Waugh' (purchased for Hawke's. Day), £19 155.; 45 do., Mr. Mecoh, £16; 60 two-year heifers, Mr. Newton King, £16 155.; 93 yearling heifers, 20 to Mr. J. Reece, of Weber, £12 10a.. and 73 to Mr. Meech, £11; 10 two-year heifers, Sir. \V. E. Parker. £12 155.; 20 yearling heifers, Mr. 'T. lloult, Waikato, £9 355.; 14 forward empty cows, Mr. Meech, £12 155.; 118 yearling steers, Mr. JtolmeE-Warren. £12 17s. 6d.; 13 yearling steers, Mr. • M'Bavitt, £10 7s. 6d.; working bullocks made from £16 to £23 each. Bulls, bred by Mr. J. Janie a , two-year-olds, 37gns., 40gns., 50gns.; bred by Mr. Donald M'Kenzie, Woodlands, 37gns., 53gns.; four-year, bred by Mr. E. Short, 31gns., 35gns.; three-years, bred by Mr. G. A. J. Lovett, 35gns., 41gns. Sheep*: 687 five-year ewes, Mr. J. M'Goveru, 28s. 6d.; 800 four-year ewes, 400 to Estate D. Sheohyn, 325.; 2(10 to Mr. J. CarswcU, Xtraruawahia, 325.; 200 to Mr. J. Blake. 325.; 1751 two-tooth ewes, Mr. J. M'Dougall, Pirinoa, 385.; 1649 four-tooth ewos, Mr. M'Dougall, 385.; 1426 six-tooth ew&, 375.; 1751 ewe lambs, Mr. Wcllwood, Hawke's Bay, 205.; 18C0 wether lambs, 400 to Mr. L. Houlbrooke, 18s. 6d.; 2GO to Mr. Boulbrooke, 17s. 9d.; 12C0 to Mr. Wellwood. 17s. .Second-quality sheep made: Cull mixedage ewes, 245. Id.; small two-tooth ewes. 31s. 3d.; cull two-tooth ewes, 205.; medium wether lambs, 16s. Id.; medium ewe lambs. 17s. 10d.; mixed-sex cull lambs, 125.; fat and forward wethers, 375.; four and sixtooth Homney rams, 5 to B*gns.; fouryear Bomney rams. 2 to 3}gns"; old RomTiey rams, 1 to 3gns.; Lincoln rams, 4 to 6gns. Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report having held their weekly sale at Levin on Tuesday, when they offerod a good yarding of slittp an.d a fair one of cattle. There was considerably more life in the sale than has been experienced of late, and practically the whole entry changed hands at satisfactory prices. They quote:—Fat ewes, to 345. 10d.; fourtooth wethers. 315.; two-tooth wethers, 28s. f>d.; four-tooth owes, 30s. 7d.; s.m. ewes, 255.. 295. 6d., to 305,: potter rams, to 20?.; light-weight fat heifers, to £9 55,; two and a half-year steers, to £11 45.; speyed heifers. £10; a line of 65 two and a halfyear stews-'off "Tangimoana" Station fetched £10 13s. The Wairarapa Farmers' Go-operative Association report on their Pahiatna stock sale, held yesterday, as follows »We offered a good yarding of sheep and cattle to a representative attendance of buyer?. All classes of sheep and cattle met- with good competition, and we quitted our yarding at most satisfactory prices. We effected the following sales:—l2o four-tonth to four-year-old ewes (low condition), 275. 2d.; 53 do., 255, 6d.: 68 two-tooth wethers, 325. 6d.; 47 shorn lambs, 225.: 86 wether lambs, woolly, 215.; 50 do., 225. Id.; 18 do. (small). 18s.: 100 do., culls. 14s. fid.: 100 do.. 13s.' 6d.; 61 do., 13s. 6d.; 94 shorn lambs (medium). 18s. Id.; 56 .woolly lambs (medium), 19s. 3d.; 7 two-to<fth ewes, 385.; 10 two-tooth wethers, 375. 9d.; 7 do. (small). 265.: 23 cull lambs, Bs. 6d.: Lincoln mm, 6tgns.; forward cows, £-8 ss. to £10 7s, 6d.; store oows, £4 to £7 35.; fat cows. £10 10s. to £12; fiftpon-month-s steers, £5 7a. 6rt.; fifteen-months heifers, £4; weanor steers and heifers, £2 7s, 6d. to £3 12s. 6d. I Messrs. Abraham and Williams, Ltd., re-
port;—At Wailtnnac on Thursday ve had I a heavy yarding of both sheep and cuttlo. There was a keen inquiry for all classes of stock, and altogether we have to report a highly sale, the wliolo yarding changing hands under th'rs hammer. Some of our principal sales wcro:—On account of Jlefsvs. M. and 1!. M'Lean: 115 four and flvo-ycar-old ewes. 333.; 120 four and fivo-ycar-old ewes (off sand hills), 31s. 6d. On account of Slesars. Monk Bros.: 120 sir-tooth to five-year-old ewes (low condition), 28s. 3d.; 70 twotooth wethers,.29s. 9d. On account of Mr H. H. Elder: 250 two-tooth wothers, 30s. 2d;; 120 two-tooth -wothers, 31s. 4d.; 100 small two-tooth ewes, 275. lid. to 30s. 10d. Other quotations: Cull ewes, 205.. 20e. 6d.■ two-tooth wethers, 285., 295. 6d.. 295. 10d.; two-tooth ewes (small), 275.: two and fourtooth wethers, 30s. 9d., 315.; woolly lambs. 18s., 205.; cull lambs, 10s. 6d., 125.; four I and flve-yoar-old Hoinney ramfi. £2 25., 2i gn*., 2Jgns.; full-mouth rams. £1 to £2 Is.: two and a half-year-old steer?, £11; two-year-old steers, £9 125.; mixed yearlings. £3 6s. 6d., £3 155.; eighteen-month and two-year heifors, r.w.h., £5 18b., £6 ..55., 1o £$ 163:; mixed fifteen-month cattle £4 10s., £4 16a., to £5. ' Tho Now Zoalaad. Loan niid Mercantile Agency Company,' Ltd., report:—On Monday, at Ita-ngiotu, we had o. good yarding, and all lots met with a ree.dy sale at late rates. Small mixed lftmbf, 145.; calves, 305.; fifteen-month steers, £6 10s.: two-year heaters, r.w.b., £6\l2s. (A., £7 35.. £7-96.; fat cows. £10 55.. £11 12a.; forward cows. £8 35.. £8 10s.. £9 75.; storn cow;. £5 10s., £6 2a. 6d.. £6 10s., £7 7c. £7 95.; cows and calves, £5 10s. to £3heavy bulls, £8 10s., £9, £9 10s.. £11; twoyear bulls, £4 2?. 6a , ., £6. £7 10s. At Baumai on Tuesday we had a fair entry of sheep and cattle, which sold nt lato rates. Two-tooth wethers, 305.: f.m. rams, 305.; fat cows, £9 15s. to £12 2s. 6:1 • heifers, r.w.b., £5 10b. to £7; fifteen-month steers. £6 165.: oighteen-mnnth heifers £4 11s.; storo oows, .-65 17s. 6(1. to £7. 'ADDIXGTON MARKET. By Telegraph—Press Association. Christchuroh, February 7. At the Addingtoii market to-day there wore largo entries of fat cattle, etorc sheep, and fat lambs, but only a moderate supply of fat sheep. The attendance was larger than .of late, especially of etore eheep buyers. Fat cattle were easier and jirlme fat lanibs were very firm prices being equal to BJd. to 9d. per lb. Fat sheep sold irregularly, but •with an actual decline in prioes Store sheep were in keen demand at advanced fates, the late showery weather having improved the feed prospeots. Store cattle sold well, as did fat oigs, but etore pigs wfre muoh easier. Store eheep: Mixed soi lambs, 12s. 6d. to 235.; «we Inmb6, 12s. to 225. , Ud.; wether lambs, 15s. to ?ls. Bd.; two-tooth ewca, Us. -Jd. to 355. S' , .: four and six-tooth ewes, 28s. to 35b 9d ; six and eight-tooth ewes, 265. 3d. to 2'is. 3d.: Bound-mouthed ewes, 18s. Id. to 295.; two-tooth -wethers, 265. Id. to 28s. Ud.; four "and sii-tooth wethers, 255. 6d to 295. 6d. Vat lambs: Best, 27». to 335.; medium. 23n. to 265. 6d.; unfinished 21s to 225. 6d. Fat sheep: Primo wethers. 33s ,£&. to «s. 6d.; lishtor wethers, 255. lOd. to 335.; merino -wethers, 21s. 2d. to 235. 5d.; prime ewe?, 325. to Ms.: medium owes, 275" to 31s. 6d.; lichter ewes, 2Js. to 265. 6d • merino ewes, 225. Fat oattlo: Primo steers, £15 to £21»ordmary eteers, £10 10a. to £14 155.: o-Sfa prim.e heifers, to £18 55.; nrime heifers. £11 to £14; ordinary hoifers. £9 to £10 106.; extra prime cows to £16 7s. 6d.; prime cows. £11 ISs. to £15 73. '■d.; ordinary cows, £8 12s. 6d. to £11 10s. 6tor? cattle: Yearlings, to £2 75.-two-year, to £2 75.: two-year steers, to £5 155.; two-year heifers, £« 7b. 6tt.; threeyear steers, £6 2s. 6d. to £12 fe. 6d.; threeyear hoifers, £7 10s., £7 17s. 6d.; dry cows. £2 63. to £.9 108.; dairy cows *5 10s. .trfT'£l6 10s. Pigs: Choppers, £3 1C?, to f6 12s. fd.; oxtra, hteTy haconera, £5 to £5 10s.; heavy baconere, £3 15s. to £4 103. (eounl to 7{d. per lb.); heavy porkers. 58s. to. 675.: lighter porkers, 48s. to 54s (enunl to 9d. per lb.): large stores, 50s. to 585.; medium. 38s. to *.;. smaller, 20s. to 275.; weaners, 14s. to 225. ' BUHNSIDE MARKET. By Telegraph—Press Association. Dunodln, February 7. At Burnside market today only 130 fat cattle were yarded. Owing to tho small entry competition was keen, prices showing an advance of about £1 on lest week's rates. Sheep: 1958 penned. The quality was only medium. Competition van keen, and prime ndvanocd about Is. Freezing buyers were not operating to any extent except for prime. Lambs: 691 penned. Freezing buyers were not operating keenly, and prices were easier than those ruling lately. '
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2998, 8 February 1917, Page 8
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1,727LIVE STOCK SALES Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2998, 8 February 1917, Page 8
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