LAND NOTICES, FOR SALE. COMPACT LITTLE DAIRY FARM. "I KQ ACRES, Mauawatu, undulating and flat, carryiug 60 cows as well as young J-OO stock. Will grow any crops. Now house, all conveniences; byre and yards all cemented; good water supply. Only j-ruile from creamery and 21milos from, station and Post Office. 440 PER ACRE for Freehold. JEISOO cash. (G 656.) , , FOR SALE AS A GOING CONCERN. j 100 ft ACRES, Freehold, excellent sheep country, beautifully watered and XUI/U ]yj n g well to the sun. Large proportion ploughable, and grows good root and grain crops. New 5-roomed house and conveniences-on property. Subdivided into 6 paddocks by'good fences; 5 miles from railway'by good metalled road, and school close to properly. Only reason for selling is that owner's son has gone to the Front. PRICE for quick'sale- ,£6OOO, including 1000 sheep and small Romney stud now depasturing on the property. Good,teras to practical man. (E 1658.) DALGETY & COMPANY, LTD., -.WELLINGTON. ! \ ' • ' ~~~ A VERY CHEAP PROPERTY, ~~ ' 1 ACRIi& '' L - T -P- Rent, 423 ls.'4d. per anuum. 500 acres felled aud -LV/u-s: grassed. Fenced and subdivided into 6 paddocks, all fences having 7 wires; 100 acres flat, a lot of undulating and ploughable, balance easy-hills of papa formation. Carrying capacity 2 sheep when grassed. Dwelling of 6 rooms and outbuildings, woolshed 24 x 21, sheepvards, cattleyards. Situated 11 miles lroni Ohura Township, and 1 mile from telegraph office and school. I.KIGL—,£3 12s. ,6d. per acre. Terms ,£IOOO cash; balance for 5 years at -5 2 - per cent., or 43 10s. per acre cash. QQ"I ACRES, L.1.P.; 380 acres in grass, balance shelter busb.- Fenced and . uu -*- subdivided into six paddocks, nearly all fences are of S wires, and from one to three years old; posts mostly totara. This property bas been sown in English grasses and has a really good sole. Well watered. Soil of papa formation. Oood dwelling of six robni6, bathroom, ball, and outbuildings, buggy shed, cowshed, fowlhouse and open shed; orchard in full bearing. Half of the original value has been paid, and the rent is now onlv 47 Is. per year, and the Present rate .£3 ss. 2d. It is situated 6 miles from Ohura Township by a well-graded road. There is no mortgage on the property and the owner is asking the- low price of .810 10s. ner acre. Terms, 41000 cash aud the balance oa . n at interest for 5 years at 5 per cent. Apply toABRAHAM AND WILLIAMS: LTD.,. SOLE AGENTS, ' . ' ' . . PALMERSTON .NORTH. .... ■ ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. '^r,„ T N0 REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. Vi n E f SIDE NCE, with conveniences, together with 2J acres land, in the Borough of Picton; good situation, unsurpassed climate. The unimproved vaiue_is 4900. House insured for 4550. "J A-BOOMED EESIDENCE, with 16 acres. land. TE MEHIA BAY, Kerepuru f-v hound, Picton. The house is partly Furnished, and this,- together with Horse, Harness, and-Cart, go with the place. This propertv . is.. moat suitable OCOl S modatlon Honse > and *o«W m ake an ideal FRUIT OR POULTRY £AivM. .. .i lliere is-, a splendid beach.. Excellent' Fishing and tAx-V 1 !?;, ONK OF THE FINEST HEALTH EESORTS IN THE DOMINION. It is quite handy to.Picton. Owner will take TOWN PROPERTY or ; a-smaII,FARM if not heavily encumbered.. -'. ' • '■• ; ABRAHAM AND WILLIAMS LTD. ■ ' ' ■/ '■■- HAMILTON, i -..■'.. .... CHEAP GRAZING FARMS. ~ HUNTERVILLE DISTRICT. ACK f S Freehold, situated '11 miles from railway-station-and about-'2 ij- -j j m iv 1 m 6ch 001;.5-roomed house, woolshed, dip and yards; well subdivided; papa formation; well-grassed hills, no gorges; wintered 600 breeding.ewes, 650 -hoggets,, and 50 rams; besides cattle;'all stock in splendid condition. Price, 49 15s. -per acre. Terms, 41500 cash, balance can remain for 5 W*- - ■-. -.'.■ '. " t '--•-.■ -■-...-■. ■ ; (103)' ■ .- ■ , PORT WAIKATO. QO 1 ! ACRES Freehold, 16 miles from railway, J-mile from river landing where ii ' -launch - calls; 710 acres in grass, balance bush; 50 acres ploughable; well-grassed bills, buildings, woolshed, and whare, concrete sheep dip; divided into 5 paddocks; winters 2 sheep to the acre and cattle. Price,. 49 per acre. Mortgage, 43500 at 5£ per cent..-for:-5 years. Terms or more cash, balance can remain . on', mortgage or approved securities taken for same. ■ .- . - F. -.E; H. BRICE,.' ; •■" ' LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, " __j V.' .. —MARTON. ■'~-'■'■ ,"~ : " FOR SALE. . '.. . " ■:■ ' A BOUT 1420 ACRES, FREEHOLD, with river frontage; 400 acres undulating, -£*- including. 100 acres, river fiats;'about 300 acres ploughable, 55 acres- in oate and crorw,. 5 acres in raspberries and orchard. Farm is well sheltered, and is 10 miles from'township and 2 miles', from-school and-sale-yards, and" has. «. Homestead and-allvoutbuildinge. -PRICE, 45:155. per acre. . Liberal Terms to a good man. Apply i" ' . - ■ ■ N.Z.LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY ;CO„ LTD.,. ™* OT(I * DAIRY FARM HANDY TO WELLINGTON. ITHIN 2o inlies of the Capital City, au excellent Dairy Farm awaits a fortunatenew/owner. There are 361 acres, mostly rich' river flats'; Veil fenced and subdivided,, and carrying 70 dairy cows, besides heifers,'" pigs;- horse's, etc. Comfortable house of 13 rooms. Six Only 1J miles to creamery.. Jnce, 49250 as a Being concern. Terms, 45000 cash. Further' particulars from •;.-■'...■ ... S. GEORGE NATHAN, ■ , Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 113-115 Customhouse Qy, (opp. BanKpf New Zealand). _. _ GOOD DAIRY FARMS. • TjlOR SALE, 50-acres, all level land, good 7-roomed house, cowbails, trapshed, -S- .. etc.; near school and factories, and-easy distance Palinerston 'North. ■ ■ Pripe 452.per acre; 4600 cash; stock at valuation. "; •■ T EASEHOLD, 50 acres, rich flat land, .near Palmerston; 5-ro6med house arid JU S outbuildings; lease,;S years' to run,- going concern, "dairy: cows,, etc. Price ORBELL AND CO.-'' /4 ... ;....•• -. PALMERSTON' NORTH.- ..-'-.. .-.,.. ■■..-' GOING CONCERN, "19Q ACRES, freehold, school, factory, store, church, and railway 2 miles; . f"V. veil subdivided and watered; good house and all - .necessary, outbuildings; splendid orchard;-12 acres crop, balance "grass. Price, .with stock- and v KNYVETT: AND PRATT, " ' " ESTATE AGENTS, FEILDING*. 'OKA ACRES of first-class root crop-country, about 150 acres easy hills and ouu rather liglit country, balance level and good part drained swamp; well watered by .windmills and draius; about .12 paddocks; 5-roomed house and 3roomedjjpttage, dairy -small woolshed and implement shed, 6heep yards and dip--40 being ploughed for. rape anl-turnips;. 2 miles from tramway, 1 mile -from school, cheese- factory, and posf office, and 6 miles from Rongotea; good road frontage, and would cut up to. big. advantage. Price only 413 per' acre. Terms can-be arranged; or .would entertain .exchange for smaller property, or accept good first or second mortgage as part payment. Equity, about 44000. Send for copy of our monthly printed Land Guide. J. HARRIS ■k. SONS, LAND *J*™*™* A ™/ . MARTON AND MARTON JUNCTION. ) :-,.-. CHEAP "COUNTRY, = ~^ QQk AGRES, situated oil the ifanawatu Line; 500 acres in grass and'por--000 tions ploughable; carries .1J- sheep and 300 head of cattle; buildings consist of a 6-roomed house, bathroom, hot water, man's whare and woolshed; 9 paddocks, splendidly fenced and watered. Price 45 per acre; good terms. There -is a,splendid metalled'road to within 1 mile of the property; 9 ..miles from school and'railway station. The land consists of hilly bush country; but is'worth the money asked. . , VICTOR E SMITH, , '^MgfA REAL BARGAIN FOR GENUINE FARMER OR SPECULATOR. QO'7 ACRES, 0.R.P.. heavy limestone country, all bush. Half felled and gr.-iss- <->** ed. Good homestead and yards, 2 to 2A sheep; country, 7 paddocks 28 miles from. railway and town by good metal road. Owing to serious accident to owner, this farm must be sold, hence the absurdly low figure—4l an acre, 4500 cash. Inspect at once. GABRIEL ELLIOTT, Box 100. TE KUITI, KING COUNTRY. 'Phone 174 ~A CHEAP WAIRARAPA FARM. ~~ ' ARA ACRES, freehold, all Hat, 22 paddocks, all well\ watered; 13-roomed T z rr : house with h. and c, water and all. conveniences; all necessary outbuildings. This farm lias been cultivated, and is suitable for grazing or cropping, and as it is within a few miles of Masterton the situation and the price, considering its quality, is hard to beat. Price, 425-*los. per acre; terms, 42000 ca6h, balance 5 years at 5J per cent. W. INGLIS HUSBAND. ' LAND AGENT, PA HIATUA. 'PHONES 72 & 73. £4000 WILL PUT YOU INTO THIS. ~ ABOUT 1450 Acres of undulating papa country, with fair amount plough- -•-*. able, carrying 3000 sheep and 250 head cattle, within 10 miles Masterton, and close to township, school, etc. i Splendid'water, well fenced, motor-car road to door. Good 9-roonied house, woolshed, stables, everything up-to-date, and only 413 per acre. "We have the fullest confidence in recommending this "property, "No Exchange." , c. a ross & co., ESTATE AGENTS, AND SHAREBROKERS,, MASTERTON, MANAWATU DISTRICT. ~ " '. ~ Q7 ACRES, good buildings. Price, 444 per acre. Cash, 4500. 231 Acres, 5-1 01 roomed hoiiso. Price, 440 per acre. Cash, 41000. 200 Acres, sivamp land. Price ,437 10s. per acre. Easy terms. 450 Acres, 6-roomcd house. Price 423 10s. per acre. Terms. 70 Acres, good buildings. Qwner will exchange equity for house proferty. - ' We have several small farms for sale. For further particulars apply. BARTON AND. CO., OTAKI RAILWAY. DAIRY FARM AT A KEEN-CUT PRICE. ' THE opportunity you are looking for—l 6 cows, returning only £10 per cow ( will pay all interest. It will easily milk 40 cows. 197 ACRES, Central Taranaki, small portion swamp; 4-roomed house, 18-bailed shed. Rates 412 PRICE, ONLY 412 10s. CASH REQUIRED, ONLY .4150, Owner is an absentee; hence the low cut. . Apply, at once (28) GEO. H. BXJCKERIDGE, ESTATE and GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, ELTHAM. N.Z. Representative for. Henry A. Lane and Co., Ltd., Butter, Cheese, and Tallow Merchants, London, ': ' A GOOD FARM. " '■ ''■ OfiA CKES > Freehold, in grass, rape, oats, with a firsUlass house of 7 rZW rooms, outbuildings, wool, motor, stables, and cow sheds, all in good repair; 10 paddocks, ploughable ' 2}-sheei> land, permanently watered by river and springs; on the main toad. 2 miles from Takapau. PRICE, 417 10s. Only 4500 cash required. Exceptionally cheap property. Further particulars— LOMAX AND SHERWILL, _ TAKAPAU. ■ DAIRYING LAND AT HALF-PRICE. r m ACRES, all m grass, 10 acres stumped, all'ploughable when stumped; good'new, cowshed, separator-nouso, - whares, orchard in full bearing. Township, railway station, school; all. less than a niilo; factory 1} miles, freezing works close. Stock carried at present: 100 cattle, 500. sheep, 5 horses. Title, Freehold, no mortgage. - In Taranaki, equal land, equally situated, would bo cheap at 450 per acre. A wide-awake farmer can get this for 428, Reasonable terms; Apply sharp, W. . L;./; JOHNSTONE,' M^ s!n) '' ]a MSKA.I
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2941, 29 November 1916, Page 12
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1,703Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2941, 29 November 1916, Page 12
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