' THE WORKING ARRANGEMENT : WHAT FACTORIES MUST DO. A working arrangement for the pur[pose of giving effect to the Order-in- } Council "fixing tho.; local price of butI terani'th'e; Orderrin-'Coiincil,' 'Prohibiting theexport of."butter' and cheese," dtaed October 13/1916, has been apfproved. Every person or company manufacturing butter or cheese, or •both, for.export must, if ho; desires to go. on exporting, apply, for'an : .export hoonse,. and tlua application' must be made to tho Ecensing authority appointed, Mr, Robert Triggs, Assistant Publio Service Commissioner. The form of application is as follows:— .. Application is hereby made for an export ;lioon6e, under tho Order-in-Council'of.October 13, 1916, prohibiting the of butter and-cheese. In consideration of; tho grant of such i liceriso tho applicant hereby agrees with tho Grown as.follows 1. That the applicant will, on demand mado by tho lioensing authority under the said Order-in-Council, pay to the Crown through.the licensing authority, the charge prescribed by that Order-in-: ; Counoil on all butter-fat' consumed by; tho applicant in the manufacture of :• butter or .cheese between August 31, .1916, and the beginning of 4Jie calendar month;in which the license :• is . granted. ' ' '• ■.
2. That the applicant will, in each calendar month during tho continuance of the license, and on the date of settlement above mentioned, pay to the : Crown through the licensing authority tho charge prescribed by the said Order-in-Council on all butter-fat. consumed by the applicant in the manufacture of butter or cheese during the preceding calendar month or during the broken period thereof preceding tho determination of the license, ' ■
3. That the applicant will from time to- time, as required by tho licensing authority, mako to that authority 6uch returns, relative to the business of. the applicant as that authority requires for the purposes of tho said Order-in-Coun-cfl, and -will cause such returns to bo verified by statutory declaration if and bo far lis such verification is required by tho licensing authority. ■
4. That the applicant Will at all times afford to the licensing authority a reasonable opportunity of inspecting all books and documents relative .to tho .business of tbo applicant. ■
.5. That if any dispute arises between tho applicant and the licensing \authority. as to the amount of the charge to bo paid by the applicant as aforesaid, tho dispute-shad be referred to tlio Board of Trade under the Cost of Living 'Act, 1915, whose decision thereon shall bo final.
6. That all butter delivered from a fuctory of tho applicant during the-con-tinuance of the licensc shall, if destined for export, be delivered in boxes branded as "for export," and shall, if destined for local consumption, be delivered in boxes branded as "for local' sale,"
such brands to be approved by tho licensing authority. In the application particulars must) be supplied of the factory or factories in respect of which application is made, and also tho monthly aateof settlement with suppliers of butter-fat. , i Moneys received ty tho Licensing authority in levies, at the present rate of Jd. per lb. buttor-fat, or such otlior ratos a.s may be hereafter prescribed will be distributed'from timo to ttnio among the producers of butter for local consumption undor the approval of the Board of Trade. Evory person to whom an oxjiorb license is granted must furnish within' 14 days, after the end of every calender month, particulars of the quantity of butter supplied for local consumption, and tho quantity of butler and (or) cheese forwarded for export. ' All . boxes ,of butter are to bo branded "For local sale,~ or "For export," and tho brands for this purposo i will bo supplied by tho Licensing authority. If it is desired that butter branded for'export shall be transferred for salo iii the local market, or vico versa, it will be • neccssary to obtain the permissions of : the licensing au-; thoriCy. The scheme does not apply to : milled butter, whey butter, dairy butter, and dairy cheese. Supplies for military - requirements either, for, camps or transports, are to be classbd-as butter manufactured for local sale. .
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2911, 25 October 1916, Page 8
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664PRICE OF BUTTER Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2911, 25 October 1916, Page 8
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