LAND NOTICES. first-class GRAZING FARM. ' 400 •*9?ES, freehold, 32C acrea in splendid pasture, 80 aores good boshj eon. -^y v . siderable proportion ploughable; good papa land, and suitable for mix. M farming; subdivided into 10 paddocks; well-built sheep and cattle yards; 3. i roomed whare, orchard, and garden. Price. £W per acre; terms, .£SOO cash, and Daiance can remain on reasonable terms. 124-$ ■ ic^ Es . Freehold, good grating country, papa formation; well fenced »o r j„.~L a™ subdivided into convenient sheep-proof paddocks; two sets eheey WVf "P" 0 /"""* wt ,a r ?' lroI J woolshed, cattle yards, sheep dip; 1000 acres in o«c ot mixed grasses balance in bush; easy sheep hills and valley; carries 2 weep to acre; 1 mile to post office, 7 miles by good road to sale yards, store, £ 5" C 8» 4?J*r acre; terms, about .£2OOO cash, balance can remain on reasoner,%.T,&tnek 1* tak«i »* voluatiun. 735 pi• S ys th Twauaki, 535 acres L.1.F., at la, per acre; 400 acrea f a iirL. i!r ?\ ttold ' «° acres in grass, 135 acres felled bush, 173 acrea good bush to S. it atd V o ff « r> T ?r &ats, balance goo<f. sheep and ek£ w£ tl7; Wfefeed and well subdivided into sheep-proof paddocks, first5 0e9; J comf P rtab ! e 5-roomed House, orchard, and garden; praoticallY new ■SSSfr 2} sheep' and 50 head mixed cattle; good "metal £*♦£/£"*' P le9 t? townslifp, sale yards (fortnightly sales), dwfierleaviag T£ fWJK&r. 6too!c Can o* taken at valuation. 400 A .WES. Freehold, Taranaki. all in best mixed English grasses, frontMd^M^A^" l^ I ''Pf' lß ,- and hand J te township, school, etc.; well fenced and subdivided into 20 paddocks; 6-roomed House, bathroom, cowshed,' woolshed. « p rards - • Price - * 11 Pe r a 0 ™! terms, .£6OO cash, and balance can be ar?%^J°r r -,?S. Tei * reasonable terms. NEWTON 'itTNfi ' AUCTIONEER, LAND & FINANCIAL " ,u " 1 SJ, - JS-J-LYSjy AGENT. NEW PLYMOUTH, A CHEAP GRAZING RUN. THE FIRST MAN TO'INSPECT WILL BUT. toot' ACRES, papa formation, all ridable easy'country, subdivided into fifteen UJ-iirtj, Wintered 1400 sheep, of which 950 were breeding, and 70 ucad cattle. Good 6-roomed house, bathroom, storeroom, hot and cold water, connected with telephone. Good sheep and. cattle yards, concrete dip. Woolshed tZ ™ t Wolsley machines, stable and buggy shed, whare, etc. Fourteen miles mSS™ S °S d -rr ßtock market ' 3 J milM from school. CASH DESIRABLE PROPERTY, ONLY .£9 10s. PER ACRE. Apply at once to the 7 " WAIRARAPA FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ABBN., LTD., LAND DEPARTMENT, PAHIATUA. CUTTING-UP PROPOSITION.. 33 000 Freehold, situated on the banks of the Waiiato River, „h,r' U ,V c '°, se to.Waiaotapu Hotel and Post Office, on .the one side, and Wai. I,A „ w • °l her 6 , lde - The country is flat, undulating, and hilly, unimproved, ana capable of producing excellent crops of clovers, turnips, and oats. \ riUUi—3os. per acre. Terms as "arranged. -.-■■'■■ \ lor further particulars, apply '' WILLIAMS AND KETTLE, LTD., NAPIER. . FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. , ■ ifTDT , a T„, FINE MANAWATU PROPERTY. 400 A Y iti "' H-> Wl tbin H miles of large town, 230 acres flat, rest in good .£ tn£™ terraced Ration; 12 good 7-wired substantial tetara fenoes; plenty ™,i-w?s* on V°V eTt fi all tush, land. Good 10-roomed' house and usual outbuildings, 2 cowsheds, one 10-bails and one 12-baiis; cheese factory threeIwJf'r i IS an lP-°\. one carrying at present' 1000 ewes, lambs rougW °d ' B suitable for a^ l ™*. aD <i ™*™ «>o,C 33 per acre. .£IOOO cash, less to good man. HICKS AND BULL LTD., . 10^115 AND ESTATE AGENTS, t>« r, ?PSWAY bTREET, WANGANUI (seen from P. 0.). P.O. Bo\: 249. ■ WE OFFER TO ACTIVE, ENTERPRISING COUPLE, with Small Capital *' a Splendid Chance-FASHIONAB LE AND UP-TO-DATE TEA ROOMS, completely furnished, several living rooms attached. Takings, J670 to £100 per month. . . PRICE, ONLY .£235, walk in, walk out. • We can. arrange the easiest DON'T HESITATE-Write us at once. Folio 1015/302 KNYVETT AND PRATT, i : ESTATE AGENTS, FEILDINQ. ■ ■. , ■ 100 ACRES, £35 PER AORE,WITH£3SO CASH. WITHIN \ mile to cheese faotory, railway station, and town, on.Manawatu line; divided, watered, and grassed. House,' dairy, cowshed,- and store 6heds, orchard, etc. Carry 36 cows, and capable improvement. Good terms for balance of purchase money. Owing to special reason this property mu6t be sold. PARKER 'AND V I N c'e'N T, SOLE AGENTS, LEVIN. FARM, NEAR WELLINGTON."I <J.(l A ACRES, Freehold, situate 14 miles by rail from Wellington. About X*±Vl/ 200 aores bush, balance grassed. Dividend into numerous paddocks. Good house, woolshed with' 4 machines, cowshed, stables, whare, dip, yards, engine and firewood bench. Railway station- close by. Property wintering 1650 sheep, including 1150 B. ewes, and 150 cattle. 530 surplus sheep were taken off in May, and 100 additional cattle in J line. A good proposition and cheap. PRICE, £W ss. per acre. Terms. F. P. WELCH, ESTATE AGENT. MASTERTON; ' ' '".'.. LAND. LAND. CHEAP FARMS. ~ ' ~* _r " njn ACRES, closo to Takapau. Price, .£l7 10s.; small deposit, easy terms /vtfcl/ can. be arranged; good dwelling-house and outbuildings; all in grassj sheep or cropping; shows good returns; well fenced into paddocks, watered by a river. v ' ■ OKA ACRES, closo to Takapau. Price, JB11; will lease at 12s. per aorei Gulf right of purchase; good buildings; all flat; well fenced and watered. LOMAX AND SHEEWILL, , TAKAPAU. . FOR SALE. . m ACRES, Freehold. School, creamery, post office. IJ-miles, Tailway station 2 miles; all in grass and crops, all ploughable.except 20 acres swamp land of the best. Wintered 50 dairy cows and dry stock, good sis-roomed house, wa6h-houso, dairyman's room, concrete cowshed, stables, implement sheds, etc. Good road frontage, would cut up into three good dairy farms. ONE of the best farms in a GOOD district. Price .£34 per acre. J6OO cash, balance arranged. Got in right now and start the season. If you are wanting to purchase, sell, or exchange properties, write to ' B; PARK. STOCK AND STATION AGENT, WANGANPI. . "IQAA ACRES, Freehold, Manawatu Line, all in grass, 500 acres flat and XOUy ploughable; could be dairied on; good Homestead, woolshed, yards, nnd dip; now carrying 2200 grown sheep and 135 great cattle, 6 horses, and few cows. Price, .£l2 per acre; equity, JE9600. Will Exchange for investment property or small fattening bloofc. Stock and plant at. .valuation if desired. ' FREEHOLD HOTEL, Unencumbered. Price, returning G per cant, net. Owner will Exchange for Improved Fattening Country, Manawatu, Rangitikei, or Wanganui. Can ilnd .£3OOO to X4OOO cash as well. MILLER AND ROTTER, AGENTS, 35 PANAMA STREET, WELLINGTON. WILL EXCHANGE FOR SHEEP FARM. qaa ACRES, North Taranaki, 10 acres shelter bush, all ploughable, almost <4\}\J dead lovel, with just a little roll; live and wire fences, 15 paddocks, well' watered; new 6-roomed house, h. and c. water, 6-bailed shed, concrete floor; numerous other 6hed6; i-mile to school; creamery opposite; motor road. PRICE, .£37 10s. Equity, .£4OOO. Note.—This splendid Property will carry 75 cows. Owner wants sheep farm, a little back if possible. . ■ . • GEO. H. BUCKERIDGE. ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, ELTHAM. N.Z. Representative for Henry A. Lane and Co.. Ltd., Butter, Cheese, and Tallow .Merchants. 'London. . ' FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, 2-SHEEP COUNTRY. Owner Going to the Front. COO ACRES, all in grass, been heavy mixed bush, situated 8 miles from Te OiiiJ Kuiti, on good metalled road, 2J miles from P.O. andschool; Educational and part Native Lease for 23 years, at is. 4d. an acre, renewable for further term, compensation for improvements; 40 acres flat and been in turnips; 3-roomed House and outbuildings; 9 paddocks, well watered, splendid eituatiou. PRICE, for Goodwill Only, £o 15s. an acre. Terms, .£l5O cash, balance 7 veai'3 at S per cent. No. 9GC '_ L. JACOB, landagent 'tekuit:. OOA ACRES, Freehold, few chains from creamery, P. 0., and railway; all in 0.4 V good grass, hilly counry, and good flats; well fenced and watered; no weeds; will carry 21 sheep, besides cattle. A new, up-to-date 12-roomed Homestead,' motor-shed, cowsned, and other buildings. Price .£2O per acre; terms arranged. > HA ACRES, Freehold, i mile from P. 0., creamery, and school; all in grass and ifu ' crops, all flat, well watered and subdivided into 12 paddocks; will carry 40 cows; 5-roomod house and all outbuildings. Price, .£45 10s.; ,£SOO cash, balance 5 years. J # MILNE, LEVIN. — ' WAIKATO DRAINED SWAMP. tA A ACRES 'Freehold, easy drive to Hamilton, Cambridge, or MorrinsvfJl* XvU townships, 7 acres nice undulating land, balance all rich drained flax, rapu and niggerhead, with solid bottom (no peat); within mile of small township, school, creamery, . P. 0., and store, etc., and 5 miles from Matangi Railway Station; all in grass except'small area fallow; well watered and subdivided into convenient paddocks; will winter 35 dairy cows easily besides horses, etc.; bnilainge comprise new modern dwelling situated on a nice elevation, usual outbuildings. Price, iG3O per acre; terms; .£750 cash. HUGH DECK & CO. / LAND AND ESTATE- AGENTS, .VICTORIA STREET, HAMILTON. q/IA ACRES, 100 acres Freehold and 2W acres C.1.P., all in grass, well fenced oUU and subdivided into various paddocks; well watered; all flat and undulating; all suitable for dairying or sheep. BUILDINGS: Good 8-Toomed House, hot an cold water laid on, telephone; rood cowshed, woolshed and all necessary ontb .ildings. SITUATION: 2 miles from HUKANUI Railway Station, within easy distanoi of cheese factory and Ballanco Creamery. PRICE, .£23 per acre; .£BOO cash. Good terms arranged. '..'" P. TULLOCH, .plfejp : _ NELSON-DESIRABLE SHEEP RUN.-NELSON. ■ "-. OAAA ACRES, freehold within 5 miles of railway station and easy distancs MVyU Nelson City; well watered and subdivided into 21 paddocks. Carrying over 2000 now, and this can be oasily increased. About;2oo acres level, balance easy slopes, of which 600. acres could be ploughed. All cleared of bush except few back. Limestone formation, healthy ' sheep country. Good dwelling, shearing shed, etc., etc. Owner secured highest price for wool in his district this season. Price, .£4 10s. per aero. Cash required . J. PORTED- HARRIS AND' SON, .LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. HARDY STREET, NELSON. . /»£ A ACRES (Freehold), Manawatu Jino, olose Wellington; finest aheap country OJU _in North Is'and; healthy, and free from noxious weeds. Best grass land obtainable. Most of this land consislß of a rioh chocolate loam, some foot deep. About 30' acres flat and remainder, with tne exception of about 20 acres of valleys, is all ploughable. Wintering 2 big sheep to acre, besides cattle, and with root crops would easily carry 3 sheep to acre. Lovely .sunny position, Building* comprise 7-roomed dwelling, dairy, cowshed, cartshed, etc.; 2f miles CTsamerr. Price JBI2 10a. acre; adjoining owner asking for poorer land. Strongly advise early inspection. Terms, ,£2OOO cash, balance 5 per cent. Free from rcorteatre ! J. D. MARTIN MINTYRB & CO. ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS, 215-217 LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2888, 28 September 1916, Page 10
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1,761Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2888, 28 September 1916, Page 10
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