SHIPPING NOTICES. PAND 0. . COMPANY'S • ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS . , TO LONDON. Following are the proposed dates of Departures from Austriihan ports,, via Suer, for London:— • . First and Second Saloon only. ■J Steamer, -jl'ons. Sydney. Melb'rne Due L'n ~ MALWA 11,000 July 22 July & Sept. 4 KAXSBR-I-- - HIND 11,000 Aug. 5 Aug. 8 Sept. 12 JIOOLTAN 10,000 Aug. 19 Aug. 22 Oct. 2 KAfSHGAR 9.000;- Sept. 2- Sept. 5 Oct. 16 - KARMALAI9,OOO_■* iSopt. 16 Sept. 19- Oct. 30 (via Bomp&y) Twin Screw Steamers and fitted with Wireless. Telegr&phv." _ Steamers fitted with Electrio Laundries and Eleotrio Pans, and Beading Lamps In ' every Cabin. ; ROUND THE WORLD TOUES, and through bookings to New York; rates on application. • . ■ Kates of Passage Money, Wellington to London _ (including Saloon Passage to Sydney):— 1 ; Single Tickets, 450 to JCOO. . ■ Eehirn Tickets, J!81 to .£135. ' ; H«fcura Tickets available for two years. ' Berth suhiii ttcd on application". Oversea Single and Return are now interchangeable with' Orient Company. JOHNSTON AND CO., LTD., . . Agents, "Wellington and. Wanganui. ' Telephone 44! CjHAW, SAVILL, AND ALBION 0 .. COMPANY, LIMITED. • THE DIRECT LINE OP STEAMERS TO LONDON,' , Via." Australia and South Africa. THE LARGEST PASSENGER STEAMERS IN THE NEW ZEALAND - TRADE. SAILINGS (circumstances permitting). ---. Tomb- ' Com- ■ Date of ; . Name. mander. Leaving > TACnjI ■ 10,030 Moffatt July COBINTHK XE.Z3I Hart Auguet i \ ' ARAWA 10,000 Clayren Sept. Twin Screw Steamers. Pitted with Wireless Telegraphy. Passages from? London-can b© arranged here. For full particulars, apply, to the Agents—- V -■ - LEVIN AND CO., LIMITED. DALGETY AND CO., LIMITED. MURRAY, ROBERTS, AND CO.. LTD. - rfiHE . NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING 1 CO.; LIMITED. ■ ' MOST MODERN PASSENGER * STEAMERS IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. - .Tone. - ' Prom .. To flail tROTORTJA 11,600 Wellington. Atif. 'RTHUTAKA 10,130 -- Oct. ' TURAKINA 10.960 - Nov. "Twin Screw. fTriple Screw. FITTED WITH WIRELESS > TELEGRAPHY.- - 'ACCOMMODATION-IS NOT SURPASSED BY ANY OTHER LINE. Io Southampton or Plymouth (to land passengers)'and London, via Panama Canal. Passages from London can be arranged "" .it this end. For Freight or Passage, apply to THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY, LIMITED. . ' .'• THE yANCOOVIiK ROUTE. 'AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND-CANADA (Via FIJI and HONOLULU). CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN R.M. - LINE. In conjunction with the Canadian-Pacific Eailways. Through some of the Greatest SCENIC WONDERS of the World to all parts of CANADA, UNITED STATES, BRITISH ISLES, and CONTINENT OP EUROPE. KOUND-THE-WORLD TOURS in conjunction .with all. the Cape, Suez, China, and Japan Lines at Lowest' Rates.' : < STEAMERS'TO SAIL: - Frotti" *" ' Prom Steamer. Sydney. Auckland. •NIAGARA Aug. S "Aug." 8 MAKURA Augi'3l -- -Sep. 5 And at 28 days' interval thereafter. "New triple 6crew, 13,500 tons register. Makura twin-screw. Equipped with Wireless Telegraphy. Return Tickets to Vancouver and inland Points available for Teturn from San Francisco to Wellington. PASSPORTS." • Traveller to any place outside the Dominion are reminded it is advisable to obtain passports, and that it is necessary to make early application*' to the. Department of -Internal Affairs for them. Pamphlets, 'Maps', and all information bee. ■ • ; UNIOfI S.S. CO. OF N.Z. (LTD.), ■Managing Agents. " ROYAL MAIL SERVICE, .VIA -.SAN FRANCISCO, ' • : to ' A LL AMERICAN PORTS, BRITISH . ISLES, and Continent, Calling at RAROTONGA (Cook Group), . and PAPEETE (Tahiti).: Steamer. Prom Wei-ton. Ar. 'Frisco MOANA August 17 Sept. ti And every 28 days thereafter. , All Steamers equipped with Wireless. - Return Tickets to San Ifrancisco and Inland Points, available for return from Vancouver to Auckland. '5 .. PASSPORTS, Travellorg to any place outside the Dominion are reminded ft is advisable to obtam passports, and that it is necessary to make early application to the Department of Internal Affairs for them. All passengers landing; at Papeete repuire Passports vised by the French Consul at Auckland. For jjftrticulars regarding Passages and Freights, apply ANION S.S. CO. OP N.Z. (LTD.). jgURNS, PHILP MAIL LINE. STDNBT TO JAVAAND SINGAPORE .(Under Contract with the Government of N.S.W,)> , Via QUEENSLAND PORTS & DARWIN Steamer. Commander, Sails MONTORO B. ITortinior, K.N.R. Sept. 1 HATABAH O. W. Bibbing , • Oct. 1 , ~ NEW STEAMERS. : FITTED .WITH WIRELESS AND LAUNDRY.Smooth Water. Interesting Ports of Call : MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. . Passengers from Wellington catch ateamer Sue to leave here on August "i BUENS,. PHILP, & CO., LTD., Agents! Tel., 610. 830 Lambton Quay, Wellington. .■VfIPPOITYUSEN KAISHA. x ' FOR JAPAN. NEXT STEAMER WILL BE THE NIKXO MARTJ (5056 ons), ANGTJST 21. If You. Wish to Visit JAPAN DO IT NOW. Book Promptly and ENSURE EXTRA COMFORT. N.Y.K SAILINGS— Leave Due Due fiteamert Sydney, Bris- Hong- YokoNoon, bane, kong. hama. ffikko Maxu Aug. 21 Aug. 23 Sep. 9 Sep. 21 Aki Kara Sep. 22 Sep. 25 Oct. 12 Oct. 23 Tango Kara Oct. 20 Oct. 23 Nov. 10 Nor. 21 Nikko Mara Nov. 20 Nov. 22 Deo. 9 Dec. 21 Wireless installed on all - Steamers. For full particulars, applv to BURNS, PHILP, AND CO., LTD., 380 Lambton Quay, Tel. 615. - Wellington. SEND FOR "COOK'S SAILING LIS8" (Posted Free), GIVING FARES AND SAILING DATES BY Cook's /P. and 0. S.N. Co Passages Cook's [ Orient Line. Booked Oceanic S.S. Co. 'Passages) Cam-Australian. I Ail lines. . Passage?! N.Z. Shipping Co. All routes. " Passages Shaw, Savill Co. All classes. White Star Line. Cook's \ Cape Lines. lowest Cook's Etc., Etc. Rates. Inquiries Invited. Trouble Saved. No Commission Charges. / Travel Made Easy. COOK'S SHIPPING OFFICE, Customhouse Quay Wellington.
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Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2836, 29 July 1916, Page 2
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846Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2836, 29 July 1916, Page 2
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