PHASES OF THE MOON. ' JUNE. Day. ltr. m. JTe\r moon 1 7 7 a.m. First quarter 9 11 29 a.m. Pull moon 16 9 12 ft.ra. Ixist Quarter • 23 0 46 a.m. .Now inoon 30 9 13 p.m. JIOOX. Moon rises to-<3ay, 11.17 n.ra.; sets, 10.18 p.m. TIDE. To-day, 9.2 a.m.; 9.22, p.m. To-morrow, 9.45 a.m.; 10.6 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 7.9 a.m.; sets, 4.38 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, JUNE 6. MONOWAT, s.s. (5.35 a.m.), 3433 tons, Drew-atte, from Auckland, via ports. KAPITI, s.s. (5.20 a.m.), 2AZ tons, Sawyers, from Wftiiganui. WOOTTOiS, 5.9. (5.30 a.m.), 151 tons, Lareeii, from Nydift Bay. NIKAU, s.s. (7.45 a.m.)., 243 tons. Hay. from Nelson and. Jlotueka'. MAGIO, auxiliary scow (8.20 a.m.), 82 tons, Johansen. from <Sandy Bay. ATHISNIC, JI.M.S. (9.10 a.m.), 12,234 tons, Crossland, from London, via. Hobart. MARAROA, s.s. (9.40 a.m.), 2598 tons, Oanieron, from Lyttelton. HAWERA, s.s. (noon), 200 tons, Jackson, from Patea. ✓ BItEEZE, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 347 tons. Hadfowl, from Lyttclton. PATEENA, s,s. (10.40 v.m.), 1212 tons. Irwin, froai Picton and Nelson. ' DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, JUNE 6. OPAWA, e.s. (2 a.m.), 110 tons, Nioholaß, for Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (3 a.m.), 120 tons, WiK kinaon, for Blenheim. WAIStATE, s.s. (12,5 p.m.), 5610 tons, Head, for Nelson. TAKAPUNA, s.s. U2.45 p.m.), 1236 tons, Qavlcs, for Picton and kelson. NIKAU, s.s. 15.30 p.m.), 248 tons, Hay, for Nelßon. MOERAKI, s.s. (5.40 p.m.), 4392 tons. Cotline, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Misees M'Gloin, Secretary. Jlesdames Guthrio and child, Edie, Jester, Messrs. Williams. Bowie, Howard, Hare, Edie, Capt. Edge, Privates Laws, Neighbours, Thomson, Pane. KAPUNI, e.e. '6.20,), 150 tons, Gibson, for Patea. KAPITI, *.s. *1 p.m.), 242 tons. Sawyers, for Wanganui. 1 s.b. (7.40 p.m.), 128 tons. Dcnsefl. for Waitara.
MARAROA, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 2598 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— 311650H Went. Wilson. Pattorson, M'Glom, Hunt, Spiers, Sladen, M'Collook. Waite, MeEdames King. Cook, Moore, ■Stewart, Honnor, Scantlebury. Ga.rrick, Llvesny. Knox," Waite, Mesdamcß Hill, Garrick. Fns* tor, Frizzol. Laurenson, Wilson, Milnos, Nicholls (2), Forsyth. Frederic, Clark, Storey; Aitciiisou, Leitliead, Baker, Butler. Storey, Wright, Sliarpo, Cropper, Adame. Halley, Morgan, Ureecewcll, M'Auly, FuUer, Pugh, Vollmor, Nettleton, Doughum, Watey, Smith, -Totals, Levington, Knox, Christcncen, Lally, Vickley, Gurney< Watson, Judgo Gilfedder. Dr. Hay, Capt. Matthews, ileming, Hawkins, Lieutenants King, Moore, Cook, Scrgt. Johns, Privates Eilers (2), Sievons. RIPPLE, s.s. (9.30 p.m.), 370 tons, Carlson for Napier and Gisborne. MONOWAI,. s.s. (10 p.m.), MJ3 lone, Drewette, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. Passengers. for Lyttelton: Baloon—Miss Williams, Mr. M'Nutt. For Dunedin—Misses Thompson, Staenee, ■ M'Callum. Pebbles, Power, Mesdames Norwood, Maxwell. Morris, CaeJunan, Abdy, Reid, Messrs. Abdy(2), Brail!. , BREEZE, s.s. (10.16 p.m.), 347 tons, Radford, for Waaiga-nul.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Blenheim, Blenheim, June 7. Stormbird, Wanganui, June 7. Maori',,-Lyttelton, June 7. Queen'of the south. Foxton, June 7. Waverley, Patea, June 7. Ooawa, Blenheim, Juno 7. Kaitoa, Nelson, Juno 7. fiimitangi, Chatham Islands. Juno Mapourika, New Plymouth, June 7. John, Wanganui, Juno 7. Waitemata, Auckland, June 8. Mamn.ri, Auckland, June B. Moeraki, Lyttelton, June 8. Waimea, Terakohc, Juno 8. Tarawora, southern ports*. Juno tf- t Mararoa. Lyttelton, June 8. Nikau, Nelson, Juno S. Paifeun. Picton and Nelson, June 8. Kapiti, Wanganui. Juno 8. IC-apuni, Patra, Jupo 8. ■ Wcstuieath, New York to Sydney, Juno 8. Karori, Westport. June 8. Kowata, Westport, June 8. "Ngakuta, Greymouth, .Tune 8. To Annu, Auckland, June 9. Paloona, Melbourne, via south, June 9. Talsapuno-, "Nelson and coast, .Tnne 10. Westralin- Sydney, north. June 10. Ripple. Napier, Gisborne, June 11. . Port Hardy, Now York, way ports, Juno 12.
Kinross, Auckland, .Tuno 12. Cygnet. Lyttelton, Kaikoura, -Tune 13. Rinple, .Nanier; Gisborne, June 13. Oalm, southern ports, June 13.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Onawa, Blenheim, June 7.'' of the South, Foxton, June 7. Patecna, Picton, Nelson, Juno 1. Maori, Lyttelt-on. Jnno 7. Karu. Greyraout-h, Juno 7. Jlawera, Patea. June 7. Athenic, Auckland. Juno 7. Wnitomo, Westport, Jnno 7. Rosamond, Timaru, Bluff, June 7. Defender, Picton end coast, June 7. Waverley, Patf. June 8' Kittawa, New Plymouth, June 8. Moeraki, Sydney, June 8. Waimea, Nelson. West Coast. .Tune 3. Stormbird, Wanganui, Juno 8. .' Tarawera, novthern "orts, Juno 5. Mararoa. Lyttelton. June , 8. •Nikau, Nelson, June 8. Kapiti. -Wanganui. June B. Kapuni, Patea. Juno 8. Kurow, Lyttelton. .Tuno 8. Hiuiita.ngi. Chatham Inland?. June 8. John, southern ports, June 8. Knitoa, Nelson. Motueka, Juno 9.
j''iddio. c -ex, southern ports, Juno 9. Westralia, Dunedin, June 10. Te Anau, southern ports, June 10. Paloona.. Melbourne. June 10. Palm. Pi-ton. Wanrnnui, June 13. Cygnet, Kailtoura, June 14.
MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. INTEECOLONIAL SERVICE. BIVERINA, leaves Sydney June 9, for Wellington. I)ue here Juno 13. MANUKA. loft June 3 for Sydney direct.. Duo Sydney .Tune 7. Lsavcs June 15. for Wellington. Due liere June 19. VICTORIA, arrived Wellington May 18. Left same day for soutli. Arrived back June 1. Left earne day for Sydney, via, northern ports. Due Sydney June S. WESTRALIA. loft Sydney June 2 for Auckland end south. Hue Welliujtou .Tunc'lo.' leaves same day for Sunedin direct. MOERAKI, left Sydney June 1 forWellington. Arrived here June 6. Leuves for Sydney .Tune 8. ■ Due there Juno 12. PATjOOMA, left. Melbom-ne Jltnn 1, for Wellington, via south. Duo here June 9. V BY TELEGItAPH. OVERSEA. PUGET SOUND. June Sailed.-Schooner DeDance, for Melbourne. COASTAL. TUESDAY. JUNE 6. AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Kahflnoa"( p.m.l, for Newcastle; Victoria (3.30 p.m.), for Sydney. Arrived.—Westralia (10 a.m.), from Sydney, GIKBOIINE. To sull.—Aralmra (10 p.m.), for Napier. POUT AHUP.IRI. ■ Sailed.—Warrimoo M.20 p.m.). for Auckland To sail.—Kittawa (li p.m.), for Greymoutli. NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailed— Itarawa- (8.35 p.m.), for Oncluinira. Arrived.—Mftpouriko- (11 a.m.), from Wei. IPigton. WANGANUI. To sail.—John (10.30 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed.—Hawera- <12.40 p.m.), for Wellington. Arrived.—Stormbird (1.20 p.m.), from Wcllington. •' FOXTON. Arrivod.-Qneen of tho South (1.15 p.m.), from Wellington. BLENHEIM. To sail.—Opawa W p.m.), for Wellington. Arrived— Blenlwim (11.30 .a.m.), from Weilington. NELSON. Sailed—Kaitoa (7.15 p.m.), for Wellington; Kegulus (5.10 p.m.), for AVestport and 'Gceymouth. • LYTTELTON. Sailed.—Maori (8.30 p.m.). for Wellington; ■ Orari (3.15 p.m.). for Port Chalmers. Arrived.—Himitansi (6 a.m.), from Chatham Islands; Turn-worn, from Duntdin. To sail.—'Whakarua, fyr Bluff; llimitnngl, for Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Paloona- (7.30 a.m.), from cluif; Storm (3.55 p.m.), from I.yttclton; Wai. pori (7.15 p.m.), from Lyt-telton. TIII3 WESTMIIATIT COMING IN FOR BUNKERS. A wireless message was received yesterday from Captain Thompson, master of tho IV and S. liner Wcstmcnth, en route from New York to Australian ports, stating that his vessel will call in Wellington on Thursday (to-morrow) to replenish hunkers. The Wcstmcoth left New York on April 28 for Australian ports, via Bnlboa.
AN UKEVENTPTJIj TRII'. The liner Athenic from London, via Cape Town and Kobart, arrived in tho stream shortly after 9 o'clock j-ea-t-orday morcins. 'l'ho medical inspection look a considerable time, and tho vossol did not berth at tho Glasgow Wharf until 11.30 a.m. Tho liner left I-ondon on April 14, andwas t'scork'd by two destroyers down the Channel. Plymouth was rcachcd on April 16, and the vessel left again tlie Eaine day. Tile destroyors left tho ship in tha Bay nf Jiiscay, and slio proceeded on lior way, moitini! witli strong to moderate westerly winds until arrival at TeneriiTo on April 22. The Athenic left later in tho (lay for Cape Town, oxporiencins EiQitemo north-east trade winds. Tho equator was crossed on April 29, and tlienee south-east trades and light variable -winds with tine weather were met with to Caoe Town, wliich was rcached on May 9, and left two da.y6 later. The weather changed to moderate westerly gales, with strong winds and high sea, until 80deg. east was reached. From- this point till arrival at, Hobart fiesh to moderate westerlies with moclarato s'ca and clear weather were experienced. ' Aftr leaving Hobart on Thursday last strong nortlirly winds and rough seas, with dull weather, were tho rule until reaching Cape Farqwcll. Thence tbe v conditions were fine and pleasant till arrival at Wellington. For Now Zealand (!»•> linor has a, largo mail and a cargo of 9000 tons. . Captain J. E. Crossland, R.JT.It., R.D., is in command of the Athenic, and ho has associated with him the following officers — Lieutenant G. A. Alcoclf. R.N.1!., chief officer, in charge of deck department; Lieut.Commnnder R. Rcid,, chief engineer, in charge of engine department; Mr. S. 0 J. Freeman-Mat,thews, purser in charge of passenger department; Mr. W; H. G, Yates, first officer;. Mr. C. Mutch, second ■Mr. 11. Clark.'third officer; Dr. G. Hamilton, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., surgeon; Mr. 0. Newton, second engineer; Mr. L. R. Magness, third engineer; Mr. F. Banks, fourth engineer,- Mr. S. J. Richardson, fifth engineer; Mr. J. P. Robinson, sixth engineer," Mr. F. W. Randcll. first refrigerating engineer; Mr. N. ,S. Oulsnam, second refrigerating engineer; Mr. H. Eastwood, boilermaker; Mr. T. l'helps, electrician; Mr. E. Torr. chief steward; Mr. li. F. Aris, first Marconi operator; Mr. W. C. Bryce, second. In addition to the passenger list already published, the Athenic brought the following;— From Capo Town; First class—Mi. A. T. Edwards, Mr. N. Knox. Mjs. G. Knox. Second class—Mrs. J. Harford, Mr.i E. T. Lever, Mr. Gilford Jloore, Mrs. GifTord Aroore, Mnster. GifTord Moore. Third class —Mr. It. Bailey, Mr. V, 7 . Harnett, Mr. H. Jfaedonald. From Hobart: First Mr. L. A. Cuff, Mrs. P, Gow and 2 children, Mi?s M. M'Tavisli. Second, class—Misses M. Reid and It. Branloy. ■ The Athenic is to leave for Auckland early this morning to commence discharge, and is ..expccted back at this port on June 14. THE WEST COAST SERVICE. On her arrival from New Plymouth today tho Mapourika is to withdraw and undergo survey, on completion of which the vessel will resume her West Coast running, commencing on Tuesday next, leaving at noon that , day for Picton, Nelson, and the Coast. The Takapuna, which was lately commissioned. to take up the Mapourika's running while that vessel went to tho assistance of tho Flora at Papeete, will bo withdrawn on ■her arrival from the Coast on Saturday next,. when she will lay up indefinitely. TRAINING SHIP AMOKURA. The following boys arc to join the Government training ehlp Amokura on Thursday for training:—L. W. J. Manning. Wellington; L. J. Rodda, Gisborne; L. 8. W. Sellars, To Aroha: F. Stubbing. Ruanui, via Matarca; W. A. Subritzky, Ponsonby; M. J» Eyles. Nelson; V. It. Pi-ingle. Rangiora; T. R. Finlayson, Dargaville; A. M' North Daleluthn; H. N. EsUrigge., Kati Kati; N. P, J. Meelian, Waihi; 11. H. Worth, Waihl. The following arc those that are being replaced by the new draft, the ships tlicy liave joined being given in parentheses:— L. O. White (Komata), J. Hcapy (Ncahere), D. 0. Hoare (Apnrima), J. A. Smith (Aparimai, L. F. Jl'Grath (KamoL. W. Sufefiex (Tofua), ,T. F. 0. Williams (Mokoia). L. Stalker (Mokoia), W. Stubbs (Marhroa),' W. A. Morris (Rosamond). RENAMING THE C. AND D. LINERS. In continuance of the decision to rechristen the vessels of their fleet, the officials of the C. and D. Lino have selected the following names for the ships mentioned:—Stor of Fneland (Port Sydney), Mnkarini (Port Nicholson), Star of Victoria. (Port, Melbourne). (Port Lyttplton), Ifawke's Bay (Port Napier). . Indralcma (Port Alma), Mimiro (Port Hacking). Star of Scotland (Port ■ ! Campbell), Whakarua (Port Chalmers),,, Murntol (Port ■ Victor), Star of Australia (Port Stephens). Star of India (Port l'irie). Others which have already licet renamed are the Indrmura (Port Adelaide), Indraharnli (Port Elliot), and Nerehana (Port Hardy). OFFICERS OF THE MIDDLESEX. " Captain G. F. Deitli, commander of the now liner Middlesex, now in Wellington, lias with him the following officers:—Chie! officer, Mr. R. 11. Huston; second, . Mr. J. Lister; third, Mr. It. L. Ga.rst.ang; fourth, Mr. R. G. P.oberts; chief engineer. Mr. 0. Metcalfe; second, Mr. G: Arthur; third, Mr. E. A. Jtapleod; fourth. Mr. F. P. Jones; fifth, Mr. C. G. Harris: chief refrigerating engineer, Mr. .T. Campbell: second. Mr. J. (4. Davis: chief steward. Mr. W. Griffiths. Dr. David Morrison is ship's surgeon, and Mr. 11. Herd lias charge of tho radio plant. The liner will proceed south on Friday. MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. ' Captain J. 13. Crossland, R.N.R.. R.D:," Is again in command of the Athenic, which arrived from London yesterday. Lately Captain Crossland was on tho White Star liner Cymric, which was torpedoed recently in the Atlantic when carrying munitions of war from America to England. . Captain A. Holme, R.N.R., tho. late commander of tho Athenic, is now on tha Gothland, under the Belgium flag. The Gothland ray the old Gothic, of tho White Star Line, and well known in New Zealand. Mr. Camaghan. first mate of tho Kennedy, has retired from the Anchor Company's Ecrvice. Mr. W. Wilson. late of the Northern Company's service, has joined the Monowai as fourth officer., - Mr. H. Glaßson, assistant purser of the Mararoa, is to leave that vessel to-day in order to transfer to the Tarawera, as assistant, ill'. R. Henderson is to fill the vacancy on the Mararoa. Mr. E. C. Sarginson, third officer of the Moeraki, left that vessel yesterday. . The Defender will leave for Picton, Greymouth, and Hokitika thi t s morning. Tho' Knitoft on her arrival from Ifelson this morning will, it is expected, go on the Slip for cleaning and painting. Tho vessel will resume her running on Friday evening next. Tho Johij Is expected to arrive froiq, Wanganui to-day.,. Sho will proceed on to Duncfiin to-morrow. Leaving Auckland this evening, the Westralia is due in Wellington from Sydney on Saturday morning next. The vessel will leave in the evening for Dunedin direct. It is expected that the Waitomo will have finished discharge of her cargo, of oil in tinio to leave for Wostport to-day. Tho Karu is set down for departure for Greymouth at 2 p.m. to-day. Cargo will be accepted for the vessel up till noon. Owing to tho river being in flood, tho Komata, and Karori, both coal-Jndcn for Wellington, wcro uiiahlo to leave Westport yesterday. According to a message received, it was oxpectcd that the vessels would get out this aftcrnooVTho To Anau is duo to leavo Auckland to-day for the south, via Wellington. The vessel is expected in on Friday, and will leave for Bluff, Oamaru, and Titnaru oh Saturday. The Ngakuta was bar-hound at Greymouth on Monday, and did not leave for Wellington as was exported. It was thought probable that tho collier would lutvo got out yesterday. The New Zealand Shipping Co." Walmate. which has for the past few weeks been laid up at the King's WTtarf for insulation, left yostcrday afternoon for Nelson. Although tho Tarawera met with a slight delay on leaving Dnncdin, it is expected that she will bo able to keep her time-table, and should arrivo in Wellington on Thursday. The Secretary of Marino, received' word yesterday that the Janio Scddon, which left on Sunday in srarch of the cantain anil crcw of the ill-fated Southern Isles, had arrived at Totaranui. , According to rablcd Mviees. tho steamer Calliope, which cleared Wellington on April 12, arrived at London on Saturday ''riie Union Company announce that the Kitt.awa will be dispatched for New Plymouth to-'norrnw i't noon. Cargo will be ■accepted up till 10.30 a.m.
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Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2790, 7 June 1916, Page 8
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2,489SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2790, 7 June 1916, Page 8
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