« PHASES OF THE MOON. APRIL. Day. Er. m. ,V cn - mooo .... -V 351 A.m. First quarter 11 \ 6 o-m. Full moon 18 « p.m. Last auarter 25 10 8 a.m. MOON. ' .Moon rises to-day, —; sets, ■ 8.36 p.m. . . TIDE. 1 Today. 8.55 a.m.,-' 9.23 p.m. To-morrow, 9.38 a.m.; 10.3 tP.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.27 a.m.; eet-s, 5.38 p.m. ARRIVALS. « FRIDAY, A¥ML 7. QPAWA, s.s. C 4 110 tons, Nicholas, ■Crom iilccb'jim. NORA NITON, s.s. (4.10 a.m.), 166 tons, Brusey, from Cook Strait. ICAITOA, s.s. (7.25 a.m.), 305 tons, Wildman. from Nelson and Motueka. MAORI, s.s. (8.5 a.m.), 3399 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. PALOONA. s.s. (9.5 a-.m.), 2771 tons, Norton, fTom Melbourne, Hobart, and southern porta. Passengers: Saloon—Mcsdamcs Slater, Hamilton, Stanley, Knowles, Yickery. Misses Watt, Eogan (2), Jaokson, Har-i-iso.ii, and Moir, Messi's. Denby, Hamilton, Young, Rogen, and Vickery; 20 steerage. . TtURU, B.a. (9.15 a.m.), .158 ton 6, from NaPI WAVEItLEY,i s.s. (9.16 a.m.), 157 tons, Euthe, from Nelson. ' . ' - . TARAWERA, s.s. (2 p.m.),- SCO 3 tons, Ritchie, from northern- ports. .. CALLIOPE, oarqufc ('0.30 p.m., in • the st.vam), trorn " ' SATURDAY, APKIIj 8. ( KOMATA, s.s. -0.20 a.iii.), IS94' tons, Lambcrt, from Wcstport. departures. FRIDAY, APKIL 7. PATEENA. s.s. (12.50 p.m.), 1213 tons, Irwin, for Picton and Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7.55 p.m.), 3399 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton.. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Dooley, Sutton, O'Connor, Davoy, Basstian, Eonayne, Ferryman, Eagleton, Buckridge, Hill, O'Sliea, Hill, Larsen, Davidson, Niles, Bishop, Sweet-man, Morris, Ferguson, Lavcheap, Harrison, Wyber, Hudson, Frost, Mesdames Horlock, Eodpatih, Loughnan Irving, Itudd smd boy, Edwards, l'earse, Ourtis, Harding, Smith, Nowley, Gould, Darling, Gilbert, Beathe, Perrymau, Eagleton, Stratford, Wellsted and infant, John stone, Parker, Hill, Parker and infant,' Buteoss, Broolccr and child, Dunn, Do Castro. Jl'Neally,-Darling, Abbott, Frost,. Irving, I'axkingion, Coloin, Colqulioun, Wallburton and child, Messrs., Vicliermaii, Goro, Graham, Simmons, CooUson, Bell, Heley, Heney, Wigley, Seli'g (2), Whitcombe, Earns, Anderson, Duthie, Ecid, Wood, Red.; path, Gil!, Irving, M'Millan-, Ourtis, Chapman, M'Kellar, Pryke, Worsps, Guiness, M'Dougall, Waling, M'Aloon, Mecnneer, Corcoran, Hicks, Parker, Thomas, De Castro, Houston,, Gummor (2), S'lajsr, ICeere, Srnimonds, Lauchlan, ,Mumby, Constable. Andrew, Rooney, Gilbert, Irving, Prime, Messrs. Gossling, Eodd, Kerr, Vin. cert, Somerville, Craighead, Kay, M'Taggart, Bridge, Grammond, Hudson, Stewart, Colquhoun, Austin, Partington, Thompson, Eev Berryman, Frost, Hon. J. T. Paul, M.P. Adit. Smith, Adit. H'wood, Wellington, Wain, Wyatt, Wiles, Marshall*. Ma'foi Neiyley, Stone, Coloin, Lieuts. Pearto (2), Marsdon, Johnston, Gapt. Dunn, Chapman, Stoff-Oapt. Wallace, Sjw'giU.-Majo.V Irvine, Q.M.S. Fwgus, Sergts. Bowron, Banis, Jol len, Corpls. Eertsletlt, i Kiubley, Gibbs, ICnowles Tprs. Mackenzie, Balfour, Stewart, Rowley,' Keetley, Young, Withers, Carr, Eaton, Reitley, Gunners Hillyer, Meynell, Orme, Power, -. Ptes. Musgrovo, Adams, Ifoley, Sanders. ' KAITOA, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 350 tons. Stevens, for Nelson. I - _ ' L KENNEDY, s.s. (8.35 p.m.), 226 tons,.Stewart-. for Nelson. . BLENHEIM, s.s. (2 a.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, for Blenlieim. 1 . .. . OPAWA, s.s. (2 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim.. .. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kapuni, Patea, April. 8. - ... Mana, Patoa, April 8. _ ' Kittawa, Greymouth, April 8. Mapourika, Nelson and coast, April 8, Wootton, Lyttelton, April 8. ■ Calm, Lyttelton. April 8. • Ma.ra.roa, Lyttelton, April 8. Pateena,' Picton, Nelson, April 8. Nikau, Nelson, April 8. Aorere, Patoa, April 8. Stormbird, Wanganui, April B.'i Tainui, Waitaia, April 8. Himitangi, Gliatihams, April 9. Blenheim, Blenheim, April 9. < Ripple, Napier, Gisbonie. April 9. Kamo, Greymouth, April 9. Waimea, Wanganui, April 9. Maori, Lytteltonj April 9. Kaitoa, Nelson,' April 9. ' . ' Opawa, Blonheim, April 9. Ngatoro. Greymouth, April 9. EiVexina, Sydney, April 10. , Monowai, northern ports, April 11. Cygnet, Kaikoura, April 11. H&wera, Patea, April 11. Queen of the l South, April 11. Ngaherc, Limestone Island, April 11. Breeze, Lyttelton, April 12. \ " Aorere, Patea, April 12. lonic, Bluff, April 12. John, southern ports, April 13. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. < Paloona, Melbourne, April 8. Wootlon, Nydia Bay, April 8. ■ ltosamond, Southern ports, April 8, Calm, Wdnganui, April 8. • Nikau, Nelson, April 8. . • Mararoa, Lyttelton, April 8. ■ ■ Quteu of the South, Foxton, April 8. Kapiti, Wanganui, April 8. Hawena, Patea, -April 8. Barawera, Dunedin. April 8. Ngakuta, Greymouth, April 8. . . . - Petone, Greymouth, April 8. Waimea, Nelson and coast, April 10, Kapuni, Patea, April 10. ' M»na, Patea, April 10.. Stormbird, Wanganui, April 10* 1 Ifaitoa, Nelson,. April 10. . Pateena, Picton, Nelson, April 30. Maori, Lyttelton, April 10.. i Qpawa, Blenheim, April 10. , . Blenheim, April 10. ' Aorere, Patea, April 10. Tainui, Waitara, April 10. Monowai, southern ports, April 11. Breeze, Wanganui, April 11. Komata, Wcstport, April 11. Mapourika, Nelson and coast, April It, Eipple, Napier, Gi6obrno, April 11. Cygnet, Kaikoura, April 12. Riverina. Sydney, April 12. Ngahere, southern ports, April 12. John, Wanganui,. April 13. MOVEMENTS' OF STEAMERS. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. RIVEEINA, left Sydney for Wellington April 0. Due here - Ajjril 10. MANUKA, loaves Sydney April 13, for Wellington. Due here April 17. MOErAKI, due at Sydney April 10. Leaves Sydney for -Wellington direct April 20, due here April 24. Leaves April 27, for Sydney. PALOONA, left Melbourne, March 29, tot Wellington, via and southern ports. Arrived here April 7. Leaves April 8, for Melbourne direct. WESTRALIA, due here from Sydney; via north, April 14. Leaves here April 20, for Sydney. VICTORIA, left Wellington for Sydney, via northern ports, April 6. Due at Sydney April 14. Leaves Sydney April .19 for Wellington, via north; duo here April 28. ' \ BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. LONDON, April 7. , Arrived— from. Now Zealand. COASTAL. ' , FRIDAY, APRIL 7. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Mionowai (2 p.m.), from eosthern ports. . PATEA. ■ Arrived.—Kapuni (11.15 a.m.); Maim (11.24 a..-n.), from Wellington. WANGANUI.. Arrived.—Stormbird (2.30 p.m.), from Wei lington. PICTON. Anrived.—Pateena (5.10' p.m.), . from Wei lington. NELSON.Arrived—Nikau' (7.30 a.m.), from Welling, ton. WESTPORT. ' Sailed—Komatoi. (12.25 a.m.), for Wellington. Arrived.—Eileen Ward, dredge (12.30 p.m.), .from Wellington. • PORT AHURIRI. Arrived.—^Victoria (4.30 p.m.), from Wellington. • GREYMOUTH. ■ Sailed.—Kittawa (1.30 a.m.), for Wellington. Arrived—Ngatoro (10 a.m.), from Welling, ton. NYDIA BAY. Arrived.—Defender (9 a.m.), from WellingLYTTELTON. Arrived.—Calm (5 a.m.), from Timaru; Karu (8.45 a-m.), from Greymouth; Himitangi <li 55 a.m.), from Chatham, filitndß; Otaki (3.40 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed —Cygnet (11.45 a.m.), for Akaroa; Wootton (11.55 : a.m.), for Wellington; Calm (3 p.m.). for Wellington. To sail.—John, for Dunedin; Karu, for Greymouth. Sailed—Mararoa, for Wellington. Pasen-s'-'ngers: Saloon—Misses Robler, Strachan, falark, Beorot, Marks, Brook, Newman, Bmerdon. Malcolm. Coomtitr, Blault, O-ar.-tells, Doiy, Mesdames, Ward, 1 Irvine,
Smcrdon, Spedding, Kostfir, Roee, Baird, Thompson, Messrs. Warr, Thomson. 0. Matthews, Brock, Meagher, Thorne, Francis, Symonds,' Jones, Bond, Cook, Brittain, Clark, Luttrell, Khull, Esson, Do Minville, Eloodwood, Heanen, More, Scanlon, Halloway, M'Grath, Ivimbell, Helman, Weir, Russell, Holland, Cleave, Strachan, Robertson, Outton, Lytton, Wikon; 50 steerage. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Honto (8.5 a.m.) from Onehunga; K-arori (0.50 p.m.), from Westport. BLUFF. Arrived—Amokura (12.30 p.m.), from soul/h----ern islands. AHOKGItA ItETtIBNS TO BLTJFF. Telegraph advice receivoil yosterday stated that tho Government training £toamer Amokura, which left Bluff recently on hor periodical visit to tho outlying southern islands ill-search cf castaways and to replenish depots, arrived back-at that port shortly niter ijoou yesterday. Information received by the Marine Department yesterday ' stated tlat the Vf-sael's premature return is duo 1o & ; ckne?6 overtaking tho second Air. G. MacGregor. i TEAKA-WEKA DELAYED. The Tarawera, from northern ports, did not arrive in port until 2 o'clock yester. day afternoon. Her loading operation" were seriously hampered by the rain, and it was decided not to dispatch her for the south until 5 o'clock this evening, when she will - proceed to Dunedim' directomitting Ljhjtelton. EIVEEINA DTJE MONDAY "MORNING. . This week's boat . from Sydney—the Riverin'a—left the .New South Wale# port for Wellington direct at 1 o'colck en Thursday afternoon. There are 86 passen gers on board tho vessel, and she has some 842 tous of cargo, to discharge here. On account of the Easter holidays, tho vessel will not go on to Lyttelton as usual, but will remain here for three days, leaving on Wednesday—one day early—for Sydney. NXWAEtr COMING SHORTLY. Tho 0. and D. liner Niw&ru, en routo from London, is expected to arrive at Auckland from Sydney this evening.- Th<j liner will proceed from the northern port to Napier and Wellington, being due at this port on April 17. THE BLACKBALL BOATS. The Ngahere was to have left Limestone Island last night laden with sugar and cement for the kouth. It is expected that she will touch at Wellington on Tuesday to discharge part cargo, leaving for. the south the following day. The'-Ngakuta is listed to leavo for Greymouth \tihiß after, noon. .The Nefetoro arrived! ,at. Grey mouth at 10 o'clook yesterday morning and was to have left again at midnight last for Wellington. Sho should show up here on Sunday. WESTRAIIA DUE ON FRIDAY. The Wostraliia-, which left Sydney on Wednesday evening, i's due at Auckland on Monday morning. She" is scheduled to leave the northern port on Tuesday for Napier and Gisborne, and is expected hero on Friday next. The same evening the vessel mil proceed south. . ENGINEERS' CONFERENCE AT MELBOURNE. ■ Mr. T. R. Wallace, secretary of the In 6titote of Marine Engineers, and Mr. 0 M'Kirdy, engineer at the Wellington Hos pi-tal, leave by the Paloona this evening, for Melbourne, whero they will attend the four-yearly conference of tho Australasian Institute of Marine Engineers. The last conference was held in 1911 at Sydney, and although the conferences aro held roughly every four years, a special gathering of delegates can bo caJled together at any time if the oircumstncea warrant it. There will be representatives present from tho Brisbane, Newcastle, Sydney, YEctoria; Adelaide, Auckland, and Wellington branches. The, Wellington delegates expeot to be absent for about three weeks. Mr. S. Bc-r. nech will act as secretary of tihe Institute at Wellington while Mr. Wallace is away. The Paloona is set down to leave for Melbourne : direct at 5 p.m. this day. A southern exchange advises that the Joan Craig . was to have left Newcastle yosterday for Lyttelton. ' Tho vessel has on board a cargo of timber from Clarencfl R-'ver.and Newcastle. It is expected that the Wootiton, which left Nydia Bay yesterday morning for Wellington, will be considerably delayed by the heavy weather,. and will perhaps not arrive until to-night. She wit l not get away on the return- trip until Monday. Messrs. A. Hatrick and Co. announced that their vessel, the Taintii, was to have left Waitaira yesterday for Wellington. She should . arrive to-day, - and will be dispatched . in return. on. Monday. 1 ; Tho Breeze, from Lyttelton, is r now'not' expected to arrive hero before Wednesday next; Departure will : be taken for Wanganui the same day. , Fully loaded with coal, the oollier Kittawa left Greymouth yesterday morning, for Wellington-. She should make port, this ovening. Tho Mapourika left . Greymouth at 10 o'clock on Thursday ni'ght for Wesrtport, and'was expected to continue her journey from that port yesterday afternoon. She ia due this ■ afternoon. ' ■ ; The Kamo, with a full load of cool, is •due to arrive on Sunday from Greymouth. • For the convenience of racegoers the Nikau wall not leave Nelson this -evening until 7 o'clock.. •» The. fcTry steamer Maori on.her arrival at Lyttelton this morning will go into dock for cleaning and painting.
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Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2741, 8 April 1916, Page 8
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1,804SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2741, 8 April 1916, Page 8
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