ANSWER TO CORRESPONDENT. ''Wager" (Wellington).—l. The Douro Cup, was formerly run over six furlonge, but in recent years the distance was altered to a mile. S. No. WESTPORT J. C. MEETING '' RHINO WINS A DOULE. v By Telenrauh.—Press Association. Westport, March' 18. , The Westport Jockey Chili to-day held the 'first meeting since the totalizator privilege was returned, the races taking place on the new course on North Beach Reserve. The weather was showery. The sum of wE2200 passed through the totalisator. Results:— MAIDEN HACK HANDICAP. Six 'fur- , longs.—l Rhino, 1; %■ Master Galahad, 2: 3 Hardshag, 3. Three others started. Won by ft length. Time. lmin. 3isec. GRANITT HANDICAP : TROT. One mile.—s Cloud Lass. 1: 3 Sir John, 2; 7 St. Joe, 3: Fourteen others started. Time, Smin. 1? l-sseo. , BULLER HANDICAP. One mile and ' a quarter.—l Mollyraawk, 1; 2 Starboard, 2; G Sultan,' 3. Three others started. Won bv two lengths. -Time. 2min. 463-ssec. " 'ELECTRIC HACK HANDICAP. Five' furlongs.—l EpauTe. 1; 3 Master Galahad, 2; 2 Pure Rose, Three others started. Won by half a length. Time, lmin. 18 l-ssec. • '...-, WESTPORT HANDICAP TROT. One mile-and'a half.—9 Utopia, 1; 3 Sir Jolvn;. 2; 7 Perth Child, 3. :. Thirteen .others started. May Patch, with'a broken bridle, was first past the post, but was drsnualified for' galloping. " PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.—l Rhino, 1; 2 Starboard, 2; 5 Parallel, 3. Three others started. Won . bv half a length. Time, lmin. 1 56seo. 'FAREWELL HANDTCAP.-3 Sultan. 1'; 2 Starboard, 2; J'Master Galahad. 3. Five others started. Won by'half a length. OH!NEMURIvRACES''POSTP6NED. By Telegraph—Press Association. , ■ . Walhi,' March, 18. Rain is falling* steadily, and in consequence the Ohinemuri. Jockey Club has postponed 'the second day's' racing ,till next Saturday..
By Telegraph—Press Association. Bulls, March 18. 'Acceptances for the Rangitikei 'races / are:— ■ .
TRIAL PLATE. Five furlongs.-Pen-niless, 9st.; Kukri, 9st.; St. Aunga, 9st; Silver .Web, 9st.; Verona, 9st.; Hastie, 9st.; Mick, -9st; Topsy, 9st.; Waimahaki, Sst.; Golden Grafton. 9st.; Madame Ristori, 93t; Kodroff, 9st.: Hazelnut, 9st.; 9st.; Joey, 9st.
SCOTT MEMORIAL HANDICAP. Six furlongs.—Downhara, ftet. 31b.; Lady'MjdIleton, 7st. 61b.; Pariform, 7st. 31b.; Depredation, 7st. 21b.; Mount Victoria. 7st. 21b.; • Limpet, '6st. 101b.-; Vladineau, 6st. 71b. '-•
ORAKBA HACK HURDLES HANDICAP.-- One mile' and three-quarters — . Scorch,- 103t. 81b.; Queen's Post, lOst. 71b.; Resebhish, 9st. 101b.; Tarero, 9st. 81b.; 'Austin. 9st. 71b.: Brunswick, 9st.' 51b.; Nita, Sst. Sib.; Bivouac 9st.: 21.b.; Portland Lady, 9st. •
■■CAB.NAB.yON. HACK RACE.' Six,fnrJougs.—Coropet, ftst.; Martyress, Bst. Ifllb.; Miss Kelly. Bst.- 81b.; Pataoa, Bst. 81b.; Yladirieau, Rst. filb.: Tiora, 7st. 131b.; Carlysian, 7st. 121b.;Eewa,K<»wa, 7st. lift.; Ticino. 7st. Ifllb.: Glorify, 7st. 8!b.; Durane. 7st. 81b.: Whisperer, M. 31b. BANCfITIKEI CUP (oven). One mile jnd a quarter.—Sanare Pra.l, Bst. 101b.; Eewi.Poto. Bst. 91b.: Maniaroa, Bst; raiigihoii, Bst.: El Oallo, 7st. 91b.; Princess Moutoa, 76t. Sib.; Coldstream, 7st. 31b.; Byron, 7st. lib.:_ Master Moutoa, Sst. 131b.; Campeat'or. Est. 91b. r.Miralma, 6st. 91b.; Udy Nolan. Gst. 71b.
PUKKNUI WET,TER HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.—Zoln; 9st. 181b.; PJorist,, 9st. 81b.; Veto, Bst. 121b.; Bronk Delaval, Sst. 121b.; Coral. Kin?, Bst. Plb.; Dnod.'Asb Sib.; Analojrua. Sat. 51b.: Penniless, Bst. Sib.: Naranr, Bst. 21h.; Wnioture; Bst. lib.; Scrutineer. S't.; Montalvo, I Ss*.: Pawernwpre, B<:t.: Mick, Brt. ■ PABEWANUT WELTER HANDICAP (open). One-mile and half a furlrue.— Jnenru. 9st. 11b.; Bvron, 9st. lib.; Crawford, Sst. 131b.: Combustion, 'Bst. 111b.; 1 Stepney. Bst. nib.; Rumania. Sst. 81b.; pptronnK Rst. 31b.: Vlndkn. Rst.
NGATIAPA HACK HANDICAP. Five fiiTlonew.—lnterlude, 9st.: Coivwt, Sat. ■JS»lb.; "Paraoa, Bst. filb.; Miffs Kellv, fist. Rib.; Martlet. Bst. lib.; Cod. Sat.: Avenn, 7st. 131b.: MouW Queen, 7st. 131b.: TJn'ra. 7st. 1llh.: Carlvsisn. 7st. Bib.; Ipp.wa, 7st. 91b.: M°dame Ristori, 7st. 7ib.; Tliirane. 7st.. 61b.; Ladylike, 7st. 31b.; Mick, Tst. " ;
By' Telegraph—Pres6 Association. Acceptances for the South Canterbury Meeting are:— ' OTIPUA HURDLES. One mile and. a half .—Commotion, list. 91b.; Master Ham-' ilton, list. 91b.; Crib, list. 81b.; Peerless, lOst. 111b.; Caher Davon, . lOst. 101b.; Glenowl,~9st: 111b.; Rongahere, 9st. lllb.; Free, 9st. 51b.; Lord Frederick, 9st. 41b. f Miss Maionau, 9st. 31b.; Resemblance, 9st:; Kaupokonui, 9st.; Conner Boy. 9st. ■ROSEWILL.HACK HANDICAP. Five furlonjrs.—Bon, 9st. lib.; Margerine, 9st. lib.; Hornbeam. Sat. 131b.; Malvolia, Bst. Sib.; Forest Belle, Bst. 51b.; Finlesa, Bst.' 51b.; Tip-up, Bst. 31b.'; Melford, Bst. 21b.; Arthur George, .Tst. 91b,; High Water, 6st. lllb.; Fin-boy, 6st. 111b.; Formola, 6st. 101b. ;
AUTUMN HANDICAP. One mile.Findhorn, 9st.; United Service, Bst. 101b.; Peronilla,, Bst. 31b.; Aerial, Tst. 101b.; Charleville, 7st; Marc Antony, Tst. 71b.; Martuk, 7st. filb.; Comely, 6st. 71b. SMITHFIELD HANDICAP. Five furlongs—Oxenhope, 9st. 31b.; Chudic, 9st.; 'Pyjama, fist. 131b.;-Charlotte, Bst.; Hornbeam, Tat. 91b.; Me'dbnry, Tst. 71b.; Mal.rolia, 7st.' 41b.; Speedometer, 6st.. 121b.; Sartomart, 6st 71b.
AUTUMN STAKES. Six furlongs.Concordia, Bst. 91b.; County Kildare, Bst. 91b.; Daphne Bell, Sst. 91b.; Martigw's, Bst. 91b.; Orthoform, Sst. 91b.; Prenez Garde, Sst. 91b.; Sharp, Bst. 91b.; Sniper, Sst.-91b.; Sport, Sst. 91b.; Stargnzer, Sst. 91b.; Tokarahi, Bst. 91b.; Trevana, Bst. 91b.; Yes, Sst. 91b.; Bellrock, Tst. lllb.; Brawl, 7st. lllb.; Lenden, Tst. lllb . GLADSTONE HACK WELTER HANDICAP. Six- furlongs.—Bon, 9st. 81b.; Bellshire, Sst. 131b.; Forest Belle, Bst 121b.; Tip-up, Bst. 121b.; Deviation, Sst. lllb.; Melford, Bst. lllb.; Majestikoff, Sst. 91b.; Veritas, Bst. 81b.; Garetta, Sst. 51b.; Kiltless, Bst. 31b.; Don Francisco, Bsi. I Fiery Cross, Bst.;. Stargazer, Bst.; High Water,'Tst. lllb.; Formola, Tst. lllb.; Sport, Tst. lllb.
DONCASTER WELTER HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.—Ringform, Dsl. 71b.; Ogier, 9st. 61b.; Countess Tolstoi, (Ist. 51b.,-Briar Patch. 9st. 3ib.; Hap Dha, ftst. 21b.; Golden Rupee, Bst. 131b.; Gold Coin, Bst. 101b.; Leading Lady, Bst. 91b.; Gnome, Sat. Sib.; Mescal, Bst. 21b.; I'oudrette, 7st. 111b.
MARCH STAKES. Five furlongsDaphne Bell, Bst. 91b.; High Water, Bst. 01b.; Garetta, Bst. 91b.; Martegus, Bst. 91b.; Orthoform, Sst. 91b.; Prenez Garde, Sst. 91b.; Sniper, Sst. 91b.; Sport, Bst. 01b.; Stargazer, Bst. 91b.; Tokarahi, Bst. 91b.; Trevanoyes, Bat. 91b.; Aycliffc, 7sfc. ,111b.; Beltrock,';7st. 111b.; Brawl, 7st. Hlb.; Desperado. 7st. 111b.; Lindin, 7st. 111b. ~
PAHIATUA HANDICAPS, The following handicaps nave been declared by Mr. J. E. Henrys for the Pahiatua Racing Club's Annual Meeting, to be held on 'March 29:— HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, of 60 sovs. One ,iuilo and a half— Jackman, list. 31b.; Negative, lOst. 511>.; Black Lupin, lOst. 31b.; Brunswick, 9st. 91b. j Rerc■hau, 9st. 81b.; Lord Nelson, 9st. 71b.; Kuropotangi, 9st; Eapanui, 9s't.; Ceylon, Sst.; Ulysses, 9st.; Muleteer, 9st.; Manitoba, 9st. . WELTER HACK HANDICAP, of 50 sovs. Seven furlongs.—Lord tLaddo, lOst. 91b.; Waipunoa, lOst. 31b.; St. Omer, lOst. 21b.; Fore, 9st. 111b.; Lady Nolan, 9st. 91b.; Glcnorchy, 9st. 81b.; Whisperer, Sst. 111b.; Consultation, Sst. 101b.; Sir Saracen, Sst. 91b.; Otakura, Bst. 91b.; Altercation, Sst. 71b.; Gwynne, Sst. 71b.; Detroit, Bst. 7lb; „ ,„„ PAHIATUA HANDICAP, of 100 sovs. One mile and a quarter.—Dispatch Carrier, 9'st.; Combustion,,Sst 101b.; Miralma, Bst. 91b.; Black Lupin, Sst. 31b.; The Summit, Bst; Lord Laddo, 7st. 13\b.; Discussion, 1 7sf. 101b.; Mystified, 7st. (lb.; Pino Cliiy, 6st. 71b. „,„ . . ft ftONINI HACK HANDICAP, of 50 sovs. Six furlougs.-Otter, 9sf.; Conziska, Sst. 131b.; Maraetotara, Sst. 61b.; Rewa Rewa, 7st. 121b.; Whisperer, /st. 51b.; Kaiserine,-7st.; Orianda, 7st.; lncJicry, 7st.; Kaioture, 6st. 121b.; Pipe Clay, 6st. 71b.; Altercation, 6st. 71b. MAKURI WELTER HANDICAP, of 63 sovs. Seven furlongs.—Combustion, lust. 91b.;Black Lupin, lOst. 81b.; Mt. \ictona, 9st. 131b.; Otter, 9st. 121b.; Negative iist. 91b.; Lord Nelson, Sst. 101b.; Montreal, Sst. 81b.; Monjik, Sst. 71b. TELEPHONE HANDICAP, of 50 sovs. Five furlongs.-Ohlwai, Bst. 31b.; Otter, 9st. lib.; Miss Kelly, &t. 121b.; Martlet, Sst. 21b.; Rewa Rewa, 7st. 131b.; Goldbearing, 7st. 91b.; Consultation, 7st. t\y, Kaiserine, 7st. 21b.; Sir Saracen, .et.;, Bezonian gelding, 7st.; Sand, /St.; jlliss Pan, 6st. 131b.; Lady Frisco, 6st. 13b.; Wairenga,'6st. 121b.; Manitoba, fct. 121b.; CapeweU, Sst. 91b.; Pipe Clay, 6st. 9!b. BALLA.NCE HACK HANDICAP, of 55 sovs. One mile.—Lord Laddo, 9st; Mystified, .Bst. 81b.; Maraetotara, Sst. 41b.; Fore, Sst. 31b.; Lady Nolan, Sst. 1b..; Glenorchv, Sst.; Arrabno. 7st. 1311).; Brunswick, 7st. 91b.; Lord Nelson, <st. 41b.;'Kuropotaingi, 6st. 131b.; Otakura, 6st 121b.; Battletide, Gst. 71b.; Gwynne, 6st. 71b. '
\ ST. EILDA COP. By Telegraph—Press Association—OoDyTJeM (Rec. March. 19, 5.5 p.m.) Melbourne, March 19. At the V.A.T.C. Meeting on Saturday the race for the St. Kilda Cup, of 500 soys., one mile and three furlongs, resulted- as follows:—Wishing Cap, 1; Tringa, 2; Lady Mooltan, 3. There were eight starters. .Won by a length. Time, 2win. 21sec.
I: IBt Slencob.T
Nominations for all events, except the Sires' Produce Stakes and Manawatu Stakes, for the Manawatu Racing Club's Meeting, to be held on April 12 and 13, will be received by the secretary (11 Cuba Sti'eet, Paluierston North, P.O. Box 52), up till 9.30 to-night i The annual meeting of the Rangitikei Racing Club will be held on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Bercola is again in work at Hawera under J. Fryer. ', .
At Akitio Mr. F. ■ Armstrong has had some schooling fonces erected, and the steeplechaser Morning will be schooled there in future. All going well, the National winner will be eont to Melbourne this year. B. Deeley rode three winners on the first day of the Ohinemuri Meeting, while J, O'Shea, his rival in the winning jockeys' list, failed to ride one. Deeley is now only one behind o'Sb.ea's total. Postillion is now trained by A;. Hall ai Wanganui. ■ An inquiry held into the running of Henry Clay'in the Maiden Plate at Opunake. It was decided to impose a fine of JUb on the jockey, M. M'Donald, for setting out of his place at the start, and for not vigorously riding his horse at • the finish.'
The Opunake Racing Club's Handicap was annexed by the Inglewood'-owned mare, Maid o' Gowrie, ridden: by 0. M'Carten, who just managed to squeeze home by a head. A feature of the meeting was the riding of M'Carten, who had the winning mounts in the first five flat races, and jußt missed the sixth by a head.
A recent addition to R. Gooseman's team at Hastings is a two-year-old colt by King's Guest from Eland, dam of Munje, Alces, and Cervulus. Tho name of Exclusive has been claimed for the yearling full-sister to Bon Ton, The Toff, and Eligible. The Southland jockey, 3. Olsen, registered a good performance at the Waimato Racing Club's Meeting on Thursday, riding the winners of the first three galloping. events on the programme. R. Berry, who relinquished race riding some time ago, made his reappearance in the saddle at Waimate. Ho showed excellent form, and after being on the second horse in tw» close finishes he wound up by riding Charleville when she dead-heated with Moneymaker in the Stewards' "Welter Handicap, the concluding event of the day. In addition to tho cash prize attached to the "Waimate Cup, the' winner received a cup of the value of JMO. "When returning thanks after the win, Mr. H. Friedlander, the owner of Ardenyhor, announced his intention of donating a stun equal to tho value of the cup to the Waimate Patriotic Fund.
The aged gelding Debonaire (Daunt— Flutter), at one,time a member of F. Tilley's Fordell team, won a steeplechase event at the Clifden Meeting last week. Though not up to the number of other years, the entries for the Wellington Racing Club's Autumn Meeting are satisfactory, and quality is particularly well represented. Thfl fact that the club is racing before Easter ibis year is the cause of the S;alling-off in the entries, as setoral owners have designs on the big events at the C.J.C. arid A.R.C. Easter Meetings. ■ Handicaps for the Wellington Racing Club's Autumn Meeting, to be hold on April 6 and 8, are due on Friday next. Some very smart horses are engaged in the Thompson Handicap, to be Tun at the Autumn Meeting at-Trenthani next month, but with Chortle engaged Mr. H. Coyle, the club's haiidicapper, will not have to look far for a top ireight, though Panmure, Emperador, and Balboa will be very close to the Multifid gelding. • ■ ' ■ Splendid rain fell at Trentbam on Fridav and Saturday and the tracks there will be greatly benefited by the downpour. J. F. Jeffored, private trainer to Messrs. A.s B. and K. S. Williams, is expected at Trenthani early this week. He will bring with him Chortle and Multiplication.
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Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2724, 20 March 1916, Page 7
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