PHASES OF THE MOON. JANUARY. Day. ILr. m. New moon 5 455 p.m. First quarter 12 3 8 n.m. Pull moon 20 7 59 p.m. Last quarter 28 IS 5 p.m. JIOON. Moon rises to-d;iy, 10.6 p.m.; eete, 12.58 p.m. Fririav. TIDE. To-day, 9.34 a.m.; 10.2 p.m. To-morrow, 10.23 a.m.; 10.52 p.m. SUN. &Un rises to-day, 4.47 a.m.; sets, 7.18 p.m. ARRIVALS. WFjDNBSDAY, JAOTABY 26. WAIRAU, s.s. (4 a.m.). 93 tons, Dciley, from Blenheim. KAITOA, o.a.' (6.45 a.m.), 305 tons, Stevens, from Nelson. MAORI, 5.6. (8.2 C a.m.), 3399 tons. Manning, from Lyttclton. lIAWERA, k.6. (2.30 p.m.), 200 tons, Jack* eon. from Patea. COItINNA, 5.6. (5.45 p.m.), 1271 tone, J. Kcott, from .New Plymouth. HUAIiINE, s.s. (6.M p.m.), 10,758 tons, Smith, from Gisborne.
DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26. NEREHANA, s.s. (6 a.m.), 6533 tons, Griffiths, for London, via Las Palmas. ' I'ATEENA, s.s. (12.55 p.m.), 1212 tons. Irwin,- for Picton and Nelson. MAGIC, auxiliary scow (1.25 p.m.), 82 tons, Johansnn, for Picton. iSTOE-MBIBD, s.s. (3 p.m.), 217 tons, Gibson, for Wanganui. RIOUW, s.s. (4.50 p.m.), Ouwehand, 7256 tons, lor Melbourne. NGAKUTA, s.s. (5 p.m.), 12E0 tons, Muir. for Greymouth. ■ KAITOA, s.s. (5.40 p.m.), 350 tons, Stevens, for Nelson and Motueka. MAOKI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 3399 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Venn, Spencer, Du-yer, Iteid, Washer, Gash, Coomber; Dunning, Colder, Taylor, ■Sweiney, Hands, Lustins, Scott, Me6damos Haven and child, Amos, English, Lees, Dreaver, Reid, Dennist-on, Caesar, Kibbenbite, Weir, Blair, Kettle, Dunning, I'usehell, Hughes, Sykes, Parsonage, Speck, Milroy, ltodgcrs, Barryi Taylor, Lustins, Bull, Turner, Wells, Clare, Mackenzie, Messrs. Neville-Sipith, Brown, Lieut.-Col. Lewis, Capt. Stringer, Kerrigan, Macdonald, O'Donnell, Lieut. Lequcstre, -Amos, English, Baird (2), Jones, Stanbcrg, Mason, Dreaver,, Banslcy, Staff-Sergt.-Major Keen, Major Slceman, Francis, Jaekson, Justice, Hon. Jas. Allen, Derrett, Hamber, .Mathews, Wilson. Hamilton, Lennle, Eeid, Mooney, Tully, Barry (2), M'Gregor, Bolian, Catton, ltodgcrs, Ho.nan, Masters, Eyan, Kibblewhite (2), and Milroy, Beachmore (2), O'Brien, ltoss, Hateh, Cantrcll, Griffin, Hargreaves, Ludlow, Longley, Barker, Bickwcll, Bull (2), Clare, Mackenzie. BLENHEIM, s.s. (0.5 p.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, for Havelock. HAWEEA, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, for Havelock. lIAWERA. s.s. 18.15 p.m.). 200 tons. Jackson, for Patea. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kaituna, .Wcstport, January 27. Queen ol the South, Foxton, Jan. 27. Kapuni, Patea, January 27. Mana, Patea, January 27. Kapiti, Wanganui, January 27. Aorere, Patea, January 27. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, January 27. Mararoa, Lyttclton, January 27. Moeraki, Lyttelton, January 27. Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, Jan. 27. Pateena, Nelson, Picton, January 27. Hatvcra, Patea, January "id. Kowhai, Bluff, Timaru, January 28. Westralia, Lyttclton, January 28. Stormbird, Wanganui, January 28. Wairau, Blenheim, January 28. Waverley, Wanganui, January 28. Kaitoa, Nelson, Motueka, January 28. Maori, Lyttelton, January 28. Arahura, West Coast, Nelson, Jan. 28. Tarawera, northern ports, January 28. j\shburton, Gisborne, January 28. Indrabarah, Napier, January 29. Arahura; Picton, January 29. Jtipple, Gisborne. January 2». Paparoa, Wanganui, January 29. Pakeha, Lyttelton, January 29. Kini, Dunedin, January 'i'j. Blenheim, Havelock, January 29. Kahika, Greymouth, January 29. Berwick Law, Montreal, way ports, January 31.: Tainui, Auckland, Januaiy 31. Maitai,. San Francisco, January 31. Monowai, northern ports, February 1. Manuka, Sydney, February 1.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Corinthic, London, January 27. Komata, West-port, January 27. Queen of the South, Foxton, January 27. Aorcre, Patea, January 27. Canopus, Westport, January 27. John, Picton, January 27. Nikau, Nelson, Motucka, January 27. Mararoa, Lyttelton, January 27. Westralia, Sydney, via north, Jan; 28. Mana, Patea, January 28. Kapuni, Patea, January 28. Hawera, Patea, January 28. Kapiti, Wanganui, January 28. Woirau, Blenheim, January 28.' Waverley, Nelson, West Coast, Jan. 28. 1 Pateena, Picton, Nelson, January 28. Kaitoa; Nelson, Motucka, Jan. 28. Maori, Lyttelton. January 28. Coriuna, New Plymouth, January 28. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Jan. 28. Moeraki, Sydney,- January 28. l'arawera, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Jan. 28. Arahura, Picton, January 29. Opawa, Blenheim, January 25. Ktormbird, Wanganui, January 29. Blenheim, Blenheim, January 31. Ashburton, London, January 31. i Tutanekai, Lyttelton, January 31. Arahura, Picton, Nelson. West Coast, January 31. Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Feb. I. Ruahine, London, February 1. ■Ripple. Napier, Gisborne, February 1. Paparoa, London, February 2. Manuka, Lyttelton, February 1. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOERAKI, left Hobart January 15 and Sydney January 20 for Wellington direct. Arrived here January 24. Leaves January 28 for Sydney and Hobait. Due Sydney February 1. , WIMMERA, left Melbourne January 16 for Wellington, via Hobart. Arrived here January 21. Left January 24 for Melbourne, via south and Hobart. Due Melbourne, February 2. MANUKA, left Hobaj-t January 22 and leaves Sydney January 27 for Wellington diroct. ■ Due hero January 31. Leaves February 3 for Sydney and Hobart. Duo Syduey February 7 and Hobart February 10. WESTBALIA, leaves Lyttelton January 27 for Sydney, via East Coast ports and Auckland. i RIVERINA, leaves Sydney February 3 for Wellington' direct. Due here February 7. Leaves for Sydney February 10. Due there February 14, v VICTORIA, loaves Sydney January 28 for Wellington, via northern ports. Due hero February 5, and leives same day for Dunedin direct. N 'FRISCO SERVICE. fMOANA, left Wellington January 5 for San Francisco, via Rarotonga and Papeete. Due 'Frisco January 26. MAITAI, left San Francisco, January 9 for. Wellington, via Papeete and Rarotonga. Due Wellington January 31. ' VANCOUVER SERVICE. MAKURA, left Sydney January 20 for Auckland. Arrived there January 24, Left Jauuary 25 for San Francisco, via Suva and Honolulu. Duo Vancouver February 10. NIAGARA, left Vancouver January 19 for Auckland, via Honolulu and Suva. Duo Auckland February 7. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due there February 11. OKVRSEA STEAMERS IN N.Z. POETS. Following is a list showing where the various oversea steamers trading to and from New Zealand ports are from day to day whilst they are on the New Zealand coast:— Inwards. •Bound from. WTiero to-day. Berwick Law Montreal Auckland Tainui London Auckland Baron Cawdor .... New York Dunedin Paparoa Liverpool Wanganui Outwards. Bound to. Corinthic London , Wellington Indrabnrah London Gisborne Ruafcino London Wellington Pakeha Loudon Timaru . ' OVERSEA SHIPPING. Steamers. From. Left. Due. Indrapura London Nov. 29 Feb. 9 liotorua London Dec. 16 Feb. 11 N'vrtoru London Dec. 29 Mar. 14 Kuninra London Jan. 5 Mar. 1' Rimutaka London Jan. 17 Mar. 12 Tongariro Liverpool Dec. 6 Feb. 7 Beilon Liverpool Dec. 18 Fob. 8 Zralandic Liverpool Dec. 21 Mar. 8 Opawa Liverpool Jan. 7 Mar. 18 Bn-on Ogilvy ... Liverpool Jan. 13 Feb. 27 Talawa New York Nov. 14 Feb. 1 Port Augusta ... New l'ork Nov. 25 Feb. 15 Berwick Law ... Montreal Nov. 8 Jan. 31 Waiwera Montreal Dec. 1 Feb. 14 SAILERS TO ARRIVE. Celtic Glen, ship, left Liverpool November 15. v.ia Lyttelton. A. B Johnston, schooner, loft PugetSound, December 3i. Bl" TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY. January 25. Arrived—Victoria. 17 a.m.), from Wellington. . , Arrived.—Wanganui, from Wanganui, APttLAIDK. Jo unary S5, Balled,-"tow Crcus, Ssc Auckland*
SUVA, January 25. Armed.—lCurow, from Auckland. JIOBAKT, January 26. A wireless message from the Eotorua BtatDß that the steamer will arrive at noon on TJiurcday (to-day). COASTALi WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2«. AUCKLAND. Sailed— Katoa w p.m.), for Newcastle; Flora (1.15 p.m.), for Itarotoncii and Taluti. ONEHUNGA. Arrived.—Barawa (9.10 a.m.), from New Plymouth; Iteguius (6.55 a.m.), from Greymouth. Sailed.—Kaiapol (5 a.m.), for Greymontti. KEW PLYMOUTH. Sailed.—o. S. Holmes, eehooner (0.15 a.m.), for Wellington. PATEA. To sail.—Kapuni (1 a.m. January 27), liana II a.m., January 27), and Aoiere (1 a.m. January 27). WANGANUI. Arrived.—Kaplti (10 a.m.), from Wellington. FOXTON. To sail.—Queen of the South (mldniirht), for Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Pateeoa (5.10 p.m.),- from Wellington. NELSOK. Sailed.—Nikau (7 p.m.), for Wellington. TERAKOHE. Arrived.—WaverJey (2.15 D.m.). from Wellington. WBSTPORT. Sailed—Kaituna, (1.40 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Breeze (12.25 p.m.), from Timaru; Westvalia (11.29 a.m.), from Wellington; Moerakl (11.5 a.m.), from Wellington; Woottou (3.50 p.m.), from Nydia «»j. Sailed.—Cygnet, for Kaikoura; Breeze, for Picton; Walpori, for Wc6tport; Wakatu, for Kaikoura; Mararoa- (8.15 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrived—Kini (7.20 a.m.), from Weetport and Timaru: Wimmera (5.15 p.m.), from Auckland and East Coast ports. Sailed—Kotare (4.60 p.m.), for Invercargill. MANUKA DELAYED AT SYDNEY. Instead of leaving Sydney to-day for Wellington, the Manuka's departure has been postponed till to-morrow. The delay has been occasioned on account of a holiday at the New South Wales port to-day. This means that the Manuka will not arrive here till Tuesday of next week-o, day late. COBINTHIC FOE LONDON. Loading operations on the Corinthic were not completed in time for the vessel to sail for London last ejvoning. She was to have got away at 6 a.m. to-day.
R.M.S. ROTORUA EN ROUTE. . An expected arrival at Auckland ,from London, via Cape Town and Hobart, on Tuesday next is the Sew Zealand Shinning Company's R.M.S. Rotorua. She has 425 passengers on board, including a large number of invalided soldiere. The liner has 2000 tons of cargo for Auckland, and after discharge there will come on to Wellington, thence ■Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Timaru. HUDDART-PAEKF.R MOVEMENTS. Arrangements ■ have been made for the Wetstralia to leave Lyttelton this evening for Wellington, and is due here to-morrow morning. The vessel will Icavo for East Coast ports, Auckland, and Syduey during the evening. She will clear the northern port on Monday, January 31, and is due at Sydney on February 4. Oa February 9 she will leave on the return trip, being due at Auckland on February 13. On February 15 she will leave there for Dunedin, via East Coast ports. On account of to-day being a, holiday in Sydney, the departure of the Victoria for Auckland has been postponed till to-mor-row. She will not arrive at the northern port till Tuesday, February 1-a day late. Departure will be taken for southern ports on Wednesday, February 2, and'on February 5 the Victoria, will leave Wellington for Dunedin direct, thus omitting the usual call at Lyttelton. These arrangements have been made to enablo the vessel to pick up her time-table running. Tho Wimmera, which ia en route from Wellington to Melbourne, is expected to leavo Dunedin to-day for the Bluff. Departure will bo taken from, the last-men-tioned port for Hobart to-morrow afternoon. THE BERWICK LAW. An arrival at Auckland from Montreal, via Australian ports, late on Tuesday night was the New Zealand' Shipping Company's chartered steamer Berwick Law. She berthed at the ivharf yesterday morning. It is expected that the vessel will arrive at Wellington in time to commence discharge on Monday morning next. NEREHANA'S LOCAL CARGO. Shortly after 6 a.m. yesterday tho 0. and D. liner Nerehana cleared Wellington Heads for London. She loaded the following cargo at this port:—s329 bales wool, 518 cask 6 tallow, 330 casks pelts, 4469 crates cheese, 13.905 carcasses lamb, 1322 carcasses mutton, 2119 quarters beef, 115 bags frozen sundries. ' SHIPPING WOOL FROM BLUFF. Mr. R. Dunlop, manager of the Invercar-. gill branch of the New Zealand Shipping Company, informed a "Southland Times" representative on Saturday that the wool buyers had arranged for the shipment of the wool that was sold at the Invercargill sales on January 14. This had been achieved by securing the Arrino, a sister ship of the Ashburton, which was at Blulf la6t week. The Arrino is ' at. present at Brisbane, and after discharging there will call at ltockhainpton and Townsville. She is expected to leave Townsville for Auckland on February 3, and will reach Bluff, which will probably be her final port of call, some time in February, probably well on towards the end of the month. The Arrino will take 6900 bales from Blulf, and the Waiwera and Tongariro, both of which load from Bluff next month, will take, respectively, 3400 and 1000 bales MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Captain Collins, of the Moeraki, who has been on holiday leave, will rejoin his ship at Wellington to-morrow. . Mr. G. H. King, who has been acting-sec-ond officer of the Terawhiti, has resumed his position as third of the Pateena. , Mr. C. C. Richardson, late fourth engineer of the Mokoia, has joined the Pateena as third. Mr. J. E. Bish, late of the Pateena, haß come ashore for orders. Mr'. J. C. <M. Scott, purser of the Moe-1 ral;i, has been granted- leave, and will sign off here to-morrow. Mr. Menzios has been appointed purser of the Moeraki, pro tern. Captain F. W. Jackson, late chief officer of the Hospital Ship Moheno, has, it is understood, been appointed master of tho Waipori. Mr. .W. Martin has joined' the Mahcno as chief officer. Mr. A. H. Lauglands has joined the Mahcno as third officer in place of Mr. J. Dudcr, who has come ashore for orders. Mr. F. .Smith has signed on the Maheno as eighth engineer, and Mr. A. W. Knowles as assistant engineer. Mr. A. 11. Rcid has succeeded Mr. O. J.' Tully as second engineer of the Kahika. Mr. t Jones, late master of the schooner Morning Light, has joined the Mararoa as third officer in succession to Mr. Anderson, who has signed on the Pohcrua as chief. Mr. Bonner, late of the Poherua, has resigned from the "Onion Company's employ..
The Arahura arrived at Grey mouth from Wellington, via way ports, at 3 a.m. yesterday, and left on the return trip at 2 p.m. She was to have left Westport at 4 a.m. to-day for Nelson, and is scheduled to clear that port for Wellington at 9 p.m. She is due here about 7 a.m. to-morrow. The Corinua arrived in port from New Plymouth last evening with 12,340 boxes of butter and 6016 crates of cheese on board for transhipment to the Ruahine for London. She also brought 400 boxes of butter and 113 crates of cheese for transhipment to the Paparoa for Home. -When the Kowhai has discharged all her Bluff and Timaru cargo here on Friday she will be : laid up for overhaul. On Monday next tho Melbourne Steamship Company's Perth will load coal at Newcastle for Wellington. She will discharge at Miramar. The American schooner C. S. Holmes, which has been discharging lumber at New Plymouth, sailed from that port for Wellington at 0.15 a.m. yesterday. She is coming hero to pick up wool and hemp cargo for the United States. The intercolonial steamer Moeraki is expected to arrive from Lyttelton to-day, and has been allotted a berth at the Queen's Wharf. No. 1 north. Instead of leaving for Sydney this afternoon tho vessel's departure has been postponed till 5 p.m. tomorrow.
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Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2679, 27 January 1916, Page 8
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2,353SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2679, 27 January 1916, Page 8
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