PHASES OF THE MOON. JANUARY. Day, Hr. in. New moon 5 4 15 p.m. First quarter lis jj J P.m. Full moon 20 ' 59 p.m. Last Quarter 28 12 5 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 10.15 aim.; sets, 10.31 P ' m ' . TIDE. To-day, 8.47 a.m.; 9.16 p.m. To-morrow, 9.41 a.m. 10.9 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.28 a.m.; sete, 7.27 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, JANUARY 8. KAPUNI, s.s. (435 a.m.), 150 tons, Gibson, from Fatea. IIAWERA, 5.6. (3.30 a.m.), 200 tons, Jackeon, from Patca. NIKAU, s.s. (7.20 a.m.), 248 tons, Hay, from Nelson «ind Motueka. MAIUIIOA, 5.6. (8.45 a.m.), 2598 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton, with 400 passengers. KAPITI, s.s. (10.40 a.m.). 242 tons, Sawyers, from Wanganui. KOMATA, 6.5. (12.30 p.m.). 1994 tone, Carey, from Westport. OPAWA, s,s. (3.10 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. MAGIC, auxiliary ecow (2.30 p.m.). 82 tons, Beltlec, from Xydia Bay. I'ATEKNA, s.s. (6.5 p.m.), 1212 tonß, Irwin, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers; Silicon—Jlesdames Collier, Tov.iiec.nd, Fisher and child, Stewart aiid child, Fisher, Ohisliolm, Sidford, Goodwin, Belworthy, Saunders, Robertson, C-oote, Henderson, Ea6thami Dill, Misses Glasson, Nettleton (2), Hnllford, Alexander', Darrall, Ferguson, Hudson (2), Honeyfleld, Hearn, Dargaire, Alien, Greig, Grimmett, Robertson, Gapes. Hunter, Hunter, Melton, Walker, Watt, Diamond, Bennett, Beliworthy, Smith, Petherick, Nash (2). Darvall, Cameron, Raine, llouatihan, Knapp. Stout, M'Kay, "Messrs. Glasson, Carlyon, Townsend, Fisher, Carey, Everton, Hogg, Bricc, Brooker, Faulkner, Bmndell. Allen, Baigent, Faulkner, Jamieson, Collie, bushy, Wilkins, Chisholjn, Organ, Mai'Eden, Sidford, Sainsbury, Goodwin, Hardin, Trott, White, Bradley, Edmonds, M'Gregor, Watt, Watt, Heich, llendersou, Darvall, Claridge, King, Casey, Raine, Butcher, Hoggard, Ching, Cooke, East, Parkinson, Watson, M'Kay, Hall, Dill, Holdaway, Gladhill, Casthan; 25 steerage. STORM, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 405 tons, Wood, from Lyttelton. WAVERLEY, s.s. (6.20 p.m.), 157 tons, Riithe, from Waitaptu CENTURY, s.e. (9.40 p.m.), 4218 tons, Dowliie, from Na>icr. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, 5.6. (9.55 p.m.), 198 tons. Harvey.'from Foxton. ARAIIURA, s.s. (10.45.p.m.), 1596 tons, Reid, from Picton. SUNDAY, JANUARY 9. MANA, s.s. (I.EO a.m.), 134 tons, Johansen, from l'atea. BLENHEIM, s.s. (1.55 a.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson. from Blenheim. WAIIi.AU, s.s. (2.35 a.m.), 93 tons, Deiley, from Blenheim; KAMO, fi.s. (3.10 a.m.), 1300 tons, Watson, from Westport. AORliliE, s.s. (5.40 a.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, from Patea. 3CAOJU, s.s. (6.45 • a.m.), 3399 tons. Manning, from Lyttelton, with 275 passengers. I REGUIiUS, fi.s. (8.50 a.m.), 685 tons, Vickerman, from Nelson. KAITOA, 5.6.'(11 a.m.), 350 tons, Stevens, from Nelson. RUAHINE, s.s. (11.10 a.m.)/ 10.758 tons, Smith, from London, via Cape i Town, HoIw.rt, and Auckland. MONOWAI, 5.6. (12.50 p.m.), 3433 tons, Drewetle, from.Dunedin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Machel, Miller, ElTin. Mesdames Brown, Waterworth and child, Dunn, Dumbleton and 5 children, Potts,. Morris, Patterson, Short, Davidson, Messrs. London, Brown, Dunn, Dumbleton, Potts, Lord, Denniston, Lieut. Bristol, Jarvis, Patterson, Johnson, Mackay, Beaumont. Black, Short, Stringer, Menzies, Whitley (2). James, Anderson, Short,' Norris, Horricks, Archer, Davidson, Taylor, Trigg; 49 steerage. AWAHOU, e.s. (2.5 p.m.), 407 tons, Rodger, from Lyttelton. POHERUA. fi.s. (2.40 p.m.), 1175 tons, Lambert, from Lyttelton.
DEPAHTURES. ; i SATURDAY, JANUARY 8. ARAHURA, s.s. (noon), 1596 tons, Reid, for Piclfln. KAlt-U, s.s. (4 p.m.), 269 tons; W. Scott, for New Plymouth. NIICAU, s.s. (5.5 p.m.), V& tons, Hay, for Nelson. XGAHERE, s.s. (5.5 p.m.), 1090 tons, Dilner, for Greymoutli. HAWi'iEA, s.s. (6.20 p.m.), 2CO tons, Jackson, for Patea. PUTIKI, s.s. (10.10 p.m.), 409 tone, Whalstrom, for Wanganui. STOItM, s.s. (11 p.m.),' 405 tons, Wood, for Terakohe. OPAWA. s.s. (11.30 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. JOHN, s.s. (11.30 p.m.), 342 tons, Holm, for Wanganui. STORMBIRD, s.s. (11.35 p.m.), 217 tons, Dowell, for Wanganui. MARAROA, s.s. (11.56 p.m.), 2598 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ??s*tisngi, Chathams, January 10. Ripple, Gisbornc, January 10. Pakeha, Liverpool, way ports. Jan.lO. Kiui, Grcymouth, January 10. Jigakuta. Greymoutli. January 10. Opawa. Blenheim, January li. John, Wanganui, January 11/ Squall, East Coast, January 11. Stormbird, Wanganui, January 11. Putiki, Wanganui, January 11. Kapuni, Patea, January 11. Hawera, Patea, January 11. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, Jan. 11. 'Mararoa, Lyttelton, January 11. Oorinna, southern ports, January U. Policrua, southern ports, January 11. ; Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kalkoura, Jan. 11. Westmeath, Napier, January 11. Wcstralia, northern ports, January 11. Kia Ora, Napier, January 12. • Limerick, Wanganui, January 12. Victoria, Duuedtn, Lyttelton, January 13, Waihora, Calcutta, way : ports, Jan. 13. I'aloona, northern ports, January 14.
I PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kapuni, Patea-, January 10. ' Kapiti, Wanganui, January 10. Mana, Patea, January 10. Acrere, Patea, January 10. Itegulus, Kelson,. West Coast, Jan. 10. Valrau, Blenheim, January 10. Queen of the South, Foxton, Jan. 10. Blenheim, Blenheim, January 10. Patoeua, Nelson, January 10. Kaitoa, Nelson, Motuoka, January 10. Maori, DytteUon, January 10. Bincmoa, northern lights, January 10. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, Wcsf Coast, January 10. Athenic, London, January 10. • Monowai, northern ports, January 10. Corinna, New Plymouth, January 11. Polerna, West Coast, January 11. Hippie, Napier, Oieborne, January 11. Westralla. Lyttelton. Dunedin, Jan. 11. Nerohaua, Bay, January 11. Niliau, Nelspn, Jfotueka, January 11. Muraroa, Ly'ttelWn, January 11. llawcra, Patea, January 11. Kapuni, Patea, January 11. , J'utiki, Wanganui, January 11. Stormbird, Wanganui, January 11. Squall, East Coast, January 11 . Century, London, January 11. Opawa, Blenheim, January 11. liuahine, Lj'ttelton, January 12. Komata, Westport, January 12. Kamo, Greymouth, January 12. W'aUatu, Kftikoura, Lytteltou, January 12. Victoria, northern ports, January 13. Kai Ora, London, January 13. ■ Westmeatli, Boston, New York, Jan. R Paioona, Melbourne, via soutli, Jan. 14. A mnknr.n, Kermadees, January 14. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. INTEKCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOEBAKI. lelt Hobart December 24 and Sydney December 30 for Wellington direct. Arrived here January 3. Lett January 6 lor Sydney and Hobart. Duo Sidney January 10 and Hobart January 13. ULIMAHOA, left Hobart January 8 and leaves Sydney January 13, for Wellington direct. Due here January 17. Leaves January 20 for Sydney and Hobart. Due Sydney January 24. WIMiIEEA, left Melbourne December 24 and Hobart December 27 for Wellington direct. Arrived here Januar 1. Left January 3 for southern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. JIANUICA, left Hobart January 1, Sydney January 6, for Wellington direct. Due here January 10. Leaves January 13 for Sydney and Hobart. Duo Sydney January 17. MOKOIA, left Melbourne January 5 and Hobart January 7 for Dunodin. Duo there January 11. 'FRISCO SERVICE. IIOANA, left Wellington January 6 for Ran Francisco, Rarotonga, and Papeete. Duo,.' Frisco January 26. JJAITAT, leaves San Francisco January 7, for Wellington, via Papeete and Rarotonga. Due Wellington January 29. VANCOUVER SERVICE. MAKURA. left Vancouver December 22 for Auckland, via Honolulu and Suva. Duo Auckland January 10. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney January 14. NIAGARA, left Sydney December 23 tor Auckland direct. Arrived there December 27. Left December 28 for Vancouver, via Suva and Honolulu. Due Vancouver January 13. OVERSEA STEAM EKS IN N//5. PORTS. Following is a lint showing where the various: oversea steamers trading to and from New Zealand ports nre Trom day to day whilst they arc on the Now ZciUnm!
Inwnrds. Bound Ironi. Where to-day. Baron Cawdor ... New VorK Wellington Pakelia Liverpool Wellington Faparoa Liverpool Lytlolton Nerehana. London Wellington llua.liine London Wellington Outwards. Bound to. CeTinthic London Dunetlin Athcnic London Weliirigton lvia Ora London Napier Century London Wellington Wcstmeath New York (iisborne Limerick London Wanganui Ditlmore London Wellington OVEIISEA SHIPPING. Stomevs. From. Left. Due-. Indrapura London Nov. 29 Feb. 9 Tainui London Dee. 1 ,Tan. 19 liotorua, Loudon Dec. 16 Feb. 31 Niwnru London Dec. 29 Mar. U Athenic Liverpool Oct. IS Jan. 7 I'akeha Liverpool Nov. 14 Jan. 10 'Pongariro' Liverpool Dec. 6 Pel). 7 Devon Liverpool Dec. 18 Feb. 8 Saalandic Liverpool Dec. 21 Mar. 8 liaron Ogilvy ... New York Dec. 13 Jan. 10 Riumv New York Sop. 21 Jan. 19 Baron Cawdor ... New York Sep. 18 Feb. 27 Talawa New York Nov. 14 Jan. 17 Wagama New York Nov. 18 Jan. 19 Port Augusta ... New York Nov. 25 Feb. 10 Horwick Law ... Montreal Nov. 8 Jan. 16 Waiwera. Montreal Dec. 1 Feb. 14 SAILER TO ARRIVE. Celtic Glen, ship .left Liverpool November 18, via Lyttetlon. BY TELEQnAWf. OVERSEA. SYDNEY', January 9. Arrived.—BiTerina, from Auckland. COASTAL. SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, AUCKLAND. Sailed—Pakeha (6.10 a.m.), for Wellington; Westralia (4 p.m.), for south. WANGANUI. Arrived—Breeze (10.10 a.m.), from Wellington. NEL-SON. Arrived.—Alexander (11.35 a.m.), from Wellington. WBSTPORT. Arrived.—Kowlioi (7.15 p.m.), from Wellington. GREYMOUTH. Arrived.—Ngakuta (2.20 p.m.), from- Wellington. KAIKOUKA. Arrived.—Wakatli (10 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived—Victoria (1.30 p.m.), from Wellington. ' DUNEDIN. Arriwd.—lnvcrcorgill (6 a.m.), from Bluff. Sailed.—lnvcrcargill (4.50 p.m.). for Inver-e-arsjill; Whangapo (6.20 p.m.), for Westport. SUNDAY, JANUA.UY 9. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Poloona (9 a.m.), from south. PATEA. Arrivcll.—Hawera (noon), from Wellington. WANGANUI. (tl'rived.—Stormbird (12.20 p.m.), Putiki (1.20 p.m.), and John (2.25 p.m.), from Wellington.
BLENHEIM. 'Arrived.—Opawa (10.15. a.m.), from Wellington. GREYMOUTH. Bailed— Ngahuta (0.5 n.m.), and Kini (0.55 a.m.), for Wellington. LI'TI'ELTON. Arrived.—Mararoa (3 p.m.), from Wellington. TIMARU. Arrived.—Kaiapoi (10 a.m.), from Edithburg. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Victoria (10.25 a.m.), from north. 6ailed.—Koromiko (9.15 a.m.), for Sydney. • MANUKA FROM SYDNEY. On inquiry lust evening it was ascertained tliat no wireless message liad been, received from the Manuka as to the time of her expected arrival from Sydney to-day. As the vessel did not clear the New South Wales port till' 9 p.m. on Thursday it is reasonable to suppose that she will not mako port till late this afternoon, or early this evening. HIMITANGI IN PORT. At midnight last night the disabled 6tcamer Himitangi (from the Chatham Islands) was three miles off 'Wcllingtoil Heads. As she was only making four knots per hour it was expected that she would, not make port before 2 a.m. The Himitaiigi lost three blades of her propeller at 1.30 p.m. on Saturday, January 1, when leaving Mauukau, for Whangaroa, but was able to proeeod on her way with the remaining blade at about five knots per hour. She arrived at Whangaroa. at 9.30 p.m., and left l'or Wellington direct at 10.45 a.m. on 3r<ihday last. The Ruahine, which arrived at Wellington from Auckland yesterday, imported having spoken, the Himitangi at 5 <1.m., about 55 miles out from Wellington. This morning the Himitangi will bo placed on the Patent Slip for repairs. ALL-BRITISH CREWS. The representations of the British Seamen's Unions against the employment of Chinese on transports have been followed by action in the right direction. . As the result of a conference in London recently the following notice has been issued by the British Admiralty to the owners of all transports, as well as to mercantile marine officers':— "In Admiralty transports crews should be. so far as possible, British or British coloured persons. No other nationalities should be engaged, unless it is found impossible 'without delay to the transport service to secure crews of British and British coloured persons. This rule shall not necessarily apply in tlie/caw of ships which at the time of requisitioning had aboard a. crew of Asiatics signed on at an Asiatic port." MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Captain J. Lambert, lato of the - Mapourika, is now in charge of the PohcruaCaptain Elder, of the Kara, having come ashore on account' of illness in. his family, Captain W. Scott has taken charge of the vessel. Mr. W. H. Nisbett has joined the Maungaltui as third ofliccr, in place of Mr. E. Waikin. Mr. J. A. Kearney ha 6 joined the vessel as wireless operator. Mr. W. Sommerville, third engineer of the Tahiti, has come ashore to sit for his ! chief's ticket. The other engineers have I been promoted a step. : Mr. J. Duuwoodie has succeeded Mr. A. M'Arthur as chief engineer of the Karu. Mr. E. Knox, chief engineer of the Mararoa, has come a6hore, and Mr. P. A. M'Douald has joined the vessel. Jlr. G. Amies, purser of the Maori, and Mr. D. Butler, purser of the Monowai, have exchanged iiositions. Captain Ritchie, late of the Arahura, has gono south to talto charge of the Terawera. It is anticipated that the P. and S. liner Westmeath will arrive here from Napier either to-morrow or Wednesday. She will fill up here with wool for Boston and New York, and' ta'ke her departure for the American ports cither on Friday or Saturday next. The Union steamer Kaituna was expected to leave Adelaide on Friday for Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. Overhaul to the Flora at Auckland is expected to be completed in time for her to leave thoro for the Pacific Islands on January 18. The Wanaka, arrived at Port Chalmers from the Bluff yesterday to undergo overhaul and survey. Subsequently she will load produce at southern ports for Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. The New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered steamer Century will load for Home at Wellington to-day, and will be dispatched for Loudon early this week. K.M.S. Ruahine. from London, via way ports, berthed at the King's Wharf yesterday morning. After landing a part cargo here the vessel will proceed south about Wednesday next. The New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered steamer Limerick is due here for Homeward loading about the middle of this week. During the course of the next few days tile C. and D. liner Port Augusta should show up at Melbourne from Jlew York. She. will come across to Dunedin and work up the coast to Auckland, calling in at Wellington. towards the end of this month. According to the monthly return issued by the secretary of the Westport Harbour Board, the output of coal last month was 46,081 tons, while the export amounted to 42,771 tons. The Karamu took 629 tons to Fiji. Altogether 59 vessels entered the port ami 61 left. The total tonnage for the month was 62,178 tons. The mean high water in tile river was 26ft. lin., and ou the bar 24ft. lin. Having left Auckland at 6.10 a.m. on Saturday, the Shaw-Savill steamer Pakeliawill arrive here early this morning. She will berth at the King's Wharf to land the local portion of her Liverpool cargo prior to visiting southern ports. Messrs. Dalg6Ty and Co., who are acting as inward agents for the vessel, have an advertisement referring to corgq in this issue.
A small hiimllMß is all you need curry wliei. you cheek your baggage through us. Wo collect, chock on, deliver immediately. You travel unencumbered, and gel your bajrgago ill end of journey. The New Zealand Express Co., Ltd., 87-111 Customhouse Quay.—Advt. "Yun look pnle and thin. AVliat is it." "Work! From morning till jiieiht, and only a one-liour rest." "How 10112 have ,you been at it?" "I Elmll jbQ.inorrow."-
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Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2665, 10 January 1916, Page 8
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2,376SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2665, 10 January 1916, Page 8
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