p PHASES OF THE MOON.. DECEMBER. Day. Hr. m. New moon V 5 34 a.m. First quarter 13 It S p.m. Pull moon 22 0 22 a.m. Lost auarter 50 0 29 A.m. MOON. Moon rises to- clay, 11.13 p.m.: sets, 12.45 p.m. Thursday. TIDE. To-tlay, 9.48 n.m.j 10.17 p.m. To-morrow, 10.41 a.m.; 11.6 p.m SDN.' Sun rises to-dar, 4.17 a.m.; sets, 7.27 p.m. ARRIVALS. . TUESDAY, DEOEMBEE 2d. OPAWA, s.s. (2.5 a.m.), 110 tons, from Pencarrow Hcada, put back tlirouffi stress of weather. WAIIEEA, s.s. (7.20 a.m.), 404 tons, ham, from Nelson, NIKAU, 6.5. (7.35 a.m.), 248 tons. Bar, from Nelson. lIAKAROA, s.s. (9.20 a.m.), 2598 toas, Cameron, from Lyttelton. MAPOUBIKA, s.s. (9.20 a.m.), 1203 tons, Lambert, from Nelson and Picton MOKOIA, s.s. (11.45 a.m.), 3502 tons, Brown, from Eyttelton. PATHENA, S.S. (9.45 p.m.), 1212. tons, Irwin, from Nelson a-nd Picton, ivi'tli 200 passengers. DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, DEOEMBES 28. OPAWA, s.s. (0.15 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. JOHN. s.s. (12.30 p.m.), 342 tons, Holm, for Wanganui. StAPOUItIKA, .s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 1203 tons. Lambert, for Picton and Nelson. KITTAWA, s.s. (3 p.m.), 1247 tons, for Oicymouth. VAKATU. s-s. (4.15 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura and Lyttelton. WESTItAXiXA, s.s. (4.25 p.m.), 2884 tons, Bates, for Dunedin. NIKAU, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 248 tons, Hay, for Nelson and Motueka. KAMO, s.s. (5,20 p.m.), 13C0 tons, Watson, for Greymouth, KAI'ITI, s.s. (7 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers, for Wianganul. MAPiAIIOA, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 2598 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton, with 270 passengers. STORMBIKD, s.s. (8 p.m.), 217 tons, Gibson, foi Wanganui. WAIMEA, s.s. (8 p.m.), 454, tons, Graham, for Nelson. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH,, s.s. (10 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, for Foxton. , RIPPLE, s.s. (10.5 p.m.), 370 tonfl, Carlson, for Napier and Gisborno. AWAHOU, u.s., (10.10 p.m.), 407 tons, Rodger, for Lyttelton. ULIMAROA, s.s. (10.55 p.m.), 5777 tons', Wyllie, for Lyttelton.- . MOKOIA, s.s. (midnight), 3520 tons, Brown, for Hobnrt and Melbourne. , WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29. OPAWA. s.s. (1 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenlieiin. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Westmeatli, Port Pirie, Deeoinber 29. l'utiki. Wanganui, December 29. Kaitoa, Nelson, ifotueka, December 29. Maori, Lyttelton, December 29. Ngatoro, New Plymouth, December 29. Moana, 'Frisco, way ports, December 29. Stormbird, Wanganui, December 30. Opawa, Blenheim, December 30. Queen of the South, Foxton, Decomber 30. Jl!in«, Patea, December 30. Kapiti, Wanganui, December 30. Itegulus, Terakobe, December 30. Mapouriloa, Nolson-, Picton, Dec. 30. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, December 30. Maxaroa, Lyttelton. December 30. Ulimaroa, Lyttelton, December 30. Kapuni, Patea, December 30. Victoria, Dunedin, 'Lyttelton, Dec. 30.' Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura. Dec. 30. Arahura. Wost Coast, Nelson, Doc. 31. i'aloona, northern ports, Decomber 31. Rcinucra, Auckland, December 31. Kamo, Greymouth, December 31. Alexander, Sounds, December 31. Wakatu, Lyttelton, i K-aikoura, Dec. 31. Hta-r of India, Napier, December 31. Awnhou, Lyttelton, December 31. Wimmera, Melbourne, Hobart. January 1. Westralia, Dunedin, Lyttelton. January 2. liinnle, Gisborne, January 2. Itonowai, northern ports, January 4. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Haweru, Patea, December 29. Blenheim, Blenheim, December 29. Wcstmcath, Lyttelton, December 29. - Aorcre, Patea, December 29. Putiki, Wanganui, December 29. Waitau, Blenheim, Decomber 29. Werribcc, Sydney, December 29. Pateena, Picton, Nelson, December 29. Kaitoa. Nelson, Motueka, December 29. Maori, Lyttelton, December 29. Hinemoa, Cook Strait, December 29. Blenheim, Ilavclock, Sounds. Dcc. 29. Karu, New Plymouth, December 29. il-akacoa, Wcstport, December 29.' Kamona, Greymouth, December 29. Komatu, Wcst-iiort, SO. Opawa, Blenheim, Docembcr 30. Mana, Patea, December 30. ! Kapiti, Wanganui, December 30. Rcgulus, Nelson, West Coast, Dec. 30. Mapourika, Picton,' Nelson, Dec. 30. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, December 30. Mararoa., Lyttelton. December 30. . Victoria, northern ports, December 36. Kapuni, Patea, December 30,. Ulimaroa, Sydney, Deccmbor 30. Arahura, Picton, December 31: Paloona, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Doc. 31. Corintkic, Lyttelton, December 31. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton. Dec,. 31. Alexander, Nelson, West Ooast, Dec. 31. Queen of tho South, Foxton, Dec. 31. Stormbird. Wangunui, December 31. Wimmera, Melbourne, Via south, Jan. 3. Wakatu. Kaikoura, Lyttelton, January 3. Westralia, northern ports, January 3.. Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, January 4. Ripple, Napier, Gisborno, January 4. Star of India, London, January 4. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. JIOERAKI, left Hob art December 24 and leaves Sydney December 30 for Wellington. direct. Duo here January* 3. Leaves January 6 for Sydney and Hobart. Due Sydney January 10 and Hobart January 13. ULIMAROA, left .Hobart December 18, and Sydney December 23 for Wellington direct. Arrived here December 27. Lcaveß December 30, for Sydney and Hobart-. Duo Sydney January 3. WIMMERA, left Melbourne December E4 and Hobart December 27 for Wellington direct. Duo here January 1. ; Leaves January 3 for southern ports, Hobart,. and Melbourne. MANUKA, leaves Hobart January 1, and Sydney Jamiary 6, for Wellington direct. Duo here January 10. Leaves January 13 for Sydney and Hobart. Due Sydney January 17. MOKOIA. left Melbourne December 14 and Hobart December 16 for Wellington, Tin south. Arrived hero December 25. Left December 28 for Melbourne, via Hobart. Dub Melbourne January 3. RIVERINA, leaves Sydney December 30 for Auckland dirct. Duo there January j. Leaves January 4 for Sydney. Due there January 8. •FRISCO SERVICE. MAITAI. left Wellington December 13, for San Francisco, via ltarot-onca and Papeete. Due 'Frisco January 2. MOANA, left San Francisco December S for Wellington, via Papeete and Rarotonga. Dud Wellington Decembor 29. VANCOUVER SERVICE. ;■ MAKURA, left Vancouver December 22 for Auckland, via Honolulu and Suva. Due Auckland January 10. Leaves s«mo day tor Sydney direct. Due Sydney January 14. NIAGARA, left Sydney .' December 23 for Auckland dircct. Arrived there December 27 Left December 28 for Vancouver, via Suva and Honolulu. Duo Vancouver 3 anuary 13. OVERSEA STEAMERS IN N.Z. POETS. Following is a list showing where tho various oversea steamers trading to and from New Zealand ports are from day to day whilst- they are on the New Zealand coast:— Inwards. Bound from. Where to-day. Paparoa Liverpool Auckland Weribee 'Frisco Wellington Outwards. 1 Bound to. Remuera London Auckland Corinthic London Wellington Kauri 'Frieco Napier Star of India London Gisborno Athenic London Whangiirei Kia Ora London Timaru Century London Auckland Westmeath New York Lytt-elton Ocean Monarch... London Timaru OVERSEA SHIPPING. Steamers. From. Left. Duo. Nerohnna London Oct. 17 Jan. 6 Indrapnra London Nov. 29 Feb. 14 Ruahinc London Dcc. 1 Jan. 15 Tflinui London Dee. 1 Jan. 15 Rotorua London Dec. 16 Feb. 11 sthenic Liverpool Oct. 18 Jan. 6 Paparoa Liverpool Oct. 20 Jan. 4 Pakciin Liverpool Nov. 14 .Tan. 6 Tongariro — Liverpool Dec. 6 Feb. 7 Ttimiw New York Sep. 21 Jail. 19 Baron Cawdor ... New York .Sep, 18 Jan. 9 Talmva '• New York Nov. 14 Jan. 15 Wagama New York Nov. 18 .Tail. 19 Port Augusta ... New York Nov. 25 Feb. 10 Berwick Law Montreal Nov. fl Jon. 16 Woiwera 'Montreal Dec. 1 Feb. 14 M.-tltcno Suez Nov. 29 Dcc. 29 SAILER TO ARTUVH. Celtic tlvei'pool
BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY, December 25. Arrived.—Manuka (2.30 p.m.). COASTAL. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26.. ■ AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Ncrehana (5.45 a.m.), from Sydney; Actif (8.45 a.m.), fron Newcastlo. . Sailed.—Niagara (12.15 p.m.), for Vancouver, • via Suva and Honolulu. Sailed.—Pa loona (2 p.m.), ofr southern ports. Passengers—Saloon: For Welli'ngto'ii —Mcsdames M'Lean, Watts, and Mr. Wilson. NAPIER. Arrived —Monowai (10.30 a.m.), from Wellington. To ?ail.—Kauri (5 p.m.), for San Francisco, via Suva. NEW PLYMOUTH. Battel.—Ngatoro (12.10 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Kapuni (1.45 p.m.), from Wellington. WANGANUI. . Sailed—Putiki (11.30 a.m.), for Wellington. PISTON. Arrived.— llapourlka (6.20 p.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Arahura (2 a.m.), from Wellington ton and Pioton. Sailed.—Kaitoa, (8 p.m.), for Wellington; Waverley (11 a.m.), for Wellington. FAREWELL SPIT. Weatmcath passed east at 10.40 a.m. LYTTELTON., Sailed —Petone. for Napier: (7.5 p.m.), for Chatham Islands; Opouri, for Greymouth; Maori (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington, with 600 passengers. TIMA3UJ. Arrived.—Ocean Monarch (5 p.m. December 17), from Premantle. DUNEDIN. Sailed.—Victoria (5.10 p.m.), for Auckland. Passengers—Saloon; For Wellington— i Misses Marfell,' Mitchell, Bohmann, Ellis, Anderson. Ivilmartin,: Mesdaraes ICoUand, Miller, Bohmann, Strang and child, Armit, Freeman, Messrs. Kellaad, Miller, Bohmann, Strang. For Napier—Mrs. Smith, Messrs. Cowell, Wilkinson. For Auckland—Masses M'Coll, Gray (2), Carnee, Me«lames Day, Roxburgh, Bennett, Father Lynch; 30 steerage. BLUFF. Arrived—Whang-ape, (6.55 p.m.), December 2?), from Sydney. 'MOAN A FROM 'FRISCO.. Captain Stringer, of E.M.S. Jloana,* has advised the local oflica of tho Union Company by wireless that ho hopes to make port .from San Francisco at noon to-day. NEREHANA AT AUCKLAND. • At 5.45 a.m. yesterday tho 0. and D. liner is'ereliana arrived at Auckland from' London, via way iports. After discharging part of her cargo at the northern port the vessel will proceed on to Napier. Wellington should be reached about January t>, and 1000 tr.ns of cargo will be landed here before tho vessel commenccs loading for llomu. - HtJDDART-PARKER STEAMERS. A pro,|ec>«d departure from Hobart for Wellington last evening was the Wimmora, which is en route from Melbourne. The vessel is due hero on New Year's morning, and has an exceptionally large. English mail on board. She will remain in port till Monday, January' 3, when she. will leave for Hobart and Melbourne, via southern ports. The Westralia is to leavo Duncdin for northern ports to-morrow—a day earlier than usual. She will arrive hero from Lyttelfcon on Saturday, nhd will remain in port till 5 p.m. on llonday. Tlio Victoria, which is duo from southern ports . to-morrow, will be dispatched for Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland at noon the same day. I MESS-TABLE'GOSSIP. Mr. R. Allsop has succeeded Mr. E. Miller as wiTeless operator on the Victoria. Captain W. Hende'r has taken charge of the Rakanoa, vice Captain K. E. Smith. Mr. J. J. Cottier, second officer of the Squall, has come ashore. . Mr H. Anderson has signed on tho Mnraioa as third officer. Mr. A. G. Baggett, second officer. of the Waimea, lias joined tho Waverley as chief. Mr. W: Williamson has filled the vacancy on the Wainico. \ For the purpose of commencing loading under the auspices of the Shaw-S&vill Oo„ the chartered steamer Ocean Monarch has •arrived at Timaru from Fremc-ntle. Lyttelton and Wellington will bo the vessel's other ports of call irn these waters. . It'is expected that tho Vacuum Oil Company's chartered steamer Baron Cawdor will arrive at Wellington from .New York, via Auckland, on or about January 9. It was expected that the C. aud D.' liner Niwaru. would leave London yesterday for Australian ports, Auckland, Napier, and Wellington. This port should bo reached about the middle of March. On November 25 the Port Agusto cleared New York for Melbourne, Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. After landing cargo uero about thu end of next month, the Port Agusta will proceed to Australia to load. The barque Louisa, Craig, 683 tons, is to load general, cargo at .Melbourne .for Auckland. According to an Australian exchange Captain Simpson, of the steamer- Clan Macarthur, stated thai, somo time during a recent Saturday ■ night a, new hawser, wluch was helping hold the vessel to No. 7 berth, Darling Island, Sydney, was cut. aud only for the fact that it was not cut through tho vessel did not get adrift during one of the -heavy squalls. .The head office of tho Shaw, Savill and Albion Company liaß been advised that the Zealandic cleared Liverpool on December 21 for Australian ports. This steamer will load Homewards at New Zealand ports towards the ond of February. From Onehunga tho Kanainu will proceed to Westport to load coal for Fiji. On arrival at tho Islands she will taks in it full load of fruit for Wellington. _• In order to complete Homeward 'loading the 0. and D. liner Star of India, will arrive in port from Napier on Friday next. Departure will be taken for London on January 4. Mail advices from San Francisco state that, the cargo carried by the steamer Minnesota, which recently steamed from Seattle for England, breaks all ocean, dead ■weight rccords, holding supreme rank as the greatest cargo ever taken across any ocean in all history (says a Sydney exchange) Tho chief consignments aboard the vessel are: 26,000,000 pounds of wheat, ard barley; fish, 4,000,000 pounds; lumber,. 2,000,000 pounds; and 120,000 pounds of hops, the total deadweight, cargo, including coal, being 25,000 tons. On account of tho New Year holidays the Nikau will not visit Wellington next Saturday from Nelson. After tho departure of the Kaitoa for Nelson and Motaeka on Friday, thero will be 110 Anchor Lino's boat from licrc to Hie ports mentioned till Tuesday, at 5 p.m.
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Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2655, 29 December 1915, Page 8
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2,035SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2655, 29 December 1915, Page 8
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