I'll ASUS OF THE MOON. OGTOTIKU. Day. llr. m. l-ast nunrlcr 1 9 14 p.m. New moon 9 9 12a.m. Firel. timirlcr lli 12ta.m. Pull nio.ML 23 It <15 a.m. Last uunrtcr 31 4 10 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 6.57 p.m.; sets, 5.1 a. in. Saturday. TIDE. To-day, 3.38 a.m.; 4.3 p.m. To-morrow. 4.36 a.m.; 4.55 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.53 a.m.; sets, 6.16 p.m. ARRIVALS. TIIUItSDAY, OCTOBER 21. TICTOIUA, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 2969 tons, Oroft, from liytlelton: 12 saloon an<l 4 steerage passengers. NIKAU. as. (8.50 a.m.). 248 tons, Hay, from Neisou and Motueka. MAItAIiOA, s.s. (9 a.m.), 3598 tons, Cameron, from [jyttclton. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Pearce, Fletcher, Maxwell, Douglas, Jehb, Mackinder, Mesdames Green and boy, Itowau, Grißln, Hdyman, Burns, Orniand.v, Pearce, Brown, Porter, Lieut. Hawkins, Q.M.S. llicks and Moos. Messrs. Uushbrook,' Green, Watson, Curtis, Pnllard, M'l'herson, Clifton, Griflin, Pollard, I):irrach, Waite, Allan. Murray, Vernon, Cliristenson, Fowke, Christian, Pickering, Vickerman, Chapman, llurton. Merryman, Brown, Wylde, Pc«,ree, Ciunming, Carnarvon, i!uehbrook, Canavon; 21 steerage. ARAWA,>.b.s. (11.5 a.m.), 9372 tone, 01a.ydon, from Auckland.
MANUKA, s.s. f1.30 p.m.), 4505 tons, Clift from. Ijyttclton. WTtKATU, 5.6. (5.10 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills from. LytteLton and Kaikoura. ARMIUEA, «.«. (7.30 p.m.). 1596 tons Holmes, from Nelson and l'icton. Passcn gers: Saloon—Misses Morrison, Maples, Leg gatl, Btticl:, Sleigh, Timnicliffc, Saywell Morreny. Fulton, Barclay. O'Sullivan (2) Kerr, Mesdamss Sla-den, Yosper, Maples l'reiHler. Alicrns, Willis, Roberts, Red wood and child, Boon, Jackson, Fulton Logan, Bush, Ball, Menlove, Oheeseman Taipp, Campbell, Young, Oragg, Burns Hatts, Cowley, Liunbruck, Geary, Price Canon Purehas,. Messrs. Fisher, Summers Hot. Vospcr, Keating, Jennings,, Morton Dwyer, Davies, Hunt, Simpson, Lovcridge Munro, Walton, Eraser, Ohandler, Duncan Brown, Avery, Botham, Gane, Oreswell Matthows, Soper (3), Davies, Jones, M'Ar thur, Logan, Nicholas, Fuller, umcc, Mor gan, 'Vavasour, Ball, Menlove, Oheeseman Bennlng, Cameron, li'Callura, M.P., Perano 31'Artney, Young. Anderson, Hall, Admore Long, Kennedy, Thomas, Pickering, O'Dono ghue. Lambruck, Tapp, Cowley, Stratford Geary. Gordon; 18 steerage. MAPOURIKA, s.s. (10.15 p.m.), 1203 tons Carey, from Westport and Nelson. Pae sengers: Saloon—Misses Ryan. Manners Mesdames Johnston, Pearson, Burns, Green Gambnll, Messrs. Gualter. Hopkinson, Mun son, Wilson, Bason, Charters, Martin, Ring rose, Father Long, Quartermastcr-Sergt Fayen; 39 steerage.
OPAWA, s.e. (11.10 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. DEPARTURES. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21. AOKEIM3, s.O. (11.35 a.m.), 77 tone, Risk, for Patea. KAPUNI, s.s. (1.10 p.m.), 150 tons, Gibson, for Patea. NIICAU, s.s. (5.10 p.m.). 24fl tons, Hay, for Nelson and Motueka. Passengers: Saloon— Sergt.-Major Hurdley, Mesers. Thompson, and Waters. VICTORIA, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 2969 tons, Bates, for northern ports.
MARAHOA, s.s. (7.£0 p.m.), 2598 tons. Cameron, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaJoon— Misses CjoUc, Moreland, Neaves (3), M'Gill (2), Page, fteafe, Fox (2), Meisdames Adams, "Roan, Orbcll, Ma*sey, Lieut. Hawkins, Messrs. Meek, Posers, Adams, Hutching#, Todd, O'Sliea, Ganvrud, White, Orbell, fr'Donald, Wilson, Ward, Gardner, Rowo, Taitt, Yiln, Parker, Andrews, Wall, Hamp* den. Hicks; 30 steerage. MANUKA, s.s; (8.25 p.m.), 4505 tons. Clift, for Sydney. Passengers: Saloon—'Misses Basil,, Needle, Bundocjs, Rogers, Orange. Craig, Higjpus. Murch. Ballantine, Neilson, Jackson, Hall, Achison, M'Gibb, Kenning. Lynch. Pollard, and 4, Mosdames Hurray, Dryden, Green (2), Paterson. Buckley (2), Saddler, Jtyland, Knudson, Leggatt, Do Winter, Murton, Lareen, Mabin, Weston, Hamilton, Captain Daniels, Messrs. Bird, Ifoffman, Nicol, Truscot. Hear ley, Grncewood, Murray, Dryden. Green, Wyett, Plckney, Jackson, Bayly, Hall, Patereon, Buckley, Jackson, Allen, Parneil, Buckley, Saddler, Smith, Do Winter, Bothert; 32 steerage.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Stormbird, Wanganui, October 22. Chalister, Newcastle, October 22. Kittawa, Lyttelton, October 22. Mimiro,-Bluff, October 22. Kapiti, Wanganui, October 22. Kennedy, Terakohe, October 22. Kaitoa, Nelson Motueka, October 22. Maori, Lyttelton, October 22. Tarawcra, northern ports, October 22. Mokoio.. Melbourne, via south, Oct. 21. Corinna, New Plymouth, October 23. John, Wanganui, October 23. Queen of jhe South, Fox ton. October 23. Koutunui, Napier, October 23. Aorere, Patea, October 23. Kapuni, Patea, October 23. Hawera-, Patea, Octobcr 23. Nikau, Ne&on, Motueka, Octobcr 23. Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 23. Komata, Westport, October 23. Ngakuta, Greymouth, October 23. Star of Australia, London, way ports, October 24. Kamo, Greymouth, October 24. Blenheim, Haveloek, October 24. Hippie, Gisborue, October 24. Paloona, Dunedin, Lyttelton. October 24. Breeze, Lyttelton, October 24. Karamea, Montreal, way ports, Oct. 25. Monowai, northern ports, October 26. Victoria, northern ports, October 29.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES! Ohalieter, Monte Video, October 22. Kit-tawa, New Plymouth. West Coast, October 22. Kennedy, Nelson, West Coast, Oct. 22. Opawa, Blenheim, October 22. Queen of the South, Jlotucka, October 22. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, October 22. Kaitoo, Kelson, Motueka, October 22. Maori, Lyttelton, October 22. Wa.ka.tu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, October 22. Tarawera, Lyttelton, Dunedin. October 22. John. Wap;anui, Octoher 23. Koutunui, Napier, East Coast, Octobcr 23. Storm-bird, Wanganui, October 23. Aorere, Patca, October 23. ICapuni, Patea, October 23. Kapiti, Wanganui, October 23. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, October 23 Maxaroa, Lyttclton, October 23. Oorinna, southern ports, Oct-obor 23. Moltoia, Hobart, Melbourne, October 23. JtapourikSa Picton, Nelson, West Coast, October 23. Koromiko, Westport, Auckland, Oct. 23. Mimiro. Australian ports, October 24. Blenheim, Blenheim, October 25. Monowai, Lyttclton, Dunedin. October 26. Arawa, London, October 26. Paloono, northern, ports, October 26. Ripple, Napier, Ctisbornc, October 26. Star of Australia, Lyttclton, Oct. 26. Breeze, Wwganu.i, October 26. "Victoria, Lyttclton, Dunedin, Octobcr 29. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. INTERCOLONIAL BBRVICE. MOERAKI, leaves Hobart October 23 and Bydney Octobcr 28 for Wellington direct. Due here November 1. Leaves Wellington November 4 for Sydney direct. Duo there N'ovmber 8.
JIANL'KA, left Hobwt October 9 and Sydney October 14 for Wellington direct. Arrived Wellington October 18. Left here for Sydney Octobcr 21. Duo Sydney Ocloleft Melbourne October 13 for' Hobart, southern ports, and Wellington Duo W6lli"neton October 22. Leaves October 23 for Hobart and Melbourne. Duo Uobart October 27. ULIJIAROA, left Hobart October 16, and leaves Sydney Oct. 21 for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington October 25. Leaves here Ootober 28 for Sydney and Hobart. Duo Sydney November 1. 'WIMMERA, leaves Melbourne October 26 for Hobart and Wellington direct. Due here November 1. and leaves same day for southern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne.
'FRISCO SERVICE. MAR.AMA, left Sail Francisco October 15 for Wellington, fin Papeete and Rarotonga. Due Wellington November 4. Leaves Novembor 5 for Sydney direct. Due Sydney November 9. MAITAt, left Sydney October 9 for Wei. Huston direct. Arrived Wellington October" 13. Left October 14 for Sun Francisco, via way ports. Duo 'Frisco November 3. VANCOUVER SERVIOE. MAKURA, left Sydney September 30 Tor Auckland direct. Arrived Auckland October 1. Left October 6 for Vanoouvcr, via Suva and Honolulu. Duo Vancouver October 21. NIAGARA, left Vancouver September 29 for Auckland, via Honolulu and Suva. Arrived Auckland October 18. Left same day for Svdney direct. Duo Sydney Ootober 22. OVERSEA STEAMERS IN N.Z. PORTS. Following is a list showing where the various oversea steamers trading to and from New Zf»land ports are from (lay to day whilst they are on lhe New Zealand coast:— Inwards. Bound from. Where to-day. Kaikouro Liverpool Lyttclton Star of Australia London Whangnrei Turakina London Lyttclton Karamca Montreal Auckland Outwards. Hound to Arawn London Wellington Itimiro London Wellington OVERSEA SHIPPING • Ktco mors. From. Left. Due. Star of Australia London Aug. 21 Oct. 24 Star of .Scotland London Aug. 22 Oct. 31 Raniratirn- London Sep, !i Nov, 1 Jtuttucbu London Hep. 19 Nov. 15 Star oi India ... London Sen. S3 Not. i(L
Kia Oni London Oct, B Nov. 30 Orarl Liverpool Aim. 2V Nov. 4 TJiciiiht New Vorl! del.. Nov. 7/1 Itiouw New York Hcfi. ?.l l)fr. .', limliii.ii New York Oct. 3 Nov. Ifi hiirturiwi Montreal Ann. I Oct.?,! Ilaron Cowfhir .. N<'W Vni'll Hi'j), ]B Nov. 5 ANmiiuri Montrenl iHop, 'ID lire. U AHlilmrl>in St. .lolin Out, '/ Dir. 16 Wnihemo 'Fri'tco Oct. 9 Nov. 6 Pli.viki Klwraporo -- Nov. 13 I)Y TELEGIIAPn. OVERSEA. ti.OIIAI.tT, October M. H:iiled,-jßjinp«.tl r«i. (6 a.m.), for Auckland and Wellington. SUVA, Octobcr 21. Sailed.—Atua, for Samoa. LONDON. October Ml. Arrived.—Rotiorna, from New Zealand (At Plymouth). SYDNEY, Octobcr 21. Sailed.—ltivcrino. (1.40 p.m.), for Auckland. NEWCASTLE, Octobcr 21. Arrive-:!.—Whantra.pc, from Auckland; It<Lltanoa, Iroiii Dunedln. Sailed.—Harriot Craig, Tor Wnngamii. HIMSBANE, October 21. Arrived.—Haron Tivocdmoulh, from Auckland. MELBOURNE, October SI. Arrived.—Wimmern, from Now Zealand porta, via Hobart. HYDNKV, Ootobor 21. ' Sailed.—Ulimaroa (6 p.m.), for Wellington (New Zealand). COASTAL THUKfiUAY, OCTOBER 21. atjcki.and. Arrived.—Karamea, (4.45 p.m.). from Montreal, via Capo Town and Australian porta: Floes- (3.45 p.m.). from Cook and fiooiety Islands; Monowai (11 a.m.), from Wellington, via way porte. ONEHUNQA. Sailed—Kn.mona (5.30 p.m.), for Dargavillc; liarawa. (4 p.m.), for Now Plymouth; Waiinea (2.30 p.m.), for Nelson. MANUKAU HEADS. Uaraiva. pa«so(L outwards at 5.30 p.m. WAITAEA. Arrived—Tainui (8 a.m.), from Wellington. NAPIER. Sailed—Tarawera (11.10 a.m.), for Wellington. To sail.—Koutunui (9 p.m.), for Wellington, via coast. WANGANOI. Arrived— Kaniti (8.20 a.m.), and John (noon), from Wellington. FOXTON. Arrived — Queen of the South (8.20 a.m.), from Wellington.
BLENHEIM. Sailed.—Opawa (3 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Sailed.—Kaitoa. (4.15 p.m.). for Mofuekaand Wellington: Waveriey (Z a.m.), for Wcstr port, via. Tcrakolic. TERAKOHE. To 6ail.—Kennedy (7 p.m.), for Wellington. WESTPOKT. Arrived— Kahlka (9 a.m.), from Wellinrton. Sailed.—Awahou (6.45 a.m.), for Wanganui; Oanopus (9 a.m.), for Lytteltoti. GREYMOUTH. Arrived.-Ngo.toro (9 a.m.), from Wellington. iSailod.—Regulus (8.10 .a.m.), for Pictyn. LYITELTOK. Atrivod.—Mokoia (7.'Z5 a.m.), from Dunedin; Cvgnet, from Kaikoiira, Sailed.—Kittawa. (1 p.m.), for Westport, via Wellington; Itokoia (6.5 p.m.) ,for Wellington; Maori (8.10 p.m.), for Wellington, with 200 passengers. DDNEDET. Arrived.—Paloona. (2.35 p.m.), from Lyttelt°n - , . Sailed.—Kowhai (2.25 p.m.), for Gisnorne, via vay ports; Kotare (6.30 p.m.), for southern ports. BLUFF. Sailed—Mimiro (11.<0 a.m.), for Wellington.
MAMIAKI' REPORTED. Bound from Montreal to New Zealand ports, the New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered steamer Mamari left Capo Town on October 19. She i 6 due at Auckland on November 30. MESS-TABLE GOSSIP, Captain Peldeck, late of the Harbour ferry steamer Admiral, left for Napier last evening in order to. bring to Wellington the scow Magic, which has been purchased by Mr. Dunn, of Nelson. Captain H. J. Williams, of the Penang Pilot Association, and formerly of tho Union Company's service, is returning to the East shortly. Mr. Iv. S. Gorric, assistant purser on th« Victoria, who has been on the Rdvcrina, has rejoined liis ship. ' Jlr. J. M'Convilic, Into of the Hawera, has joined the Kapuui as engineer. Mr. J. Healey, earvcyor of ships at Wellington, left for Sydnoy by tho Manuka last evening on holiday leave. Mr. E. N. Hall, late chief officer of tho Union Company's Maitai, who has resigned from tho company's employ, left Wellington for Sydney last evening to join the Australian Reinforcements for the front.
A charter has been arranged by which the cargo steamer Century has been fixed to load cargo at Lonclon for New Zealand ports under the auspices of the New Zealand Shipping Company. The Japanese steamer Kwanto Maxu 16 due at Duncdin at the end of the week from Kobe (Japan) with a full cargo of superphosphates for f.liat port and Lyttelton. The vessel will discharge 1100 tons (it Dunedin and about <OCO tons at Lyttclton, and after completion of discharge will proceed to Newcastle. On November 6 the New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered steamer Berwick Law is cxpected to leave Montreal for Australian ports, Auckland, Wellington, Lyttclton, and Diuudin. The Kittawa will be dispatched from here t-o Now Plymouth and West Coast ports to-day. Delay has been occasioned to the Corlnna at New Plymouth and the vessel is not due here with produce transhipments for the Arawa. till to-morrow. Word was received in Wellington yesterday that tho Karu was) sheltering at, Totarainii. . Bound to Westport, the Union. Company s Karamu passed Wellington Heads at 8.20 p.m. yesterf.u, and wished flo be .reported "All well!" . Messrs. Easson, Ltd., of Kilbirme. have been advised that the schooner Falcon, which was driven ashore near Raglan Harbour on Thursday morning, will not be refloated tilt the strong westerly winds abate. The Mokoia is due in port to-day from Melbourne, via. Hobart and southern ports. She will be dispatched for Hobairt and Melbourne to-morrow afternoon. On Thursday next the \Vhaka<;ane, bound from New Zealand to London, .is expected to leave Albany fi>r Durban. As Monday next is a wharf holiday, the Kaitoa will not leave here for Neleon. She will arrive as usual on Wednesday next, and will sail the same day for Nelson end Motueka, Continuing her journey from London, tJio Hangatira left Hobart at 6 a.m. yesterday for Auckland. Sho is due there on Monday evening and at Wellington 'about November 1. An arrival at Auckland at 4 p.m. yesterday from Montreal, via Australian ports, was the Karamea. It is expected that tho vessel will get away for Wellington tomorrow afternoon.
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Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2599, 22 October 1915, Page 8
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2,067SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2599, 22 October 1915, Page 8
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