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A short sitting of the Magistrate's Court was held yesterday, Mr. J. W. Poynton, S.M., presiding. Margaret Dobson appeared again on remand, charged with assaulting Henrietta Fiegeltaub, so as to cause her actual bodily harm. Inspector Hendrey asked for a further remand to August 11, as the woman alleged to have been assaulted was still in the Hospital. The remand was granted, bail being fixed as before. Theodore Ritchey Joyce was remanded to August 6 on a charge of. forging the name of J. A. Doherty to an endorsement on a cheque for £7 2s. Gd. For drunkenness, Ethel Brewster was fined 10s., in default forty-eight hours' imprisonment. ' Three first-offending inebriates were dealt with.

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Bibliographic details

Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2532, 5 August 1915, Page 9

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MAGISTRATE'S COURT Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2532, 5 August 1915, Page 9

MAGISTRATE'S COURT Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2532, 5 August 1915, Page 9


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