■ PHASES OP THE MOON. JULY. Bay. Hr. m. Last quarter ...... 5 1 2 a.m. l<ast. quarter 4 5 24 p.m. Sew moon 12 9 1 p.m. First quarter 20 8 39 a.m. Pull moon 26 11 41 P-m. MOON. ■ Moon rises to-day, 9.33 a.m.; eot-s, 10.57 p.m. Sunday. TIDE. To-day, 7.56 a.m.; 8.16 p.m. To-morrow, 8.43 a.m.; 9.5 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 7.12 a.m.; sets, 4.41 p.m. ARRIVALS. * HtIDAY, JULY 16. KAPUNI, s.s. (3.30 a.m.), 150 tons, Gibson', from Patea. . „ KAITOA, s.s. (5.50 a.m.), 305 tons, StcTons, from Motueka and. Nelson. KAPITI, s.s. (4.45 a.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers, from Wanganui. KAIAPOI, s.s. (6.25 a.m.), 2003 tons, Maweon,'from Newcastle. WAKINE, s.s. (6.45 a.m.), 4435 tons, EdWin, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Meehan, I'owcll,. O'Brien, Hutchinson, Mason, Asliby, Smith, Morton, Fotsy.the, Dooga-n,. M'Queen, Mesdames Olark. and. -child, Young and infant, Hitchcock and child, Budd, Hatch arid child, Malinancho, Woodtaouse, Hugo, Bevan, Henderson, Kershaw,. Patterson, Nicholson, Hallas, Moore' and child, Doogan, Robins, Messrs. Naismith Hutchinson, Spears, I'liurley, Ourrie, o'Sha.ughnessoy, Skinner, Williams, Y&rang, Shand, Skinner. - Elliot, Clark,, Budd, Newman, King, M'Curdy, Wilklne, Deidricli, Michel, Macks, Malmanckc, Russell, Walton, Mofl'att, Hender:Son,. Mulkenna, Mail, M'Pherson,- Cuthbertr son Watson, Muir, Wagliorn, Bruce, Moore, M'lnnes.'Spillane, Potts, Laurcnson, Gould, lloneyfield, Harrison, Macklow, M'Kenzie, Woodhousc, Eraser,- Morton. Metzgcr, Harrison; Rushbrook, Robins, l'yau; 123-steer-CgG. ' TARAWERA, s.s. (7.5 a.m.), 2003 tons,. Doorly, from. Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Passengers: Saloon—Mesdames Fitzgerald O'Connor and infant, Messrs. Hoddiriott,' Wilson, Edmonds, K'Kamara; 7 s.s. (10 a.m.), 217 tone, Dowoll, from Wanganui. - -- WAIHEMO, s.s. (U-.2a a.m.), 4266 tone, Vint., from Sau lYancisco. PETONE. s.s. (2 p.m.), 708 tons, Cowan, from Lyttelton. ; • WIMMERA, s.s. (7.E0- p.m.), from Melbourne and .Hobart. Passengers: SaloonMiss Wills, Messrs. W. O. Knibbs, 0. Wright, J. Badger, .Oorpl, Osborne. Sapper Robinson, Privates Christie and Wiltshire.
.DEPARTURES. FRIDAY, - JULY 16.' ICINI, s.s! (7.5 a.m.), 1177 tone, Platts, lor Wcstport. liOlA, auxiliary schooner (7.30 a.m.), 200 tons, Mackenzie, for Dunedin. I'ATEENA, s.s. (12.50 p.m.), 1212 tons, Cameron, for Picton and. Nelson. CORINTHIC. s.s. (4 p.m.), 12,232.t0n5, Hart, for Lyttelton. ATJIENIC. s.s. (4.10 p.m.), 12,232 tons, Orossland, for Lyttelton. KAITOA, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 350 tons, Stevens, for Kelson, and Motueka. ' ■ TARAWEItA, s.s. (6 p.m.), 2003 tons, Doorley. for Lyttelton and Dunedin. WAVEHLEY, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 157 tons, Stewart, for Nelson. KAPUNI, s.s. (7 p.m.), 160 tons, Joliansen, for Patea. WAHLNE, s.s. (8 p.m.), 4435 tons, Edwin, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Townsend. Miepicr, Little, M'Kenzie, ,Walker, Goodwin, Hooper, Whitcombe, O'Mcara, Fowler, Birss, Mesdames Thompson, Kellow, Turnbull, Austin, Holdsworth. Inwood, Gow, Morrissy, Beban, Shcppard, Agcr, Hyde, Frame, Griffiths. Blakely, Whitt, Dunficld, Busli, Chaplin. Spence, Evans, Rolliston,. Wainhousc, Sir Geo, Clifford, Colonel Smith. Messrs. lfardy, M.Pi, Buckley, Cameron, Hunt, Seiig. Thompson, Fulton, Peach, - Maddison, Turnbull, Slack, Holdsworth, Wigram, Graham, M'Phcreon, Inwood. Fcnwick, Craigie, Quiness, Newman, Cable, White, Adams, Sellars, Black, Crawford,. Dalgleish, Preston, Campbell, Jackson, Matthews, Flemming, Grant, Pickles,- Wigley, Marshall, Sheppard, Hislop, Morton, Watson, Hewitt. Cooper, Gorrie, Griffiths. Burgham, Master Wainhousc, G. M'laughlin. STORMUIRD, s.s. (8 p.m.), 217 tons, Dowell. for Wanganui. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, 5.6., (8 p.m.), 198. tone, Harvey, for Foxton. PETONE, s.s. (10.25 p.m.), for Wanganui.
SATURDAY, JULY 17. WILLOCHRA, s.s. (1.15 a.m.),. 7786 tons, Nevclle, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Maori. I/yttclton, July 17. Aororo, l'atoa, July 17. Hawera, Patca, July 17. Nikau, Kelson,-Motueka, July 17 Somerset, Liverpool, Auckland, July 17. Incirabarah, Napier, July 17. Caldcrgrovc, Philadelphia Auckland, July 17. Ripple. Gisbornc, July 17. . Stormblrd, Wanganul, July 18. Opawa, The Grove, July 18. Queen of the South, Foxton, July 18.. Ngakuto, Greymouth, July 18. . ICapuni, Vatea, July 18. Kaitoa, Nelson, Motueka, July 18. Paloona, Dunedin, Lyttelton, July 18. Blenheim, Havelock, July 18. Opawa, Liverpool, Auckland, July 18. lioinata, Wcstport, July 19. ■ Alexander, Wanganui, July 19. Iluahine, London, way ports, July 19. Defender, Hokitika. July 20. Warrimoo. northern ports, July 20. Port Philip, New York, via Panama, July 21. Tongariro, Bluff, July 21. Indrapuiu, London, way ports, July 22. Tarawera, Dunedin, Lyttelton, July 22. Victoria, northern ports, July 23. Delphic, southern ports, July 24.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES] Kapiti,'Wanganui, July 17. Miipouriko, l'icton, Nelson. West Coast, July 17. ' Pateena, Lyttelton. July .17.' Hawera, Patea, July 17. . Nikau, Nelson. Motueka, July 17. Wiimnera, south, Hobart, Melbourne, July 17. IndrabaraJi. London, July 17. Waihemo,' Lyttelton, July 17. Wakata Kaikoura, Lyttelton, July 18,. Stormbird, Wanganui, Juyl 19. Opawa., Blenheim. July 19. Queen of the South, Foxton, July 15. ICapuni, Patea, July 19. Aorore, Patea, July 19. Kaitoa, Nelson, Motueka, July 19. Arahura, Picton,'Nelson, July 19. . Maori, Lyttelton, July 19. Alexander, Nelson. West Coast,- July 19. Blenheim, Blcnhoim, July 19. Paloona, northern porta, July 19. Warrimoo, Lyttelton, Dunedin, July 20. Ripple. Napier. Glsborne, July 20. Defender, Hokitika, July .20. Tirawera, northern porta,. Juyl 22. Victoria, Lyttelton, Dunedin, July 23. Ituahine, Lyttelton. July 22. Tongariro, London, July 24. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. ULIMAROA, left Hobart July 2.. 'and Sydney July'B, for Wellington direct. Arrived Wellington- July 12. Left ' Wellington July .15 for Sydney and Hobaxt. Due Sydney' July 19. MANUKA, leaves Hobarfc July 17 and Syducy July 23, for Wellington direct. Duo here July 27. Leaves July 29 for Sydney direct. Due Sydney August 2. MOKOIA, arrived Wellington from Melbourne, via Hobart and southern ports July 10. Loft July 12 for Hobart and Melbourne. Due Hobart July 16, and Melbourne July 19. WIMMERA, due Wellington from Melbourne and Hobart direct July 16. Leaves July 17 for southern ports, Hobart, and ■Melbourne. _ MOERAKI, left Hobart July 10, Sydnoy July 16, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington July 20. Leaves Wellington July 22 for Sydney dircct. Due there July 22. ... 'FRISCO SERVICE. , ''' MOANA, left San Francisco June 23, for Wellington, via Papeete and Rarotonga, Arrived Wellington July 15. Left same day. for Sydney, via Lyttelton. Due Sydney July 21. MAITAI, leaves Sydney July 17, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington July 21. Leaves July 22 for San Francisco, via tray ports. Due 'Frisco August 11. VANCOUVER SERVICE. MAKURA, left Vancouver July 7 for Auckland, via- Honolulu and Suva. Due Auckland July 26. Leaves samo day for Sydney dircct. Duo Sydney July .30. • NIAGARA, left Sydney July 8 for Auckland dircct. Arrived there July 12. Loft J-uly 13 for Vancouver, via Suva and Honolulu. Due Vancouver July" 29. OVERSEA HSIPPING, Stc-amors. From. Left. Due. Indrapui'ft London May 3 July 22 Dolphic' London May 23 July 24 Makarini London May 28 Aug. 6 jiuahine London Juno 2 July 19 Tainui London June 12 July 30 Rotorua London June 26 Aug. 11 Niwaru London Juno 14 Aug. 20 Otaki London June 20 : Aug. 15 H.awkc's Bay ... London July 11 Sop. 15 Opawa Liverpool May 7 July 18 Somerset Liverpool May 18 July 17 Wairaate Liverpool June 5 Aug. 12 iruTuiiui Liverpool July 1 Sep. 5 Canastola New York June 16 July 30 Port. Philip New York Juno 16 July2l Caldcrgrove New York May 30 Ju]yl7 Clialistor Newlork July 2 Aug. 10 Whakatano -St.John Juno 7 Aug.3o BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA, LONDON, July lj, jMUnstaa, -
SUVA, July 16. Sailed.—Niagara, for Vancouver. SYDNEY. July "15. Sailed.—Moeraki (4 p.m.), for Wellington. FREMANTLE, July 16. Arrived.—Persia-, from London.
COASTAL. FRIDAY, JULY 16. POCTO (KAIPARA). Sailed—Holmdale (10.55 n.-m.), for Onehunga. AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Kahu (1 p.m.), for Gisborne; Kurow (0.35 a.m.), for Fiji. ONEHUNGA Arrived—Regulus (4 p.m.) , from Qreymoutli. •' GISBORNE. Arrived.—Hippie (5 a.m.). from Napier. Sailed.—Waiwsra (2.30 p.m.), for Auckland;. Kipplo (5.30 p.m.), for Wellington. NAPIER. Arrived—Victoria. (1.30 p.m.), from WolHngton. To sail.—Jndrabara-h (B p.m.), for Wellington; Victoria (8 p.m.), for northern ports. NEW PLYMOUTH.. Sailed—Earawa (8.35 p.m.), for Onehunga. PATEA. Arrived.—Aorere (11.20 a.m.), and Hawera (11.40 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Pateena (4.50 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Po-teena (5.50 p.m.), for Nelson. . HAVEIiUuK. Arrived.—Defender (10.30 p.m. July 15), from Wellington. Sailed.—Blenheim '(11.30 a. mO, for Wellington. BLENHEIM. Ari^ved.—Opawa (9.30 a.m.), from Wellington. . NELSON. Sailed.—Nikalu (7.5 p.m.), for Wellington. WESTPORT. Arrived—Komata (8 p.m.), from Wellington. , Sailed.—Kowhai (10 p.m. July 15), for Duncdin; Canopus (11 p.m. July 15), for Lyttelton. GREYMOUTH. Arrived.—Karamu (0.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Soiled—Ngatoo (1 a.m.), for Dunedin. OKAIUTO. Sailed.—Jane (3.30 p.m.), for Hokitika, , LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Poherua (11.5 "a.m.), from West- ■ port; Moana (11.35 a.m.), from Wellington; Breeze (11.30 a.m.), from Pioton. To sail.—Breeze, for Wellington; . Moana,i for Sydney. Sailed—Maori (8.15 p.m.), for Wellington. - Passengers: Saloon—Misses Bell, ' Millar, Martin, Kirkland, • Russell, Berg, Herme, Burley, M'Glove, M'Hafßn, Marriner (2), Withers (2), Mesdames MiUer. O'Brien and child, Williams, Wellington, Berg, Holdsworth, F. L. MurraJ". Marriner, Gill, Messrs. WeHs. Miller, O'Brien. Williams, Wellington, Pencil, Serg, M. Dyer, Warden, Smith, Collins, M'Guire. Humphreys, .Tones, Jones, Hughes, Burrell, Gill, Thompson; 36 steerage. TIMAEU.
Arrived—John (8.15 a.m.), from Wellington; Koromiko (10 p.m. July 15), for Oamaru; Opouri (10.15 p.m.), from Greymouth. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Kaitoa (8.30 a.m.), from Timaru. Sailed— Paloona (3.10 p.m.), for Auckland, via way parts. BLUFF. Arrived.—'Tongariro (10.20 a.m.), from Dunedin. PASSENGERS FOR NEW ZEALAND. By Telegraph—Press Association—Copyright (Rec. July 16, 10.15 p.m.) Melbourne, July 16. The Orontes' New Zealand passengers includo Messrs. Gilbert, Simmons, Duncan, Grayson, Smith, Mesdames Simmons, Duncan, Grayson and child, Smith, Simpson and. 2 children, Misses Cameron (3); 17 third-class passengers. WAIHEMO FROM SAN FRANCISCO. The Union Company's Waihemo, formerly known as the 1 Canada Cape, arrived in the stream at Wellington from San Francisco direct yesterday morning. Captain Vint, -well-known, os master of tho •Union Company's Calcutta, traders, is in charge of the Waihemo, and has reported a fair weather pasaago without .incident of any note. At present the Waihemo is discharging about 200 tons of powder into hulks. She will berth this morning, and will subsequently proceed on to Lyttelton to pick up a quantity of chaff there for Sydney. The vessal will make a call at Wellington en route to take in her powder freight again. RUAHINE DUE MONDAY.' ■ Having left Hobart at 6 a.m. on Thursday B.M.S. Itiiaihinc is due at Wellington from London, via way ports, about noon on Monday. MABAMA 'AT 'FRISCO. Cable advice has been, received stating that: R.JLS. Marama, which, cleared Wellington on June 24, arrived at San Francisco at noon on July 14. She is scheduled to leave the, Californian port on the return journey on July 21. being due at Wellington on August 12. WELLINGTON HARBOUR LIGHTS. ( The new- leading lights for Wellington Harbour were completed on Thursday night by the operation for the first timo of the flashlight off' Seatoun. The' new light is- unattended and is 6elf-actrag. It ■stands 15ft. above high water, and gives a flash of 3-10ths of a second duration, followed by 7-10ths of a minute's, darkness. A mile and .& half up the harbour is tho flashing light tower off Word Island. This stands 60ft. above high water, and is built of steel, with, concrete base. The lamp gives a flash of two seconds' duration and two seconds' darkness. With these two lights in line, navigator can come right up tho harbour in ample water (practically 40ft. at low water spring tides), and clear everything, Soamcs Island light lieing utilised in making into Lambton Harbour. The harbour lights then consist of first ■Pencitrrow light, next the low level light beneath it, then the two flashing lights, aiid in between them a red lighted buoy, next Soames Island light, and tho .red lighted buoy off Point Jermngham, S.S. AWAROA IN COLLISION. 6UNIC IN-THE YARRA RIVER. According to a contemporary news has' been received in New Zealand of the sinking of the wcU-known Wellington Harbour ferry steamer Awaroa. in the Yarra River, Melbourne, by a collision, with ailother vessel. ' Until January last, tho Awaroa was' engaged for some time in Wellington by the Ferry Company, being afterwards pair l chaser by a Melbourne firm to be used in Port Phillip as a passenger and cargocarrier. She left Wellington on January 15 last for the Victorian port, but owing to a leakage was compelled, to return to port three days later. Final departure was taken on the evening of January - 28, and- the Awaroa reached Melbourne on February ■6. Captain Pennington navigated tho Awaroa across the Tasman Sea. . Built at Sydney in 1904, by Messrs. Poole and Steele, the Awaroa was for some yearß employed by her owners (tho Koipara Steamship Company) in the Northern Wairoa. Kiver trade. Sho was subsequently purchased by the Wellington Harbour Ferities. Ltd., and used at. Wellington in the harbour ferry sorvice, also making some trips to Havelock and tho Sounds. Her principal • dimensions were:—Length, 139 ft.; beam, 25ft. 4in.; and depth, 12ft. sin. Her registered' gross tonnage was 344 tons. .VICTIM OF THE EMDEN. . . A UNIQUE OCCURRENCE. Around tho British steamer Exford, ar riving recently ,ot .Liverpool from the Orient, an interesting story centres. This vessel, one of the fleet of tho Ta.tem Steam Navigation Company, originally, sailed from Cardiff with a cargo of steam coal, and was captured in the Indian Ocean by the notorious Emden, and was used by the late German warship as a coal supply ship, her crew being removed and replaced by a prize crew from the commerce destroyer. After the cruiser Sydney accounted for' the Emden, all trace of the Exford vanished. But on December 15' she turned iip at Singanore with a British prizo crew in charge, the vessol having been recaptured by the-British auxiliary cruiser Empress of Japan, which is well known as one of the Canadian-Pacific transpacific flest. At Saigon the Exford loaded a cargo of rice and sailed-for home. The Germans had removed her name-pleto and the "T" from her funnel end generally done their best to change her into a Gorman auxiliary. Despite this she' was to all intents and purposes the Exford. ' _ In the meantime, heir owner, W. J. To-tem, who lias shown, his disapproval of Gorman methods by offering an award of £500 for the second unarmed British merchant- steamer sinking an, enemy submarine, had decided that the Germans should not have the satisfafction of removing so striking a name as the Exford from the British register. So. ho replaced the vessel, thought- to 'be lyinjr at • tho bottom of the Indian- Ocean," with a- new one', to which was transferred the name Erfnrd.. . . .. Which vessel will retain the .now historic apnsUatidn of Exford remains to bo seen. This caso is unique in the annals of shipping. * MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Captain Fowler, of the Richardson steamer Squall, is reported to have taken ill yesterday. Captain Allen will arrive in Wellington from Napier to-day to take charge of the vessel. . .. Mr. J. B. Smith, late purser of tho Piitcena, haa transferred to the Arcuiura, and Mr. Norman, purior of tie SlMKii W jjiKAjJAjOie J&Oesna.Jflitet/
Mr, Carlyon, purser of the Tarawera-, has transferred, to the Mapourika for a trip, and Mr. Butler, late of the Arahura, has assumed a similar position 011 tho Tarawera., . . „ Jf Mr, It." Diclcey, late purser of the Pateena; is eshoro on account of illhealth. - ... Mr. Amies, purser of the Wahinev will tako up a similar position on the Maori. Mr. J. H. Tennet; sixth engineer of the Xoana, .signed olf' that .'vessel's articles at Wellington on Thursday. Mr. J. A. Luxford, late eocond officer of the Komat-a, has joined the Moana as 6econd. . . . Mr. E. Bain, late assistant - wireless operate of the E.M.S. Niagara, is now operator on the Ulim&roa. . Reference was made on Wednesday to Captain Parslowe, who lost his life in. trying to circumvent a German submarine while in charge of the Anglo-Califorman. Oaptain Parslowe.visited Wellington in the same vessel in October, 1912. and on that occasion remained here for five days, during which time ho made many friends. Mr. A. Forson, late third officer of the Maori, has been promoted to bo second of the Koma-ta'. . . , Oaptain H.' Holmes has recommissioned the Mapourika. Mr. H. Claydon, late second officer of the Moana', has been promoted to be chief of the Mapourika. Mr. H .W. Bridge, late of the Mokoia, is chicf engineer, and Mr. Young is second.
Arrangements have been made to send* tho New Zealand Shipping Company's Opavra to England from New Zealand,., via the Cane of Good" Hope, instead of the Cape Horn route. She vrilL be dispatched from fthese paters about the end of August. The Union collier Kaiapoi arrived at Wellington early yesterday morning after a,, fine -weather, passage from Newcastle. She will discharge. a full load of coal 11 To-morrow the Island, steamer Tofiia is duo at Auckland from Suva. She has taken the place of the Atua, the latter vessel having been diverted to the Sydney arrival at Wellingtonthis from Liverpool, via way ports, the *.ana S liner Somerset Trill berth at th? Taranaki Street Wharf. The. same company b chartered' steamer Opawa, -which is - due Jiere from Liverpool to-morrow, "Will berth next tho New Zealand Shipping Company's Tongariro is duo at Wellington from tho Bluft tofiU UP- Departure will he taken from this port for Home a.bout the end, of next f . A projected departure yesterday from New York, via Panama Canal, to Ne% Zealand ports, was tho U.S. and A. Lines chartered steamer Norman Monarch. Provided she got away Wellington should bo reached about the end of August. A general average has been deplored on the New .York cargo of the U.S. and A.. Line's steamer Cornastota, duo at Wellington>u<t the end of " this month. On account of tlio illness of her captain tho dcn&rture of the Squall from Wellmg-. ton for Napier has been postponed, till today at 5 p.m. The vessel will bo in Warner in timo to commcnco discharge first thing on Monday morning. "RMS Tniniii is due at Hobart from 1/3 n don'on July 25, and at .Wellington on Jl The 3 lndrabarah's departure from Wellington'for London has been fixed for daybreak to-morrow. .Due at Wellington from London, via northern ports, on Thursday next, the Indrapura, will land 1023 tons of cargobefore taking in Homo, cargo. An expected arrival in port from Now York, via Panama, on Wednesday Juyl 21 is the 0. and D. liner Port Philip. Sho (has 2400 tons of cargo to put out here. As the ferry steamer WaJiine is proceeding on to PoTt Ohalmers from Lyttelton ■to-day for overhaul, there will only be one boat from tho south, arriving at Wellington to-morrow. This will be tho Paloon®, and she will leave Lyttelton at her usual timo this evening. The Blackball Goal Company s steamer Ngakuta has been delayed at Greymouth. She was to have sailed for Wellington at midnight (last night), and is due hero early on Sunday morning.
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Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2515, 17 July 1915, Page 8
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3,049SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2515, 17 July 1915, Page 8
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