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A EEOENT ADVERTISEMENT FOE A HAND, appearing twice in "The Dominion," brought in 86 applications. Is that not convincing evidence ol pulling power. Rates for Classified Advertisements i(For Cash Only.) .' Situations Vacant, Situations Wanted, To Lot, For Kale, Personal, Wanted to Exchange, Harm Hands Wanted, Professional and Business Announcements, etc. 3 Lines (16 words), Is.; 4 tinea (20 words), 16. 6d: 5 Lines (25 words). 2e.; 6 Lines (30 words), 2s. 6d. Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 2s. 6d. per insertion. In Memoriam, 6d. per line (minimum), 3 lines. (Repeated Free in Weekly Summary.)

SITUATIONS WANTED. TJ-A-KEK —Wanted, ijy first-class Bread -*-* Hand, position; tavrn or country, Apply "Nae," Qhiki Post Office. Situation, * • Lady-help or Housekeeper, country Apply "E.A.," "Dominion handyman, married, Scotch, wants Situation; 2 children; handy to school; good references. "G.C.."- ' Dominion" Office. WANTED place Eeliable Elderly Manj J milk, handy with tools, make himself generally useful. Cunningham's ■Registry. 'Phone 1572. Trf ANTED, Position country together,' Parlourmaid ;-nd Housemaid, or near each other; references; reoommended. 'Star," 200 Quay. MANAGER seeks Eo-cngageraent of -L'- 11 - Management of Sheep Run; Canterbury experience; good references. Apply Canterbury," "Dominion" Office. WANTED end of Slay, position as Lady Help or Housekeeper. in refined home, middle-aged, domesticated, capable. Open till 30th. Address ''Companion , * Dominion" Office. TS7*ANTED place thoroughly experl. enced Needlewoman in institution or _ hotel. Good references and very reliable. Recommended. Cunningham's Registry. 'Phone 1572. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. F? T mlll S married woman, " » healthy, furnished worn; terms moderate, Apply Mrs. J. Cocker, Oxford, Canterbury. WANTED to Let, neatly furnished J' , Bedroom and. Dining-room to Couple; good locality. Address at Dominion" Office. VACAN CY, --veil furnished large front » Room; balcony; single, double, Bed-sitting-room; harbour view; quiet,' Phone 1461. 59 Boulcott Street. TTfAITANGI Hou6e, Boulcott' Street. » » Once more under Mrs. O'Loughlin's superior management. An ideal place to Moderate terms. 'Phone 1200. rjnHOENLEIGH, Boulcott Street, Wef- , First-class Accommodation for Tourists, Travellers, and Permanent Boarders. 'Phone 1671. Mrs. E. Jones, A LBYON HOUSE St. Hill street/, -■V Wanganui.—First-class Accomm.> dation for Travellers ajid Permanent Hoarders; moderate terms. 'Phone 644. MA HA R A HOUSES! WAIKANAE. ' AN IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND**' tv , QUIET HOLIDAY. Pine, Mild Climate. Good Trout Fiohinz. Tdhnis Courts. (MRS.) E. M. WILLIAMS, Proprietress. A WEEK AT THE SEASIDE. ■ 30s. rfOPPEE PALACE. NEW PLYMOUTHV/ Clean, Comfortably, Homelike, RECOMMENDED BY ALL. UEEN'S. . .PRIVATE . HOTEL, Plimmor's Steps, Lambton • Quay. Opposite "Dominion" Newspaper Office. •Under New Management. ; Situated' on an open space in centre-of City. The moat comfortable and beat-conducted house in Wellington. One minute from train,, rail, or steamer. I TARIFF, 4s. per'day; £1 per'week, •Phone 2910. R. P. DAVIS, Propnetor. ' WHITEHALL ' PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE . (Opposite "Dominion" Office), PLIMMER'S STEPS, WELLINGTON (Entrance also from Boulcott Street). QITUATED in spacious gardens, with' splendid view of city and harbour, one minute from tram, Post Office, and wharves. Excellent cuisine. Hot and cold water, and all conveniences. Terms, 4s. Gd. per day, or from jSI per week. 'Phone 1617. Mrs. Chapman, Manageress, TO LET. • TO LET, Wellington Terrace, 8 Rooms, every convenience; Mount Victoria slopes, 8 Rooms. Apply A. L. Wilson and Co., 151-3 Lainbton Quay. TO LET, 3 acres 5 roods, house, cowbail,~ fowlhbuses,"' small' orchard, \ near Jolinsonville; or eoII cheap.; Apply, 150 Ohivo Road, Brooklyn. . r TO LET, desirable Front Offices, Dar-"-Tugh's Buildings, MancEester Square, Feilding. All "day sun, bright view; very . low rents; in suites or single. Apply J. ■ Darragh. .-. ',; FURNISHED HOUSE. KELBURN. nnd LET, well-furnished modern 8JL roomed House, about one minut® from car, for 3 months, from Ist May. Rent, £3 10s. week. Apply S. GEORGE NATHAN, 113-115 Customhouse Quay, op. Bank N.Z. OFFICES TO LET. FURNISHED or Unfurnished (low rental), Kennedy's »Bnildings, 157 Featherston Street, close to General Post Office. •Apply to HENRY HUGHES, LTD., International Patent and Trade Marki ■ Agents. TO LET, fIENTLBMAN'S UP-TO-DATE RESIVT DENCE, with all Modern. Con-

veniences and necessary outbuildings; 23 Acres land. Tennis Courts, Lawns, Garden nicely laid out and orchard; Poultry yards and pens. A very complete and beautiful home, situate Lower Hutt, in pleasant locality. Will Let for 10s. week. Full particulars from F. . WELCH, Land Agent, Masterton. FOE SALE, LOWEE HUTT. SEVEN Rooms and every convenience, washhouso detached, copper and tubs; one aero land, well sheltered. This is an ideal home and a. real bargain at the price asked, and terms can be ar. ranged. Price .ESOO. FOR EXCHANGE. For Vacant Sections, Lower Hutt, a' six-roomed Dwelling, with .every modern convenience. Write for full particulars. ' DONALD FRASER AND. CO., LAND AGENT, LOWER HUTT. DESIRABLE FRONT OFFICES In BANK'S BUILDING,' 11 Grey Street, opposite Post Office. ■ fJTO LET AT .ONCE. Sunny and bright rooms, passenger and good lift, plaster walls, strong-room, etc,, Moderate rent. Apply H. AMOS, Director, Bank's Commercial College, 10 S " fJ D -. WORTH for Is., post free/ U Six Is. Articles, six 9d. Coupons, 18 good recipes, and interesting; offers. Money returned if dissatisfied ■ Anglo-American Supply .Co., Box 90, We£ lirgton,

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Bibliographic details

Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2444, 24 April 1915, Page 1

Word Count

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2444, 24 April 1915, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2444, 24 April 1915, Page 1


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