PHASES OP THE MOOJf. ■ AUGUST. Ml moon <j <j Jl P- m Last quarter 14 ° 2; P- m - New moon 21 " « p.". First quarter 28 4 22 . MOON. Moon rises to-day, 6.54 a.m.; sets, 6.4 p.m. TIDE. To-day, 4.31 a.m.; 5.1 p.m. To-morrow, 5.32 a.m.; 6.1 p.m. SUX. ' ■ Rises to-day, 6.33 a.m.; seta, 5.15, p.m.. ARRIVALS. ■-'■' FRIDAY, AUGUST 21. ARAHURA, s.s. 12.30 a.m.),-1596 tone, Hit£s Ct ?6.SO a.m.), 4435 tons, AldwclTfrom Lyttelton. Passengers: BaloonMisse, Hcrcombe, Burnett, Lame.-aft. O'Donnell, Williams, Gibson i. Allen, WoSc e C rß^ann t UU a S mO Craig, 1 S ,te":tody Rutherford; Jlrtj" '**». chUd/M'Lean, Gibson and two children; IS Bond, Smith Crawtod, GilbeTt. , Munro, Willen, Meling, Panton, BuVnett Irwin (2), Holmes, Galvin. K'Kay, MuiS-o Ttownsend O'Counell, Thornton, OaS'ell O'Sullivan .(2), .jtoyde. Summers. Cox, Dollimore, Uwis,' Taylor, NichoU. Spain, Hobbs, Hpbbs,. Mcrrin, BnUth, K a.m.). 2965 tons... Croft, from Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Paseenkere- Saloon—Mesdames . Rowley, Misies HufhfeS, Irwin,. (2), BaUantyne. Shaun, Kelly, Blaino; Ifeers. M'Culloch, Pc-Td, Hunt;-5 steerage. . . M.4POURIKA, s.B. (12.45, p.m.), 1203 tons. Holmee. from Picton and. Nelson. . ' OANOPUS, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 1137 tons, GibSOUtFeBN, b.6.° (6.15 ■ p.m.), 4762 tons; J STOBk, fr e°° (mo k p.mj. 405 tons, Broadhouse, from Jjyttoltott. : DEPARTURES.' PKIDA-Y, AUGUST 21. KAK-AMU, e'.s. (1- p.m.). M tons, Eoberts, , "'.*. (5.10 p.m.), 200 tons. Jackp.m.). 1137 tons. DoweIIVAKAW.TsOU*"p.m.). m. tons. Wills, for Kaikoura. '. . .... . WABRIIIOO, s.s. (6.45. p.m.), 3529 tone, Drowette, for Hobart and Melbourne, via Ifrttelton, Duriedini and Bluff- Passengers: I Saloon-For I/ytteltonrMre. Pritchard and 1 child. For Duncdtn: Miss M'Milian, Mrs. FairUnirn, ■ Messrs. Whelan, Smftllbonc, Fairban-n, French; 10' steerage." For Bluff: Mrs. Richard and child; 4 steerage. For Hobart: Mr. Zotiuera; 8 steerage. For Melbourne: 6 stceraEC. ■ . ■ . BREEZE, e,s. (7.25 p.m.), 347 tone, Gordon, .for Wanganui. ' WAHINE, s*>; (8.15 p.m.), 4436 tone, Aidwell, for Lyttolton. , . WILLOCHEA; 8.-s. (8 p.m.), 7786 tons, Neville, for Sydney direct. Passengers-Salooni: Misses Sinclair, Doras. .Winter, Fields, Hart; Ixwry. Andereon, ■ Angus, Swhan, Maluson, Oeborne, Macrae, Hughes, Satr tan; Nurse Wrenne; Mesdames Hart -md child, Noakc, Buchanan. -Falconer, Walker, Macrae, Stcwardson and family, Cole,' Ba-inp-' ton Satten, Graham, Lβ Oroh, Hartley, Bourte; Fathers Gleeison and Barren; Colonel Andrews; Messrs. Winnalc. Modlin, Hart, Falconer, Thornton, Stewardson, Cole, Hampton. Piper, Thomas, Pascol, Meyers, Poteringham, Dimend, Gibson, Sattan (2), Reece, Graham, Woollctt, Ly6en, Fieh, Ge6, Evdna, Kemball, M'Cann,Morrissy, '■ Maetnikaff. Hartley. Veraon, Harvey,. Fraser, Shacklef ord, -Jones, Bonrke; 70 steerage. ■ • ■ PATEENA. s.B. (9 p.m.), 1212 tons, Cameron, for Nelson; -•' Pae3engera:.. Saloon— Mcedame'B White and- child,. Hcaly and child, Goodwin arid child, • Simion, Wilson; Lucas, Cook and child;- Messrs. Oral], White, Wilson," Cook, Bell (2), M'Kcnzio, M.P., -M'Gregor, , Hollaad, ■•'H'Lean, Sinith; 5 steerage. . •• ■ '
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Ifaponrika, Nelson, Pictdn, August !2. Pateena. Nelson. and Pioton, August 11. ■IJnben of tho Bouth, Foxton, Aueust 22. Aorere, Patea, August 13.. ■' ' Kennedy. Foxfcon, Angust 22. Hnia, Wanjanui, August. l 22.' Kajrasl, l'atca, August 22. . ManKapapa,. Karome'a, Westport, August 22 ' ■ ' '■■ ■'■ ■ Nifeau, Nolsori, Jlot.nelHi. Animet 22. Maori, Lyttelton, August 22. Kfimona, Grcymoutti, August 22. Cln-n : Colquhona, Timaru,'• August 22. Tarawera, Lyttelton, Buncdin, August 23. AJcttMideT, Lytielton, August 23. Opawa., Blenheim, August 23. . ■ Blenheim, Ficton, Anguet 23. : AVnirau, Blenheim, August 25. John, eouthern ports. August 23. Invertay, Auckland, August 23. IHp-nle, Gisborne, August 23. •• ' ; Wahine, Lyttelton, August 23. ■ Kairaki, Kaipoi, August 24. Flora, eonth«rn- porta, AugU6t 24. Waliatu, Lytt«lton, Kaikoura. Auguet 24. JTa-wera, Wantxinui, August 24.. VcndaJa, Aueklftnd, Angaet 25. Kapiti. Wangaimi, August 26. ILa-wke's Bay, Auckland, via Qieborne and Napier, August 26. . . Arahum, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, August 26. ■■■■'' Victoria,'liytteltpn, Dunedin, AugU6t 27. . Taviuni, Dunoain, August 27. Mokoie; ntothtni ports, Auguet 28.
. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Ifapou'rito, New Plymouth, August 22. ■Wootton, I/yttelton, August 22. ■•■ Queen of the South,' Foxton, August 22. ' Aorere. Patea, August 22. i . Kennedy,' TVeet Coast, August 22. Kapuni, Patea, August .22. '• Mangapapa, Westport, Karamce, August 22 ■ NeakiitA, Greymouth, : Augnst 22.. Nikau, Nel6on, Motuoka, August. 22 Jfaori, Lyttelton, August. 22. Arahura, Picton. Neleon, 'WeBV. Ooaet. August 22. • ■ ; . Kapuni; Patea, August 24. Tarawera, northern, porte, August 24. Patectia, Picton, Nelson, AiiEUSt 24. Kaoiti, Wanganui. August 24. Kairaki, Greymouth, Hokitika, AugU6t 24. Nairnshire, Auokland, August 24. • AoreTe, P«tea, August. 24. . Alexander, Nelsan. Westport,' Greymouth, Hokitika, Augwt .24. ■ John-. Waneiinui, August 24. B.ipplc, Netiior, Gisborae, Akitio, Aug.' 25. Wakatn. Ka-ikouraj Lyttelton, via Coast, August 26.. ■ : . ■ -.-.■■ Huia, EaTolock, u Pclorue Sounds, Aug. 26.
V OVERSEAS '■•,-. ■■' ■ ■ ' SJYDNEY. August '21. Arrived.—Manunui, from Hokianga. • COASTAL. •-.';. FRIDAY, ATJGTfST, 21.: ' . . ■ ' AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Delphic (3.40. p.m.). ' ■, . NAPIEE. Arrived.—Mokoia. (6 p.m.), from Welling. tOU ' ' GISBOENE. Arrived.—Havrko's Bay (9.10 a.m.), from Auckland. •• • WANGANUI. " -■ ArTived.—Huia (7.50 a.m.), from Wellingto - '■■■■■ PATEA. . ■ ■ Arrived.—Aorere (9.10 a.m.), and Knpuni ft Z5 a.m.), from Wellington. To Sail.—Kapuni (9 p;na.), for Wellington. ■ ■ • FOXTON. Arrived.—Queen of tho South (10 a.m.), for Wellington. ~',,. To Sail.—Quoon of tho South and Kennedy (9.30 p.m.), both for Wellington. PICTON. :. ■ Arrivod.—Defender (7.15 a.m.), from Wellington; Corinna, (11 a.m.), from Kelson. . ' .NELSON. Arrived.—Nikau. (5 a.m.), from W.ellingSailed.—Corinna- (1.30 a.m.),' for Welling°Sailed.—Nskau' ,(5.15 p.m.), for Wellington. liVTI'IitiTON. Arrived.—Maori (6.40 a.m.), from Wellington - Kairaki (6.55 a.rn.), from Greymouth; Opo'uri (5.50 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.— Morning (7,50 • a.m.). • for,. the Sounds; Maori (8.40 p.m.), for Wellington. To Sail.—Maori (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington, , . TIMARU. Arrivod.— HinUtangi (10 a.m.), from Wcl-Sailed-Clan Colquhoun ■ (10.40 a.m.), for Wellington.. DraEOIN ; . . Hailed.—Taraivcra (3 p.m.), for northern norts Pofssngers: Saloon—For Wellington Mre. Whyte. Miss Mitchell, Mr. Barton, Mr Gil ray. and five steerace for all- ports; Kaiiri (in'ldnight), for Wellington. W.ESTPOET. ' Kniled.-Poheraa (9 a.m.), and Komata (9.30 a.m.), for Wellington. • GEEYJtOUTH. ' Saikd.-NgaUuta (11.45 a.m.). for Wellington; Piitila (noon), for Wellington. 1 ■ . MESS TABLE GOSSIP. ' Captain J. Drcwettc, master of the WarTimbo for some time, hoe joined the MoUdifl, in placo M.'Lean. . . Mr H. Tozer, second pflicer <ju the Victoria, hao loft that vcu'el and intends., to proceed to,-' Auckland where he is to join ■H.jr.JS. Torch' α-s ft' sub-lieutcuant. ' Captain' Koberte ; has relieved Captain. ae muter <l ,the Waits 6ter.liaor .Uedic, aoTT at Sydney, •
Mr. Perry is now chioF engineer of the Union Company's Karamu. Captain J. Drewette, who lias been in charge, of the Warrimoo, came- ashore at Wellington on Thursday. « Mr. Mcnzics, late purser of the- Manuka, has joined the Willochra in a similar capacity. l[r. Duckworth has been, appointed assistant purser of the Willochra. Captain, 11. S. Whyborn, of the RaUanoa, has come ashore for instructions. Captain Huston, lato of the JCauri, has been appointed, to command the Rakanoa. Jlv. Heed, late third, officer of the Mokoia, has joined the Maitai in .a 6imilar capacity. JCr. Langtands has filled the vacancy on thc j Mokoia. Mr;. Gray, late of the Navua, has joined the Maitai as second officer. JUr. 'Campbell, lato purser of the Willochra, has been, granted sick leave, and left for Auckland by the Mokoia. Advice has been received by the Marine Department that the Government eteamcr Hinemoa, which, arrived at Auckland from Wellington on Wednesday morning last, was expected to leave Auckland yesterday to work the Hauraki Gulf lights and Cuvier Island. The Hinemoa is expected to aTrive back in Auckland about Tuesday next and will subsequently proceed further, north. The- P .and 6. Line's steamer Nairnehiro Iβ to proceed to- Auckland at the beginning of noxt week to discharge.a part cargo there. She is at present landing the local, portions of her cargo (comprieing about 2800 tons) from Home. ■ . Cabled advice from I/ondon, dated Thursday, statee that the 0. and D. liner Indrabarah. hog arrived from New Zealand. The Indrabarah sailed from Ijyttelton on July Q last. The coastal steamer FloTa has been further detained in the'south, - and will consequently not arrive here before Monday next. Tho Kairaki as leaving Kaipoi at mid. night to-night' for Wellington. 6he will arrive here on. Monday and sails the same day. for Greymouth and Hokitika. ' The Tavluni' is expected to leave' Dunedit oil Monday. She is due here on.' Thursday Beit.' . ■ -
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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2235, 22 August 1914, Page 10
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1,288SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2235, 22 August 1914, Page 10
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