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. Tiif> t examiner ihjvistojy at tlio niatrieulaiion cxnininat'ons for lOtij, in tit': report just issued, makes peine remarks , with 'regard-to t|.ie j'tr-etiss'tjiy far pt.a* paring (audidaios for the e^anwiatioij.s. : & m-ined jo iiim, lm said, fiial il-.e teachers miriit easily improve the chances of thrir pupils by ;;ivin:' ntdre. practice in cxanunntwn wo!-:.. 1® v.-as quite incredible to Tiriii thai: caiididntea who wrote fit for I'itt, Wig tor Wliii:., and ttho conjmit s.uc.h "noimti'eS. as. Britlish; Phillip, Cbafcmi, coukl evsv hpve wri'ten the nafiies before in examination, and lind their litis,.: takes pointed .. out by a. conscientious ■; teacher. JjQlield yist'.cixa.iHTOniTOnii bad 3 high cdueat io.nal valiic; but success in th"ni did not always pernio by na- . ttiro, and 'in any caSo prelinjinary prac-. : was good, ns it eoinpelled pupils to arrange' their ideas in an ijri I de.rly..-w.&)y,&nd'£b oxp.ress themselves definitely and coherently. Tho mid-winter school holidays liavo connnonced, and tbo apparent/ rendezvous of tlio City's children is Oriental Bay. Tho summer-like naturo of tho past few daj s lias btcn conducive to seaside pleasures, awl bath adults und niinors throng tho i'oresiicro 111 bun- } dreds. At present, an exceedingly low iido features the rise and fall of harbour waters, and the result, as far as tho Bay is concerned, is about twenty to thirty yards tff fine sandy beach, that ; coiidiines tho essentials of tho perfect' playground, ihe afternoon sceno is peculiarly happy and. peaceful. The : ercsccnt-sliap/.d., gcntly-gradcd shoio stretches out for a considcrabto 'disy • tanoft, wasiied by 1 he sunlit waters, and dotted with groups of tiny* dots of liumanijy, toddling along, barefooted, braving the .deep, or building Ibe itw o. vita bio. saud-castle, only to watch it 'gradually crumble and dissolve before incoming wavelets,, or, still again,"■ with quaint, overalls protecting their iniiiiaturo dresses, drawing by a. string ' weo ship, ivitli full sails," through, lagoon left by the last out-going tide, But it is uot only tbo children who help j tfl .toate .i.ip iho picitirescucncss o'f tlio ; Bay. . The adult ;j',s iiio ■: : rcservo of the city street' is abandoned, j and tho freedom of tbo children is as- : sUiued for tlio hour. pcranibuiic- : . tor and knitting basket, the. open sea, the icstfuinoss dt tho sccue, and homo- J cares. are forgotten, and the. busy : ' housewife of iho morning is at peace. ' ■ "Do you plead guilty or not guilty? - ' ■ shouted the Magistrate's Court orderly into' tho ear of a dchf person who ; was ■ charged, with drunkenness at the Court ■ yesterday. Immediately tho accused : burst into a torrent of ex- 1 planations proving that, fcli.ila his ' auricular sense Was defective, his .gift ■of expression was smart enough, vocally.! Interlarded in tho long siring of ex-. plnnalory words was a reiterated, state-; mcnt that a roust able had tapped him ; on I'ne shouldtr and invited liim t<i '■ "como aloiig with tiie." Accused bad ' accepted tlio invitation, niul so his ai>poaranee. "Do you plead guiltv?"; a sain roared the orderly. "I supnoso I'll have to plead guilty if tlio police-; mart says so," plaintively answered tho ipiestinncd one, Tho steep uafuro of tho htll faces at KaiwhaiM was Tcspoiisitjic foi 1 a : c.y.ri- ■. mis occurrence a night or two ago (says our AVanganui correspondent)-. The familv of ono of tho quarr.yracn were asleep in a but near the lnnding-r-taga. at tho end of ft Steap slope, when they were aruused by' a crash., and were terrified to see a large bodv madly plmiging nbaut tho room, Jt appears that a cow, which had been . grazing oil the hillside, lost its footing, a-nd, rolling down to. tbo hut, swashed through tho wall, and into it.' The occi.vpaiits, in company with the, cow, nmdo a prownt exit. It would be, diflirnH t.o say wnieh wero tho inoro alnrnied, A meeting of the Creator Wellington Municipal Electors" Association will ho held in No. .1. Conmit'.co iloom <;i the Towit Hall on Monday evening so discuss tcnvu-js'l,inning. Tljo sp.eakers will include Dr. A, Iv. Newman. M l' , Mr. A. Leigh Hmi-.t, and Mr. J. Uarto.n. Oitizens who are interwtcd i:u the sub* jret, but who do lict 'uipiifi! to belong to tte sssociatior. 'aro iaivitod.

A. riiiinbr-r -of S' to tho Editor.aro in ty.j)o aiul ivIII he published oil Mauds v. i'ho bodite Mr (Man Stevens and Mr- G. K. OrimMor.e, who worn iilk'd (te a result fli the v&'i.Way ateidc'nt [its Wiiaiig:ii;iitrii!o, were ■lifdVs'bt-. down to Wellington by the Alain Trunk expvoss' y<.sf-ej'<;;iy morning. life remains of Sir. (iviijif-tono Will h<> i;it<Vrr<vl in t'Sio Katsjvi Oi! - .ou>ry to-day .atier ft service iii tiro Basilica, Hill Street, commencing nt W.3t) a-.=iu. The. funeral ,-ii Mr. ■Stevcws will k-avo his late residence, Lower ilr.t-t, at 2.39 p.m. for .the Taita Cowkpy. The jfi-iowih of <>nth.usiasni in rose cnlt ure in Wc.llinclon rrnty ho gathered from the follmvrn£ facts. A few years ar;o a local enthusiast conceived' tho idea.. {>f security a reduetion in price, on llis annual parcel of roses bv Rettwg SCVCTai iTrieiifls to Wit-h Win 'ill. ft i combined order. A northern. nurseryman, whoso name is a hall-mark of e,ualr »\v for liis goods, -vas communicated with, and n certain reduction per dozen on ah order of anything over .sis dozen was promised. That, year the originator of tlie scheme, after considerables trouble, $5t the required nuriiher 'tt tijaiko up tho -oirrfcr, The following year there Were more in the syndicate, and it lias continued to grow yearly. This season's orders for the syndicate came to haw! yesterday, and coin prised over iGO down of named rot;o trees, involving a. payment, of between £G0 and £-100. These roses iiil go into the gardens of householders in and around Wellington, njid comprise tho whole fascinating Jisl of a rose catalogue. It may also ho :tuonM<moc] thai ..oil beliaif of of tbe same syndicate, who believe in t he. motto, "JJifojj liomo its own garden," an order of over £lfl worth of selected 1 arietiw. of sheet pea seed arrive' from England. a week or two agG

. During the year just ended, the Chief Panitarv InsptHoi- (Mr. .1. Dovlc) held two auction sales of articles left in the C_ity tramears. The sales returned £\'J 17s. Mr*. Do,vlo also sold by auction stock left in lieu of rent hy iiio tenant of a shon owiied by th<i 'Corporation. This realised £10 'Bs,lQfi. Tij'tit'.froi'nj auctions, £32 fie. 10/ L Last night's meeting of the \\*ellingten Tcclinii-nl Kdurni.ion B'patS vrns: : a't/ ■tended bv Messrs. D. Robertson (chairman). ,7, K, Fitzgerald. V.\ Allan, ;1. <r W Alike, W H J>ld. T C \ IHslon. J[.. J'. Imckie, and G. 'Frost ; An offer of tivo proneriies as possible ■sites for a Ic'chnieal college was received f-om Messrs Dvan Bro l , md will be considered when the question of -§ite.ii is- Under review. Councillor H Huddle lip-, given notiro to. move at the. next mooting of too C'U Council. -'Tint the council 'immediately enter into negotiation!; with tbo Harbour .Hoard for the of tho accessary arfangoTrioiits by or otherwise for the .rfldainimg of Oriental 13av, and that tho reclamation be proceeded with as pooh as Possible-, and. bo vested in the City Council for the purposo of a park ai.d playing ground." • " ... "feuso refuse is removed rcgula'fly by tho council, and trade refuse is'te- : ceivcd at tho destructor oii payment of '9 small foe," remarks. Win tnity Inspector in his annual Vopoit, "but there is no provision for dealing with rubbish which docs' not como within the definition of house or trado refiiso, and the result is .that it js allowed to aceuniulato on vacant sect ions-and waste spaces. It would bp s'aii ■ advantage. : if : tho coilo&ors wcrfe instructed to lake all refuse from private bouses, even • if it entailed- additional cost." The Timaru vHarbour Board yesterday decided to roduco the. harbour rai'o from 3-16 to 1-8 for tho current year.-- . Press.Association.. - *■'"

When . tho oaso iof Aitchcsoii versus tho. City Corporation.of .Wolliiigfon Was e.alled oil yesterday morning in. tho Supremo Couit, Mr. J. O'Snoa, foi iho City Corporation, asked his Honour the Chief .Justice (Sir li-o'bert Stout) to adjourn the heiir.Jitg lor a «i!el". Tiie. application was, necessitated byr reason of '■ertaiii delays that had .occurred in tho holding of corporation arbitration proceedings in which, the. coriwratio.iv arbitrator, Mr, Fell, of Nelson, was engaged Mr Ncave, for plain 4 ill ofteicd no : objection to the adjournriirnt, hut asked that tiie ijUcstioii of ; costs be noted. cKSfe was accordingly set down for bearing: on Friday uextj Juno 5, and the jury which was to have heard the case luth his Honour was disciiarged. _ "It is the duty of a motorist to blow ■liis horn .on a. eonioi! and got <tt view of the road as early as ho possibly can " —Diotnm of a- motor expert ,in a claim fpr d'amageS' in tlio Suprenvo Court yesterday, Duiing tho.year ended March 31 last, according :to Mr. J. Doylo (Inspector -of Nuisanees), in- his anmtal. report, 2000 dogs were registered,. 4QI dogs wcro taken off- tlio streets. 115 claimed. IoG sold (for £36 14s, Gdl. and l;) 0 des-

troycd. "In -tins. connection." Mr. Dovlo remarks, "it is nccessary to corTobt■' a.imtaki? mndo by many, persons lit' assuming that tlio council in a rciicral way undertakes the destruction of clous brought to tho .kennols for that, purpose, and that tlio lethal eViauiber i$ always available. This not so. Tlio only dogs which the .council officers mav legally destroy are thoso found without proper roj'istration collars hy Mr. Scott, v-lio is duly authorised by the council (Section 16. Dor lleg. Act), Our procedure i? to keep such dogs for ni least; savon days (Section I7V, ami if thc.y arc not claimed and the. expenses of their keep paid within that time, thoy aro offered for sale by;. miction, "tor t-fao sale . tlm lethal chamber is i charged, and all 'dor;s not c-bimcd or ' sMd are destroyed. '■ Ait. oiyiior : who wishes liis ( dog destroyed should ; do it m'.miscl!, ' A cheiji> raid _ cxnoditimis method is to, tako tho animal (ft tho nearest' ckis.wt.stj five it'a dose of-jirtts-«io acid, which will ensure dr.ath _ fit'ft low cccoiids, and the. carcass will bo received at tho D.est motor free _of ehar:io. Although statements appearing flcfiasidiiaitly in tire PrcEs |ib.Qut ? : tray and •discssfd dhps. in the City aro very much exaggerato'di I do not think that, digs registered or otherwise should- ho penmtMd to be %t i/ii'Ko: in tlie .streets; flioy serve 110 useful, ntirpos*; thoy aro often a danger, to iraflic, and in mav.y wavs they ore Tiighlv objectionable. It i scorns to' 1116 that the Act should b6 amended, ?t ' ■

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2162, 30 May 1914, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2162, 30 May 1914, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2162, 30 May 1914, Page 4


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