■' ■iftAAO ACRES, Fteebnjdj ijtet VOHO acres wefl imprOfcd-, stiitabte fpr sute iJK/lfW division into gmivil areas. PRICE. Jill per Aite. A good iawstmisnt Sot a .fiian with xjajStjl, 1 9fkS ACRE& 0.8,1>,, it lite. &j.; 5W.) sew* in pass, fcjtaKe g?pd ljufilii fc jj,/VVO roamed House, .slteepyar.a.6; itr.d eftiliard; J* fcljaiirs .fctHfinfrl j gosa papa iiitep <?oiwitTy. PK-ICBj 42 Ms. ,per sore,. iflOfiJ ACRES, toasa in. PcfpeiuLtji *t (3d, per acrfe-f .500 acres, ta grass, on.fi lU *" bslßEee w»ry £c*>d kueli iohdj β-tjotrfc 400 Acres flafe B.iyd; batace ettf undulating, good- Bwelljfcijshptilsfe and oU-ibtriliiiii.gs, find Several Bheop-ptojif p&d.' docks. I>HICE> i 3 JOa, pei aoro. Tifi'fifii ACRES, freehold, feS in e*aM eicept 20ft MWs .in staging roiifeh i * w v fenefed aii.ii ouWiriolod <b4j 10 pa<Mocb; iS-iooiiied loiisfe/iWooffied Got* imje, eawbed, wosiijli®}, ffheepytttfe «b3 -dips Sl l v.!>.ted oo Main !RoiS, iji.etaHed. 1 mile , to steie, post offieo, soWol., ets. 1 ■ PRICE fct Freehold, M pvt ain>. 'fwras tas'h, and toalajts* ca.ii. teiusin, fifi© ACfEiBS, 0.E.P,, at .£1 S§. 6d. per oijrer 240 aews teHcd and it ,gra:s?! 19 *MO ehftins toeing; Wtaroj formed. .i*<m<! ft prp.js.ertj; very easy eheep ■country em pa-pa formatieft. PBICB, only ,*SIIO Goodwill-. A gootf eh.wijo for « yeans maa wifli email eapJtaJ. F<it fiirHtet particular*, up'ply. MANAWATW FARMS. "J Art ACRES, rej'y vicli flat limd, noarly all Iws bbs.tt stunipßd a-nd ploMpliesl; Xlrvf β-roowicd honsc, M)-tod;ito etnvbjijs, iunAiliOs, ivapsSxdC totetSk-i i W dflirv fsjsvs; 2 mihs raihvfty. Price .£4O ptr oftffi. Tfcrtss, -EStjO ep.sli, I 1/lft ACiJES, dose Railway, alt Vm, wry tet o£ dairyhis goad, bmldingsi, XV>\J I'rie?, ,£SS pet acre. Terms, .tlfliW iasft. •s «*<> ACRSS, oH now phnighAHij; vfill enrty Bfl tswsi good tatldkiss,- 'Stoelt, 45 J.OO coffiS, yoang slock; Vailway 2J nn'iw. Pris.6 «C!)S per nwc, Tsnirg, 41.M0 frash, ■j AA A ACKISS, 899 acrOTgiasg, KO acres row Iwinjj gcxid ilitiiWiflgs, stoG!;.,. WW juiw wintotinß 1325 shf-op (lffQfl bw'us bfewliftg Kvtej, -40 cattle. Titte, 0.R.i1?., nt SS«. per Aetc'i fatlway 17 miles, tewSjliip 6 lnjlts, Prk6 ifiiS.; tevmS, JCISIB caeli.; (a*t .H'asoii's slip was 85 Ijnlos. SJt.rt ACKBS, Taranaki, <laivy and «Jiccp farm. S3I) acrc>: plsWtaMd, j;l «c«s crop.a, «i*Vf will eru-i-j' 50 (lairy toivs, Aβ!)'to 580 toetdin* «rtvf-s{ goud irtiiMings.: School; cre-sffltoj- 2j miles'. Price,'.£9 1.55, pdr acre. Ttwns," .41000 cm%< WILLIAMS., HUNT & €0.. IiAND, STOCK, AXJ) STATION AGENTS., JOKXSTON WELLINGTON. CHEAP SHEEP COUNTRY, 1 AC^^Si a ''- te® n 'oW. eSßept aO& awes jSd.Udattonal IjcJiSs at 14 :pef acre; with impnjTemwt <slau», pet , act'ft inejuffing gfaEsmg. Bill? Country, esecpt 5Q acres piosbsMo. AH j?rassi!d eicept aheut Sfltt ftews .etaßdiEit tat , , .(jooa access by tßfltor rfiad; 17 mihs frftm unil. Fenced and subdivided into 12 paddodksi 4-tt*ni(S<S. cottage; 2*slieep eoimtty, feiiijos cattlo. iPfifco sRS tier acre, Easy "ternva, Apply to i FREEHOLD SHE'EP -.f ARM, * -J.Q.A.A ACEIS «if ttc Tc-ry best of latteßHiS ami ftwjhtryj Brigiittally 1./rj\/Kf" same of tlia heaviest nfld h'ist Jtnsc.d M.iubef laird ijl t;to> J'ciiding distrittj 200 atxas flat, Bfl fif *hieh Are stomped,, .ptoughefi, otnd nnif .jaFftwihe-ex-./.cellent reot cfops, baiiatea is t|.e &oundes*. lull-graf.iiiij fetiiiiftrj.. Sift Mitanplfe \yiil a ffqw patches of shtftw fetish. lively Homestfriid,, witi) pvorf conviVfljcncii, on, a v 'pickeci site; tittmcreu* euiiltisi'diiigs, tt-ooMierl with sliewiiij .ftiji.tit tefeilc-i, yardSi dip, yte, etc:, j 20 edd pftddocks tvtth pleu'ty of w&te*, nW Aβ fcftecia are ia rtofoijigli rfejrair, . ' , Lji»g bsaulifully to the sun, warm, aad sholtcpfrfl, One faTtti 'has ft gaiit *|nter carrying capacitj , , and ixistt year fto lireed.j.ng oives yicMcd 120 per ietii;, of JjtjuliSi -Generally Violets ftdin 2580 to SOOQ eheep And 17ft .boail of oait'tip. Tlio best tayißg we feftdw of at i;lfj pot ivc«. (had T-etinS arrisngpili. ■■...■ . . . . N0,.. I.&I3. FEIIiDING. P&B SALE OR'EXeHANGE.-MANAWAtU DAIRY F.A.fiM. Iqq ACRES IHEEHQIjD. 2* miles from I'ftft-a ■BniJ.Wfly .StajKon, po'st filSc*,. ZOO- <?t.e.,. «i«t. lj ltijlcs fvOra school *ad ms.Mi.cry. Land '$1 jtt grass ana jilongha-ble.' B« : ililii)gs .coWprtee 3 liwiises, oho i>iplit T.tionis, o.ijft ;ilv£ wwjiue-; ii«o Sowiwiis. (*oneirctetl), tep shed, stalfc. all ill perfect- order. I-'EICEi £-iQ p-r .at*.e; leiiris aTCtengeC \V»H eseliafc'go fo* feuftiisr Sten), bf City Eouso I'rapeity. Fuller piwtfcufe item— '■ " ■ And' at JfEUSOS.'' , '.. % ::/ * HAWICE'S BAY SHE£P ;' ;; WAR ACEES, 6 mlio.s lVoiii l*nkft]i/m by Tibst of α-ewls,' -all Sit -Krass -csiecibt ?55 acres «) rape Mtd swedes., 70 a«res stobbft; »H -Jtat p.d ooiv lilttiigMjle; riUff-fe-iwed a»d sijlidiviilcd intfi 12 paddocks, vi-«H ffaterfitl; ftooii .G-toßßiiji! haus& •R-it'k to : nvßilwne : os. -iviifirej woolslwd, cOwslrtsi, -teystaxl. teic. ' fceasS «'IHt C.I-.C. *t j!S lls lftd> per mirfi. *spiring i« 11917. b» t fenqwiii c 5« 1)b i.n-?tij:*d, re.ftt 6s» per acre. Thp property lxa« !i pood Ijiaray soil ttat wffl ,g.f«sv .att.yt:luflg..a.nd ,?v Jov«% olißiate. If W 'wintettd 3MD HYJxeil diefew, . T-hw) is a foftofl In this.. ]?ri«e frir ■GeodfriH, only 45 Ids. p-r o.svfi caslv, of wffl ' ex&ijiuigo 'fof .pptly-iiaprbvsd mm. feta; equity giM, Vyiil fr*n> . ~ , .. . T,AND * '' 'SAFE'S BIT. 1. A'O ACRES, ninstly rWi rivef flritej govctol acjes sttainjie.;! oWi fileiiglied, . w«H ill.v wahjrid aisd fiituatsd. 'li)js property "is pattS'wft iO daify oewabath-wiiitssr auft siini.rftev, aiivl the e\v ; nte is lirtipnwit to ejtofr. % fetwiis ivhicti pM'vb it tn fee the eUefwaSt nrtipfeJte Of J-ts si?* jn ..'iis Worth JsiaWl. ■Geod home mid fluftuildiuss. McST fit for iilio. Freehold -.JC3O, and only £GO9 6ash reiui.Mtl. WAIEARAPA FABIIIIS , AgSM., *»♦ LAND, ESTAfEi AN© MJ! ASC9B iii&iNTS, . , A RARE QMiAHCEi tpOB Bil/S, or Will lease te J y&ar s at Sts. with .p.UJdi*S:ing fclftuso at' ' £23 tier acre, near StraHord, 409 Aerq's., Ereotoltlj all .piouflia'b'le.j ivinfeifd ISO- cows, besides yewiisr stock} WttH <Jivideii, fcucad, aad friitsM. : First-cisss;'bu.(l.di. iags. Apply sharp, . j I ' FOR IMMEO [At.E SALfi, w-aaA ACRES ftfitMti, Uia cheapest difeep coittoy in ■HiiAvkfl , e Bay.; aJJ- ;in-l-OW grass but a!bo«t 2 or 300 .icres, big mamtfe in : pq : t:oli,es; tej'iced inio 8. ftiaiii gn.d severs! siival't fiaddticks; will wintcT iloy/ ti fe step 16 -tlie iere teldcsifcttle* nWI is capable of very great toijitovemetit at l.i-iffiii.g cost: vary toVlflty step country, distant only iJOi tiu'les to-m H.uWi'gs l»y. good rpiid.; -Rflod uo.m*fttckd. wooishal, atod eti oatWldiUßS; s!jclt«fi!d. TiiSVo too fepcoirtl T«asoijs f<tf liiis piece being eoM -cbftni). I'rice. *i 10s. jtej jtci-o-eiv .gocd. terfiis, or ii pe.r atw net -cash. Apply prorapt ta tbo Solo Agents, H,U a FA'RSfiEW CtMW , . ASWIm ■■LtP*, KAPJM, HASTINGS* W'AEPWWJEfA.ff, AKS XV.ilgoA, HAWKt'VBA , ? LlMEStoii COWfJIRV, MtAH SffASt. A STBAWtHIf-iQlit ' LgflSE POB .24 YEARS/ 1 Oi\i\ ACRES of LiMeStojle CeWit.ry. 300 n,cws, pknifthabfe-; .roiicl mi.ad l.@iw steeds, ten*?! has fcl yttir-.s :t>B ttm # a rentel «F 3s, fi.d< jter sere, Nib. divided' in ttee paddtirtsi &wryfi\g ctrteieity, 20!» tag . Fw* small cratlay csfrywlg cm&eßy wtte !» «w?«a-s*d to 2 thcep ix>r ,wr«- ft:(ce JW» " lia * —i farm on: .-exißPtwwJ, t^r^is, : -inA WJREB FrMlwiW; AM W .grfrss; W ««ros no* ftteughfjMej sell watersaj ftcll 190 fei3tod , .aiift..jnbdk"vd.«l.; ail ttnt aiid nttrfwJftlfflß j wiW ca.t-.i-s-70 dm.ry cow* -fid dry stock; tlp-to-d-ati? C-raamed IWase, teiipiiftiw; cowsiled, \vfth eamtfis 'flflw fttte-t for wacldiios; 7 miles fitotu town; 1. wile iwm BaUwwe Ift«o.r.y. .£3l S« acves 'jEBOO easfe. Wattle, .for 8 at &| pit ■' UKd' aJ.D .ESTAtti ACiENf, DAIRY fAhW, WARIGftfiUJ, t /»o ACRES nice J}«ii:T form; Soncl ..i:&sidpiKft, jCp-fediife. cb\rs.li.ea a-.r:d I|@ 'i n »s; less tfeto hvfl miles from t.ca?to of- Wimgaiiii, 1?BICE, £36 fio.r iicre; n.moulit reqwirtii J3G per .nora» bftlftiwo 5 p« qeift, A Fortuno as -ft 'JWirs-nv.B. , A. HAIBICK t Oa. LTO. ■ ' 17ANGAM1 '■ ; „, o.ra2(Ng AND FAfTtWIHG tMW. ' /»«A ACSES. sitMtrf 5 -mS-les tavin fe , efled levd jpwelljpjol, tFoH Water:Q4H e<l Dh-idtu! nit? 3 paftitejtii, SOU'.wejf flirt, 139 A'H in pdb.d grasg. few patc-te' BJic'iter, S.nl?jHlid l)t«ed'iiig owo coUttfryi " FRTCifi' .£'o iiif *G»i?.- Folte-t parlfclifars. "."PARKEK AHB TIKGEM^. WiVtN. . : , ' SUI TAB l. g: FOR '$.t)B;CKVIS ; (t|N Bft PATf ENiftiG . ' '.' T OAAiii ACRE&i Sivin Bead ru:jnung 'tlt'pMtfcli ]'iWM.jr, tMislity jyiovsliaiife ciitmOlWy try, Magtnf'teii litstHrt? MiSto* kiSltj lj ilicijp :emi«ti:v--| wtftl:■ f jr-iiciod Aiitf the'fciieapost V-'* l " s ''■ U l,e «Wstf|fl-t. Priee, i'S per «««:; iCiiMftrasi), it woa't cost y*i anythi.tiß tu sfiS]j«ji. ' • Q.3iP., at 80s, pet *erfi j €ii-« firtflßettj lilnilS . y«Jl' fiwtt Ksi.iiWfty Sterien. Main T*umt«»vVtuit W a#(?s rji .gKiSs, bivlfltiee-biisii JSO acres of wliiclj is lot for i^liiiß; i. tMiAlmto; Kfta : rl,\' !i. iiiites .of .t})i-l;op -ftiiifc: iftg; it-i'dftHWd lifinso, 2 ijatiijjhs, sJieftp iv.jixt sWtfS pjjajttj-Jy t? wwtpi'hiß 1000 bsfeeJinjr we. 2iO 4py slicfrp, n>nil 49 Iwnit :isf toifcle v fliid. is:fii^S-|i : e> »iMy ijpiiTf given nwrty rtt *t SS, jie-r iiW i ;g.i)m.lsvj.li, ;£i;!i)0 msli; ■yyiic es j't ojico a lid 3i»i»tU ;i dsj;,.to iMs.jWe.t, _ ' . .■■:,,.. ■; "MA^'rox".act m.\i^'ox v .jt;ij'KHkiy."" '*.. . ■■. .-■;.,.'■''
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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2157, 25 May 1914, Page 10
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1,404Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2157, 25 May 1914, Page 10
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