I [BY liSOSiN.] '
SOCIAL AND PERSONA^ Wedding in St, Paul's, Avery pretty wedding took placo on Easter batiii'day at, St, Paul's p ro . Caiijr k r«:l, when Jfe Dorothy Dara : Gapes. cider daughter of Airs. Gapes: and tho lat.o Mr. George tiapes, '' of. Rwgifiapa/' Nortiilflnd, pi married •?. »• 1' • C\ Walton, second son of Mrs. Walton and of tho kto .Rqv, J. "p. \Valf9ri, of Blenheim. r ]'ho clmrcli u - us p'i'jttily decorated, and tho .ceremony svaa performed by tho Rw. A. .M. John-: soli, .M A. The bride, who Wag civtn : . by Mr. W. IV< Todd* "wo.fio a gown ■of ivory duchoss® satin., tho skirt beiti" draped with [>ilk all-over laco and niado with ft court train finished: v. itit bunches *>i ( o tango blossoms. Tho bodice was trimmed with silk laco xijvd pearls-., and finished offi at tho waist with a satin and pearl buckle, under which ft®* tacked a small spray or orange blossoms. Hor veil, frßich was fasteiied with beautiful sprays of orango blossoms, readied to tho train. Sho also carried a shower .bouquet of white roses, cactus _ dahlias, and maidenhair fern. \ The- bridesmaids were Miss Mabel Gapes | , (sister of tho bride.) and Miss Ivy Joues, i both of whom were gowned in white -i <iuchi.isso satin and aiso carried' shower | boiiq.uets of heliotrope sweet peas and | maidenhair fefii. with heliotrope stream-1 ors to match tneir wide belts. They also wore gold bangles, tho gift of tho bridegroom. Tho best man was Mr. B. 1 W. Millier, and Mr, J, A, Slitcholl i acted aa gxoomsman. Tho Wedding I March wits played as the bridal party loft tho church. A reception was afterwards held at tho Kiosk, Oriental Bay, about 200 guests being present. Tho health of the brido. and bridegroom was proposed by the Rev. A- M. Johnson, , to which the bridegroom responded. Mr. ■ A. Paterson proposed that of tiro-brides* niaids., to which iho best mail replied : with a witty Jittlo speech, Mr. W. W. Todd proposed tho- health of tho parents of tho bride aiid bridegroom, and Mr. L. 0. Fennel] suitably responded- Between; tho toasts, musical items were contributed bv Miss Ivy Jones. Miss Elsie Florence, Mr. Fennel!,' arid Mr, Jbii«fe Mrs., -Walton, mother of tho bridegroom, w o a costume of black watered. Bilk, and crinoline hat with a white osprey; : Mrs. Gapes, tho bride's mother., woro ft black cloth costumo, and black panne ' velvet hat,, with a largo, white willow plumo. Later on in tho afternoon Mr. , and. Mrs.-, Walton left by motor-car for a tour or tho North Inland, tho ■ bride travelling, in a blue cloth tailor-made costume with collar and cuffs of Bui' • . garian trimming, and large, black velvet Hat with white lancer plume. Among.. tho guests present a.t. tho wedding were.: Mrs. Duncan Cameron (sister of tho; : bridegroom),, tho Iter, A. M, Johnson tad lira.. Johnson, Mis?, Myra Smith, Miss Caldwell, the Misses Davis (2), Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Adams, Mr, and •Mrs. J. R. 'Watt.,.. Jir. aim Mrs. Ocxhoad, Jir. and Mrs, H. W, Todd, Messrs. D. 51. Poison, 0. S. Robertson, j. R. Gnlbraith, G. H. Forsyth, P. Wright, N„ Bfflnett. Wsddlnn at ChristcHurch. On Wednesday afternoon, at St. Mary's Church, ■ Merivaln (Christcliurch), the m'afrjago took placc of Jfr.. Charles Mather,, or Marten, to Miss ■ Mariorio Willctt Milne, only daughter of Mr. Charles L. Milne, St. Albans. Tho brido, who was .given away by her father, woro a gbwn of ivory ducbessn satin' draped With 1 '" Homton Jaco and tiny clusters of orange blossoms, and a : veil with a coronet of orange blossoms. ■' Sho carri.od & bouquet of white flowers, : Miss Baker :>nd Miss Todhunter were the bridesmaids, and woro pretty frocks of pale "reen and rose. floral voilo over sati;n slips and black ■ plumo hats. Their bouquots were o.i flowers to lvarr: ■mofliso with their-gown'Sv Mr Fullerton Smith, of Taihape, was tl:o. best man. Tho bride travelled in ii sase» hluo costumo and hat of bluo velours, with fos furs. Wedding at Hamua, Tho wedding look placo at tho Hamua Catholic Church on Wednesday of Miss. Margaret .0. Boutke, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bourke, of "Riversdalo," to Mi'. Richard B. Payne, third; son of Mr. and Mrs. W : illiam Payne. Tho ceremony was performed by theIte,v. Father Harnett, of .Masterton, sssisted by Fathers T. M'Kenna orni Kencaird. Tito church was prettily decorated for tho Occasion. Tho bride (who was given away by her father) woro a gown of white merv silk, trimmed. with lace, and a veil beautifully einbroidererl, the gift of the Sisters of. tiio Pahiatua Convent. _ She carricd a shower bouquet of white cosmos and. asparagus fern. Tho bridesmaids were Misses Agnes and Annio Bourke, sisters of tho brido, who wero dressed in whito with lampshade tunics and fichus of lace, and Juliet caps of pale blue. T'lioy carried white, bouquets with b'.uo streamers. Mr. J. IX Galvan was best man. After the ceremony nuptial mass was held, and the wedding march was played on the organ by Miss M'Kfnna, of Newman, as tho bridal party left, tho church. A rccoption. ■fras afterwards held at "Riverside." Displayed amcng tho many presents received * by tho brido and bridegroom was a largo framed photograph of the ilamiia hockey team, of ' which tho brido had been cantnni last year, and: Which had been presented at ah afternoon tea given earlier in tho week; also a set of carvcrs and and a sihesmountod cut-glass scent bottlo fiom tho members of tho Hamua Catholic Church choir, ttith which tho brido had. heeii associated for a considerable time, Ashaving outfit, from tho Hamua Football Club presented to Jir, Pajno testified to his popularity as a plnyiiig member. for several seasons. Wedding at Bulls. The marriago took placo in St. Andrew's Church, Bells, on Wednesday., April 22, of Mr. Charles Isaac Gordon Gibb's, eldest son of Mr. I- Gibbs> of Jlwten, to Miss Eileen lowa Trott, only daughter of the iato Mr. and .Mrs. G. M. Trott, of Bulls. The Rov. J. E. •Blaekbunie performed, tho cereiuony. The church was very prettily decorated for the occasion by friends of tho brit'o and bridegroom. Tho bride,, ivjio was given away by her undo, Jir. G. Xich- j o.Vson, wore a- gown of silk crcpc, t.ftin> J mod with silk lace, pearls, and sprays of orange blossoms. Sho Carried .a beautiful shower bouquet, tho.gift of Mrs. E. H. I«evett. Tha bridesmaids were Misses Ivy Nicholson alid Florence Way, cousins of the _bride, who wore pale bliio cashmere, tri.mni.od ivitH-preanj faco and white hats triiitm'od with tiilio and ribbon, Mr. A. Abe!, of Htintorville, was tho host mau and Mr. .01* liver Cavigan acted as groomsman, Tho brida's gift- to tlio bridegroom was ,a! gold mounted silk n.lbfirt, and to tin; brido was given a. silver jewel case, Tho ■bridesuiaids received a gold poiidant and brooch with .poarls. Miss : 01:arko pla.yetl tho Wadding March as the bridal party : k'ft the rhurch. After tho ceremony a largo mimbe'r of friends wcro entertained at the rosidenco of Mr. G. Nicholson, iiitcrnooii teii hoing served i.n a largo iiiiirqileo oil tho lawii. Tho brido's I travelling "dress was a grey tailored Costume and snxo blue felt hat with pkmms. After i-ho rc-ceptioii they moi iored to their new homo at Silverhopo.
A Kltchcn Tea. ; A kitchen tea was pucn for Miss iicwden, of Feilding, -oil Wednesday afternoan by Mrs, iisher The Jio'S-t.eJis v.-oro a gown of white im- : broidercd voile. Quite a number-of very . useful kitehen things wero given, to tho bride-elect:. Among thoso present woro Mrs. Bowdenj Mrs,. Hill, Mrs.-Worsfold, Mrs. Wright (Wellington) Mrs. Thom« son, Jlißs Hum. Mrs. Strcot, Miss Bur» ftett, Jliss young, Jirs. Jl'Catkindalo, Mrs. Banner, Mrs. Say well. Miss JamuSj Mrs. Sotiierviilo', Miss Miilnr (Invercar- ; gill), .Mrs, Cameron, Miss Bowdcn, Mrs. Gomas. Protfectibrj of Women. i\_mw;ting of tiio Society for tho Protection of Women and Children, was hold on Erida.v afternoon, Mrs. W> A. Evans presiding, Others present wcrot Mosdamos F. M. B, Fisher, D. Jl'Laren, J. 11. Glasson, C. H. Izard, Mifig: Denton, and Mif-s Stow art. A largo mimber of cases that, had been undergoing investigation wero reported upon and help given; others were: being attended te. Tiio following subscriptions Wero acknowledged —Con* eclidatcd Dental Co.. £1 Is.; M ; « Coatos, IQs-; N, J. Roberts, Ltd.,. TOs. i Mr. A. Ferguson, 10s.; Gear Co , Ltd., 10s. ; Messrs. Hill and Son, 55,.; Jtr.s, Scott, 55.; Mrs. Fruhauf. 55.; Messrs. Castendyko and Fockc, 55.: M. a. W, F. Ward, 55.; Jliss Dowdswiil, os. j : Myers and Co., 6s. flchnowledgmsnt. Tlie matron of. tho, Hospital desires to ackriowlodgo: the following :giffcs**Old linen, Mrs. George Bell, Sirs.. Fitzgerald ; flowers, Wellington Girls' College, Mrs. H. W. Moss (Karori), Mrsj Press (Constable Street). Mrs, Pitt; ■ books and magazincEj Jfrr,,, Hill (Danici Street), T, Gould, "Anonynrtuc," Jirs. ; Pitt [ magazines, Mrs. Gordon, Sirs. Patrick (Kclburno) ; cakes, fru t, vege--tables, and toys. Church of England (Roseneath), Mrs. Faerlv (Island Bay). Mr. and Mr 3. B. It. Bunny left for Sydney yesterday. ■Mrs., Hiley was a pass«ngcr by tho Willochra, wiiicb left for Sydney yesier- ' day. : Miss vljuiitcr (Hawke's Bay) is tho . guest of Mrs. W., 8. Moorhouso. Mrs. A. W, Rutherford and tho Mis6es Rutheifoi-d (2) left 'Wetlingten. yesterday by tho Willochra for Svdiiey. Miss Lissack, who loft for Sydney yesterday, was tho recipient of many tangible tokeiib of regard from her -man? Wellington friends, adult, and otherwise, ; as well as the heartiest wishes for her futuro success. It is lier intention to try her foituno cn the profoss'ional stege. As ail entertainer and member of tlift Wellington Dramatio Qlub, Miss Lisgack is well known. Among the guests staring, sib "Baimorai" are Mr. and Mrs; Gannassy ; (Christeliurth), Jliss CuTiper (Manga-' nui), and Mrs Peel (Wanganui). Sirs. Alfied Matthews, "Waioronfo-mai,".Feat-herston, is visiting hor dauglier, Jfrs. G. B. ,Stephenson, at Pefono, Sho returns to tho A'airarapa to-day, Tiio pngagemont is announced of Miss J, Milne, youngest daughter of Mrs. J. Milno, os Island Bav, to Mr. K. Sutherland, youngest'sou ot Mr. D. Sutlicrland, : "Xgaipu. 1 ' Hmakura, M airarapa. Jfiss Gainsford. of tlm Kew Zealand Baptist Missionary Society ;staff ill India, i 3 at present in lit tho interests of tiio. society. Oil Wcdticsdriy next, at fi o'clock in tho Vivian Street, Baptist School Hall. Miss Gamsford will deliver a lecture illustrated ])J limelight views on her work i» tho mis* sion fieldi Mrs. Dcnlicm (wife of the Queensland Promicr) launched tho- Queensland Govemmont's pilot eteamer Mahow Flinders, at Glasgow-.—Press Associa- , tiou. A wedding arranged to tak.o placo on. Wednesday in Ilmaru did not eventuate ow'ng to tbo mysterious d;sapi)earance of tha groom on Monday last. No causa whatever can bo assigned for his absence, and all attempts to trace him have been futile. As thoro is ,n;o account oT any accident or mishap having befallen him. indignation at his action js widespread in the, town, and the deepest sympathy is expressed to tho muchrespe'eted relatives of the youiig lady at tho uuto'ward event.—Timaru "Herald, Owing te the kindness of Jir. and Mrs. T, A. Duncan, a very cnjoyablo evening Was. spentat St- Mary's .Ho.meSj■in honour of their- golden wedding. To suit the. convehi.enco of tho girls, wha ■ ca.ii buly return te 'tho liotiicH .oh Thursday afternoon, tiio. celebration of the 'wedding was made to wko place on iho Thursday, although the actual anniversai'T not roally on. tliai day, put later in the week. All tho girls wero given a half-holiday, and they decorated tho various rooms with holly, and flowers In .tho evening comc frifhds armed, nnd games and musio filled :ii an evening that was full of enjoyment for everyone. Among thoso who provided music for thoocrasion wore Jlrs. Gooder (Taitvillo), Mrs. and Misses Wilson (Kelburno), and Miss M'Keiizio. A health lecture will bo given by Dr. von Danville, in. tho Y.W.C.A. Club room to-iiight. Tlie titlo of her subjest will bo "How to Avoid Danger. Tho purposo of tho lecturer will bo to follow up tho points of Dr. Edith Huntley's "health talk," given at tho \oung Women's Christian Association on the fourth Saturday Of 'last iiiOnth. Dr. von DatiVille's lecture will bo open to all young wotneitTho Rov. Oanou Garland will conduct ■tho service to-morrow afternoon at the Young Women's Christian Association. His iii.hjcct -s-iil bo tho Bible-in-scliools question. In China—that f-trang« country from wiiencc cc-ino tho poli-tased people—soaio Agt'ieuUiifal methods rtrp 3000 years' ola— *01110 even older. Pit diCeront from tho | up-to (Uto New Zealand farmer, who uses (the easy riuiuiiiß, .sturdy, Kichuiond Oit liiißine. Good for your place, too. Got particulars from Albert J. Parlon, Plumber,' Curtorton.—Advt. 1 T'li» Oaks, Woodmar.sicrne, a, Surrey ■estate, from which the. famous ra.co. at SttsßM takes its name, has. been sold.. It includes a fmo 18th ccntwry roansionlioiiFf., which was one of the favourite hunting rosi.do.Bc.6s of tfto tvith Earl ot llerby. MISS MILSOM, HAIR ANi) FACE rHYSICUN, Be.ua te notify (hit she has i-eruorod from tho Kir.c's Chambers to Room No.' 1 Bar. nett's Buildings:, 91 Willis .Street (oppsfito Shoctte* Picture Theatre). All preparations for tho hair, face,, nails, and all hair work can lie obtained as usual at above address. Telephone Bli,*
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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2132, 25 April 1914, Page 10
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2,205WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2132, 25 April 1914, Page 10
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