i ' LAND NOTICES. _~__^_-i _ . ' "l 10Af» *>i\ P>«£ ;i A'VvU metalled road, l/ea-sad from 11.13. .School Commissioners; total, us. I>W aero, fur 21 years from Soptembar, 1918, perpetual right of renewal, tor furuier . terms of 21 years at rental fixed by arbitration. Full Compensation pf all J'f'" jii'oveiDoatg. All in best English grassim, Brit-class -soil; 30 acres uwler plough, uulcjididly watered; subdivided -into six largo paddocks of from 100 '.p £00 acres; r ' W small paddocks ami 0 small holding paddocks at wookiwd and. stack yards; *ll > fences are in first-class order, concrete dtp, wiwpteto set shesp-yaius, good Stock yards, with breaUing.iu race. Water laid on to all buildings Mid dip. Baridiiißj consist of house of 'J rooms, scullery, bathroom," Ik*nw't c. water, cottage of 5 rooms, woolikd, 7?ft. s /2ft.; stands tor 8 slicarvr.s, B»iffiJic-r«oiu, cowshed, 8-StaH stable, harness and feed room, imulenfcnt short, store, etc. I'rtee, JES Ml*, pet' acre. Buildings, dip, and water supply havp been lately valtted by an expert at X3OOB. ..! WM. H, TtJRNRtJLL AND .'CO., ? . . ■ -27 PANAMA STREET, WELLING/lON. ___ QAAA ACRES, Freehold, about 7090 acres well improved, suitable for sub« tJUKfIf division into ambit areas. PBICE, Xll per acre. A good investment for am» with eaflitsl. 10-fljfi ACHES, 0.K.]?., at Ilia. Cd,j 500 acres in grass balanco sood bush; *. XiVuQ roomed House, gheepyards, 'garden, Afid orchard.; 75 •eiuiins fcWiagi good papa sheep country. PBICE, 42 iflsi per acre. IAOFJ ACHES, Leas* in Perpetuity, at Gd. per acre; 500 Soros to grass, arid V/«»J balajieo very j500.1l bpsii land; about 100 acres flats olid balance .eaay undulating. Good Dwolli'uguWso and outbuildings, and several isheep-proof paddocks. PRICE, .S3 10s. per awe,. 1 (\(M\ ACRES, freehold,' aii in gtaM osafft &M asres |8 standing fousjh 3 AIWW fenced sad. subdivided into'lo paddocks; 5-roo.med House, 3-.roohied pottage, <jo*sbcd, wooi-shod, sheepyards-, and dip. Situated oil Main Road, metalled* 1 mil© to stare, post offiee, school, etc, PRICE for Freehold., £'0 per aero. Terms cast, and balance can remain, 6KO ACHES, p.ft.P., at ,<ei.Ss> Gd. per awe; 240 acres' felled and in grass-; 14 JO chains fensing; »wksre; formed, road to property; very .good 'easy sheep country on papa formation, 1 PRICE, only JJS&Q Goodwill. A geotA aiinnee. for a yc-uai: man with Bm*U capital, For further particulars, apply NEWTON KING' ' mi l&'^U^SM am ' ; <x~ ACRES, Biiiry Farm, all flat,-rich alluvial soil, good house, VI anvha,ils, railJU ws.y % miles, sdicol and creamery elws. Meo JE3-1 per awe, 87 -I !r/J A-CRfiS, Pata)crrto.n, all llirt, liacros turnips, 50 acres ready tor plough; 0-J-O" raamed house, concreted oawbails, tarrying 50 sows, young stock; school, emimerv, 2 mites. Price. Mi per aero. 7* Un ACRES, Bfaitaivatn lure, all flat, 7-i-oomed'house, eowbails (.registered), stofrk, if 70 head; i-dc-al farm; *clmai,-(;v j eatnerv, railway, -J «me. Price, Jt'lft per »w. ~,-..' ™ "1 'J A ACRES. Pahiatua, 4 acres crops, T-raoine*! -iiotise, cnvvoails, .stele. 15.eons, .L".rU I-iii sheep; railway, school, creamery ctesc. rrto, £23 15s. Her »m\ Te.r)Hs, i'GOO cash. ' ■ . 30 -jAA ACRES, Line, oil flat, mostly all stumped; G-tfMmcil. Jieu.se, -«hj» .ISJ\! bails, milking machines., stodt, 3Ct eows; tJiilway, selw)ol, crcautery, 2 miles. l>rico, -EoOOO. 21! ■ THjAXD BAY, '6-roomed House, 4800. Terras, ifKQO cash, TESSIKSTEEET, 9 rflonw, JCiffSO, Terms, 4500 easli. " WILLIAMS, HUNT AND :.OOh. m ; USD. STOCK AND STATION AGESJTS, JOEJ-'STO-M ST,, WILLINGTOK.^ CHEAP SHEEP COUNTRY,. -lirAA ACRES, ail -freelrold, esceot 368 aire-s Edaeatiooai lease at Is per acre, with improvement clause, iCI per acre, Micludwg grassing. Hilly country, except SO acre.s plonghabk. All grasseil except about 200 acres staisfes bush. Good access by motor road; 17 mjl-as from raii. Fenced and subdivided ante 12 paJdoeksj 1-rwßied cottage; 2-slicisp country, besides csttk. Price- JK per ae.ro. Easy tortus-, or would Exchangfl for Good Dairy Farm. Apply to i .N.Z, LOAN & MEECANTILB ' 4 -AGENCY 00., LTD.; ( - WA3I6AKIIH. DAIRY FARM, GOING CONCERN, TAR.AMAKI. . , "XXT&IK in. walk out." 170 aires bush land, about 60 .acres ntb nver tow. W balaneo undulating, 135 in grass,- 8. to 10 new' <!joanng, ttb.OTfc 2.1 staMip.? bush; fenced in 9 paddocks and now carrying 28 cows, G hette, 20 yonijg stack, bull, horses, and p-& J B-Womed house, 10-bail wvsW, «n«KiJ« M, sfiparator room. W T *S per acre. ; Owner wilt accept -800 cash and arrange, balance on l-nr«haser may \ ■ S all stock, inilkine and dairy plaftf, farm gear, etc,, at valuation if «cs.red. This nlace is half a ifltle oft main read Along wluah. coaches a.na .motor cars piy irtir It is«n escelient opporttvoity for acquiring a nwe. 4 convwuct farm with ■ p?o4t libM and w«it. S.-p." CQBKJI.U S« fiymouth. HOTKrVFOR RALE-G«od country house, long lease, free hoase; old tstab. FOR SALE in lading TftraMki town, fine stand, Bfiod 'conneotion. A. forhm* under co.pnMe (Maflagciivsnl. •P. F, COEKILL, NEW PLYMOUTH. ___________ FULL-BEARING BfICWAjJ-0 PROPERTY, FOE SAII3. . , , „ . ~ ~ . e\*> •nfcuato HeHdersou, Auckiand: 4 acres in bush, 9 m erop, U In or. 37 S Orchard co« Bacree, infullbearsng, and 6 acres *.yea« planted.. Sis-nwiarf' lio'ise Si conveniences. This is. a goM proportion, ana on.e returning UU mffk soff wnicTioofl may remain for a term of years at 5 per cent i Full particalars from J. T. HORN. LTD.; 1. ami'll PANAMA Bfß|Et, WEtUSGTON, And a,t IsELSOiN, jTbandy proposition. • Shed ihewils IS curat, and the fence* all a. .splendid order; nn cvorlastHw wb£«S a roHv nice home. aWed within easy itotftw of schwl find cm»tfy. Wee is «8 DcrVcre, i; 500 cash balaiwe for 5 years at S per cent. . WAIRARAPA FARMERS* ASSN., m - LAND, ESTATE, AND FINANCE AGENTS, PAHIATUA. DAIRY PAfiM, WANGANUI. " tno ACRES, iiko Dairy Farm; g-Oqo* residence, up-to-date covvilwl mid <HJ*«il* i JDO ings; kss tliafl two miles from cent™ of Wunga-nui, rEICB. £oQ : pep acvo;'Rmo_at required, M per acrp, balani* s.per cent, A Fortune os a Milk-run. A, HATRICK & CO., LTD, WANOANTJI. . _ , .-—. SH . EEp . p AR m. ICXCIiPTIONAt VAWE. FBICH i'S BEI-OW GQX'EteJIENT VAITJB. tn A A ACRES, aU'i-n grass, handy to .Fa'taerston North .and FcHdifig _ by. IoUO motor 'road; 'capacity, 5000 sheep besides, cattle; wed fenced vntonumeroas pa-ddocks; good area ploughaW*. balance nrfeablo. ' Tb-tw luildings ? pernmtient water rn every Haddock, Telephone connected. Winter* 1509 eives and 3500 Mothers, besides oftttie, • . PKIC& only £\i per -aero. Terms, attOOO cash, balan-ce long term at -5 per cent.'* Apply, sharp,. ' " W* H.-LAMBERT AND CO.. 2jf CUBA STREET, PA PIBIISTQN KORTft COAil' BAE'QAIN.—#e bavft disDoseVt of the. 3000 acresof leertfcA hold recently advertised by us in this paper .ftiltf wmv offer another oppoN tiinitv "of aequirbg a really cheap property. Am, m acres, 42 years, Land SSSfefllsSw Lew. K«nt ft* fl*rt Aftwrn Wf* 16. WIWI rent for■ ocqnd fittpen veais. Is. 61 per acre, with Bght of tei-rewp, for a turtlwr penod of 2 years at a rental of S per cent, on wi-mproved valoe. With tho ..wception of 700 acrM ?Lt hav* beeo felled and grassed, the Ttnflle of the above is standing tawa bns-fc, toftl ROfid' land. The cleared land wintered MOO sheep aiul «m« eat He and liorses; 2 SfiU Inetot on the property; good <W raad, and freight; Iff»a ouly 80s. per ton Rood siiopiM P»a<» *"> «<> eaast il ' orto ß e '" ' lv,w ' ** D««re, Ttnw amngejl Apply ' KA M OJLAfeHAA\j%_jj__i_Um "I)AIRY FARM NEAR LEVIN. - ■ mryin4vCf«'lieadof cattle and !vorse.s. One uife from school 3 anles to rr'eaScrv Preehok'. Price, ..SIS iwr here. Terms, etc.* from KIVIN. . , __ — sHtE _ pnRM F . OR gALEi MANAWATU LJME. nnj\i\ ACEES i lai'l'os from Bailwayi i-shopp cofm-a-y, fe)tc*d Viito 10 paddacki, J*aulf email i-toomed yard?, vte. Prt«s Jis 10s. per acre; cash, required^ «!' Mate house, oomhed and plant, witting JU on this fi'rui 110 cows, an s.howgo',-d ret-«i-ns. Only il>fi« cash. reqUHod.; .bal- ■ AND €0, m** \ , RES~OF FATTENING COUNTRY. . ■* r\t j-s, ACBES t'ios* to 'i Kaiiway Stations., 3 niites to towii, so Jo jn raSs f hott 1010 dift-neo to freezing works; all in grass; fattpivs all stack oft .grafts;! «,*rYtiU<Hd river flats, baJaMco bn* country; Ijcixutiful hotiio, with -pijde.il, -or* chard • Suated ff Wairarapa. Ms*. M Ms. per acta. -Cash *--ttd «GOO, This is'tho home y-mr are for ,_*». rt « C. CROSS AND CO,, LANB Mill EBTATJS AfIEStS, IitASTFaTO^. ACRES, cliaieo -s-heftp coufttry, BdwAtioft Reserve, re.ii-.t, -JOd. per &cie, I \l\t\r hirtifc ©f rrneiml and compensation for SmprovciiWotS. Well fenced mid i suhdivided "rterei by pwflmnent streams, 100 acres flat, 900 W«s in crass, lml f ""'O4MPBELL, THOMSON & C 0.,"" ".; ©ANNEVHtK-13. _ """'■; "" ;. -, i\ ACllEfl and spU'lidki llause of ,1 tarns, Man.wrtfu iwe. will 10 and o.clwrd, a ,li« Bw . geod binuM* Ptw? A'WOO : ~ tawtr #500. ;' tX '.U-RF« --na uiodwti House of 6 rooms aiid uttltorlttoigs, TO i% 10 "il-oniub. tlau"k«'<s »ay.. I'Hco .SMGti, vmomrainlwrM ACffi's 1 „i,t Splendid Kesidem* a( 7 wows., Kninjttjli*! Inwplufi. Vrree .KOOOf 5 'ioieiicumbiviwt. Owner can livid .fclflO-O cash as *vd. Aftply at onw. toLLBK AND BUTTER, I A<SF,\TS. WliiXmO'MK, . .~.
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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2131, 24 April 1914, Page 12
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1,455Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2131, 24 April 1914, Page 12
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