■ :: % * ! - ; *'■ ' ■-■' '■ ■ . .'■■ fTl'llEltK '«!■« ZltiP.n ; iVw?Swi ions'nirFiile ill 111 is woll-knowii K-lnfe, which is A <-Asii)isiteil..i.iirv;'. , i.Will's Civiiii Hie 1.1-viii (<>wn>lii|i and Kailivny Station, l>o ■' P'-opci'ti-iiv.iHliiiirablv.'Mliiiili'irftir'ildirviiiK; ur futicnini;, bciiis only a nilte from .i "rrciUii»rv,''iiiiil^villii'if<'.t'vv.-iT»i'h..<.l , \Ve}li!i<(lo!V which is a "real'outlet for all clas-fs «l'.(liiiry' l ii'mri , iin!i■jiruilure. Tin; wiil is fill of Kcmiiim dair.viiiß quality, ''.■ jiixl'.tliis is iintlpiililciily n ifi-iiitd (ijipnrlmiily for a. mini to tibtiiin a firsU'lass larm oii.cii«y Icriiis.'.'''j'lii-: iwirl.ifiiliir.i.tif tin- j-fi-tinrn. for sain lire;— ■ X(v ; .)!— 'M e'l-i'csMM-'renlKdd,. iii'ii;!.;. Xi'ryr aw'., '■■' "■. ■■■ ■ ■•.,;:., v . , (i"i'iii-ivs l,i'Hsi<lMild. iTiil. : -a>s. :iii. per iiLfelper aiiniini, expiring 19-5. Ko' ai-vrV Trci-IKiM. piii'i , . .'.'.'le per. ;irrc. ' ~ '"■ ■■•■;.;% aero-, .benw-linld, ivnt. :i«s. p<'f armi per'annum; expiring 19J5.', \o. ?.— llO iicres,. j-'recl|ol(!. prim •(;-- jii'i , Jii'i-e.' ■■ ■. ,; v ■>■•■!■=-iS ficrcji; liNiM'hold/TPiit. 225. p'.-r acre per annum; fspirjng IW-1. ■Xc ■ ■">'.— JHI n<:res ; . ail l,f:i-oli<i!(l, rent ■'.'• pi!r'.icre; poodwill .£l*t. .. "' ■'The lasl-iiieniioHed is: an ■ pspctially KOod suction, with an up-to-date ICI-roijmcd hon.«p, (.(abio anil hlictl. ■'.. ■ ■ ,■ Teruss and -l'lirtiiei , . partimitaMJ'olc., from .-..''• '"■ ? AJuvJrJE/1 I iv, vy.) IiJLJJ.j. ■ WELLINGTON. , ; .. ~' A: ! --'_ IN^THB'. MAJILBOROUGH DISTRICT, CLOSE TO BU3XHEIM. .. .; S WAJEAIT : ORCHAEI) XANBS, ,i[^'^' j 'k : i4., ■'..-.. COJIPEISING %3 ACRES .OF.-SFLENUID AUUVIAL LAND. ALL ABSOLUTELY FUK A .;... .„,;■:; SITUATED, ON «00D SfAIX BOAUS. APPLE FAEMS: . \ ■ ■ W&& ■ ACEES UPTO 30 ACRES.jpjK TO J>gQ PEE ACRE. 'TEEMS: Iβ peT cent, deposit, 10 per cent, in G months, 10 per cent, in 13 ■■: ~ njoatb.s., balance i« 5 years at 5i pci , ceut, interest. ;.' . ■ ,PLi.SS. ON APPLICATIOX-HARCOURT * CO., LAND A.GEKTS, ' '.:. " '■.'.."' ' WELLINGTON. ■ , __ . - - ■ . ONf Of THE BEST SHEIP FARMS IN THE NORTH ISLAND. lOO" Freehold, all in English grasses except 50 acrea; 30 acres in crop : X-AkSO and 20 in Native bnsh; 409 acres splendid-flat land, tie balance CTdijj lilting. Fully 700 itc«3 plougltnbio; fenci'il and subdivided- tato 25 paddocks. \V6ll watered by springs ami creek. C4ERTING CAPACITY.—This property wintered IB3fl breeding ow«s, \W dry ' sll««p (ehifiUy hogged), 170 hirad '4-year steers, 50 rams, end 13 horses, cqtiiValetit to sheep to the acr<>, BUILDINWS.-Splondid -residence of S rooms, with' all ■ modern tonve»iwocs,S connected bv lelephoat-; alfo i-raomed cottage, woolshed, wjth 3 shearing: inachinM sad oagsne,' to go with tii-'i place; 3 sets yards and dip, trapped, Miait cowshed, SITU ATION-M miles from a rapiilly-grwißg tewfl and ifflpertant Eaihray Station, by ?ood raetalkd rondi can motor at any time tight, to the homestead. Tito ivholo If lbi> property co«?d be ptefltabl.y used f&v dairying. Tko team are all in first-class order,' nnd there is plenty of totara suitable fer fenoing or I'HtWinc We can strongly recotnmend an inspection of this lanii. ino owners polo reason for ailiag ie fcenuw be has decideU to retire. Price, .£l9 pw aci-e ISO, JloJ ■ ABRAHAM c% WILLIAMS, LTD., EANGITIKI3I STBEET, . PALMI3BSTON NORTH. APPLE GROWING LAND. . ■'.}""■>* 9800 SI:. ';■'''.' . ' AT M 15*. PER ACRE. ' ■ 'vc:/' ' ■ 15 HER CENT. CASH, BALANCE 5 TBABS p TEE CEXT. ; ■'■'■ POET ALBERT DISTRICT, AUCKLAND. laiMDus aS .the Premier Dlstrietin tee Dominion f« Growing Esport Apples, Ketablislicd over Hurt} i(M.i. ; ■ AXiD HWINO EROKTAGE. fg|Y||Si^ BOATIMi - AMN£ MANDSNO JACKSON . ■'. fi EsrAi'E a?:d station agents, auctioneers, CUSTOMS : STEEKT E-, AUCKLAND. . BRANCH OPHCES: Durgaville, Koikohe, .oiul Hamilton. FREEHOLD SHEEP FARM. lann ACEES of the very best of fflHening ami grazing country, .orhfanlly IaOO nuo of the fattiest and best: mtod tiMter Inert >n tfco ■ Jgtewe district; 2«0 acres flat. SO of whick are "■tnmped, ploughed, and way Rjoning <ttcrilM t root crops. , balaice is the soundest lull-graznis.wanirr, all ndeablf, ith a few patches or l «bdtcr bush. Lovely Honusteed. jrita. ovevv eonwnence, oa » picked =it«; numerous outbuildings, woolslicd with sheitnng plant uuiallcd, >arite, Sip, *tc, etc.; 20 odd padWocta with plenty of vatcv, and the feacw are w tho ™vh!s bSifnliy to the bib, «-arm,.fna rfiritereJ. the faiiii has a«t „•,,..•,. piTvvinc e-micitr and la=t nwr the breeding owes yieMcd ISO per cent. I fkmte nS GlaeX Vinle™ torn' 2500 to 3000 sheen «ud IMkwd e c.We. The best baying Vβ know of »t JCIG. l«i- acre. Otwl law aiuttgod.^ A. H. ATKINBON inN ANB CO., iM). " _ " FIB^cTj^TH^^'TOATfYINGT^DiTWIALE. A BOOT 100.0 Acres, between Waikanac and Paraparatimu ; hrge proporhdii fiat "ami pkMohable, whick is good fpttcninj or danytng lami. Ihero is .w 8lwmed House on tho ptjperty. alsw stockyards, woolshed, aw! mens wjiare. lie ™-o?ir v'is well watered bv eiveral etreanis. mid is divvied into several paddfleks y4olfnr.Ws. This farm'i* *ell wrth ißepectlttft . lop twte pMtunien. N.Z. LOAN & MEECANTILE i *■ AE-SNCY GO., LTD., 2MO hil;'rHssi pajiit and shell rock.;.. close to Eaihvnj-%-500 Stationj enrrvins 3500 licep. SOfl wHlo; will carrv a «tjrcr« to a«o; p arres ploughabl*.' ~8 10s. acre. ncro deposit. UXCHAN&fc for Smaller ofxA iCRES 'PTKATFOUD; 823 grass; ideal fnrm; winters lSOtt sleep, 50 cattlo, 9 Qin) bortes. XSI acre. " ._ _ . G."S. HILL AND CO.. LAND AGENT, 189 FKATHHfSTON S TREET, WEIXINGTON. . (Opp. Union Banli.) : .. . . . ""for sthaight-out lease. ' ~_..■■ iQ-j A ACEES. situated only G miles from railway, Wivrarnpa district, and "xv 1 mile from V.0., school, ahd creamerj". All in grass; M pstddooKS. House 12 rooms, woolshed', clip, yards, etabte, cowshed, with mitog machines, llrstclass grasins, dairying, awl fattening farm. Unse S years at lfe. per acre rental, K P., JBIS. Fox' full pat-ticulars, apply V -H. F. M C NJSIIX AND CO,, ..' . J55 KEATHERSTON STli-ET, WEI-IJN'GTON. ; ._____.~_-__p_-_ , ■ -- lA a ACItES, Freehold, ali grassed, undtilntiiig, nnd flat, 9 Buttocksj7*r©3fli*d iifV hoiTO. all conveniences, J-O-bn.il cowshed, loft, stable; I milt's tewis an<l railway; i miles school, creamery. Price Jil.B 10s. per acre; £&00 ensb. 2 ■it'liA 4OHES. Freehold, a!! grasjed, nearly all flat, 8 paddocks; 8-iWoin«l Jiobso, [,4v outbuildings. 3 miles town, 1 mile rail .'im;l school; a.s ffoing eOßcern. i-'ine lierd Hi cows, Jersey tjult, woancra, horses, good equipment. l J rica 422 pet; aero; .£SOO cash. 25 Other. Dairy and Sheeyi I'arms. large and small. • -e; e. eames, ) i£^?''J*' l ' :T il l i. LT^, _ _ _______„ p r - un „ M _.^. JN -_ S pLE N p!o".RETD T Rks. fjAAA ACKKS. iSCO of whidi aro in crass; i.warly ,iu heavy b«SH liud; will ,i,4\f\f nhorll.v be within 2 wilts of East Coast Railway; w near sou; and Jho clii'wte is perfect,• splendid motor roads to prntwi-ly. r ili« residence is a. modern i •m-tcH-Jato 12-i-oura liniißalow. Tμ owner of this fine run. V/hO lias rcswwl nn it for IS'vcars. is now ictirin;.;. and offers it for ssl« for tJi" first Ijibc; ho rosirts nv-rv investigation, aud will produce liio books 5-bcvuiß all deUiifs at expenditure und'iucowe (o'r tho past R-veral y.Mirs. Tho price is JBIO per aeve, nUtl a perusal nf the r-ftui-ns will convince! any cwmno prospectivo buyer that ho is oflered ,i. «• ' MILBUEN AND CO., R9 QtIEKN STR-BET, AUCKUND.__ Jγ G." STEVENS, LAND AGENT AND VALUER, OTAKI IAILWAY. Iff\fk ACIt'KH, frc'hoW, about 650 clear aiifl in Rtiise, biilatjco wtestly raflloMfl ibUll b'nsli; adioinin? owner bna sood bush, and wtHinef te have samo millwl also- Tβ ac-rcs etamped awl nlotijrked; another 130 could be ploughed when stumped; 0 paddocks, mostly new fencing; now 7-voomed house, telephone, acetylene fas, h. end e water, man's whare, cowbttile And jjooii otttbijilainKs; pcail ehocwards; 2 mile« 'from Raihvay Station and Townshipi 300 awffl dai.ryi.iig wuixfry. Owing td a dissolution of partnership, the very low prico of £7 per acre will bo tafeeii; terms cauJJojiiTaTOed. ____. , _. ' * ' " ''" """ I'Oii "sa£S. " ' . 573 ACRES. 573 ACRES. 3 SHEEP TO THE ACRE COtINTEY. SITUATED B mill's from 'Watigaiuti; nil in first-class order, exeepttoiißllf well *raswd';3iooliirsnr gorges; safe cattle «etintfr; frilitored JODO wethers, SOO brecdiV f wps and 120 head of catt-lc (fiffa res can be verified by sheep returns); 60 aerw iiFonjluible. I'rico, .£« 10-s. por sw. Terms. .WflM) Cash. Ualanw (f years ' tEWIS AND CO., w.UG_A?;ur.____ ! ] Ki*'~T'i lixMlTicres in pwJ KligliiU tolancf bnsh ajiii Airt-i: scriiSi; i;y«i iviif.-iiig, 20 taiUloifa, well waffvcrS, croaks anil sprites; .?o*iil 0-womwl■ House, lar«6 wfloishwt, Bu«arinu mitelUßf, wjbiiic, yank, etc. Price, JJL! !os. {wr aero. Terms arranged. tYAAA 4CRK.I, gowl sbeop cottntrv, all rn grass, K> acre.? res-ervj? bush, !.) poda|>lll' docks', ft'uees pniclicallv newt winters 3QtW sheep, 1-JO caHlo, 20 horses: 8 iv.iwml n-ii's" with all inodpvn wwlsltwl, slK'-'iring rnnc-lmies, oil j ;,,ste '"""SQUlsl&!l.\lV JONES, I TUB i'AKMJiSS' _AXU SAtIiSJIAN. (.USSOENE.
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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2130, 23 April 1914, Page 10
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1,328Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2130, 23 April 1914, Page 10
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