".';■'' "v'Jv-.- '-. 'NELSON. ■;■■;:■-■■:■:,: ..- : ' ' " Sailea.-Niiiflu (2.25 p.m.), for Jlot'ncka and Wollinetoji, ■- V = l •■ ■: ;:::.:'.::*.:>?? '.- -. ■ . .' ' . i WBBWOET...;;.v;i2J-'-i! ; - eailea.—ila'ogapipa. >5 p.m.), for . .WclUOffton. . ■'■ '■ V. -• ~i>.;■>;;.v ?'.'&,< "'■ ■ WTTEI,TON.-'* S '-. "'W'"-*' Arfitija.-Kasraki (3.« a,m;),;{r»m Grey, mouth; Idlj- -■!).« ji.ta.!, from Gr«ymtmth; Nsatpro. for OreymouUl. • : Sailed,—Gye'iiet (11.15 a.m.) for Akaroa: K-ftr*mu (3;30 p.m.), for proymouth; W-alcatH, lor Kaikoura Wdliiißtoii: Him-itangi (5.30 p.m.), for Chatham) Islands. ■S«iled.-lto.eri (8.30 p.m.), for WeHineton. BMsengcM: Salocni—Jfcssre. Raymond, Manfler, Jtari'uj, fiedaath, T«niiaat, CoulaoH, !Vil6on, iSwanstoii, Pickering, Wickham. White, Brown, ficldernes-s, Murray, Jio-bb.B, Smith, gut-nerland, M'Kle. Bull, M'Dowell. Tarlor. titeher, Juhnstonq, Harvey, Pilsner, I Thomas, fiumhpreys, Mosdames Ijooper, Wickham, ila.neel, flyamj, Cox «2>, Bfist-".r, Morr, Mered-iti. Humps»*eys, Werterinan, Smith and 2 children, Abbot Abbot, Calder, Wifsen. Kort-qn, Oraater, Malettß and. child, Jlißsea Wlcltham- Mair, !iolta*aia. Wilsftfl, Wood. Sirbith- Jiafiooclc, Arrovisjnitb, Bates, M'Uill, Whiwlo*, Bisojtt, Snodgtaas, Deviipn; 70 stflcra'ge. ■ . FORT CfIAMERS. .-: Arrivcd.-Yictoria (8 a.m.}, frdm '. Wei' lioeten. . i.. . - : ' , '■ DtJNEDW. Awlveft.—lnToroareill (7.45 n.tn.i, Irasi InTercarsill; Viitotia f,9 a..mi from AuokJand-. vta- way potts. Sailed—Hiaemoa (5.45 a.».), for ebuth: !. Btorm (5 p.m.). for Wanganui, via. way ports, ■ ' BtiCTF. Artked.-WilloGhra (16.50 a,m.5, from Melbo.urne and Hohart. Sttiied.-Jiflltai (5.5 p>m.s. for Hobairt end Melboiifne. WIREI.ESS, Radio -Sfetlen, WdHm:ton,-TJi«ite*!niftrß Victoria (©u.nedin to Lyttc.lleW, Wacrjmott CWeltlneton to Lylteltoji}. M4.un?<is"i My to WBllinsrtop), Jloana. (Bydfley to Weltinffoni. (Lytoelton i> VTelhneton), &nd Ka«ia (Wellington to Lyitdtojnfshomtt bo 17-ithin wlrelefe nnico this ofenins.. : CGEINTHIO AKKIYIGS. ; &.M.B. Oorlnthio, 12,23 i tons. CaiPtaln Fr«n.k Hart, E.N.8.. wrifei- In the stream at Wellfneton-, from tondon. via ffAy part*, at 1.45 p.m. yesterday—one doj , ea-T». After medical aspectibn had bien , . c*rdea out, tho Hner berthe* e& tttd - Whatf at 340. p.Jii. The Coriijthie left. London on' March 6, and called' ttt Tenori'ffp Oft March I?. Oape Town use uado on JStash 27. ana (tenortiiT# -iras. talsen to? HoJjart tho (sanie day. The sKaSigr arrived -at. tile Titsmanfan port eli April 14, afld qontlnuesl her royiiso to Wellington on Awfl 15> Faff weather was eipefiencS4 as fat as Hoaar-t. but, bet*s«n- the latter port and WcUlneton hefl-d winds aad very hieavy rain ffero met with. Oa-otatii r. Hart it. still in <jonwnan<l of the v«fi«el, and, his oUcore Are «b follow:— Chief, I/tent. E-. J. Wifliaas, H.N.S,; ftrst, Sir. fi. Q; Catorj Becond, Mr. T. Eteha-rd-so-n; third. Lieut. '«. HaU, R.3J.E-! foarth, Mr. J. S. Ppppictoti; frHi* 111 , . J. H, Dray. Mr. E. Bar«h ie ohief enEineer, Mt> H. i. Douglas, seco-ni; Mr. J. B. B.ariisoy, third; ST*. %. Jo-nea. fourth: Uγ. E. Lkw; fifth.. Mr. %I. O.|iver.-6ixth. M r.J. E. Prftcted Iβ chief reWispratiii.!; engineer, and M*. W. ■ B. B.roW-n Iβ ee<sond, J>r. Stowns-Muir ia saf-ireon, «il4 Mr. E. WWtohead is purser. Mr. JT. b;e la esiief etcward, and Mr. B, Barker Iβ second.
It Sβ expected that the Corinthtc jriU set evfuy from WelliniiUSe tor Lyttoltori on Monday, Apr,!i 27. She wtt;l Minnln thera till Friday, May 15, ratUrnin* t<S Wettinpt,oa on Hey J& Beparturo for London will ho tafeen from (We pott on Itofceday, ¥ay 21, TfiE JfATJNGAKUI. According to a rtcsjAge received ly the local office of the Uwion Cbwmay the Ma.iiiJSflnwt cleared Sydney for Wellineton at 6 p.m. oil Saturday. Slio has 1114 saloon and, 103 stowage Tifiseen-Bers for Now Zcsu land rmrts. teoluded io the above ore 7? satodn anil 70 Mecvraeo' passeneeiM for Wellington. ?be steamer also has 819 tons «t carfco to land hero, A wlrelcse mesaftw hie tattea. Tecelred from Oaptaln Worm!} statfttu that fco'ejpßQtcd to male port at--8 a.tiii to-xftarrw.
' NEW SElittfCE INAtfCtCSATEDi The .dennrturfl from lijUeJtwi orj Bundsy ftjornint: o£ th& N-3. Oamßttiiy'fl Btoamer Baltoja. inarlted' tlio inauutiration of a fe'ealM 1 laontBl? s«ryice Tscl\Vesi> the Dominleri wid. East of England ports. This B?r*lfie will in all probability prdvidft an Important outlet for Now Zetilaiid produce an the trade develops. With tho lirw bottlob Dflmfflioii' uFodueers will Sow bo a-blo- to plweo output at p.or.te en feth sides of Britain, as w<6ll ae in London. Tiie carao shipped by tlio E-aknia to ports other tSsn London was saturally- 'eni.-cH in comparison Kith lhak ■■consigned to tW bj(t cort, btrt a fairly Itejte '*niount tit freight iras. d.ispatclifici', this cotistetiDg prinsiDAlly of frozen tteat. The"jW>T** of cotoiwnjent were StiutHanjßto'ni Htili and KevnwtJei and sUijidon. or. «i.ptio.nal.'
Following is a list of the liuee lifted ■ from the various New Zealand aorts;-* : Frew β-tsboxne-, for London—llS4 bales of wool, I case? of sun.drics. Ffe.m Napier , , for tondoa—ll6s b4le-B of Wool, 468 casfta of telloir, IW6O carcasßos ..of freieji tneat, ■2044 Quarters of beef, 180 orat*e of mutton, : iiX easks of p.elts, 39S boxes of fwzen gun.dries, 23 casks of casinKs, 52 bft-se of beet Fronj WelUngton, for. London—l-39 Bags of : Bids?.,' 7 casks of caMekln* l 13,154 c&rcaeeoa qf frozen jsojit, SCOO kgs of iTHrttdn, show Mere of nitttton. 22S cratos #f WdfleVs, 70 bags of sheepa' hearts; for Hnll-'S WeS of rags; for 'N«^cißtle i -lfloo of mutt«n, tPokomaru Bay, Jhw Landan —14.-57S carcasses of f.rozon, rtieaii 2.12 toss, 2421 quarters of beef. SO einjqks. Prom Auckland Jof fe>ndon-H4 cases extract of meat, 4 cases: of sundries, 408 pieceo of whSte p.ine, 3? cases o? honey, ITbftlos of rubber, 20 bales of Bheepskine, 3 bales of hair, 15 oiwlis of calfskins. M baBS of con., oontiates., 1 c<v.K> flf Kither, B balen of leather, 1893 bales of wool, 135 packages of sorits-Srtm. ¥ sMee of veal, 1505 quarters. of beef:, i-i.,623 carcasses «f fraroe irieat. 634 bags of Mdes, 796 pleoea of kauri. KM pfeces of whife *<K!i, 254 oasjf* of tallow, 52 wske of fieite, '269t bays of «nm. Prom Pert Chalmers, "for f-oadofi—23. paslrs 6f baMskins," Prom Lyttotton, for lon.d<m.-'846 bates oJ wool. 42 Bales of skins, 6*2 es,tcafse?. «if itiiMn meat; for caiViAsees of frozen nieatj foT SoTithaniptfln oareassa? of frozeft ftieatj for ttii , !!— 9593 caroaSEfes of- froaen meat.
BQfOETJA LEAVES LONDON, Rtftapu*. S-.M.5., of the <so.'e flec-t. left London for Wellington, via way porfs. on "Thursday, A.pril 16. She la fills here on June 2. CALOUTTA RUNNING. Tho local oflico of tno Union Cortpttiiy i,as been ddyiwd that the Aparial*. left SumSrane for N«wca6tle on Tuesday, April 14. 'fhe vessel Is cwnliw from (aletttto, and will make Audkland aTsQut May l> and TVeUltsirton aboisc May 4. KABRC'E MOKeTBIf., At An early dat<> trark «1W bp beeaa &i, BelfaeJ. on a steamer tjict will se-ti nnlf surpass the. Brtwaalo (M.eCO tone), whlci wa* laiinchoa theta at tho ewT of February', bijt also be blenor f&An cither fn-e German Vatetliind dad tho Imperator. With a ■tonnag;© ol *O,CJifl, tho Boiv steftraeWp will ■ he the largest in the vforid, end the pipremaej' now held by the tajterjantf tSS;C(IO ioiw) wlB be wott for Gteat Bfteln. MESS-TABLE GOSSIP, Mr. W. AH«n, chief officer of the Rip-nle, dame »sJiofe at Welttnsrton yc'torday. Mr. J. Glover, lat<i cnEinecr of the Bipple; hw joined, the , SquaH in a eimiter capacity. jlf, E. fi. Brovifij, mate of the. Blonaetm, has eomo a.6hore, and Mb V. lisntry baa filled the vaofracy. Mr. S. 8. Butter ha-a eieiit.a -on tho Wahifae fee extra, officer. l£r. Q. S, Notherton. is now seeond omoer of tho Tjsrawewi'. ' Lieut. S. J. WiliJa.ms. E.N.il., late of the Celtic, has Been appointed chief flfljeer of 8..M.5. Mr. Oallow, late ehief office? <?S tho Corintliio, ios been gfaatdij bolidoj; leive-. Mr. Alexander, late s-econd -utHccf -of the Corinthk, has the Sav.y to «nd«*jH) JI.N.R. drill. Sir. T. Richardson. late of tfte SeuTic, is now second of the Cortuthfo. . Ifr. B. Whitehead,, late of the lofljc, Iβ bott purser of tfio Coritthk.
flie Wostmoalh is «lpe«t*d here thjg morpiiDE wittJ Wverpisol enTCo. Bho wUt feerth at the Queen's WTiarf No. I south, and will probably depart for ssiithc-rH ports oo Friday. Tetakrapbie odvi«o rccc'vcd fTom Auck•iand elates that H-M-H, Philomel left that port 4t 1.2:,30 p,m, yesterday fer a cruise. The. ccastiil st.eamyr Kennedy is (l«o at from Metueka. to-morrow with 6000 cesea of <j.pnl(?s fvir trnnehjpweat to R.it.R. AtA«nlo tot South America. On ftitfval hero from Fexton to-d.W.the coOßtel steAmt* Queen of the Soiith. will ho laid up lor overhaul. Her ruiitiiim wi!l be taken by the Awahau, leases Wclttasbn for Foiton <nt * p.m. le-morrow, Tho Oovernftbpt train.inc ship. AmoUnra, will bo laid up M, Weliiiteton duytiiK tho winter ftontlis. Bho nrrlvsd here from tne south on Saturday, Dairy proilticft for transhifimcnt to tho Athenio for London wiU be brought to WelHnetoit from Hew Plymouth by tuo Oorfqna; to-morroif morning. Bounct for Baft Pranclsoo-. via way. jsartß, the J.toiwia left Sydney for Wollinston at 3 p.m. an Saturday. Sho is dao here on Thureday niiniin?. ATa-hafa,, S-S-. arriwd at Gteymoutb. from Wellington, via vrsy ports, at 8 tt.tn. yoHtorday. sntd loft on the return trip et 6 P-β. It iS-<>it.pectocV'!ttiot the bir eeUle-i? WfA* hora will atfnr Itotn TVolilnKton for 'S«wc!ffstle abii-Ut ttoi end of thie irccTi. Aiiticipttfiofis afe ilial the Some Jitter Pakciii Tvi}.l kftTc WelHnston ter fflo El«ff te-day. Ijondon los<j-il).* ivill be oommftnted this w«ck, and fmnl dwartere taksn Jrom this port on i!oy 4.
for BrcaeMil C*«el» anii WM» t \Tqodj' Great Peppesauot Cjutc, 3U. BiiA
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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2128, 21 April 1914, Page 9
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1,503Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2128, 21 April 1914, Page 9
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