phases of the moos, •;-:'. apeii.. :■"'■ Dj»y. flr, as, First Quarter 4 711 a.m. Full moon 11 0 58 α-m, Last quarter 17 1 22 p.m. New moon 25 0 52 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 2.7 sum.: gets, 3.41 p.m. TIDE, To-day, 1.16 a..m.; 1.43 p.m. To-morrow. 2.5 a.m.; 2,37 p.m. Stiff. Bun rises to-day, 6.Z5 A.m.: sets, q,13 p.m. ARRIVALS. MONDAY, APElii 20. . KOMATA, e.s. (5 a.m.). 1994 .tone, Jrsrin, from Westport. NGAHEEE, 3.5. (8.6 e,M.h 1100 tone, Dillner, from Grcymouth. KAMO, a.a. (noon), J&6 tons. Bold, from Weetport. OOSINTBia, e.B. (1.4S p,tti. in Hie stream), from London, via 'Ten.erifik Cape To<yH, and Hobart. . . WAIHAU. (.s. (9.50 jD.m.i, 95 fens, Delley, from Blenheim. DEPARTURES. MONDAY. ASRII. ». i NORA NIVKN. (i.3» S,m.>, 1« tone, Brusey, tor Cook Strait,, HTJIA, i.e. (2.25 p.m.). 1557 tofls. ?urt, lor Wanganul. KAITOA, e.s. (6.10 p.m.). $50 tons, dranesl, for Nelson and Motneka. TAYIUNI, B.e. (5.35 P.m.). Mβ tons, for New Plymouth and West Soast. TAEAWEHA, 5.3. (5,S>, p.m.}, 2003 toas, M'Lean, for northern porta. Baloon-Mlsees Attwood, Blaoketts, ttte< damea Bedstone, Archer, Brusey, Mess?S.. Bntlor. Holmes, Bush, Pries, Jfaoklay, Oroker, Jones, Thompson. H«dstone} 10 stseraffe. OPAWA. e.B. (6 p.m.), JlO tone, Nicholas for Blenhetm.
BIKNHEIM, s.B. 07 p.m.). ISO toae, Wiiktoson, for Blenheim. WAHINE, S.S. (8.5 *!3S tons-. A-ldwel.l, for Lrttelton. Pa-eeeneerg; Sitloon—lllseee Coombs, Smith, Murdaoh. A*fcto4, Mainland, Worthington, Webster. Sawsooki Daviess Eobertson, Moon, Hiißt. Hay, iloedanies Klrkcaldle, Godley, Itoardop, WiUiansson, TTiohott and child, MlfeMenain, Hal!, Milne, Morton, Dixon, Anderson anil child, Atee, Wllktns, Hunt, Hay, Genera* Godlejr, Dr> Eayncs, Bev. Penfold, fiartitt, M«aerfi. Dall, Miller, Ktog, Mollneaiix Andefßon, Sarirood. Hawkes, O'jßrleii, Ed-ie W, fitephons, Oray. Bavle. Qlbb, Rearden, TOllamson, Oueeeeman, Mjeltleham, Hoare, Gilbert, Oolllna, Head, Fleming, Huso, Jackeon, SamDOon. Hunt. Stoddart, Jenkins, Hurley, HunWr, Tenaca, Jfelntand, Andereon, Qrnpeai 60 atetira^e. PATBENA, a.s. (9.5 p.m.), 1212 tonSi Onfte ron, for Nelson. Pafis(;nKOTs:teloon-MiS3e( Best, Askew. Lucas. $inlfh, Cooper, Sariwill, Oolenhoun, Mesdaaes Turner, KHft ha;en and 2 children. Bfrryman, Qibsoii Max, Van BtaTeren, SeV. Vaii Stateren, Messrs. Turner, Borrynian, OlbSon. Jtax, Hankins, Watson, Bride.. OUattdler, Yen Staveron, Mulr, Bennett: 6 stecrag.e. MAPOUEIKA, s.e. (mldnUht), 1203 Jopi, Eitchie, for Wcton. Paess-ftsere: (jal-tion-Mißsos Patehett. Thompson, M'Kcttvie, M»s> dames ' Kaincs, Btutet, PWlpotte, Eov Wollaecall, Messrs. Burft-hi Toms, Ttntniiftj Norton (4), Bright. Eclrtes. SiMdJctun. Rainee. Humphries (3). Hall. Isaine, ,Tohnston, M'Oallum, Stuart, Phil:potts; -5 cioii age.
EXPECTED AARIVALB> Mangapapa, Westport, April 21. Qucon of the South, Forton, April 21, Awa-hou, Foiton, April. 21, Aorere, Patca, April 21, Mdna. Patea, April ?1. Nlkau, Nelson, ApTil 21, Maori, Lyttelton, April. 31. Wakatu, Lyttelton, Karkoara, April 21. Mapourlka, Plcton, Aftrit a. Warrimoo. northern ports. April it Westmeath, Llvorpool. wa,y porta, Apr, 21. Kurow, Weatport. April 21. Ngakuta. Grcymoutu, April 22, Oorlnna, New Plymouth,. April $2.: Kennedy, Motuoko, Awil. 22. .' Opawa, Blenheim. April 22. Blenheijn, Blenheim, April 22, Huia. Wanganui, April 22. Pateena, Nelson, April 23. Kaltoo, Nelson, MoWeka, April 22. Wahine, Lyttelton, April ?2. Sydney dife*t. Xviil S2. Arahura, West Ooast, NejEOH Plotoa. April 28. Kttrow. Westport, April 22, Vlotorlo, Dunedln.:l;yt<eltoni Ap?. 22. Arahura.-Picton, April 23, Moena, flydnoy, Aprfl 2J.. Eetrulus. New Plymonthi Apfd S3. Aorangi, B<ui Francisco, way porta, Apt. 24 .Willo.qftrfti Melbourne, via. wnih, April 24, '■'Monowaj, northern pdfte.'April it. Tarawe.v, northern portSy April 28.
PROJECTED DEPARtUBES. Kapuni, Patea,'April 41.' Arapawa, Wanffannl, April 21, Hawora, Pat«a, Aprij 21. Kahu, Pioton, East Ooßflt, April 21. Ripple, Napier, Giehwne. April 21. Stosflibird, Waneanuli April Ji, Nlbau, Nelson, Motfl.fikft/ Apr. 21. . Maori. Lyttolton, April 21.' Mana, Patea, April 21.. 'Aororo, Patea, April 21. Wairan, Blenheim, April, 21., Pakoha, Bluff. April 2JL. . Kamo. Lytlelton, April a . . ' K<nnata,-We6tport, Aprjl & - ■ Oorlnna, 6outhern porte, April 22. Konnedy. Nelson, West Coast, Ajtrfl 28. Opawa, Blenheim. April 2J. Manfrapapa, Westpopt ftn<J Karamca, April, 21. ' 'i Awahon, Foiton. April 22. Blenheim, Blenheim, April 22. Patecaa. Picton, NclMft, April 22. Kaitoa, Nelson, Metii.elta, April 22. Wahino, Lyttelton, April 22. Roscbmmon, Boston, Mew Tork, April 22, Wakfttn,- Keikoura. Lyttelteß, April 22 Hula, Havelock, Pelorns $6und, Apr. 22. Mapourika. West Const, April 22. Meunganul, llelbonrn.e, Tio scn.tli. Apr. 23, Athenlc, London, way ports, Ajprll 23, Arahura,, Pieton, April &3» Viotoria, northern Sorfia-, April 23. ■ Epeulus, Nelson, West Coast, April 23. Athonic, London, vay ti.irt?. April 24.' Walhora. Newcastle, Ajrll ?*■ Westmcath, southern' ports, April ?4. Monowai, Lyttelton. Diuie4ifl, AprU 24. Wllloohra, Sydney direct, Aiirll m. Moana, San Franciscp, say ports, A-pr. 24. Arahura. Plcton, Ne&on,' West Ooasti April 25. Aoranri. Sydney, April 25:. Oorinthlo. Lyttelton, April 27, •, Tarawera, Lyttelton, Dunedln, Ap'irJ} , S3.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMEBS. MAUNGANUI, due hero from ' Sydney April 22. Lea Tee eam.o day for Melbourne, via south. Due May 2. WILLOOHKA, duo hero from Melbourne April 24. Leavos eoin4 day for Sydney direct. Due April 28,
■FRISCO SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF fiTEAMERft. AOEANQI. due -here f.rbjfi San ?reiiCisco, April 23. Leaves Ajiffl ?4 for fiydney direct Dne April 23. MO ANA, due here from gydnejr April ?5. Bails April 24 for San Frarieisea. Duo May 14.
VAUCOUVER SERVidf. MOVEMENTS OF STMHBBS. ■ NIAGARA, arrived Aadklanfl Jroni Sydney April 9. Left April 11 top Vancouver. Duo there April 28.
JfAKTJRA. due at Anctland from V«icouver May 6. Sails eiine day far-Cyd' ney. Due May 9. MABAMA. duo at Aucltla,liq from Sydney May 7. Leaves for Vaneouter May ft Duo there May 2«.
OVERSEA SHJEvpiHfi. Stearaere. From. liistl* PiM. Ncrehana London Fob. 1? May i Tonpartro London liar. 18 Slay 3 Ruahine London Mat-. 19 May 19 Murital 'London Mar. 13 Jicy 13 Tainui London Apr. 4 May 19 Indrabarah London jiter. 30 May 22 Wcstraoath Liverpool Eob. 14 Aj>f. 21 Eimutaka Liverpool Sfaf. 14 Me.yl9 Mimiro — Liverpool Mar.3o. Juno IE Routhport ......... Now York Bμ. 8 May 12 HcnrlK Ibean ... Now Yof k Jan. 23 Jlfty 6 John Hardie .... New York Feb. 23 M«.y 3 Whakarua, Now York Mar. 15 Juno 10 Tannenfola Now York Mar. 23 Jttii*t4 Hollinßton St. John Jail, & Apr. 50 Kia Ora .> St.Okhn Mftr. 6 Way IT Botsford St. John Apr. 4 June 2? Oyrena, Sinirapbre Her. 26 Apt. 24 Aparima Calcutta Afcr. 2 11*$? 4
OVERSEA. NEWCASTLE, April »• Balled.—Waipori, for Lyttelton; Ka-itunaj for Auckland. Ajn ,, Arrived.— Kla Ora, from St. John, StJVA. April 20 Arrived.—N'a-vua, frort Auckland i Son«vorna, from New York. COASt&L MONDAY, APRIL M. AUOKLA?iO Sailed.—H.H.S. Phllam*! (S2.JO p.m.*. lot a ovufee: Mnnuka, (7, fer Byel»ey,. Arrived.—Whangaile (7.30 p.m.!, from Wcstport; Hfleftmond (3.5 p.m.), imta GiSborno; Squall (3.20 p.m.), from Qtoborne. ONEHOOTA. Se.lled.-R<ira.wa (4.40 p.m.), for Ne* PljrmoUUl' MANOKATJ HEADS. Earawa passed outwafd-S at 7 p.m. NAPIEft, Sailed,-Warrimoo W. 5 p,W-), lor W*, llnfjU,D ' PATE*. Railed.-Aorpre (6.10 p.m.), Ks»ptini iv-ifi p.m.l, and Hawera. (6.50, for WrifiagtoD' roxTos. ■ ■ To (Ml,—Queen ot %a gcutii (! ■ 4.15. .April S». IOK .WolJiajtoSj. ~ ~ . ,
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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2128, 21 April 1914, Page 9
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1,106SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2128, 21 April 1914, Page 9
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